959 resultados para pressure pulsation
The pressure behavior of proteins may be summarized as a the pressure-induced disordering of their structures. This thermodynamic parameter has effects on proteins that are similar but not identical to those induced by temperature, the other thermodynamic parameter. Of particular importance are the intermolecular interactions that follow partial protein unfolding and that give rise to the formation of fibrils. Because some proteins do not form fibrils under pressure, these observations can be related to the shape of the stability diagram. Weak interactions which are differently affected by hydrostatic pressure or temperature play a determinant role in protein stability. Pressure acts on the 2º, 3º and 4º structures of proteins which are maintained by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions and by hydrogen bonds. We present some typical examples of how pressure affects the tertiary structure of proteins (the case of prion proteins), induces unfolding (ataxin), is a convenient tool to study enzyme dissociation (enolase), and provides arguments to understand the role of the partial volume of an enzyme (butyrylcholinesterase). This approach may have important implications for the understanding of the basic mechanism of protein diseases and for the development of preventive and therapeutic measures.
COSY proton nuclear magnetic resonance was used to measure the exchange rates of amide protons of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) in the pressure-assisted cold-denatured state and in the heat-denatured state. After dissolving lysozyme in deuterium oxide buffer, labile protons exchange for deuterons in such a way that exposed protons are substituted rapidly, whereas "protected" protons within structured parts of the protein are substituted slowly. The exchange rates k obs were determined for HEWL under heat treatment (80ºC) and under high pressure conditions at low temperature (3.75 kbar, -13ºC). Moreover, the influence of co-solvents (sorbitol, urea) on the exchange rate was examined under pressure-assisted cold denaturation conditions, and the corresponding protection factors, P, were determined. The exchange kinetics upon heat treatment was found to be a two-step process with initial slow exchange followed by a fast one, showing residual protection in the slow-exchange state and P-factors in the random-coil-like range for the final temperature-denatured state. Addition of sorbitol (500 mM) led to an increase of P-factors for the pressure-assisted cold denatured state, but not for the heat-denatured state. The presence of 2 M urea resulted in a drastic decrease of the P-factors of the pressure-assisted cold denatured state. For both types of co-solvents, the effect they exert appears to be cooperative, i.e., no particular regions within the protein can be identified with significantly diverse changes of P-factors.
The main hypothesis for prion diseases proposes that the cellular protein (PrP C) can be altered into a misfolded, ß-sheet-rich isoform, the PrP Sc (from scrapie). The formation of this abnormal isoform then triggers the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Here, we discuss the use of high pressure as a tool to investigate this structural transition and to populate possible intermediates in the folding/unfolding pathway of the prion protein. The latest findings on the application of high pressure to the cellular prion protein and to the scrapie PrP forms will be summarized in this review, which focuses on the energetic and volumetric properties of prion folding and conversion.
Many cellular proteins are bound to the surfaces of membranes and participate in various cell signaling responses. Interactions between this group of proteins are in part controlled by the membrane surface to which the proteins are bound. This review focuses on the effects of pressure on membrane-associated proteins. Initially, the effect of pressure on membrane surfaces and how pressure may perturb the membrane binding of proteins is discussed. Next, the effect of pressure on the activity and lateral association of proteins is considered. We then discuss how pressure can be used to gain insight into these types of proteins.
Pressure-induced dissociation of a turbid solution of casein micelles was studied in situ in static and dynamic light scattering experiments. We show that at high pressure casein micelles decompose into small fragments comparable in size to casein monomers. At intermediate pressure we observe particles measuring 15 to 20 nm in diameter. The stability against pressure dissociation increased with temperature, suggesting enhanced hydrophobic contacts. The pressure transition curves are biphasic, compatible with a temperature (but not pressure)-dependent conformational equilibrium of two micelle species. Our thermodynamic model predicts an increase in structural entropy with temperature.
In the last few years, hydrostatic pressure has been extensively used in the study of both protein folding and misfolding/aggregation. Compared to other chemical or physical denaturing agents, a unique feature of pressure is its ability to induce subtle changes in protein conformation, which allow the stabilization of partially folded intermediate states that are usually not significantly populated under more drastic conditions (e.g., in the presence of chemical denaturants or at high temperatures). Much of the recent research in the field of protein folding has focused on the characterization of folding intermediates since these species appear to be involved in a variety of disease-causing protein misfolding and aggregation events. The exact mechanisms of these biologicalphenomena, however, are still poorly understood. Here, we review recent examples of the use of hydrostatic pressure as a tool to obtain insight into the forces and energetics governing the productive folding or the misfolding and aggregation of proteins.
