951 resultados para psychotic break


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The break point of the curve of blood lactate vs exercise load has been called anaerobic threshold (AT) and is considered to be an important indicator of endurance exercise capacity in human subjects. There are few studies of AT determination in animals. We describe a protocol for AT determination by the "lactate minimum test" in rats during swimming exercise. The test is based on the premise that during an incremental exercise test, and after a bout of maximal exercise, blood lactate decreases to a minimum and then increases again. This minimum value indicates the intensity of the AT. Adult male (90 days) Wistar rats adapted to swimming for 2 weeks were used. The initial state of lactic acidosis was obtained by making the animals jump into the water and swim while carrying a load equivalent to 50% of body weight for 6 min (30-s exercise interrupted by a 30-s rest). After a 9-min rest, blood was collected and the incremental swimming test was started. The test consisted of swimming while supporting loads of 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.0% of body weight. Each exercise load lasted 5 min and was followed by a 30-s rest during which blood samples were taken. The blood lactate minimum was determined from a zero-gradient tangent to a spline function fitting the blood lactate vs workload curve. AT was estimated to be 4.95 ± 0.10% of body weight while interpolated blood lactate was 7.17 ± 0.16 mmol/l. These results suggest the application of AT determination in animal studies concerning metabolism during exercise.


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The emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and social science in the latter half of the 1960s and introduction of official multiculturalism in 1975 constituted a major intellectual and political shift in the post-war history of Sweden. The ambition of the 1975 immigrant and minority policy to enable the preservation of ethno-cultural minorities and to create a positive attitude towards the new multicultural society among the majority population was also incorporated into Swedish cultural, educational and media policies. The rejection of assimilationism and the new commitment to ethno-cultural diversity, the multicultural moment, has earned Sweden a place on the list of the early adopters of official multiculturalism, together with Canada and Australia. This compilation thesis examines the origins and early post-war history of the idea of multiculturalism as well as the interplay between idea and politics in the shift from a public ideal of homogeneity to an ideal of multiculturalism in Sweden. It does so from a range of conceptual, comparative, transnational, and biographical perspectives. The thesis consists of an introduction (Part I) and four previously published studies (Part II). The primary research result of the thesis concerns the agency involved in the break-through and formal establishment of the idea of multiculturalism in Sweden. Actors such as ethnic activists, experts and officials were instrumental in the introduction and establishment of multiculturalism in Sweden, as they also had been in Canada and in Australia. These actors have, however, not previously been recognized and analysed as significant idea-makers and political agents in the case of Sweden. The intertwined connections between activists, social scientists, linguists, and officials facilitated the transfer of the idea of multiculturalism from a publically contested idea to public policy via the way of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, academia and the Royal Commission of Immigration. The thesis furthermore shows that the political success of the idea of multiculturalism, such as it was within the limits of the universalist social democratic welfare state, was dependent on whom the claims-makers were, the status and positions they held, and the way the idea of multiculturalism was conceptualised and used. It was also dependent on the migratory context of labour immigration in the 1960s and 1970s and on whose behalf the advocates of multiculturalism made their claims. The majority of the labour immigrants were Finnish citizens from the former eastern half of the kingdom of Sweden who were net contributors to the Swedish welfare state. This facilitated the recognition of their ethno-cultural difference, and, following the logic of universalism, the ethno-cultural difference of other minority groups in Sweden. The historical significance of the multicultural moment is still evident in the contemporary immigration and integration policies of Sweden. The affirmation of diversity continues to set Sweden apart from the rest of Europe, now more so than in the 1970s, even though the migratory context has changed radically in the last 40 years.


