998 resultados para servers


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NanoStreams is a consortium project funded by the European Commission under its FP7 programme and is a major effort to address the challenges of processing vast amounts of data in real-time, with a markedly lower carbon footprint than the state of the art. The project addresses both the energy challenge and the high-performance required by emerging applications in real-time streaming data analytics. NanoStreams achieves this goal by designing and building disruptive micro-server solutions incorporating real-silicon prototype micro-servers based on System-on-Chip and reconfigurable hardware technologies.


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Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technology holds promise to replace SRAM and DRAM at various levels of the memory hierarchy. The interest in NVM is motivated by the difficulty faced in scaling DRAM beyond 22 nm and, long-term, lower cost per bit. While offering higher density and negligible static power (leakage and refresh), NVM suffers increased latency and energy per memory access. This paper develops energy and performance models of memory systems and applies them to understand the energy-efficiency of replacing or complementing DRAM with NVM. Our analysis focusses on the application of NVM in main memory. We demonstrate that NVM such as STT-RAM and RRAM is energy-efficient for memory sizes commonly employed in servers and high-end workstations, but PCM is not. Furthermore, the model is well suited to quickly evaluate the impact of changes to the model parameters, which may be achieved through optimization of the memory architecture, and to determine the key parameters that impact system-level energy and performance.


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The proliferation of mobile devices in society accessing data via the ‘cloud’ is imposing a dramatic increase in the amount of information to be stored on hard disk drives (HDD) used in servers. Forecasts are that areal densities will need to increase by as much as 35% compound per annum and by 2020 cloud storage capacity will be around 7 zettabytes corresponding to areal densities of 2 Tb/in2. This requires increased performance from the magnetic pole of the electromagnetic writer in the read/write head in the HDD. Current state-of-art writing is undertaken by morphologically complex magnetic pole of sub 100 nm dimensions, in an environment of engineered magnetic shields and it needs to deliver strong directional magnetic field to areas on the recording media around 50 nm x 13 nm. This points to the need for a method to perform direct quantitative measurements of the magnetic field generated by the write pole at the nanometer scale. Here we report on the complete in situ quantitative mapping of the magnetic field generated by a functioning write pole in operation using electron holography. Opportunistically, it points the way towards a new nanoscale magnetic field source to further develop in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy.


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Low-power processors and accelerators that were originally designed for the embedded systems market are emerging as building blocks for servers. Power capping has been actively explored as a technique to reduce the energy footprint of high-performance processors. The opportunities and limitations of power capping on the new low-power processor and accelerator ecosystem are less understood. This paper presents an efficient power capping and management infrastructure for heterogeneous SoCs based on hybrid ARM/FPGA designs. The infrastructure coordinates dynamic voltage and frequency scaling with task allocation on a customised Linux system for the Xilinx Zynq SoC. We present a compiler-assisted power model to guide voltage and frequency scaling, in conjunction with workload allocation between the ARM cores and the FPGA, under given power caps. The model achieves less than 5% estimation bias to mean power consumption. In an FFT case study, the proposed power capping schemes achieve on average 97.5% of the performance of the optimal execution and match the optimal execution in 87.5% of the cases, while always meeting power constraints.


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Energy consumption and total cost of ownership are daunting challenges for Datacenters, because they scale disproportionately with performance. Datacenters running financial analytics may incur extremely high operational costs in order to meet performance and latency requirements of their hosted applications. Recently, ARM-based microservers have emerged as a viable alternative to high-end servers, promising scalable performance via scale-out approaches and low energy consumption. In this paper, we investigate the viability of ARM-based microservers for option pricing, using the Monte Carlo and Binomial Tree kernels. We compare an ARM-based microserver against a state-of-the-art x86 server. We define application-related but platform-independent energy and performance metrics to compare those platforms fairly in the context of datacenters for financial analytics and give insight on the particular requirements of option pricing. Our experiments show that through scaling out energyefficient compute nodes within a 2U rack-mounted unit, an ARM-based microserver consumes as little as about 60% of the energy per option pricing compared to an x86 server, despite having significantly slower cores. We also find that the ARM microserver scales enough to meet a high fraction of market throughput demand, while consuming up to 30% less energy than an Intel server


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The availability of electricity is fundamental to modern society. It is at the top of the list of critical infrastructures and its interruption can have severe consequences. This highly important system is now evolving to become more reliable, efficient, and clean. This evolving infrastructure has become known as the smart grid; and these future smart grid systems will rely heavily on ICT. This infrastructure will require many servers and due to the nature of the grid, many of these systems will be geographically diverse requiring communication links. At the heart of this ICT infrastructure will be security. At each level of the smart grid from smart metering right through to remote sensing and control networks, security will be a key factor for system design consideration. With an increased number of ICT systems in place the security risk also increases. In this paper the authors discuss the changing nature of security in relation to the smart grid by looking at the move from legacy systems to more modern smart grid systems. The potential planes of attack for future smart grid systems are identified, and the general anatomy of a cyber-attack is presented. The authors then introduce the various threat levels of different types of attack and the mitigation techniques that could be put in place for each. Finally, the authors' introduce a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) communication system (operated by the authors) that can be used as a test-bed for some of the proposed future security research.


