960 resultados para projection package


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The implicit projection algorithm of isotropic plasticity is extended to an objective anisotropic elastic perfectly plastic model. The recursion formula developed to project the trial stress on the yield surface, is applicable to any non linear elastic law and any plastic yield function.A curvilinear transverse isotropic model based on a quadratic elastic potential and on Hill's quadratic yield criterion is then developed and implemented in a computer program for bone mechanics perspectives. The paper concludes with a numerical study of a schematic bone-prosthesis system to illustrate the potential of the model.


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PECUBE is a three-dimensional thermal-kinematic code capable of solving the heat production-diffusion-advection equation under a temporally varying surface boundary condition. It was initially developed to assess the effects of time-varying surface topography (relief) on low-temperature thermochronological datasets. Thermochronometric ages are predicted by tracking the time-temperature histories of rock-particles ending up at the surface and by combining these with various age-prediction models. In the decade since its inception, the PECUBE code has been under continuous development as its use became wider and addressed different tectonic-geomorphic problems. This paper describes several major recent improvements in the code, including its integration with an inverse-modeling package based on the Neighborhood Algorithm, the incorporation of fault-controlled kinematics, several different ways to address topographic and drainage change through time, the ability to predict subsurface (tunnel or borehole) data, prediction of detrital thermochronology data and a method to compare these with observations, and the coupling with landscape-evolution (or surface-process) models. Each new development is described together with one or several applications, so that the reader and potential user can clearly assess and make use of the capabilities of PECUBE. We end with describing some developments that are currently underway or should take place in the foreseeable future. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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KNOTS are usually categorized in terms of topological properties that are invariant under changes in a knot's spatial configuration(1-4). Here we approach knot identification from a different angle, by considering the properties of particular geometrical forms which we define as 'ideal'. For a knot with a given topology and assembled from a tube of uniform diameter, the ideal form is the geometrical configuration having the highest ratio of volume to surface area. Practically, this is equivalent to determining the shortest piece of tube that can be closed to form the knot. Because the notion of an ideal form is independent of absolute spatial scale, the length-to-diameter ratio of a tube providing an ideal representation is constant, irrespective of the tube's actual dimensions. We report the results of computer simulations which show that these ideal representations of knots have surprisingly simple geometrical properties. In particular, there is a simple linear relationship between the length-to-diameter ratio and the crossing number-the number of intersections in a two-dimensional projection of the knot averaged over all directions. We have also found that the average shape of knotted polymeric chains in thermal equilibrium is closely related to the ideal representation of the corresponding knot type. Our observations provide a link between ideal geometrical objects and the behaviour of seemingly disordered systems, and allow the prediction of properties of knotted polymers such as their electrophoretic mobility(5).


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La finalitat d'aquest projecte és aconseguir construir codis binaris perfectes no lineals de manera eficient. Per a fer-ho, hem desenvolupat un paquet de software per a l'intèrpret MAGMA que conté funcions per a la construcció de codis perfectes, càlcul d'invariants de codis i altres funcions complementàries per a fer càlculs sobre les paraules d'un codi.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball tracta sobre el temps de garantia o de vida útil d’un producte alimentari i està basat en esbrinar quin és el millor mètode o envàs per conservar el pernil cuit llescat durant la seva vida útil, per tal que es mantinguin les propietats organolèptiques i microbiològiques inicials de l’aliment durant el màxim de temps possible. Per comparar envasos he utilitzat els industrials (envàs al buit i envàs en atmosfera) i els envasos que podem trobar quan comprem un producte llescat en el mostrador d’una botiga o supermercat. Per a fer l’estudi doncs s’ha utilitzat el pernil cuit, conegut com a pernil dolç, un dels productes més consumits per la societat actual. El pernil ha estat tractat en tres situacions diferents: llescat en una màquina de carnisseria i envasat en mètodes de conservació domèstics, llescat en màquines industrials i envasat en diferents envasos (al buit i en atmosfera modificada) utilitzats per les grans empreses i llescat en màquines industrials i envasat al buit sotmès a un tractament amb altes pressions. Després d’aquests processos s’ha realitzat un estudi de vida útil, és a dir, s’ha analitzat el producte al laboratori, amb l’objectiu de trobar quin és el millor envàs per a la conservació del pernil cuit.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en la realització d’una anàlisi de diferents reconeixedors de caracters manuscrits, concretament de nombres, per a una possible implantació en la digitalització de formularis en la industria. Al llarg del document s’estudien dos reconeixedors diferents, concretament l’incorporat al paquet "Tablet PC and Recognition Pack" de Microsoft i el Heloise Hse, proporcionat per la Universitat de Berkeley a Califòrnia.


