1000 resultados para sensing


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The [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] complex, comprising two ZnII(TACN) ligands (Fc=ferrocene; Py=pyrene; TACN=1,4,7-triazacyclononane) bearing fluorescent pyrene chromophores linked by an electrochemically active ferrocene molecule has been synthesised in high yield through a multistep procedure. In the absence of the polyphosphate guest molecules, very weak excimer emission was observed, indicating that the two pyrene-bearing ZnII(TACN) units are arranged in a trans-like configuration with respect to the ferrocene bridging unit. Binding of a variety of polyphosphate anionic guests (PPi and nucleotides di- and triphosphate) promotes the interaction between pyrene units and results in an enhancement in excimer emission. Investigations of phosphate binding by 31P NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence and electrochemical techniques confirmed a 1:1 stoichiometry for the binding of PPi and nucleotide polyphosphate anions to the bis(ZnII(TACN)) moiety of [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] and indicated that binding induces a trans to cis configuration rearrangement of the bis(ZnII(TACN)) complexes that is responsible for the enhancement of the pyrene excimer emission. Pyrophosphate was concluded to have the strongest affinity to [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] among the anions tested based on a six-fold fluorescence enhancement and 0.1 V negative shift in the potential of the ferrocene/ferrocenium couple. The binding constant for a variety of polyphosphate anions was determined from the change in the intensity of pyrene excimer emission with polyphosphate concentration, measured at 475 nm in CH3CN/Tris-HCl (1:9) buffer solution (10.0 mM, pH 7.4). These measurements confirmed that pyrophosphate binds more strongly (Kb=(4.45±0.41)×106 M−1) than the other nucleotide di- and triphosphates (Kb=1–50×105 M−1) tested.


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The Shannon/Nyquist sampling theorem specifies that to avoid losing information when capturing a signal, one must sample at least two times faster than the signal bandwidth. In order to capture and represent compressible signals at a rate significantly below the Nyquist rate, a new method, called compressive sensing (CS), is therefore proposed. CS theory asserts that one can recover certain signals from far fewer samples or measurements than traditional methods use. It employs non-adaptive linear projections that preserve the structure of the sparse signal; the signal is then reconstructed from these projections using an optimization process. It is believed that CS has far reaching implications, while most publications concentrate on signal processing fields (especially for images). In this paper, we provide a concise introduction of CS and then discuss some of its potential applications in structural engineering. The recorded vibration time history of a steel beam and the wave propagation result on a steel rebar are studied in detail. CS is adopted to reconstruct the time histories by using only parts of the signals. The results under different conditions are compared, which confirm that CS will be a promising tool for structural engineering.


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This paper introduces a method of modeling noninvasive glucose sensing for patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus. The proposed technique involves simulation of light propagation through biological tissue with an embedded photonic crystal. The proposed detection technique is Raman spectroscopy and the use of the photonic crystal enables the enhancement of Raman scattering by engineering the photon density of states. Further enhancement can be achieved using noble metal clusters which result in surface enhanced Raman scattering and has the ability to provide enhancements of up to a million times.


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Yeast cells begin to bud and enter S phase when growth conditions are favourable during G1 phase. When subjected to some oxidative stresses, cells delay entry at G1 allowing repair of cellular damage. Hence, oxidative stress sensing is coordinated with the regulation of cell cycle. We identified a novel function of the cell-cycle regulator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Swi6p, as a redox sensor through its cysteine residue at position 404. When alanine was substituted at this position, the resultant mutant, C404A, was sensitive to several reactive oxygen species and oxidants including linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the superoxide anion and diamide. This mutant lost the ability to arrest in G1 phase upon treatment with lipid hydroperoxide. The Cys404 residue of Swi6p in wild-type cells was oxidised to a sulfenic acid when cells were subjected to linoleic acid hydroperoxide. Mutation of Cys404 to Ala abolished the down-regulation of expression of the G1 cyclin genes CLN1, CLN2, PCL1 and PCL2 that occurred when cells of the wild type were exposed to the lipid hydroperoxide. In conclusion, oxidative stress signaling for cell-cycle regulation occurs through oxidation of the G1/S-speicific transcription factor Swi6p and consequently leads to suppression of the expression of G1-cyclins and delay in cells entering the cell cycle.


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Surveillance applications in private environments such as smart houses require a privacy management policy if such systems are to be accepted by the occupants of the environment. This is due to the invasive nature of surveillance, and the private nature of the home. In this article, we propose a framework for dynamically altering the privacy policy applied to the monitoring of a smart house based on the situation within the environment. Initially the situation, or context, within the environment is determined; we identify several factors for determining environmental context, and propose methods to quantify the context using audio and binary sensor data. The context is then mapped to an appropriate privacy policy, which is implemented by applying data hiding techniques to control access to data gathered from various information sources. The significance of this work lies in the examination of privacy issues related to assisted-living smart house environments. A single privacy policy in such applications would be either too restrictive for an observer, for example, a carer, or too invasive for the occupants. We address this by proposing a dynamic method, with the aim of decreasing the invasiveness of the technology, while retaining the purpose of the system.


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We present online algorithms to extract social context: Social spheres are labeled locations of significance, represented as convex hulls extracted from GPS traces. Colocation is determined from Bluetooth and GPS to extract social rhythms, patterns in time, duration, place, and people corresponding to real-world activities. Social ties are formulated from proximity and shared spheres and rhythms. Quantitative evaluation is performed for 10+ million samples over 45 man-months. Applications are presented with assessment of perceived utility: Socio-Graph, a video and photo browser with filters for social metadata, and Jive, a blog browser that uses rhythms to discover similarity between entries automatically.


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A novel electrochemically integrated multi-electrode array namely the wire beam electrode(WBE) in combination with noise signatures analysis has been designed to monitor pittingcorrosion of one of the best corrosion resistance ferrous alloys, stainless steel type 316L.From the direct correlation of electrochemical potential noise signatures and galvanic currentdistribution maps during pitting corrosion processes, two characteristic noise patterns wereobserved prior to stable pit formation: (i) the characteristic ‘peak’ of rapid potential transient,towards less negative direction, followed by recovery (termed noise signature I) was found tocorrelate with the disappearance of unstable anode; (ii) the characteristic noise pattern ofquick potential changes towards less negative direction followed by no recovery (termed noisesignature II) was found to correspond with the massive disappearance of minor anodes leadingto formation of highly localized major anodes in the galvanic current distribution maps.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the prominent medical imaging techniques. This process is time-consuming and can take several minutes to acquire one image. The aim of this research is to reduce the imaging process time of MRI. This issue is addressed by reducing the number of acquired measurements using theory of Compressive Sensing (CS). Compressive Sensing exploits sparsity in MR images. Randomly under sampled k-space generates incoherent noise which can be handled using a nonlinear image reconstruction method. In this paper, a new framework is presented based on the idea to exploit non-uniform nature of sparsity in MR images, where local sparsity constrains were used instead of traditional global constraint, to further reduce the sample set. Experimental results and comparison with CS using global constraint are demonstrated.