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Increasingly large amounts of data are stored in main memory of data center servers. However, DRAM-based memory is an important consumer of energy and is unlikely to scale in the future. Various byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies promise high density and near-zero static energy, however they suffer from increased latency and increased dynamic energy consumption.

This paper proposes to leverage a hybrid memory architecture, consisting of both DRAM and NVM, by novel, application-level data management policies that decide to place data on DRAM vs. NVM. We analyze modern column-oriented and key-value data stores and demonstrate the feasibility of application-level data management. Cycle-accurate simulation confirms that our methodology reduces the energy with least performance degradation as compared to the current state-of-the-art hardware or OS approaches. Moreover, we utilize our techniques to apportion DRAM and NVM memory sizes for these workloads.


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We present a rigorous methodology and new metrics for fair comparison of server and microserver platforms. Deploying our methodology and metrics, we compare a microserver with ARM cores against two servers with ×86 cores running the same real-time financial analytics workload. We define workload-specific but platform-independent performance metrics for platform comparison, targeting both datacenter operators and end users. Our methodology establishes that a server based on the Xeon Phi co-processor delivers the highest performance and energy efficiency. However, by scaling out energy-efficient microservers, we achieve competitive or better energy efficiency than a power-equivalent server with two Sandy Bridge sockets, despite the microserver's slower cores. Using a new iso-QoS metric, we find that the ARM microserver scales enough to meet market throughput demand, that is, a 100% QoS in terms of timely option pricing, with as little as 55% of the energy consumed by the Sandy Bridge server.


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How can GPU acceleration be obtained as a service in a cluster? This question has become increasingly significant due to the inefficiency of installing GPUs on all nodes of a cluster. The research reported in this paper is motivated to address the above question by employing rCUDA (remote CUDA), a framework that facilitates Acceleration-as-a-Service (AaaS), such that the nodes of a cluster can request the acceleration of a set of remote GPUs on demand. The rCUDA framework exploits virtualisation and ensures that multiple nodes can share the same GPU. In this paper we test the feasibility of the rCUDA framework on a real-world application employed in the financial risk industry that can benefit from AaaS in the production setting. The results confirm the feasibility of rCUDA and highlight that rCUDA achieves similar performance compared to CUDA, provides consistent results, and more importantly, allows for a single application to benefit from all the GPUs available in the cluster without loosing efficiency.


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Emerging web applications like cloud computing, Big Data and social networks have created the need for powerful centres hosting hundreds of thousands of servers. Currently, the data centres are based on general purpose processors that provide high flexibility buts lack the energy efficiency of customized accelerators. VINEYARD aims to develop an integrated platform for energy-efficient data centres based on new servers with novel, coarse-grain and fine-grain, programmable hardware accelerators. It will, also, build a high-level programming framework for allowing end-users to seamlessly utilize these accelerators in heterogeneous computing systems by employing typical data-centre programming frameworks (e.g. MapReduce, Storm, Spark, etc.). This programming framework will, further, allow the hardware accelerators to be swapped in and out of the heterogeneous infrastructure so as to offer high flexibility and energy efficiency. VINEYARD will foster the expansion of the soft-IP core industry, currently limited in the embedded systems, to the data-centre market. VINEYARD plans to demonstrate the advantages of its approach in three real use-cases (a) a bio-informatics application for high-accuracy brain modeling, (b) two critical financial applications, and (c) a big-data analysis application.