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Heikkenevä kysyntä sekä koveneva hintakilpailu erityisesti painopaperin markkinoilla on luonut paperinvalmistajalle haasteita kustannusten alentamisen sekä kannattavuuden parantamisen osalta. Sijaintinsa vuoksi yritys on halunnut erityisesti parantaa kustannustehokkuuttaan logistiikan osalta, minkä tueksi tämä diplomityö on tehty. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on analysoida paperitehtaan toimitusketjuja kustannusjohtamisen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on ollut arvioida kahden vaihtoehtoisen toimitusketjun, suoran ja välivarasto-toimituksen, vaikutusta syntyvien kustannusten, ketjuun sitoutuneen pääoman sekä asiakaskannattavuuden kautta. Tutkimus toteutettiin case-tutkimuksen kaltaisena soveltuvin osin, hyödyntämällä kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Projektia varten valittiin paperinvalmistajan painopaperin tuloslinjalta kymmenen kohdeasiakasta, joille vaihtoehtoisia toimitusketjuja voidaan soveltaa. Toimitusketjut rajattiin käsittämään valmiin tuotteen asiakastoimitukset ja niistä aiheutuvat kuluerät. Kustannus- ja pääoma-analyysin suunnittelussa hyödynnettiin toimitusketjuihin sekä kustannusjohtamiseen liittyvää teoreettista kirjallisuutta. Ensisijaisena viitekehyksenä kustannusten analysoinnissa sovellettiin toimintolaskentaa ja pääoman sitoutumisen arvioinnissa kiertoajan tunnuslukuja. Käsiteltävä informaatio kerättiin yrityksen sisäisistä raporteista sekä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan, jossa laskelmat tehtiin. Tutkimuksen avaintuloksena kahdeksan case-asiakkaan kohdalla suora toimitus osoittautui kustannuksiltaan välivaraston kautta kulkevaa edullisemmaksi. Lisäksi havaittiin suoran toimituksen nopeuttavan teoriassa pääoman kiertoa toimitusketjussa lyhyemmän läpimenoajan ansiosta. Johtopäätöksenä kustannus- ja pääomahyötyjen vaikutuksen vuoksi suorien toimitusten hyödyntäminen on edullista soveltuvien asiakkaiden kohdalla. Tutkimuksessa kustannusinformaation kerääminen kokonaisvaltaisesti osoittautui haasteelliseksi, sillä kaikkien toimitusketjun kustannuserien tietoja ei ollut laajasti saatavilla. Toimeksiantajan näkökulmasta merkittävät kohteet jatkotutkimukselle ovat kustannusten oikeellisuuteen ja kohdistamiseen sekä asiakkaiden maksukäytäntöihin ja ehtoihin liittyvä seuranta.


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The binding of chlorpromazine (CPZ) and hemin to bovine serum albumin was studied by the fluorescence quenching technique. CPZ is a widely used anti-psychotic drug that interacts with blood components, influences bioavailability, and affects function of several biomolecules. Hemin is an important ferric residue of hemoglobin that binds within the hydrophobic region of albumin with high specificity. Quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was observed by selectively exciting tryptophan residues at 290 nm. Emission spectra were recorded in the range from 300 to 450 nm for each quencher addition. Stern-Volmer graphs were plotted, and the quenching constant estimated for BSA solution titrated with hemin at 25ºC was 1.44 (± 0.05) x 10(5) M-1. Results showed that bovine albumin tryptophans are not equally accessible to CPZ, in agreement with the idea that polar or charged quenchers have more affinity for amino acid residues on the outer wall of the protein. Hemin added to albumin solution at a molar ratio of 1:1 quenched about 25% of their fluorescence. The quenching effect of CPZ on albumin-hemin solution was stronger than on pure BSA. This increase can be the result of combined conformational changes in the structure of albumin caused firstly by hemin and then by CPZ. Our results suggest that the primary binding site for hemin on bovine albumin may be located asymmetrically between the two tryptophans along the sequence formed by subdomains IB and IIA, closer to tryptophan residue 212.


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A high dose of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main Cannabis sativa (cannabis) component, induces anxiety and psychotic-like symptoms in healthy volunteers. These effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are significantly reduced by cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis constituent which is devoid of the typical effects of the plant. This observation led us to suspect that CBD could have anxiolytic and/or antipsychotic actions. Studies in animal models and in healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. The antipsychotic-like properties of CBD have been investigated in animal models using behavioral and neurochemical techniques which suggested that CBD has a pharmacological profile similar to that of atypical antipsychotic drugs. The results of two studies on healthy volunteers using perception of binocular depth inversion and ketamine-induced psychotic symptoms supported the proposal of the antipsychotic-like properties of CBD. In addition, open case reports of schizophrenic patients treated with CBD and a preliminary report of a controlled clinical trial comparing CBD with an atypical antipsychotic drug have confirmed that this cannabinoid can be a safe and well-tolerated alternative treatment for schizophrenia. Future studies of CBD in other psychotic conditions such as bipolar disorder and comparative studies of its antipsychotic effects with those produced by clozapine in schizophrenic patients are clearly indicated.


