971 resultados para quasi-periodicity


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells with an unique ability to induce primary immune responses. Different DCs subsets with an intrinsic capacity to polarise Tcells have been described: myeloid (Th1) and lymphoid (Th2). Plasticity is defined as DCs capacity to polarise T cells independent of the DCs origin. We investigated the potential role played by oxidants such as superoxide anion (·O2-), in the plasticity of DCs, measured by the induction of a specific DCs subset, cytokine release and antigen presentation. Furthermore, we are interested in the amplification of immune response analysed by the exosomes production after oxidative stress and LPS stimulation. Recently, we have demonstrated that exposure of cells to superoxide anions resulted in the activation of DC2 profile. To analyse the role of oxidative stress in DCs subsets, we used BDCA-1 and BDCA-2 antibodies, which identify myeloid and plasmacytoid DCs respectively. Freshly isolated monocytes have shown to be BDCA-1-, but BDCA-2+ populations. During 6 days culture up-regulation of BDCA-1, but a down-regulation of BDCA-2 were observed, giving a clear myeloid population. When DC were stimulated with superoxide anions or LPS, we have observed that both down regulate the expression of BDCA-1 when compared to immature DC. Antigen presentation was markedly altered according to the periodicity used, and antigens and oxidants exposures. Using DCs trapped in collagen "matrix" after LPS activation we were able to quantify DCs-exosomes (small membrane vesicles ~50-100 nm in diameter) by reconstruction pictures in three dimensions. Using double vital staining we have found that exosomes from activated DCs can fuse with the membrane of resting DCs. Understanding the capacity of DCs to integrate external signals we will be able to unravel and control Tcells-polarisation triggering a specific immune response or tolerance. We will be able also to understand the amplification role of DCs-exosomes in remote not yet activated DCs.


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L'objectiu de l'aplicació serà el facilitar i automatitzar en la mesura del possible el treball de les persones que mantenen bases de dades de productes en Internet, encara que es pot estendre en futures versions (i haurà d'estar preparat per a això) per a altres usos com l'actualització de la pàgina web amb informació de tercers en temps quasi-real.


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Several Permian-Triassic boundary sections occur in various structural units within Hungary. These sections represent different facies zones of the western Palaeotethys margin. The Gardony core in the NE part of the Transdanubian Range typically represents the inner ramp, while the Balvany section in the Bukk Mountains of northern Hungary represents an outer ramp setting. The two sections have different patterns for their delta(13)C values. The Balvany section shows a continuous change towards more negative delta(13)C values starting at the first biotic decline, followed by a sharp, quasi-symmetric negative peak at the second decline. The appearance of the delta(13)C peak has no relationship to the lithology and occurs within a shale with low overall carbonate content, indicating that the peak is not related to diagenesis or other secondary influences. Instead, the shift and the peak reflect primary processes related to changes in environmental conditions. The continuous shift in delta(13)C values is most probably related to a decrease in bioproductivity, whereas the sharp peak can be attributed to an addition of C strongly depleted in (13)C to the ocean-atmosphere system. The most plausible model is a massive release of methane-hydrate. The quasi-symmetric pattern suggests a rapid warming-cooling cycle or physical unroofing of sediments through slope-failure and releasing methane-hydrate. The Gidony-1 core shows a continuous negative delta(13)C shift starting below the P-T boundary. However, the detailed analyses revealed a sharp delta(13)C peak in the boundary interval, just below the major biotic decline, although its magnitude doesn't reach that observed in the Balvany section. Based on careful textural examination and high-resolution stable isotope microanalyses we suggest that the suppression of the delta(13)C peak that is common in the oolitic boundary sections is due to combined effects of condensed sedimentation, sediment reworking and erosion, as well as perhaps diagenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A high-resolution micropalaeontological study, combined with geochemical and sedimentological analyses was performed on the Tiefengraben, Schlossgraben and Eiberg sections (Austrian Alps) in order to characterize sea-surface carbonate production during the end-Triassic crisis. At the end-Rhaetian, the dominant calcareous nannofossil Prinsiosphaera triassica shows a decrease in abundance and size and this is correlated with a increase in delta O-18 and a gradual decline in delta C-13(carb) values. Simultaneously, benthic foraminiferal assemblages show a decrease in diversity and abundance of calcareous taxa and a dominance of infaunal agglutinated taxa. The smaller size of calcareous nannofossils disturbed the vertical export balance of the biological carbon pump towards the sea-bottom, resulting in changes in feeding strategies within the benthic foraminiferal assemblages from deposit feeders to detritus feeders and bacterial scavengers. These micropalaeontological data combined with geochemical proxies suggest that changes in seawater chemistry and/or cooling episodes might have occurred in the latest Triassic, leading to a marked decrease of carbonate production. This in turn culminated in the quasi-absence of calcareous nannofossils and benthic foraminifers in the latest Triassic. The aftermath (latest Triassic earliest Jurassic) was characterised by abundance peaks of ``disaster'' epifaunal agglutinated foraminifera Trochammina on the sea-floor. Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) paroxysmal activity, superimposed on a major worldwide regressive phase, is assumed to be responsible for a deterioration in marine palaeoenvironments. CAMP sulfuric emissions might have been the trigger for cooling episodes and seawater acidification leading to disturbance of the surface carbonate production at the very end-Triassic.


