986 resultados para service industries
L'idée selon laquelle les organisations productives se trouvent en concurrence pour attirer à elles les meilleurs salariés est aujourd'hui très largement répandue, que ce soit parmi les dirigeants, dans la presse, ou même dans les manuels de management. Dès lors, la guerre des talents paraît inéluctable. C'est oublier toutefois que les salariés, qu'ils travaillent dans le secteur public ou privé par ailleurs, ne sont pas uniquement mus par des considérations utilitaristes, rationnelles et matérielles. Ils ne visent pas avant tout à vendre leurs talents, pour autant qu'ils soient conscients qu'ils en possèdent, mais plutôt à travailler dans un environnement organisationnel en accord avec les valeurs auxquelles ils croient et auxquelles ils sont attachés. Les aspects matériels du travail ont de l'importance, à n'en pas douter, mais les dimensions idéelles et valorielles ont souvent été sous-estimées dans la littérature scientifique contemporaine. Cet article a pour ambition de montrer que les valeurs doivent être réintroduites dans l'analyse des processus motivationnels des salariés. Grâce à la notion de « motivation à l'égard du service public » (MSP) nous montrons que les agents publics sont attachés à des missions, objectifs et valeurs qui définissent en partie leurs activités professionnelles. L'étude empirique se base sur un important échantillon d'agents publics municipaux et cantonaux suisses et analyse les antécédents et les résultats de la MSP. Les enseignements qui en découlent suggèrent que, si guerre des talents il doit y avoir, alors les valeurs compteront elles aussi.
Ce numéro évoque la transition entre une époque (celle des années 1970), où le féminisme fédérait les revendications des femmes, et une autre, contemporaine, qui est perçue comme celle de l'« après ». Ou plutôt entre l'ère féministe et l'ère du postféminisme, un passage que les articles du Grand angle ne discutent pas, mais constatent, non pas pour bouter le féminisme hors du social et du débat, mais pour analyser les tensions sociales, politiques et théoriques que le postféminisme, précisément parce qu'il est dans sa nature de se référer au féminisme, génère. Cette position, qui consiste à ne pas régler d'emblée le type de relation qui lie féminisme et postféminisme, est évidemment une des positions possibles. Elle peut être contestée, mais il faut savoir qu'il est nécessaire, pour entrer dans la démarche de ce numéro, de l'adopter, ne serait-ce que le temps de la lecture.
This article discusses one of Lewkenor's more obscure works, The Resolved Gentleman (1594 - STC 15139), in the context of Elizabethan court politics in the 1590s, with a particular emphasis on the author's own experience of dissent, exile to Catholic Spain in the 1580s and return to England in the early 1590s. A translation of Hernando de Acuña's El Caballero Determinado, itself a reworking of Olivier de la Marche's Chevalier Délibéré (1483), the Resolved Gentleman bends the conventions of medieval chivalric allegory to articulate Lewkenor's own experience of alienation and dissent in the specific context of the factionalism of the 1590s. Beneath Lewkenor's seemingly self-effacing, 'humanist' translation it is in fact possible to discern a complex set of criticisms of Elizabeth's court. The knight's 'wandering' and 'errance' thus becomes a complex, multivalent figure that reverberates with a number of autobiographical meanings: the knight's exile becomes in Lewkenor's hands a figure of his own forced exile to Catholic Spain, and the account of the knight's quest functions as an oblique allusion to his own efforts to make his way back to Elizabeth's court. More importantly, however, these 'personal' meanings acquire a wider, political valence in the context of the allegory, and the narrative as a whole thus becomes a subtle, perceptive but scathing criticism of the Elizabethan court in the 1590's and the 'contraction' of royal favour that resulted in particular in the exclusion of capable, experienced but Catholic counsellors like Lewkenor himself. Articulating the frustration of this younger generation of alienated but fundamentally loyalist Catholics, Lewkenor paints a picture of a failed quest for favour, where the questing knight is finally forced to retire from the active life and withdraw to a rustic hermitage that is not only incompatible with his own ideal of the vita activa, but also dangerously smacks of unregenerate, and potentially seditious Catholicism.
We study the determinants of comparative advantage in polluting industries. We combine dataon environmental policy at the country level with data on pollution intensity at the industry levelto show that countries with laxer environmental regulation have a comparative advantage in polluting industries. Further, we address the potential problem of reverse causality. We propose aninstrument for environmental regulation based on meteorological determinants of pollution dispersion identified by the atmospheric pollution literature. We find that the effect of environmentalregulation on the pattern of trade is causal and comparable in magnitude to the effect of physicaland human capital.
Resource Mapping tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Service provider survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Annual Report
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: How to Find Reputable In-Home Health Care and Service Plans
This paper studies how privatising service provision (shifting control rights and contractualobligations to providers) affects accountability. There are two main effects. (1) Privatisation demotivates governments from investigating and responding to public demands, since providers then hold up service adaptations. (2) Privatisation demotivates the public from mobilising to pressure for service adaptations, since providers then indirectly holdup the public by inflating the government s cost of implementing these adaptations. So, when choosing governance mode, politicians may be biased towards privatising as a way to escape public attention; relatedly, privatising utilities may reduce public pressure and increase consumer prices.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: "Should I Buy the Service Contract?"
The relation among education, disease prevalence, and frequency of health service utilization was analyzed using data from the Swiss National Health Survey SOMIPOPS, conducted in 1981-1983 on a randomly selected sample of 4,255 individuals, representative of the entire Swiss population. The prevalence of several important cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, osteoarticular, and psychiatric disorders was higher among less educated individuals; only allergic conditions were directly associated with indicators of social class. More educated individuals reported lower frequencies of general practitioner visits, but higher frequencies of specialized consultations. These findings confirm that education is an important determinant not only of mortality but also of morbidity and health-care utilization and require careful consideration in terms of the planning and evaluation of health services.
This report is submitted as required per Iowa Code section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."