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Several studies of the quantitative relationship between sodium need and sodium intake in rats are reviewed. Using acute diuretic treatment 24 h beforehand, intake matches need fairly accurately when intake is spread out in time by using a hypotonic solution of NaCl. In contrast, using a hypertonic solution, intake is typically double the need. Using the same diuretic treatment, although the natriuresis occurs within ~1 h, the appetite appears only slowly over 24 h. Increased plasma levels of aldosterone parallel the increased intake; however, treatment with metyrapone blocks the rise in aldosterone but has no effect on appetite. Satiation of sodium appetite was studied in rats using sodium loss induced by chronic diuretic treatment and daily salt consumption sessions. When a simulated foraging cost was imposed on NaCl access in the form of a progressive ratio lever press task, rats showed satiation for NaCl (break point) after consuming an amount close to their estimated deficit. The chronic diuretic regimen produced hypovolemia and large increases in plasma aldosterone concentration and renin activity. These parameters were reversed to or toward non-depleted control values at the time of behavioral satiation in the progressive ratio protocol. Satiation mechanisms for sodium appetite thus do appear to exist. However, they do not operate quantitatively when concentrated salt is available at no effort, but instead allow overconsumption. There are reasons to believe that such a bias toward overconsumption may have been beneficial over evolutionary time, but such biasing for salt and other commodities is maladaptive in a resource-rich environment.


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The adaptive behavior of human beings is usually supported by rapid monitoring of outstanding events in the environment. Some investigators have suggested that a primary attention deficit might trigger symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, researchers have long discussed the relationship between schizophrenia and the schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy (SLPE). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present study was to investigate attention performance of patients with both disorders. Patient age was 18 to 60 years, and all patients had received formal schooling for at least four years. Patients were excluded if they had any systemic disease with neurologic or psychiatric comorbidity, or a history of brain surgery. The computer-assisted TAVIS-2R test was applied to all patients and to a control group to evaluate and discriminate between selective, alternating and sustained attention. The TAVIS-2R test is divided into three parts: one for selective attention (5 min), the second for alternating attention (5 min), and the third for the evaluation of vigilance or sustained attention (10 min). The same computer software was used for statistical analysis of reaction time, omission errors, and commission errors. The sample consisted of 36 patients with schizophrenia, 28 with interictal SLPE, and 47 healthy controls. The results of the selective attention tests for both patient groups were significantly lower than that for controls. The patients with schizophrenia and SLPE performed differently in the alternating and sustained attention tests: patients with SLPE had alternating attention deficits, whereas patients with schizophrenia showed deficits in sustained attention. These quantitative results confirmed the qualitative clinical observations for both patient groups, that is, that patients with schizophrenia had difficulties in focusing attention, whereas those with epilepsy showed perseveration in attention focus.


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Edible films based on gluten from four types of Brazilian wheat gluten (2 "semi-hard" and 2 "soft") were prepared and mechanical and barrier properties were compared with those of wheat gluten films with vital gluten. Water vapor, oxygen permeability, tensile strength and percent elongation at break, solubility in water and surface morphology were measured. The films from "semi-hard" wheat flours showed similar water vapor permeability and solubility in water to films from vital gluten and better tensile strength than the films from "soft" and vital gluten. The films from vital gluten had higher elongation at break and oxygen permeability and also lower solubility in water than the films from the Brazilian wheat "soft" flours. In spite of the vital gluten showed greater mechanical resistance, desirable for the bakery products, for the purpose of developing gluten films Brazilian "semi-hard" wheat flours can be used instead of vital gluten, since they showed similar barrier and mechanical properties.


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Weldability of powder bed fusion (PBF) fabricated components has come to discussion in past two years due to resent developments in the PBF technology and limited size of the machines used in the fabrication process. This study concentrated on effects of energy input of welding on mechanical properties and microstructural features of welds between PBF fabricated stainless steel 316L sheets and cold rolled sheet metal of same composition by the means of destructive testing and microscopic analysis. Optical fiber diameter, laser power and welding speed were varied during the experiments that were executed following one variable at a time (OVAT) method. One of the problems of welded PBF fabricated components has been lower elongations at break comparing to conventionally manufactured components. Decreasing energy input of the laser keyhole welding decreased elongations at break of the welded specimens. Ultimate tensile strengths were not affected significantly by the energy input of the welding, but fracturing of the specimens welded using high energy input occurred from the weld metal. Fracturing of the lower energy input welds occurred from the PBF fabricated base metal. Energy input was found to be critical factor for mechanical properties of the welds. Multioriented grain growth and formation of neck at fusion zone boundary on the cold rolled side of the weld was detected and suspected to be result from weld pool flows caused by differences in molten weld pool behaviour between the PBF fabricated and cold rolled sides of the welds.