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La virtualitat de la formulació de la llibertat civil com a principi de l'ordenament civil català és, precisament, que permet projectar-la sobre qualsevol àmbit en el qual el poder de decisió resti en poder dels particulars. Així doncs, el legislador parteix del respecte per a l'autonomia privada com a eina d'autoregulació d'interessos. A Catalunya, el principi de llibertat civil en la regulació de les relacions familiars és més extens que en el Codi Civil, d'acord amb la pròpia tradició jurídica, palesada en tots els textos legals. La llibertat civil té una àmplia projecció en l'organització de les institucions de protecció de la persona. El legislador ha optat per un sistema de familiar, amb la justa intervenció judicial de control (p.ex., la designació voluntària d'òrgans de protecció té caràcter vinculant pel jutge). El principi de llibertat civil es veu enormement enfortit en la futura legislació representada avui per l'encara Avantprojecte de Llei del Llibre segon Codi Civil de Catalunya. L'Avantprojecte també vindrà a reforçar la llibertat dels contraents o cònjuges pel que fa a l'autorregulació de les seves relacions patrimonials intensificant la possibilitat de pactes abdicatius o limitatius dels drets derivats d'una futura ruptura i introduint una regulació al respecte amb atenció als límits que la doctrina i la jurisprudència ha vingut imposant a les experiències pràctiques en aquest àmbit. Les unions estables no es poden sostreure a l'aplicació dels mínims legals: la llibertat de ser només “de fet” pràcticament no existeix. Ens trobem davant una qüestió d'ordre públic perquè és una nova modalitat de família a la que s'ha de dispensar la protecció constitucional (art. 39 CE). La llibertat es limita a escollir entre que el vincle o unió sigui matrimonial o no. L'Avantprojecte incrementa la intervenció de l'Estat: la llibertat es redueix al contingut dels pactes reguladors de la convivència i de la seva crisi.


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Selon la tradition orientale, les représentations de Jésus trouveraient toutes leur origine dans les images acheiropoïètes, c'est-à-dire dans des figurations de la "Sainte Face" du Christ non faites de main d'homme, mais survenues par apparition divine -sur le voile de Véronique, le Saint Suaire, le mandylion d'Edesse, etc. Ces images qui, pour des théologiens de l'icône tels que Léonide Ouspensky, ne sont rien moins que "la manifestation du miracle fondamental : la venue du Créateur dans sa création" (in L'Image du Christ non faite de main d'homme, 1989), ont toujours été le ferment d'expérimentations multiples chez les peintres et les sculpteurs.Mais la réflexion artistique s'est cristallisée au moment où ces images sont devenues l'apanage de médiums issus de "l'ère de la reproductibilité technique" chère à Benjamin. En effet, les images "théographes" auraient pour spécificité d'être engendrées et de se multiplier par empreinte immédiate: une toile quelconque n'aurait qu'à être touchée par le visage du Christ pour devenir instantanément le support du divin portrait, et acquérir dès lors le "pouvoir reconnu aux acheiropoïètes de créer des doubles de même valeur, par simple contact" (François Boespflug, Dieu et ses images. Une histoire de l'Eternel dans l'art, 2008). Comment mieux faire écho aux principes mêmes de l'image (ciné)photographique, générée par indicialité et reproductibilité? André Bazin a eu l'intuition de cette parenté dans le cadre de sa théorisation sur le pouvoir "révélateur" de l'image (ciné)photographique qui selon lui procéderait "par sa genèse" de "l'ontologie du modèle" et "serait" le modèle; il a évoqué le Saint Suaire de Turin comme rejouant, voire emblématisant cette même "ontologie de l'image photographique" (dans l'article homonyme de 1945). Si Bazin ne développe pas plus avant ses considérations, la corrélation des dispositifs (ciné)photographique et acheiropoïète a connu un questionnement « en actes », au sein des films cherchant à représenter Jésus.Valentine Robert s'intéresse à ces expérimentations, à commencer par un projet de film d'Abel Gance de 1947, resté inachevé, où le suaire de Turin devait se transformer en écran de cinéma. Plusieurs autres productions seront abordées, telles que Civilization ou The Robe, qui explorent les effets visuels permis par la pellicule pour montrer le Christ en surimpression, dans une sorte d'"apparition technologique", ou telles que The Jesus Film ou The Passion of the Christ, dont la projection a été reçue par certains publics comme une apparition sacrée réactualisant l'Incarnation. Les modalités de la représentation des images acheiropoïètes et plus généralement de l'apparition de Jésus à l'écran seront enfin évoquées - de la tradition hollywoodiennes qui consistait à refuser l'accès de la "Sainte Face" à la pellicule et de la rejeter hors-champ jusqu'aux séquences d'Ecce Homo de Scorsese et Zeffirelli, en passant par la révélation visuelle inaugurant The King of Kings, qui pousse à son paroxysme la collusion entre apparition divine et apparition cinématographique.


