869 resultados para propositio in re
Corticoteroid-induced glaucoma can result from either topical or systemic corticosteroid use. Compared with adults, the corticosteroid response in children is less well known. The case is reported of a child who developed glaucoma after receiving topical corticosteroids following a scleral re-inforcement procedure. The raised intraocular pressure was controlled after cessation of the corticosteroids and with the use of antiglaucoma therapy. As many forms of cortico-steroids are widely used, children on corticosteroids should have regular intraocular pressure measurements as part of their management.
Management are keen to maximize the life span of an information system because of the high cost, organizational disruption, and risk of failure associated with the re-development or replacement of an information system. This research investigates the effects that various factors have on an information system's life span by understanding how the factors affect an information system's stability. The research builds on a previously developed two-stage model of information system change whereby an information system is either in a stable state of evolution in which the information system's functionality is evolving, or in a state of revolution, in which the information system is being replaced because it is not providing the functionality expected by its users. A case study surveyed a number of systems within one organization. The aim was to test whether a relationship existed between the base value of the volatility index (a measure of the stability of an information system) and certain system characteristics. Data relating to some 3000 user change requests covering 40 systems over a 10-year period were obtained. The following factors were hypothesized to have significant associations with the base value of the volatility index: language level (generation of language of construction), system size, system age, and the timing of changes applied to a system. Significant associations were found in the hypothesized directions except that the timing of user changes was not associated with any change in the value of the volatility index. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Objective: To examine the knowledge and beliefs of doctors and nurses in inpatient psychiatric units about pro re nata (PRN) (as needed) medications for psychotic disorders. Methods: Medical (n = 44) and nursing (n = 80) staff in two metropolitan public hospital units completed a structured questionnaire about their use of PRN psychotropic medications on one occasion during the four months from March-June 1999. Results: Nurses selected more indications for PRN antipsychotics than doctors (3.49 vs 2.72, p < 0.05), whereas doctors selected more indications for PRN benzodiazepines (3.77 vs 3.19, p < 0.05). The groups did not differ in the number of selected indications for using anticholinergics. For agitation, the majority of nurses viewed both benzodiazepines (56%) and antipsychotics (86%) as effective, with 60% preferring an antipsychotic. For the acute control of psychotic symptoms, 99% of nurses believed antipsychotics were effective and 58% benzodiazepines, with 87% preferring an antipsychotic. A large majority of doctors viewed both PRN benzodiazepines, 94% ,and antipsychotics, 81%, as effective for agitation, and 55% preferred to use a benzodiazepine. For psychotic symptoms, 80% believed PRN antipsychotics were effective, but only 32% viewed benzodiazepines as effective, and 64% preferred to use an antipsychotic. Nursing staff identified more non-pharmacological techniques for managing both agitation and psychotic symptoms and reported using these more often than doctors. Junior staff, both nursing and medical, had less knowledge of non-pharmacological alternatives to PRN medication than senior staff. Conclusions: Disparities existed between doctors and nurses views on the indications for PRN medication in the acute management of psychoses, thus it is important for doctors to specify indications when writing PRN prescriptions. Despite evidence for the safety and effectiveness of benzodiazepines, there was widespread reluctance to use them as PRN medication in acute psychoses. Beliefs of some staff about PRN medications were at odds with the known properties of these medicines. Educational interventions for both nurses and doctors are required to achieve best practice in PRN medication.
The case of Re McBain; ex parte Australian Catholic Bishops Conference sought to make an order under s 76 of the Constitution that the decision of the Federal Court was incorrect in law - decision was made on the basis of constitutional and procedural issues - High Court consolidated the definition of 'matter' in sections 75 and 76 of the Constitution - writ of certiorari considered - role of the Attorney-General in proceedings in which he had granted a fiat - case reiterated the role of the judiciary in Australia.
This paper tests the explanatory capacities of different versions of new institutionalism by examining the Australian case of a general transition in central banking practice and monetary politics: namely, the increased emphasis on low inflation and central bank independence. Standard versions of rational choice institutionalism largely dominate the literature on the politics of central banking, but this approach (here termed RC1) fails to account for Australian empirics. RC1 has a tendency to establish actor preferences exogenously to the analysis; actors' motives are also assumed a priori; actor's preferences are depicted in relatively static, ahistorical terms. And there is the tendency, even a methodological requirement, to assume relatively simple motives and preference sets among actors, in part because of the game theoretic nature of RC1 reasoning. It is possible to build a more accurate rational choice model by re-specifying and essentially updating the context, incentives and choice sets that have driven rational choice in this case. Enter RC2. However, this move subtly introduces methodological shifts and new theoretical challenges. By contrast, historical institutionalism uses an inductive methodology. Compared with deduction, it is arguably better able to deal with complexity and nuance. It also utilises a dynamic, historical approach, and specifies (dynamically) endogenous preference formation by interpretive actors. Historical institutionalism is also able to more easily incorporate a wider set of key explanatory variables and incorporate wider social aggregates. Hence, it is argued that historical institutionalism is the preferred explanatory theory and methodology in this case.