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Sphingolipids are widely expressed molecules, which traditionally were considered to have majorly structural properties. Nowadays, however, they are implicated in a wide range of different biological processes. The bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) has emerged during the past decade as one of the most studied molecules due to its proliferative and pro-migratory abilities both during normal physiology and in the pathology of a subset of different diseases. Migration and invasion of cancer cells require changes in cell behavior and modulation of the tissue microenvironment. Tumor aggressiveness is markedly enhanced by hypoxia, in which hypoxia inducible transcription factors 1-2α (HIF-1-2α) are activated to promote metabolism, proliferation and migration. Invasion requires degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) achieved by several degrading and remodeling enzymes. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are broadly expressed and well accepted as proteolytic enzymes with essential roles both in normal physiology and in pathology. Previously, S1P was shown to strongly evoke migration of follicular ML-1 thyroid cancer cells. The objective of this study was to further investigate and understand the mechanisms behind this regulation. In the first project it was demonstrated that S1P enhances the expression and activity of HIF-1α. S1P enhanced the expression of HIF-1α by increasing its synthesis and stability. The S1P-increased HIF-1α was mediated via S1P3, Gi/0, PI3K, PKCβI, ERK1/2, mTOR and translation factors p70S6K and eIF4E. Finally, it was shown that HIF-1α mediated S1P-induced migration. The ECM is constituted of a complex and coordinated assembly of many types of proteins. In order to be able to invade, cells need to break down the ECM, therefore several key players in this event were investigated in the second project. S1P increased the secretion and activity of MMP2 and MMP9 via S1P-receptor 1 and 3 and that these MMPs participated in the S1P-facilitated invasion of ML-1 cells. In this interplay, calpains and Rac1 were involved, both of which are crucial players in migration and invasion. The prognosis for some types of thyroid cancer is relatively good. However, there are forms of thyroid cancers, for which there are no treatments or the current available treatments are inefficient. Thus, new medical interventions are urgently needed. In the third project the significance of the S1P-receptor modulating drug FTY720, which is currently used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS), was studied. The effect of FTY720 was tested on several thyroid cancer cell lines, and it inhibited the proliferation and invasion of all cancer cell lines tested. In ML-1 cells, FTY720 attenuated invasion by blocking signaling intermediates important for migration and invasion of the cells. Moreover, FTY720 inhibited the proliferation of ML-1 cells by increasing the expression of p21 and p27, hence, inducing cell arrest in G1 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, it can be suggested that FTY720 could be used in the treatment of thyroid cancer.


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Laser cutting implementation possibilities into paper making machine was studied as the main objective of the work. Laser cutting technology application was considered as a replacement tool for conventional cutting methods used in paper making machines for longitudinal cutting such as edge trimming at different paper making process and tambour roll slitting. Laser cutting of paper was tested in 70’s for the first time. Since then, laser cutting and processing has been applied for paper materials with different level of success in industry. Laser cutting can be employed for longitudinal cutting of paper web in machine direction. The most common conventional cutting methods include water jet cutting and rotating slitting blades applied in paper making machines. Cutting with CO2 laser fulfils basic requirements for cutting quality, applicability to material and cutting speeds in all locations where longitudinal cutting is needed. Literature review provided description of advantages, disadvantages and challenges of laser technology when it was applied for cutting of paper material with particular attention to cutting of moving paper web. Based on studied laser cutting capabilities and problem definition of conventional cutting technologies, preliminary selection of the most promising application area was carried out. Laser cutting (trimming) of paper web edges in wet end was estimated to be the most promising area where it can be implemented. This assumption was made on the basis of rate of web breaks occurrence. It was found that up to 64 % of total number of web breaks occurred in wet end, particularly in location of so called open draws where paper web was transferred unsupported by wire or felt. Distribution of web breaks in machine cross direction revealed that defects of paper web edge was the main reason of tearing initiation and consequent web break. The assumption was made that laser cutting was capable of improvement of laser cut edge tensile strength due to high cutting quality and sealing effect of the edge after laser cutting. Studies of laser ablation of cellulose supported this claim. Linear energy needed for cutting was calculated with regard to paper web properties in intended laser cutting location. Calculated linear cutting energy was verified with series of laser cutting. Practically obtained laser energy needed for cutting deviated from calculated values. This could be explained by difference in heat transfer via radiation in laser cutting and different absorption characteristics of dry and moist paper material. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist (dry matter content about 25-40%)) were tested for strength properties. It was shown that tensile strength and strain break of laser cut samples are similar to corresponding values of non-laser cut samples. Chosen method, however, did not address tensile strength of laser cut edge in particular. Thus, the assumption of improving strength properties with laser cutting was not fully proved. Laser cutting effect on possible pollution of mill broke (recycling of trimmed edge) was carried out. Laser cut samples (both dry and moist) were tested on the content of dirt particles. The tests revealed that accumulation of dust particles on the surface of moist samples can take place. This has to be taken into account to prevent contamination of pulp suspension when trim waste is recycled. Material loss due to evaporation during laser cutting and amount of solid residues after cutting were evaluated. Edge trimming with laser would result in 0.25 kg/h of solid residues and 2.5 kg/h of lost material due to evaporation. Schemes of laser cutting implementation and needed laser equipment were discussed. Generally, laser cutting system would require two laser sources (one laser source for each cutting zone), set of beam transfer and focusing optics and cutting heads. In order to increase reliability of system, it was suggested that each laser source would have double capacity. That would allow to perform cutting employing one laser source working at full capacity for both cutting zones. Laser technology is in required level at the moment and do not require additional development. Moreover, capacity of speed increase is high due to availability high power laser sources what can support the tendency of speed increase of paper making machines. Laser cutting system would require special roll to maintain cutting. The scheme of such roll was proposed as well as roll integration into paper making machine. Laser cutting can be done in location of central roll in press section, before so-called open draw where many web breaks occur, where it has potential to improve runability of a paper making machine. Economic performance of laser cutting was done as comparison of laser cutting system and water jet cutting working in the same conditions. It was revealed that laser cutting would still be about two times more expensive compared to water jet cutting. This is mainly due to high investment cost of laser equipment and poor energy efficiency of CO2 lasers. Another factor is that laser cutting causes material loss due to evaporation whereas water jet cutting almost does not cause material loss. Despite difficulties of laser cutting implementation in paper making machine, its implementation can be beneficial. The crucial role in that is possibility to improve cut edge strength properties and consequently reduce number of web breaks. Capacity of laser cutting to maintain cutting speeds which exceed current speeds of paper making machines what is another argument to consider laser cutting technology in design of new high speed paper making machines.