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The concomitant immunity in the presence of repeated infections (with 15 cercariae) was studied in mice sacrificed on the 20th day after each infection. The comparison of the averages of immature worms, recovered from mice submitted to reinfection, with those of their respective controls (previously uninfected) showed a significantly lower worm recovery rate in the animals with previous infections (concomitant immunity). However, statiscally significant differences could not be detected among the various groups of animals, when the mice that accumulated worms in this mature stage were perfused. The theoretical projection based on the accumulation of young worms which developed to adult ones indicates a lower recovery rate of adult worms in the animals with concomitant immunity, but this projection was not corroborated by the experimental data. The visceral hemodynamic alterations that occurred in reinfections due to the pathogeny, favouring recirculation of the recent arriving worms to the other organs on the occasion of perfusion of the portal system. These results suggest that special care should be taken when one wants to investigate concomitant immunity in mice based on the distinction of the immature worms from challenge infection and the mature ones from primary infection.


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In this paper we propose a stabilized conforming finite volume element method for the Stokes equations. On stating the convergence of the method, optimal a priori error estimates in different norms are obtained by establishing the adequate connection between the finite volume and stabilized finite element formulations. A superconvergence result is also derived by using a postprocessing projection method. In particular, the stabilization of the continuous lowest equal order pair finite volume element discretization is achieved by enriching the velocity space with local functions that do not necessarily vanish on the element boundaries. Finally, some numerical experiments that confirm the predicted behavior of the method are provided.


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La formación investigadora en las distintas áreas del conocimiento es una desafío, una responsabilidad y una proyección para aquellas sociedades que busquen el desarrollo equilibrado y sostenible para el conjunto de sus ciudadanos. La investigación y la construcción del conociminento en los distintos campos del saber es el motor de cualquier región, o país. La memoria que aquí se expone refleja por un lado el proceso de formación de una investigadora novel en el área educativa, en el marco del programa de doctorado "“Diversidad y Cambio en Educació: Políticas y Prácticas" del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa, de la Universidad de Barcelona. Específicamente el área de investigación es la docencia universitaria y la consturcción de su conocimiento. A través de ella se revelan los distintos engranajes que van conformando el proceso formación. Además, por otro lado se presentan los puntos más relevantes del proyecto y del proceso de investigación, denominado "La Docencia Universitaria: su saber pedagógico desde distintas áreas del conocimiento. Un estudio de casos con docentes de la Universidad de Barcelona.


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This paper presents an analysis of motor vehicle insurance claims relating to vehicle damage and to associated medical expenses. We use univariate severity distributions estimated with parametric and non-parametric methods. The methods are implemented using the statistical package R. Parametric analysis is limited to estimation of normal and lognormal distributions for each of the two claim types. The nonparametric analysis presented involves kernel density estimation. We illustrate the benefits of applying transformations to data prior to employing kernel based methods. We use a log-transformation and an optimal transformation amongst a class of transformations that produces symmetry in the data. The central aim of this paper is to provide educators with material that can be used in the classroom to teach statistical estimation methods, goodness of fit analysis and importantly statistical computing in the context of insurance and risk management. To this end, we have included in the Appendix of this paper all the R code that has been used in the analysis so that readers, both students and educators, can fully explore the techniques described


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Triatoma jurbergi n. sp. is described based on nine specimens of both sexes deposited in the Rodolfo Carcavallo Collection in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Entomological Collection. The new species can be separated from the closely related Triatoma guazu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 by several characters. The most important are longer anteocular region; thin and pointed juga; the shape of the eyes without concavity in the posterior edge; much longer second rostral segment, passing the posterior edge of eye; the absence of a ventral longitudinal depression on the abdomen; the general color redish, brown and orange and the male genitalia, mainly in the vesica lightly chitinized and smaller, the phallosome with apical projection and the pointed apex of the endosome process.