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L'informàtica és molt important en les nostres vides, i avui dia és molt car els programes privatius. Una alternativa, que sense cap dubte serà el futur, és elprogramari lliure, ja que podem tenir un gran ventall de programari lliure necessari per satisfer les necessitats de qualsevol persona, ja sigui programari de processador de textos, fulls de càlculs, d'edició, de programar, de comptabilitat, etc. Només cal tenir bones referències de que programari lliure és bo, ja que al igual que el privatiu hi ha molt per elegir.Programari lliure, quasi sempre es gratuït o amb un preu residual, i no significa que sigui més dolent que el privatiu, sinó que es diferencia que un acostuma a ser gratis i l'altra acostuma a ser de pagament.L'administració pública, en comptes d'invertir grans quantitats de diners en programari privatiu per l'ús docent, lo que podria fer és invertir en programari lliure, ja que acostumen a pagar preus excessius per llicències de programari privatiu.En definitiva, el programari lliure serà el que ens porti en un futur a ser utilitzat majoritàriament, encara que avui en diahi ha gent que ho utilitza però molta més no. Es podria dir que encara hi ha incertesa per a molts per lo desconegut.


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Els models literaris analitzats se centren quasi exclusivament en les obres de Chrétien de Troyes i en els lais de Maria de França. S'ha pretés en tot moment fer una lectura de la novel·la en clau femenina per tal de demostrar que la figura central de l'heroi actua i evoluciona generalment gràcies a o a causa de la voluntat, les decisions o les accions de les dones que troba en la seua aventura. No hi pot haver cavalleria sense amor; tot cavaller ha de lluitar per la seua dama tant al camp de batalla com a la cort.


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To evaluate the long-term impact of successive interventions on rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization or infection and MRSA bacteremia in an endemic hospital-wide situation. DESIGN:Quasi-experimental, interrupted time-series analysis. The impact of the interventions was analyzed by use of segmented regression. Representative MRSA isolates were typed by use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. SETTING:A 950-bed teaching hospital in Seville, Spain. PATIENTS:All patients admitted to the hospital during the period from 1995 through 2008. METHODS:Three successive interventions were studied: (1) contact precautions, with no active surveillance for MRSA; (2) targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients and healthcare workers in specific wards, prioritized according to clinical epidemiology data; and (3) targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients admitted from other medical centers. RESULTS:Neither the preintervention rate of MRSA colonization or infection (0.56 cases per 1,000 patient-days [95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.49-0.62 cases per 1,000 patient-days]) nor the slope for the rate of MRSA colonization or infection changed significantly after the first intervention. The rate decreased significantly to 0.28 cases per 1,000 patient-days (95% CI, 0.17-0.40 cases per 1,000 patient-days) after the second intervention and to 0.07 cases per 1,000 patient-days (95% CI, 0.06-0.08 cases per 1,000 patient-days) after the third intervention, and the rate remained at a similar level for 8 years. The MRSA bacteremia rate decreased by 80%, whereas the rate of bacteremia due to methicillin-susceptible S. aureus did not change. Eighty-three percent of the MRSA isolates identified were clonally related. All MRSA isolates obtained from healthcare workers were clonally related to those recovered from patients who were in their care. CONCLUSION:Our data indicate that long-term control of endemic MRSA is feasible in tertiary care centers. The use of targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients and healthcare workers in specific wards (identified by means of analysis of clinical epidemiology data) and the use of decolonization were key to the success of the program.