Crude brain homogenates of terminally diseased hamsters infected with the 263 K strain of scrapie (PrP Sc) were heated and/or pressurized at 800 MPa at 60ºC for different times (a few seconds or 5, 30, 120 min) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) of different pH and concentration. Prion proteins were analyzed on immunoblots for their proteinase K (PK) resistance, and in hamster bioassays for their infectivity. Samples pressurized under initially neutral conditions and containing native PrP Sc were negative on immunoblots after PK treatment, and a 6-7 log reduction of infectious units per gram was found when the samples were pressurized in PBS of pH 7.4 for 2 h. A pressure-induced change in the protein conformation of native PrP Sc may lead to less PK resistant and less infectious prions. However, opposite results were obtained after pressurizing native infectious prions at slightly acidic pH and in PBS of higher concentration. In this case an extensive fraction of native PrP Sc remained PK resistant after pressure treatment, indicating a protective effect possibly due to induced aggregation of prion proteins in such buffers.
Pressure-driven and temperature-driven transitions of two thermoresponsive polymers, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) and poly(N-vinylisobutyramide) (pNVIBA)), in both a soluble linear polymer form and a cross-linked hydro-gel form, were examined by a dynamic light-scattering method and direct microscopic observation, respectively. Their behavior was compared with that of protein systems. Changes in some characteristic parameters in the time-intensity correlation functions of dynamic light-scattering measurement of aqueous solutions of pNIPAM at various pressures and temperatures showed no essential differences during temperature and pressure scanning and, as a whole, the motions of polymers in aqueous solutions were similar in two types of transitions until chain shrinkage occurred. The gels (cross-linked polymer gels) prepared from the thermoresponsive polymers also showed similar volume transitions responding to the pressure and temperature increase. In temperature transitions, however, gels showed drastic volume shrinkage with loss of transparency, while pressure-induced transition showed a slow recovery of transparency while keeping the size, after first transient drastic volume shrinkage with loss of transparency. At a temperature slightly higher than the transition under atmospheric temperature, so-called reentry of the volume change and recovery of the transparency were observed during the pressure-increasing process, which implies much smaller aggregation or non-aggregated collapsed polymer chains in the gel at higher pressures, indicating a certain mechanistic difference of the dehydration processes induced by temperature and pressure.
The brewing and baking yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used as a model for stress response studies of eukaryotic cells. In this review we focus on the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on S. cerevisiae. HHP exerts a broad effect on yeast cells characteristic of common stresses, mainly associated with protein alteration and lipid bilayer phase transition. Like most stresses, pressure induces cell cycle arrest. Below 50 MPa (500 atm) yeast cell morphology is unaffected whereas above 220 MPa wild-type cells are killed. S. cerevisiae cells can acquire barotolerance if they are pretreated with a sublethal stress due to temperature, ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, or pressure. Nevertheless, pressure only leads to protection against severe stress if, after pressure pretreatment, the cells are also re-incubated at room pressure. We attribute this effect to the inhibition of the protein synthesis apparatus under HHP. The global genome expression analysis of S. cerevisiae cells submitted to HHP revealed a stress response profile. The majority of the up-regulated genes are involved in stress defense and carbohydrate metabolism while most repressed genes belong to the cell cycle progression and protein synthesis categories. However, the signaling pathway involved in the pressure response is still to be elucidated. Nitric oxide, a signaling molecule involved in the regulation of a large number of cellular functions, confers baroprotection. Furthermore, S. cerevisiae cells in the early exponential phase submitted to 50-MPa pressure show induction of the expression level of the nitric oxide synthase inducible isoform. As pressure becomes an important biotechnological tool, studies concerning this kind of stress in microorganisms are imperative.
