963 resultados para sinus node


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In earlier work, nonisomorphic graphs have been converted into networks to realize Multistage Interconnection networks, which are topologically nonequivalent to the Baseline network. The drawback of this technique is that these nonequivalent networks are not guaranteed to be self-routing, because each node in the graph model can be replaced by a (2 × 2) switch in any one of the four different configurations. Hence, the problem of routing in these networks remains unsolved. Moreover, nonisomorphic graphs were obtained by interconnecting bipartite loops in a heuristic manner; the heuristic nature of this procedure makes it difficult to guarantee full connectivity in large networks. We solve these problems through a direct approach, in which a matrix model for self-routing networks is developed. An example is given to show that this model encompases nonequivalent self-routing networks. This approach has the additional advantage in that the matrix model itself ensures full connectivity.


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An edge dominating set for a graph G is a set D of edges such that each edge of G is in D or adjacent to at least one edge in D. This work studies deterministic distributed approximation algorithms for finding minimum-size edge dominating sets. The focus is on anonymous port-numbered networks: there are no unique identifiers, but a node of degree d can refer to its neighbours by integers 1, 2, ..., d. The present work shows that in the port-numbering model, edge dominating sets can be approximated as follows: in d-regular graphs, to within 4 − 6/(d + 1) for an odd d and to within 4 − 2/d for an even d; and in graphs with maximum degree Δ, to within 4 − 2/(Δ − 1) for an odd Δ and to within 4 − 2/Δ for an even Δ. These approximation ratios are tight for all values of d and Δ: there are matching lower bounds.


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This thesis studies optimisation problems related to modern large-scale distributed systems, such as wireless sensor networks and wireless ad-hoc networks. The concrete tasks that we use as motivating examples are the following: (i) maximising the lifetime of a battery-powered wireless sensor network, (ii) maximising the capacity of a wireless communication network, and (iii) minimising the number of sensors in a surveillance application. A sensor node consumes energy both when it is transmitting or forwarding data, and when it is performing measurements. Hence task (i), lifetime maximisation, can be approached from two different perspectives. First, we can seek for optimal data flows that make the most out of the energy resources available in the network; such optimisation problems are examples of so-called max-min linear programs. Second, we can conserve energy by putting redundant sensors into sleep mode; we arrive at the sleep scheduling problem, in which the objective is to find an optimal schedule that determines when each sensor node is asleep and when it is awake. In a wireless network simultaneous radio transmissions may interfere with each other. Task (ii), capacity maximisation, therefore gives rise to another scheduling problem, the activity scheduling problem, in which the objective is to find a minimum-length conflict-free schedule that satisfies the data transmission requirements of all wireless communication links. Task (iii), minimising the number of sensors, is related to the classical graph problem of finding a minimum dominating set. However, if we are not only interested in detecting an intruder but also locating the intruder, it is not sufficient to solve the dominating set problem; formulations such as minimum-size identifying codes and locating–dominating codes are more appropriate. This thesis presents approximation algorithms for each of these optimisation problems, i.e., for max-min linear programs, sleep scheduling, activity scheduling, identifying codes, and locating–dominating codes. Two complementary approaches are taken. The main focus is on local algorithms, which are constant-time distributed algorithms. The contributions include local approximation algorithms for max-min linear programs, sleep scheduling, and activity scheduling. In the case of max-min linear programs, tight upper and lower bounds are proved for the best possible approximation ratio that can be achieved by any local algorithm. The second approach is the study of centralised polynomial-time algorithms in local graphs – these are geometric graphs whose structure exhibits spatial locality. Among other contributions, it is shown that while identifying codes and locating–dominating codes are hard to approximate in general graphs, they admit a polynomial-time approximation scheme in local graphs.


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A local algorithm with local horizon r is a distributed algorithm that runs in r synchronous communication rounds; here r is a constant that does not depend on the size of the network. As a consequence, the output of a node in a local algorithm only depends on the input within r hops from the node. We give tight bounds on the local horizon for a class of local algorithms for combinatorial problems on unit-disk graphs (UDGs). Most of our bounds are due to a refined analysis of existing approaches, while others are obtained by suggesting new algorithms. The algorithms we consider are based on network decompositions guided by a rectangular tiling of the plane. The algorithms are applied to matching, independent set, graph colouring, vertex cover, and dominating set. We also study local algorithms on quasi-UDGs, which are a popular generalisation of UDGs, aimed at more realistic modelling of communication between the network nodes. Analysing the local algorithms on quasi-UDGs allows one to assume that the nodes know their coordinates only approximately, up to an additive error. Despite the localisation error, the quality of the solution to problems on quasi-UDGs remains the same as for the case of UDGs with perfect location awareness. We analyse the increase in the local horizon that comes along with moving from UDGs to quasi-UDGs.