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Background: Gene expression connectivity mapping has proven to be a powerful and flexible tool for research. Its application has been shown in a broad range of research topics, most commonly as a means of identifying potential small molecule compounds, which may be further investigated as candidates for repurposing to treat diseases. The public release of voluminous data from the Library of Integrated Cellular Signatures (LINCS) programme further enhanced the utilities and potentials of gene expression connectivity mapping in biomedicine. Results: We describe QUADrATiC (http://go.qub.ac.uk/QUADrATiC), a user-friendly tool for the exploration of gene expression connectivity on the subset of the LINCS data set corresponding to FDA-approved small molecule compounds. It enables the identification of compounds for repurposing therapeutic potentials. The software is designed to cope with the increased volume of data over existing tools, by taking advantage of multicore computing architectures to provide a scalable solution, which may be installed and operated on a range of computers, from laptops to servers. This scalability is provided by the use of the modern concurrent programming paradigm provided by the Akka framework. The QUADrATiC Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed using advanced Javascript frameworks, providing novel visualization capabilities for further analysis of connections. There is also a web services interface, allowing integration with other programs or scripts.Conclusions: QUADrATiC has been shown to provide an improvement over existing connectivity map software, in terms of scope (based on the LINCS data set), applicability (using FDA-approved compounds), usability and speed. It offers potential to biological researchers to analyze transcriptional data and generate potential therapeutics for focussed study in the lab. QUADrATiC represents a step change in the process of investigating gene expression connectivity and provides more biologically-relevant results than previous alternative solutions.


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NanoStreams explores the design, implementation,and system software stack of micro-servers aimed at processingdata in-situ and in real time. These micro-servers can serve theemerging Edge computing ecosystem, namely the provisioningof advanced computational, storage, and networking capabilitynear data sources to achieve both low latency event processingand high throughput analytical processing, before consideringoff-loading some of this processing to high-capacity datacentres.NanoStreams explores a scale-out micro-server architecture thatcan achieve equivalent QoS to that of conventional rack-mountedservers for high-capacity datacentres, but with dramaticallyreduced form factors and power consumption. To this end,NanoStreams introduces novel solutions in programmable & con-figurable hardware accelerators, as well as the system softwarestack used to access, share, and program those accelerators.Our NanoStreams micro-server prototype has demonstrated 5.5×higher energy-efficiency than a standard Xeon Server. Simulationsof the microserver’s memory system extended to leveragehybrid DDR/NVM main memory indicated 5× higher energyefficiencythan a conventional DDR-based system. 


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Esta tese surge no contexto de sistemas e serviços web. O objectivo é propor uma solução para o problema da integração de informação de diversas fontes, numa plataforma web única, personalizável e adaptável ao utilizador. Nos casos de empresas ou organizações que tenham para diferentes tarefas, diferentes sistemas de informação independentes, o problema da integração de informação surge com a necessidade de integração destes numa única interface disponibilizada aos seus utilizadores. A integração de serviços numa mesma interface pressupõe que haja comunicação entre um sistema central (que fornece a interface) e os diversos sistemas existentes (que detêm a totalidade – ou parte – da informação a apresentar). Assim, será necessário garantir a identidade do utilizador a cada um dos serviços apresentados, bem como assegurar que cada utilizador tem à sua disposição de forma centralizada, apenas e só a informação e operações a que realmente tem acesso em cada um dos sistemas. Trata-se de uma plataforma que pretende por um lado, fornecer a informação correcta e orientada ao utilizador e, por outro lado, garantir que a organização que suporta o sistema consegue informar e interagir com os seus utilizadores de forma mais eficaz. O cenário adoptado é a Universidade de Aveiro. Esta pretende disponibilizar uma plataforma electrónica, onde os diferentes interlocutores (alunos, docentes, funcionários, ex-alunos, etc.) possam ter acesso a informação dirigida e orientada aos seus interesses e funções na Universidade. De modo a que cada utilizador seja realmente visto como um utilizador único, serão estudados e comparados serviços de modelação de utilizador e perfis de utilizador. Será proposto um serviço de modelação de utilizador e uma lógica de criação de perfis de utilizador, distintos do existente no estado de arte. Esta lógica conjuga a personalização da interface por parte do utilizador, com a gestão de operações e definição de políticas de segurança por parte da organização, de forma independente relativamente ao sistema de informação subjacente.