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by β cell dysfunction and loss. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the T-cell factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene, associated with T2D by genome-wide association studies, lead to impaired β cell function. While deletion of the homologous murine Tcf7l2 gene throughout the developing pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance, deletion in the β cell in adult mice reportedly has more modest effects. To inactivate Tcf7l2 highly selectively in β cells from the earliest expression of the Ins1 gene (∼E11.5) we have therefore used a Cre recombinase introduced at the Ins1 locus. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice display impaired oral and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance by 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, and defective responses to the GLP-1 analogue liraglutide at 8 weeks. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre islets displayed defective glucose- and GLP-1-stimulated insulin secretion and the expression of both the Ins2 (∼20%) and Glp1r (∼40%) genes were significantly reduced. Glucose- and GLP-1-induced intracellular free Ca(2+) increases, and connectivity between individual β cells, were both lowered by Tcf7l2 deletion in islets from mice maintained on a high (60%) fat diet. Finally, analysis by optical projection tomography revealed ∼30% decrease in β cell mass in pancreata from Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice. These data demonstrate that Tcf7l2 plays a cell autonomous role in the control of β cell function and mass, serving as an important regulator of gene expression and islet cell coordination. The possible relevance of these findings for the action of TCF7L2 polymorphisms associated with Type 2 diabetes in man is discussed.


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The aim of this exploratory study was to assess the impact of clinicians' defense mechanisms-defined as self-protective psychological mechanisms triggered by the affective load of the encounter with the patient-on adherence to a communication skills training (CST). The population consisted of oncology clinicians (N = 31) who participated in a CST. An interview with simulated cancer patients was recorded prior and 6 months after CST. Defenses were measured before and after CST and correlated with a prototype of an ideally conducted interview based on the criteria of CST-teachers. Clinicians who used more adaptive defense mechanisms showed better adherence to communication skills after CST than clinicians with less adaptive defenses (F(1, 29) = 5.26, p = 0.03, d = 0.42). Improvement in communication skills after CST seems to depend on the initial levels of defenses of the clinician prior to CST. Implications for practice and training are discussed. Communication has been recognized as a central element of cancer care [1]. Ineffective communication may contribute to patients' confusion, uncertainty, and increased difficulty in asking questions, expressing feelings, and understanding information [2, 3], and may also contribute to clinicians' lack of job satisfaction and emotional burnout [4]. Therefore, communication skills trainings (CST) for oncology clinicians have been widely developed over the last decade. These trainings should increase the skills of clinicians to respond to the patient's needs, and enhance an adequate encounter with the patient with efficient exchange of information [5]. While CSTs show a great diversity with regard to their pedagogic approaches [6, 7], the main elements of CST consist of (1) role play between participants, (2) analysis of videotaped interviews with simulated patients, and (3) interactive case discussion provided by participants. As recently stated in a consensus paper [8], CSTs need to be taught in small groups (up to 10-12 participants) and have a minimal duration of at least 3 days in order to be effective. Several systematic reviews evaluated the impact of CST on clinicians' communication skills [9-11]. Effectiveness of CST can be assessed by two main approaches: participant-based and patient-based outcomes. Measures can be self-reported, but, according to Gysels et al. [10], behavioral assessment of patient-physician interviews [12] is the most objective and reliable method for measuring change after training. Based on 22 studies on participants' outcomes, Merckaert et al. [9] reported an increase of communication skills and participants' satisfaction with training and changes in attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation of CST remains a challenging task and variables mediating skills improvement remain unidentified. We recently thus conducted a study evaluating the impact of CST on clinicians' defenses by comparing the evolution of defenses of clinicians participating in CST with defenses of a control group without training [13]. Defenses are unconscious psychological processes which protect from anxiety or distress. Therefore, they contribute to the individual's adaptation to stress [14]. Perry refers to the term "defensive functioning" to indicate the degree of adaptation linked to the use of a range of specific defenses by an individual, ranging from low defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally less adaptive defenses (such as projection, denial, or acting out) to high defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally more adaptive defenses (such as altruism, intellectualization, or introspection) [15, 16]. Although several authors have addressed the emotional difficulties of oncology clinicians when facing patients and their need to preserve themselves [7, 17, 18], no research has yet been conducted on the defenses of clinicians. For example, repeated use of less adaptive defenses, such as denial, may allow the clinician to avoid or reduce distress, but it also diminishes his ability to respond to the patient's emotions, to identify and to respond adequately to his needs, and to foster the therapeutic alliance. Results of the above-mentioned study [13] showed two groups of clinicians: one with a higher defensive functioning and one with a lower defensive functioning prior to CST. After the training, a difference in defensive functioning between clinicians who participated in CST and clinicians of the control group was only showed for clinicians with a higher defensive functioning. Some clinicians may therefore be more responsive to CST than others. To further address this issue, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the level of adherence to an "ideally conducted interview", as defined by the teachers of the CST, and the level of the clinician' defensive functioning. We hypothesized that, after CST, clinicians with a higher defensive functioning show a greater adherence to the "ideally conducted interview" than clinicians with a lower defensive functioning.