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A new super convergent sandwich beam finite element formulation is presented in this article. This element is a two-nodded, six degrees of freedom (dof) per node (3 dof u(0), w, phi for top and bottom face sheets each), which assumes that all the axial and flexural loads are taken by face sheets, while the core takes only the shear loads. The beam element is formulated based on first-order shear deformation theory for the face sheets and the core displacements are assumed to vary linearly across the thickness. A number of numerical experiments involving static, free vibration, and wave propagation analysis examples are solved with an aim to show the super convergent property of the formulated element. The examples presented in this article consider both metallic and composite face sheets. The formulated element is verified in most cases with the results available in the published literature.


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This work studies decision problems from the perspective of nondeterministic distributed algorithms. For a yes-instance there must exist a proof that can be verified with a distributed algorithm: all nodes must accept a valid proof, and at least one node must reject an invalid proof. We focus on locally checkable proofs that can be verified with a constant-time distributed algorithm. For example, it is easy to prove that a graph is bipartite: the locally checkable proof gives a 2-colouring of the graph, which only takes 1 bit per node. However, it is more difficult to prove that a graph is not bipartite—it turns out that any locally checkable proof requires Ω(log n) bits per node. In this work we classify graph problems according to their local proof complexity, i.e., how many bits per node are needed in a locally checkable proof. We establish tight or near-tight results for classical graph properties such as the chromatic number. We show that the proof complexities form a natural hierarchy of complexity classes: for many classical graph problems, the proof complexity is either 0, Θ(1), Θ(log n), or poly(n) bits per node. Among the most difficult graph properties are symmetric graphs, which require Ω(n2) bits per node, and non-3-colourable graphs, which require Ω(n2/log n) bits per node—any pure graph property admits a trivial proof of size O(n2).


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In this paper we present a cache coherence protocol for multistage interconnection network (MIN)-based multiprocessors with two distinct private caches: private-blocks caches (PCache) containing blocks private to a process and shared-blocks caches (SCache) containing data accessible by all processes. The architecture is extended by a coherence control bus connecting all shared-block cache controllers. Timing problems due to variable transit delays through the MIN are dealt with by introducing Transient states in the proposed cache coherence protocol. The impact of the coherence protocol on system performance is evaluated through a performance study of three phases. Assuming homogeneity of all nodes, a single-node queuing model (phase 3) is developed to analyze system performance. This model is solved for processor and coherence bus utilizations using the mean value analysis (MVA) technique with shared-blocks steady state probabilities (phase 1) and communication delays (phase 2) as input parameters. The performance of our system is compared to that of a system with an equivalent-sized unified cache and with a multiprocessor implementing a directory-based coherence protocol. System performance measures are verified through simulation.


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Wireless mesh networks with multi-beam capability at each node through the use of multi-antenna beamforming are becoming practical and attracting increased research attention. Increased capacity due to spatial reuse and increased transmission range are potential benefits in using multiple directional beams in each node. In this paper, we are interested in low-complexity scheduling algorithms in such multi-beam wireless networks. In particular, we present a scheduling algorithm based on queue length information of the past slots in multi-beam networks, and prove its stability. We present a distributed implementation of this proposed algorithm. Numerical results show that significant improvement in delay performance is achieved using the proposed multi-beam scheduling compared to omni-beam scheduling. In addition, the proposed algorithm is shown to achieve a significant reduction in the signaling overhead compared to a current slot queue length approach.


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In the distributed storage setting that we consider, data is stored across n nodes in the network such that the data can be recovered by connecting to any subset of k nodes. Additionally, one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading beta units of data from each. Dimakis et al. show that the repair bandwidth d beta can be considerably reduced if each node stores slightly more than the minimum required and characterize the tradeoff between the amount of storage per node and the repair bandwidth. In the exact regeneration variation, unlike the functional regeneration, the replacement for a failed node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. This greatly reduces the complexity of system maintenance. The main result of this paper is an explicit construction of codes for all values of the system parameters at one of the two most important and extreme points of the tradeoff - the Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating point, which performs optimal exact regeneration of any failed node. A second result is a non-existence proof showing that with one possible exception, no other point on the tradeoff can be achieved for exact regeneration.