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Os Sistemas Embarcados Distribuídos (SEDs) estão, hoje em dia, muito difundidos em vastas áreas, desde a automação industrial, a automóveis, aviões, até à distribuição de energia e protecção do meio ambiente. Estes sistemas são, essencialmente, caracterizados pela integração distribuída de aplicações embarcadas, autónomas mas cooperantes, explorando potenciais vantagens em termos de modularidade, facilidade de manutenção, custos de instalação, tolerância a falhas, entre outros. Contudo, o ambiente operacional onde se inserem estes tipos de sistemas pode impor restrições temporais rigorosas, exigindo que o sistema de comunicação subjacente consiga transmitir mensagens com garantias temporais. Contudo, os SEDs apresentam uma crescente complexidade, uma vez que integram subsistemas cada vez mais heterogéneos, quer ao nível do tráfego gerado, quer dos seus requisitos temporais. Em particular, estes subsistemas operam de forma esporádica, isto é, suportam mudanças operacionais de acordo com estímulos exteriores. Estes subsistemas também se reconfiguram dinamicamente de acordo com a actualização dos seus requisitos e, ainda, têm lidar com um número variável de solicitações de outros subsistemas. Assim sendo, o nível de utilização de recursos pode variar e, desta forma, as políticas de alocação estática tornam-se muito ineficientes. Consequentemente, é necessário um sistema de comunicação capaz de suportar com eficácia reconfigurações e adaptações dinâmicas. A tecnologia Ethernet comutada tem vindo a emergir como uma solução sólida para fornecer comunicações de tempo-real no âmbito dos SEDs, como comprovado pelo número de protocolos de tempo-real que foram desenvolvidos na última década. No entanto, nenhum dos protocolos existentes reúne as características necessárias para fornecer uma eficiente utilização da largura de banda e, simultaneamente, para respeitar os requisitos impostos pelos SEDs. Nomeadamente, a capacidade para controlar e policiar tráfego de forma robusta, conjugada com suporte à reconfiguração e adaptação dinâmica, não comprometendo as garantias de tempo-real. Esta dissertação defende a tese de que, pelo melhoramento dos comutadores Ethernet para disponibilizarem mecanismos de reconfiguração e isolamento de tráfego, é possível suportar aplicações de tempo-real críticas, que são adaptáveis ao ambiente onde estão inseridas.Em particular, é mostrado que as técnicas de projecto, baseadas em componentes e apoiadas no escalonamento hierárquico de servidores de tráfego, podem ser integradas nos comutadores Ethernet para alcançar as propriedades desejadas. Como suporte, é fornecida, também, uma solução para instanciar uma hierarquia reconfigurável de servidores de tráfego dentro do comutador, bem como a análise adequada ao modelo de escalonamento. Esta última fornece um limite superior para o tempo de resposta que os pacotes podem sofrer dentro dos servidores de tráfego, com base unicamente no conhecimento de um dado servidor e na hierarquia actual, isto é, sem o conhecimento das especifidades do tráfego dentro dos outros servidores. Finalmente, no âmbito do projecto HaRTES foi construído um protótipo do comutador Ethernet, o qual é baseado no paradigma “Flexible Time-Triggered”, que permite uma junção flexível de uma fase síncrona para o tráfego controlado pelo comutador e uma fase assíncrona que implementa a estrutura hierárquica de servidores referidos anteriormente. Além disso, as várias experiências práticas realizadas permitiram validar as propriedades desejadas e, consequentemente, a tese que fundamenta esta dissertação.


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Over the last decade, the most widespread approaches for traditional management were based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). However, they both have several problems in terms of scalability, due to their centralization characteristics. Although the distributed management approaches exhibit better performance in terms of scalability, they still underperform regarding communication costs, autonomy, extensibility, exibility, robustness, and cooperation between network nodes. The cooperation between network nodes normally requires excessive overheads for synchronization and dissemination of management information in the network. For emerging dynamic and large-scale networking environments, as envisioned in Next Generation Networks (NGNs), exponential growth in the number of network devices and mobile communications and application demands is expected. Thus, a high degree of management automation is an important requirement, along with new mechanisms that promote it optimally and e ciently, taking into account the need for high cooperation between the nodes. Current approaches for self and autonomic management allow the network administrator to manage large areas, performing fast reaction and e ciently facing unexpected problems. The management functionalities should be delegated to a self-organized plane operating within the network, that decrease the network complexity and the control information ow, as opposed to centralized or external servers. This Thesis aims to propose and develop a communication framework for distributed network management which integrates a set of mechanisms for initial communication, exchange of management information, network (re) organization and data dissemination, attempting to meet the autonomic and distributed management requirements posed by NGNs. The mechanisms are lightweight and portable, and they can operate in di erent hardware architectures and include all the requirements to maintain the basis for an e cient communication between nodes in order to ensure autonomic network management. Moreover, those mechanisms were explored in diverse network conditions and events, such as device and link errors, di erent tra c/network loads and requirements. The results obtained through simulation and real experimentation show that the proposed mechanisms provide a lower convergence time, smaller overhead impact in the network, faster dissemination of management information, increase stability and quality of the nodes associations, and enable the support for e cient data information delivery in comparison to the base mechanisms analyzed. Finally, all mechanisms for communication between nodes proposed in this Thesis, that support and distribute the management information and network control functionalities, were devised and developed to operate in completely decentralized scenarios.