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El domini encara general entre el gran públic (en el qual s’inclouen no pas pocs polítics responsables del patrimoni comú) d’un concepte ja molt superat i noucentista de patrimoni, que l’associa quasi exclusivament als valors més monumentalistes i a objectes relacionats amb les belles arts i l’arqueologia com més antics millor, fa que determinats béns culturals que no responen a aquest model però que estan igualment dotats de significat històric, i per tant de valor patrimonial, corrin el perill de desaparèixer abans que no hagi aparegut una consciència social prou generalitzada sobre la necessitat de conservar-los


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Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring has become useful in the diagnosis and management of hypertensive individuals. In addition to 24-hour values, the circadian variation of BP adds prognostic significance in predicting cardiovascular outcome. However, the magnitude of circadian BP patterns in large studies has hardly been noticed. Our aims were to determine the prevalence of circadian BP patterns and to assess clinical conditions associated with the nondipping status in groups of both treated and untreated hypertensive subjects, studied separately. Clinical data and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring were obtained from 42,947 hypertensive patients included in the Spanish Society of Hypertension Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Registry. They were 8384 previously untreated and 34,563 treated hypertensives. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory BP monitoring was performed with an oscillometric device (SpaceLabs 90207). A nondipping pattern was defined when nocturnal systolic BP dip was <10% of daytime systolic BP. The prevalence of nondipping was 41% in the untreated group and 53% in treated patients. In both groups, advanced age, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and overt cardiovascular or renal disease were associated with a blunted nocturnal BP decline (P<0.001). In treated patients, nondipping was associated with the use of a higher number of antihypertensive drugs but not with the time of the day at which antihypertensive drugs were administered. In conclusion, a blunted nocturnal BP dip (the nondipping pattern) is common in hypertensive patients. A clinical pattern of high cardiovascular risk is associated with nondipping, suggesting that the blunted nocturnal BP dip may be merely a marker of high cardiovascular risk.


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La Necrosi Apical Bruna (BAN, brown apical necrosis, segons les sigles en anglès)Es va detectar per primer cop l’any 1997 a Extremadura degut a la severa caiguda defruits. Avui dia la malaltia és present a quasi totes les zones productores de lamediterrània. Els símptomes difereixen dels provocats per Xanthomonas arboricola pv.juglandis i Gnomonia leptsostyla.. S’observa que els fruits afectats presenten una tacabruna a la zona apical i necrosi dels teixits interiors. El grup de Patologia Vegetal de laUniversitat de Girona participa i dirigeix la tasca sobre l’etiologia de la BAN dins laxarxa europea d’investigació en bacteris patògens de fruiters ,COST873. Hi ha una certacontrovèrsia en la definició dels símptomes i agents causals. Tots els grups coincideixenen afirmar que es tracta d’una malaltia complexa amb diferents organismes implicats


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Bien que les risques encourus par l'usage des produits dopants soient bien documentés, certains adeptes des salles de musculation en consomment abondamment. Ces comportements interpellent et laissent perplexe. Un sentiment d'incompréhension à l'égard de ces pratiques est parfois associé à des jugements négatifs. Les forçats des salles de musculation sont alors considérés comme des individus dénués de raison, voire comme des cas quasi pathologiques. Au-delà des nombreux clichés associés aux bodybuilders, cet article propose de mieux comprendre leurs conduites à risque. Les observations suggèrent que la progressive normalisation des consommations pharmacologiques s'opère par les processus de socialisation et d'acculturation à la pratique, en particulier par : le sentiment de devenir expert, une délégation du risque à des personnes de confiance, une banalisation de la prise de produits dans tous les sports et la dénonciation de ceux qui prennent des risques.