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis is a Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium used in food biotechnology. It is necessary to investigate many aspects of a model organism to elucidate mechanisms of stress response, to facilitate preparation, application and performance in food fermentation, to understand mechanisms of inactivation, and to identify novel tools for high pressure biotechnology. To investigate the mechanisms of the complex bacterial response to high pressure we have analyzed changes in the proteome and transcriptome by 2-D electrophoresis, and by microarrays and real time PCR, respectively. More than 16 proteins were found to be differentially expressed upon high pressure stress and were compared to those sensitive to other stresses. Except for one apparently high pressure-specific stress protein, no pressure-specific stress proteins were found, and the proteome response to pressure was found to differ from that induced by other stresses. Selected pressure-sensitive proteins were partially sequenced and their genes were identified by reverse genetics. In a transcriptome analysis of a redundancy cleared shot gun library, about 7% of the genes investigated were found to be affected. Most of them appeared to be up-regulated 2- to 4-fold and these results were confirmed by real time PCR. Gene induction was shown for some genes up-regulated at the proteome level (clpL/groEL/rbsK), while the response of others to high hydrostatic pressure at the transcriptome level seemed to differ from that observed at the proteome level. The up-regulation of selected genes supports the view that the cell tries to compensate for pressure-induced impairment of translation and membrane transport.
Escherichia coli, as a model microorganism, was treated in phosphate-buffered saline under high hydrostatic pressure between 100 and 300 MPa, and the inactivation dynamics was investigated from the viewpoint of predictive microbiology. Inactivation data were curve fitted by typical predictive models: logistic, Gompertz and Weibull functions. Weibull function described the inactivation curve the best. Two parameters of Weibull function were calculated for each holding pressure and their dependence on holding pressure was obtained by interpolation. With the interpolated parameters, inactivation curves were simulated and compared with the experimental data sets.
We studied the action of high pressure processing on the inactivation of two foodborne pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076, suspended in a culture medium and inoculated into caviar samples. The baroresistance of the two pathogens in a tryptic soy broth suspension at a concentration of 10(8)-10(9) colony-forming units/ml was tested for continuous and cycled pressurization in the 150- to 550-MPa range and for 15-min treatments at room temperature. The increase of cycle number permitted the reduction of the pressure level able to totally inactivate both microorganisms in the tryptic soy broth suspension, whereas the effect of different procedure times on complete inactivation of the microorganisms inoculated into caviar was similar.
The aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of DNA microarray technology in an attempt to construct an evaluation system for determining gas toxicity using high-pressure conditions, as it is well known that pressure increases the concentration of a gas. As a first step, we used yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as the indicator organism and analyzed the mRNA expression profiles after exposure of yeast cells to nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas was selected as a negative control since this gas has low toxicity. Yeast DNA microarray analysis revealed induction of genes whose products were localized to the membranes, and of genes that are involved in or contribute to energy production. Furthermore, we found that nitrogen gas significantly affected the transport system in the cells. Interestingly, nitrogen gas also resulted in induction of cold-shock responsive genes. These results suggest the possibility of applying yeast DNA microarray to gas bioassays up to 40 MPa. We therefore think that "bioassays" are ideal for use in environmental control and protection studies.
The pressure sensitivities of the near infrared spectra of the light-harvesting (LH2) complex and a mutant complex with a simplified BChl-B850 binding pocket were compared. In the mutant an abrupt change in the spectral properties occurred at 250 MPa, which was not observed with the native sample. Increased disorder due to collapse of the chromophore pocket is suggested.
Little is known about the barrier properties of polymer films during high pressure processing of prepackaged foods. In order to learn more about this, we examined the influence of high hydrostatic pressure on the permeation of raspberry ketone (dissolved in ethanol/water) through polyamide-6 films at temperatures between 20 and 60ºC. Permeation was lowered by increasing pressure at all temperatures. At 23°C, the increasing pressure sequence 0.1, 50, 100, 150, and 200 MPa correlated with the decreasing permeation coefficients P/(10(9) cm² s-1) of 6.2, 3.8, 3.0, 2.2, and 1.6. Analysis of the permeation kinetics indicated that this effect was due to a reduced diffusion coefficient. Pressure and temperature acted antagonistically to each other. The decrease in permeation at 200 MPa was compensated for by a temperature increase of 20ºC. After release of pressure, the former permeation coefficients were recovered, which suggests that this `pressure effect' is reversible. Taken together, our data revealed no detrimental effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the barrier properties of polymer films.