982 resultados para planetary rover


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Roche tomography is a technique used for imaging the Roche-lobe-filling secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs). In order to interpret Roche tomograms correctly, one must determine whether features in the reconstruction are real, or the result of statistical or systematic errors. We explore the effects of systematic errors using reconstructions of simulated data sets, and show that systematic errors result in characteristic distortions of the final reconstructions that can be identified and corrected. In addition, we present a new method of estimating statistical errors on tomographic reconstructions using a Monte Carlo bootstrapping algorithm, and show this method to be much more reliable than Monte Carlo methods which 'jiggle' the data points in accordance with the size of their error bars.


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The mid-fourteenth century map of Britain known as the ‘Gough’ map is the earliest extant depiction of the island in geographically recognizable form. Hitherto, however, interest in the road or route patterns marked on the map has meant that the map's extraordinarily rich settlement geography has not received the attention it merits and that, consequently, the point of the map may have been missed. The availability of a digital scan of the map coupled with the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) software provides the opportunity for a new look at the Gough map and the questions it poses. Attention in this article is directed to the settlement geography it shows, and in particular to the map's 654 cities, towns, villages, castles and monasteries. Their geographical positions as given on the manuscript are compared with their modern equivalents to shed light on some of the basic questions—the map's place of origin, the purpose or purposes for which it was made and the circumstances of its production—that have posed such a challenge for scholars. Our preliminary conclusion is that the key to understanding the original primary role of the Gough map lies in its accurate but selective depiction of the settlement geography of fourteenth-century Britain.


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The reconstruction and structure of the European Holocene “wildwood” has been the focus of considerable academic debate. The ability of palaeoecological data and particularly pollen analysis to accurately reflect the density of wildwood canopy has also been widely discussed. Fossil insects, as a proxy for vegetation and landscape structure, provide a potential approach to address this argument. Here, we present a review and re-analysis of 36 early and mid-Holocene (9500-2000 cal BC) sub-fossil beetle assemblages from Britain, examining percentage values of tree, open ground and dung beetles as well as tree host data to gain an insight into vegetation structure, the role of grazing animals in driving such structure and establish independently the importance of different types of trees and associated shading in the early Holocene “wildwood”. Open indicator beetle species are persistently present over the entire review period, although they fluctuate in importance. During the early Holocene (9500-6000 cal BC), these indicators are initially high, at levels which are not dissimilar to modern data from pasture woodland. However, during the latter stages of this and the next period, 6000-4000 cal BC, open ground and pasture indicators decline and are generally low compared with previously. Alongside this pattern, we see woodland indicators generally increase in importance, although there are significant local fluctuations. Levels of dung beetles are mostly low over these periods, with some exceptions to this pattern, especially towards the end of the Mesolithic and in floodplain areas. Host data associated with the fossil beetles indicate that trees associated with lighter canopy conditions such as oak, pine, hazel and birch are indeed important components of the tree canopy during the earlier Holocene (c. 9500-6000 cal BC), in accordance with much of the current pollen literature. Beetles associated with more shade-tolerant trees (such as lime and elm) become more frequent in the middle Holocene (6000-4000 cal BC) suggesting that at this stage the woodland canopy was less open than previously, although open ground and pasture areas appear to have persisted in some locations. The onset of agriculture (4000-2000 cal BC) coincides with significant fluctuations in woodland composition and taxa. This is presumably as a result of human impact, although here there are significant regional variations. There are also increases in the amounts of open ground represented and especially in the levels of dung beetles present in faunas, suggesting there is a direct relationship between the activities of grazing animals and the development of more open areas. One of the most striking aspects of this review is the variable nature of the landscape suggested by the palaeoecological data, particularly but not exclusively with the onset of agriculture: some earlier sites indicate high variability between levels of tree-associated species on the one hand and the open ground beetle fauna on the other, indicating that in some locations, open areas were of local significance and can be regarded as important features of the Holocene landscape. The role of grazing animals in creating these areas of openness was apparently minimal until the onset of the Neolithic.