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Originally invented for topographic imaging, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has evolved into a multifunctional biological toolkit, enabling to measure structural and functional details of cells and molecules. Its versatility and the large scope of information it can yield make it an invaluable tool in any biologically oriented laboratory, where researchers need to perform characterizations of living samples as well as single molecules in quasi-physiological conditions and with nanoscale resolution. In the last 20 years, AFM has revolutionized the characterization of microbial cells by allowing a better understanding of their cell wall and of the mechanism of action of drugs and by becoming itself a powerful diagnostic tool to study bacteria. Indeed, AFM is much more than a high-resolution microscopy technique. It can reconstruct force maps that can be used to explore the nanomechanical properties of microorganisms and probe at the same time the morphological and mechanical modifications induced by external stimuli. Furthermore it can be used to map chemical species or specific receptors with nanometric resolution directly on the membranes of living organisms. In summary, AFM offers new capabilities and a more in-depth insight in the structure and mechanics of biological specimens with an unrivaled spatial and force resolution. Its application to the study of bacteria is extremely significant since it has already delivered important information on the metabolism of these small microorganisms and, through new and exciting technical developments, will shed more light on the real-time interaction of antimicrobial agents and bacteria.


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In this report we present the growth process of the cobalt oxide system using reactive electron beam deposition. In that technique, a target of metallic cobalt is evaporated and its atoms are in-flight oxidized in an oxygen rich reactive atmosphere before reaching the surface of the substrate. With a trial and error procedure the deposition parameters have been optimized to obtain the correct stoichiometry and crystalline phase. The evaporation conditions to achieve the correct cobalt oxide salt rock structure, when evaporating over amorphous silicon nitride, are: 525 K of substrate temperature, 2.5·10-4 mbar of oxygen partial pressure and 1 Å/s of evaporation rate. Once the parameters were optimized a set of ultra thin film ranging from samples of 1 nm of nominal thickness to 20nm thick and bulk samples were grown. With the aim to characterize the samples and study their microstructure and morphology, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and quasi-adiabatic nanocalorimetry techniques are utilised. The final results show a size dependent effect of the antiferromagnetic transition. Its Néel temperature becomes depressed as the size of the grains forming the layer decreases.


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El projecte que es descriu en aquest document consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura de suport per a aplicacions web empresarials basada en tecnologia J2EE. La idea és gestionar totes les funcionalitats de baix nivell per tal que el desenvolupador de l'aplicació web pugui centrar-se quasi exclusivament en implementar els temes funcionals.


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Cet article présente une réflexion au sujet de la psychothérapie destinée spécifiquement aux personnes toxicodépendantes. La prise en charge de ce type de problématiques a longtemps été considérée comme difficile, voire quasi impossible dans une pratique « classique » de la psychothérapie. Après avoir fourni quelques repères épidémiologiques et psychiatriques, cet article aborde la place et les spécificités (par exemple niveau de soin, aménagement du cadre et relation thérapeutique) du travail psychothérapeutique dans les soins proposés à la personne toxicodépendante. This article proposes a reflection about the psychotherapeutic work in the treatment of persons with substance use disorders. For a long time, substance abusers have been stereotyped by mental health practitioners, notably as being unresponsive to psychotherapy. After a brief survey of epidemiological and psychiatric elements, this article tackles the role and the specificities (e.g. level of care, setting and therapeutic relationship) of the psychotherapy practice in the care of patients suffering from substance use disorders.