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In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.


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We consider a wireless sensor network whose main function is to detect certain infrequent alarm events, and to forward alarm packets to a base station, using geographical forwarding. The nodes know their locations, and they sleep-wake cycle, waking up periodically but not synchronously. In this situation, when a node has a packet to forward to the sink, there is a trade-off between how long this node waits for a suitable neighbor to wake up and the progress the packet makes towards the sink once it is forwarded to this neighbor. Hence, in choosing a relay node, we consider the problem of minimizing average delay subject to a constraint on the average progress. By constraint relaxation, we formulate this next hop relay selection problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). The exact optimal solution (BF (Best Forward)) can be found, but is computationally intensive. Next, we consider a mathematically simplified model for which the optimal policy (SF (Simplified Forward)) turns out to be a simple one-step-look-ahead rule. Simulations show that SF is very close in performance to BF, even for reasonably small node density. We then study the end-to-end performance of SF in comparison with two extremal policies: Max Forward (MF) and First Forward (FF), and an end-to-end delay minimising policy proposed by Kim et al. 1]. We find that, with appropriate choice of one hop average progress constraint, SF can be tuned to provide a favorable trade-off between end-to-end packet delay and the number of hops in the forwarding path.


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In a mobile ad-hoc network scenario, where communication nodes are mounted on moving platforms (like jeeps, trucks, tanks, etc.), use of V-BLAST requires that the number of receive antennas in a given node must be greater than or equal to the sum of the number of transmit antennas of all its neighbor nodes. This limits the achievable spatial multiplexing gain (data rate) for a given node. In such a scenario, we propose to achieve high data rates per node through multicode direct sequence spread spectrum techniques in conjunction with V-BLAST. In the considered multicode V-BLAST system, the receiver experiences code domain interference (CDI) in frequency selective fading, in addition to space domain interference (SDI) experienced in conventional V-BLAST systems. We propose two interference cancelling receivers that employ a linear parallel interference cancellation approach to handle the CDI, followed by conventional V-BLAST detector to handle the SDI, and then evaluate their bit error rates.


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We describe a compiler for the Flat Concurrent Prolog language on a message passing multiprocessor architecture. This compiler permits symbolic and declarative programming in the syntax of Guarded Horn Rules, The implementation has been verified and tested on the 64-node PARAM parallel computer developed by C-DAC (Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing, India), Flat Concurrent Prolog (FCP) is a logic programming language designed for concurrent programming and parallel execution, It is a process oriented language, which embodies dataflow synchronization and guarded-command as its basic control mechanisms. An identical algorithm is executed on every processor in the network, We assume regular network topologies like mesh, ring, etc, Each node has a local memory, The algorithm comprises of two important parts: reduction and communication, The most difficult task is to integrate the solutions of problems that arise in the implementation in a coherent and efficient manner. We have tested the efficacy of the compiler on various benchmark problems of the ICOT project that have been reported in the recent book by Evan Tick, These problems include Quicksort, 8-queens, and Prime Number Generation, The results of the preliminary tests are favourable, We are currently examining issues like indexing and load balancing to further optimize our compiler.


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CD-ROMs have proliferated as a distribution media for desktop machines for a large variety of multimedia applications (targeted for a single-user environment) like encyclopedias, magazines and games. With CD-ROM capacities up to 3 GB being available in the near future, they will form an integral part of Video on Demand (VoD) servers to store full-length movies and multimedia. In the first section of this paper we look at issues related to the single- user desktop environment. Since these multimedia applications are highly interactive in nature, we take a pragmatic approach, and have made a detailed study of the multimedia application behavior in terms of the I/O request patterns generated to the CD-ROM subsystem by tracing these patterns. We discuss prefetch buffer design and seek time characteristics in the context of the analysis of these traces. We also propose an adaptive main-memory hosted cache that receives caching hints from the application to reduce the latency when the user moves from one node of the hyper graph to another. In the second section we look at the use of CD-ROM in a VoD server and discuss the problem of scheduling multiple request streams and buffer management in this scenario. We adapt the C-SCAN (Circular SCAN) algorithm to suit the CD-ROM drive characteristics and prove that it is optimal in terms of buffer size management. We provide computationally inexpensive relations by which this algorithm can be implemented. We then propose an admission control algorithm which admits new request streams without disrupting the continuity of playback of the previous request streams. The algorithm also supports operations such as fast forward and replay. Finally, we discuss the problem of optimal placement of MPEG streams on CD-ROMs in the third section.