A recent malaria epidemic in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java has increased concern about the re-emergence of endemic malaria on Java, which threatens the island's 120 million residents. A 28-day, in-vivo test of the efficacy of treatment of malaria with antimalarial drugs was conducted among 16 7 villagers in the Menoreh Hills. The treatments investigated, chloroquine (CQ) and sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP), constitute, respectively, the first- and second-line treatments for uncomplicated malaria in Indonesia. The prevalence of malaria among 1389 residents screened prior to enrollment was 33%. Treatment outcomes were assessed by microscopical diagnoses, PCR-based confirmation of the diagnoses, measurement of the whole-blood concentrations of CQ and desethylchloroquine (DCQ), and identification of the Plasmodium falciparum genotypes. The 28-day cumulative incidences of therapeutic failure for CQ and SP were, respectively, 47% (N = 36) and 22% (N = 50) in the treatment of P. falciparum, and 18% (N = 77) and 67% (N = 6) in the treatment of P. vivax. Chloroquine was thus an ineffective therapy for P. falciparum malaria, and the presence of CQ-resistant P. vivax and SP-resistant P. falciparum will further compromise efforts to control resurgent malaria on Java.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of unsupervised, long-term use of a 0.3% triclosan/2% copolymer dentifrice on the progression of periodontal disease in a general adult population. Methods: Five hundred and four volunteers were enrolled in a double-blind, controlled clinical trial. Participants were matched for disease status, plaque index, age and gender. At the baseline examination, probing pocket depths and relative attachment levels were recorded and participants were assigned to either the test or control group. Re-examinations took place after 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. Subgingival plaque samples were collected at each examination and assayed for Porphyromonas gingivalis , Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella intermedia . A generalised linear model was used to analyse the data, with a number of covariates thought to influence the responses included as the possible confounding effects. Results: The triclosan/copolymer dentifrice had a significant effect in subjects with interproximal probing depths greater than or equal to3.5 mm, where it significantly reduced the number of sites with probing depths greater than or equal to3.5 mm at the following examination, when compared with the control group (p
The extent to which density-dependent processes regulate natural populations is the subject of an ongoing debate. We contribute evidence to this debate showing that density-dependent processes influence the population dynamics of the ectoparasite Aponomma hydrosauri (Acari: Ixodidae), a tick species that infests reptiles in Australia. The first piece of evidence comes from an unusually long-term dataset on the distribution of ticks among individual hosts. If density-dependent processes are influencing either host mortality or vital rates of the parasite population, and those distributions can be approximated with negative binomial distributions, then general host-parasite models predict that the aggregation coefficient of the parasite distribution will increase with the average intensity of infections. We fit negative binomial distributions to the frequency distributions of ticks on hosts, and find that the estimated aggregation coefficient k increases with increasing average tick density. This pattern indirectly implies that one or more vital rates of the tick population must be changing with increasing tick density, because mortality rates of the tick's main host, the sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, are unaffected by changes in tick burdens. Our second piece of evidence is a re-analysis of experimental data on the attachment success of individual ticks to lizard hosts using generalized linear modelling. The probability of successful engorgement decreases with increasing numbers of ticks attached to a host. This is direct evidence of a density-dependent process that could lead to an increase in the aggregation coefficient of tick distributions described earlier. The population-scale increase in the aggregation coefficient is indirect evidence of a density-dependent process or processes sufficiently strong to produce a population-wide pattern, and thus also likely to influence population regulation. The direct observation of a density-dependent process is evidence of at least part of the responsible mechanism.
This investigation re-examines theoretical aspects of the allowance for effects of thermodynamic non-ideality on the characterization of protein self-association by frontal exclusion chromatography, and thereby provides methods of analysis with greater thermodynamic rigor than those used previously. Their application is illustrated by reappraisal of published exclusion chromatography data for hemoglobin on the controlled-pore-glass matrix CPG-120. The equilibrium constant of 100/M that is obtained for dimerization of the (02 species by this means is also deduced from re-examination of published studies of concentrated hemoglobin solutions by osmotic pressure and sedimentation equilibrium methods. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An opecoelid, Bartoliella pritchardae n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Epinephelides armatus from Western Australia. The new genus has been assigned to the subfamily Opecoelininae Gibson & Bray, 1984, bringing the number of genera in the subfamily to two. Although the new genus is similar to Opecoelina Manter, 1934 morphologically, the pedunculate ventral sucker and complete absence of a cirrus-sac necessitate the erection of a new genus. A formal re-definition of the subfamily is given, based on the diagnoses of the genera Opecoelina and Bartoliella n. g.