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Calcium bioavailability of raw and extruded amaranth grains was assessed in a biological assay in rats. Rats were fed for 28 days on diets in which raw or extruded amaranth was the only calcium source, compared to a control diet with calcium carbonate. Calcium and phosphorous levels were determined in the rats' serum during the experimental period and in the bones at the end of the experiment. Amaranth extrusion increased its calcium bioavailability, assessed by tibia and femur weights and calcium and phosphorous content of the bones. Apparent calcium absorption index, the force needed to break the bones and bone densitometry of both extruded and raw amaranth were the same, though different from the control group. The results show that amaranth can be a complementary source of dietary calcium the bioavailability of which is favorably modified by the extrusion process.


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The objective of this study was to obtain babassu coconut milk powder microencapsulated by spray drying process using gum Arabic as wall material. Coconut milk was extracted by babassu peeling, grinding (with two parts of water), and vacuum filtration. The milk was pasteurized at 85 ºC for 15 minutes and homogenized to break up the fat globules, rendering the milk a uniform consistency. A central composite rotatable design with a range of independent variables was used: inlet air temperature in the dryer (170-220 ºC) and gum Arabic concentration (10-20%, w/w) on the responses: moisture content (0.52-2.39%), hygroscopicity (6.98-9.86 g adsorbed water/100g solids), water activity (0.14-0.58), lipid oxidation (0.012-0.064 meq peroxide/kg oil), and process yield (20.33-30.19%). All variables influenced significantly the responses evaluated. Microencapsulation was optimized for maximum process yield and minimal lipid oxidation. The coconut milk powder obtained at optimum conditions was characterized in terms of morphology, particle size distribution, bulk and absolute density, porosity, and wettability.


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The current thesis manuscript studies the suitability of a recent data assimilation method, the Variational Ensemble Kalman Filter (VEnKF), to real-life fluid dynamic problems in hydrology. VEnKF combines a variational formulation of the data assimilation problem based on minimizing an energy functional with an Ensemble Kalman filter approximation to the Hessian matrix that also serves as an approximation to the inverse of the error covariance matrix. One of the significant features of VEnKF is the very frequent re-sampling of the ensemble: resampling is done at every observation step. This unusual feature is further exacerbated by observation interpolation that is seen beneficial for numerical stability. In this case the ensemble is resampled every time step of the numerical model. VEnKF is implemented in several configurations to data from a real laboratory-scale dam break problem modelled with the shallow water equations. It is also tried in a two-layer Quasi- Geostrophic atmospheric flow problem. In both cases VEnKF proves to be an efficient and accurate data assimilation method that renders the analysis more realistic than the numerical model alone. It also proves to be robust against filter instability by its adaptive nature.


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Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.