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Mid-to-late Holocene high-resolution testate amoebae-derived water table reconstructions from two peatlands in the North of Ireland are presented. The proxy climate records are dated and correlated using a combination of AMS 14C dating, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and tephrochronology. The reconstructions start prior to the Hekla 4 tephra isochron (2395–2279 BC) and thus span the last ~4500 years. The records are compiled by the process of tuning within chronological errors, standardisation and stacking. Comparisons are made to existing palaeoclimate records from peatlands in Northern Britain and Ireland and the compiled lake-level record for mid-latitude Europe. Four coherent dry phases are identified in the records at ca 1150–800 BC, 320 BC–AD 150, AD 250–470 and AD 1850–2000. Recent research has shown that peat-derived water table reconstructions reflect summer water deficit and therefore the dry phases are interpreted as periods with a higher frequency and/or greater magnitudes of summer drought. These ‘drought phases’ occur during periods of relatively low 14C production, which may add support to the hypothesis of persistent solar forcing of climate change during the Holocene. Any relationship with the North Atlantic stacked drift ice record is less clear. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We correct the estimates of the dispersions in the rotational velocities for early-type stars in our Galaxy (Dufton et al. 2006, A&A, 457, 265) and the Magellanic Clouds (Hunter et al. 2008, A&A, 479, 541). The corrected values are pi(1/4) (i.e. approximately 33%) larger than those published in the original papers.


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Aims. We have previously analysed the spectra of 135 early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and found several groups of stars that have chemical compositions that conflict with the theory of rotational mixing. Here we extend this study to Galactic and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) metallicities.


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We have looked for SiO emission as evidence of shocks in the high mass star formation region G34.26+0.15. JCMT, VLA and FCRAO observations show that SiO emission is widespread across the region. The SiO emission highlights a massive, collimated out ow and other regions where stellar winds are interacting with molecular clumps. As in other star forming regions, there is also SiO at ambient velocities which is related to the out ow activity. No strong SiO abundance enhancement was measured in either the out ow or the low velocity gas, though abundances up to 10(-8) are possible if the SiO is locally enhanced in clumps and optically thick. SiO emission is not detected from the hot core itself, indicating either that SiO is not strongly enhanced in the hot core or that column densities in the region where grain mantle evaporation has taken place are low. In line of sight spiral arm clouds, we measure a SiO abundance of 0.4-2 x 10(-10), consistent with previous estimates for quiescent clouds.


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We have developed new models of the chemistry of deuterium for investigating fractionation in interstellar molecular clouds. We have incorporated the latest information on reactions which affect deuteration, extended previous models to include S-D bonds for the first time and included the gasphase chemistry of some doubly-deuterated species. We present models for a wide range of physical parameters, including density, temperature, elemental abundances, and the freeze out of molecules on to dust grains. We discuss the detailed fractionation of particular species and show how fractionation can be used to probe the history of interstellar matter. The freeze out of molecules onto dust leads to significant enhancement in fractionation ratios and, in particular, to large fractionation in doubly-deuterated species.


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A new chemical model of the circumstellar envelope surrounding the carbon-rich star IRC+10216 is developed that includes carbon-containing molecules with up to 23 carbon atoms. The model consists of 3851 reactions involving 407 gas-phase species. Sizeable abundances of a variety of large molecules - including carbon clusters, unsaturated hydrocarbons and cyanopolyynes - have been calculated. Negative molecular ions of chemical formulae C-n(-) and CnH- (7 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 23) exist in considerable abundance, with peak concentrations at distances from the central star somewhat greater than their neutral counterparts. The negative ions might be detected in radio emission, or even in the optical absorption of background field stars. The calculated radial distributions of the carbon-chain CnH radicals are looked at carefully and compared with interferometric observations.


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We present an analysis of the data from our Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope molecular line survey in the 1.3 mm band of the N, M, and NW positions in the Sgr B2 molecular cloud. The line emissions from 42 molecular species, and some of their isotopomers, were analyzed assuming a single temperature and a homogeneous source. In cases where a source size much smaller than the antenna beam (23