The polyphase evolution of the Serido Belt (NE-Brazil) includes D, crust formation at 2.3-2.1 Ga, D-2 thrust tectonics at 1.9 Ga and crustal reworking by D-3 strike-slip shear zones at 600 Ma. Microstructural investigations within mylonites associated with D-2 and D-3 events were used to constrain the tectono-thermal evolution of the belt. D-2 shear zones commenced at deeper crustal levels and high amphibolite facies conditions (600-650 degreesC) through grain boundary migration, subgrain rotation and operation of quartz Q-prism slip. Continued shearing and exhumation of the terrain forced the re-equilibration of high-T fabrics and the switching of slip systems from (c)-prism to positive and negative (a)-rhombs. During D-3, enhancement of ductility by dissipation of heat that came from syn-D-3 granites developed wide belts of amphibolite facies mylonites. Continued shearing, uplift and cooling of the region induced D-3 shear zones to act in ductile-brittle regimes, marked by fracturing and development of thinner belts of greenschist facies mylonites. During this event, switching from (a)-prism to a basal slip indicates a thermal path from 600 to 350 degreesC. Therefore, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics in polydeformed rocks from the Serido Belt preserve the record of two major events, which includes contrasting deformation mechanisms and thermal paths. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar de que forma o debate epistemológico da Educação Física, constituído, principalmente, a partir da década de 1980, se materializa em um currículo prescrito de formação de professores, bem como compreender as interpretações e reinterpretações que o currículo faz desse debate ao longo do tempo. O currículo prescrito analisado compreende o Projeto Pedagógico de Licenciatura, Graduação Plena em Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Como procedimento metodológico, foi utilizada a análise documental do projeto pedagógico em questão e de documentos que auxiliaram a sua elaboração, além de entrevistas com alguns dos professores que participaram da organização do currículo na tentativa de também compreender o contexto que envolveu a sua elaboração. Perante as polaridades presentes no debate epistemológico da área, a elaboração de um documento curricular, que envolve a participação de professores com diferentes interpretações desse debate, acaba por gerar tensões e conflitos que, por sua vez, podem se materializar no currículo. Diante do entendimento do currículo como um documento que expressa um campo de lutas e de poder, resta-nos, então, a dúvida de um currículo de formação de professores em Educação Física que expresse uma única identidade epistemológica, já que as polaridades e divergências da área, não só epistemológicas, mas também políticas se fazem presentes no momento de elaboração desse documento.
The rise of large developing countries has led to considerable discussions of re-balancing global relations and giving greater priority to understanding South-South relations. This paper, in exploring the central ideas of Chinese and Brazilian foreign policy and the behavior of these two rising Southern countries toward Sub-Saharan Africa, argues that the English School of International Relations is well suited to understanding the intentions and actions that characterize South-South relations.
This paper brings a comprehensive analysis of the peacebuilding process conducted by the UN in Timor-Leste. Drawing on fieldwork, interviews, and secondary sources, the paper brings light to the main fragilities of this process. Firstly, the paper briefly outlines the scholarly debate around UN peacebuilding process. Then, the paper brings an overview of the UN missions deployed to Timor-Leste. Finally, the paper identifies the major limitations of such engagement. By highlighting the main flaws of this peacebuilding process, the paper opens the space for (re)thinking alternative ways of building peace in post-conflict scenarios.
Exposure to a novel environment triggers the response of several brain areas that regulate emotional behaviors. Here, we studied theta oscillations within the hippocampus (HPC)-amygdala (AMY)-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) network in exploration of a novel environment and subsequent familiarization through repeated exposures to that same environment; in addition, we assessed how concomitant stress exposure could disrupt this activity and impair both behavioral processes. Local field potentials were simultaneously recorded from dorsal and ventral hippocampus (dHPC and vHPC respectively), basolateral amygdala (BLA) and mPFC in freely behaving rats while they were exposed to a novel environment, then repeatedly re-exposed over the course of 3 weeks to that same environment and, finally, on re-exposure to a novel unfamiliar environment. A longitudinal analysis of theta activity within this circuit revealed a reduction of vHPC and BLA theta power and vHPC-BLA theta coherence through familiarization which was correlated with a return to normal exploratory behavior in control rats. In contrast, a persistent over-activation of the same brain regions was observed in stressed rats that displayed impairments in novel exploration and familiarization processes. Importantly, we show that stress also affected intra-hippocampal synchrony and heightened the coherence between vHPC and BLA. In summary, we demonstrate that modulatory theta activity in the aforementioned circuit, namely in the vHPC and BLA, is correlated with the expression of anxiety in novelty-induced exploration and familiarization in both normal and pathological conditions.