942 resultados para perylene carboximides, polyphenylene dendrimers, light harvesting systems, single molecule spectroscopy, single photon sources, molecular wire


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Chungui Lu, Olga A. Koroleva, John F. Farrar, Joe Gallagher, Chris J. Pollock, and A. Deri Tomos (2002). Rubisco small subunit, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and sucrose : fructan-6-fructosyl transferase gene expression and sugar status in single barley leaf cells in situ. Cell type specificity and induction by light. Plant Physiology, 130 (3) pp.1335-1348 Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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For many wireless sensor networks applications, indoor light energy is the only ambient energy source commonly available. Many advantages and constraints co-exist in this technology. However, relatively few indoor light powered harvesters have been presented and much research remains to be carried out on a variety of related design considerations and trade-offs. This work presents a solution using the Tyndall mote and an indoor light powered wireless sensor node. It analyses design considerations on several issues such as indoor light characteristics, solar panel component choice, maximum power point tracking, energy storage elements and the trade-offs and choices between them.


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Two 17-mer oligodeoxynucleotide-5'-linked-(6,7-diphenylpterin) conjugates, 2 and 3, were prepared as photosensitisers for targeting photooxidative damage to a 34-mer DNA oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) fragment 1 representing the chimeric bcr-abl gene that is implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). The base sequence in the 17-mer was 3'G G T A G T T A T T C C T T C T T5'. In the first of these ODN conjugates (2) the pterin was attached at its N3 atom, via a -(CH2)3OPO(OH)- linker, to the 5'-OH group of the ODN. Conjugate 2 was prepared from 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxypropyl)-6,7-diphenyl-4(3H)-pteridinone 10, using phosphoramidite methodology. Starting material 10 was prepared from 5-amino-7-methylthiofurazano[3,4-d]pyrimidine 4 via an unusual highly resonance stabilised cation 8, incorporating the rare 2H,6H-pyrimido[6,1-b][1,3]oxazine ring system. In the characterisation of 10 two pteridine phosphazenes, 15 and 29, were obtained, as well as new products containing two uncommon tricyclic ring systems, namely pyrimido[2,1-b]pteridine (20 and 24) and pyrimido[1,2-c]pteridine (27). In the second ODN conjugate the linker was -(CH2)5CONH(CH2)6OPO(OH)- and was attached to the 2-amino group of the pterin. In the preparation of 3, the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester 37 of 2-(5-carboxypentylamino)-6,7-diphenyl-4(3H)-pteridinone was condensed with the hexylamino-modified 17-mer. Excitation of 36 with near UV light in the presence of the single-stranded target 34-mer, 5'T G A C C A T C A A T A A G14 G A A G18 A A G21 C C C T T C A G C G G C C3' 1 caused oxidative damage at guanine bases, leading to alkali-labile sites which were monitored by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cleavage was observed at all guanine sites with a marked preference for cleavage at G14. In contrast, excitation of ODN-pteridine conjugate 2 in the presence of 1 caused oxidation of the latter predominantly at G18, with a smaller extent of cleavage at G15 and G14 (in the double-stranded portion) and G21. These results contrast with our previous observation of specific cleavage at G21 with ruthenium polypyridyl sensitisers, and suggest that a different mechanism, probably one involving Type 1 photochemical electron transfer, is operative. Much lower yields were found with the ODN-pteridine conjugate 3, perhaps as a consequence of the longer linker between the ODN and the pteridine in this case.


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Coloured effluents from textile industries are a problem in many rivers and waterways. Prediction of adsorption capacities of dyes by adsorbents is important in design considerations. The sorption of three basic dyes, namely Basic Blue 3, Basic Yellow 21 and Basic Red 22, onto peat is reported. Equilibrium sorption isotherms have been measured for the three single component systems. Equilibrium was achieved after twenty-one days. The experimental isotherm data were analysed using Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson, Temkin and Toth isotherm equations. A detailed error analysis has been undertaken to investigate the effect of using different error criteria for the determination of the single component isotherm parameters and hence obtain the best isotherm and isotherm parameters which describe the adsorption process. The linear transform model provided the highest R2 regression coefficient with the Redlich-Peterson model. The Redlich-Peterson model also yielded the best fit to experimental data for all three dyes using the non-linear error functions. An extended Langmuir model has been used to predict the isotherm data for the binary systems using the single component data. The correlation between theoretical and experimental data had only limited success due to competitive and interactive effects between the dyes and the dye-surface interactions.


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When operated with a metallic tip and sample the scanning tunnelling microscope constitutes a nanoscale, plasmonic light source yielding broadband emission up to a photon energy determined by the applied bias. The emission is due to tunnelling electron excitation and subsequent radiative decay of localized plasmon modes, which can be on the lateral scale of a single metal grain (similar to 25 nm) or less. For a Au-tip/Au-polycrystalline sample under ambient conditions it is found that the intensity and spectral content of the emitted light are not dependent on the lateral grain dimension, but are predominantly determined by the tip geometry. However, the intensity increases strongly with increasing film thickness (grain depth) up to 20-25 nm or approximately the skin depth of the Au film. Photon maps can show less emissive grains and two classes of this occurrence are distinguished. The first is geometrical in origin - a double-tip structure in this case - while the second is due to a contamination-induced lowering of the local work function that causes the tunnel gap to increase. It is suggested that differences in work-function lowering between grains presenting different crystalline facets, combined with an exponential decay in emitted light intensity with tip - sample distance, leads to grain contrast. These results are relevant to tip-enhanced Raman scattering and the fabrication of micro/nano-scale planar, light-emitting tunnel devices.


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Experimental data of the adsorption of reactive dyestuffs onto Filtrasorb 400 activated carbon (FS400) were determined in an equilibrium isotherm study. As most industrial wastewater contains more than one pollutant, an investigation into the effect of multisolute systems (using the unhydrolysed form of the reactive dyes) on the adsorption capacity was undertaken. Equilibrium isotherm models were employed to describe the adsorption capacities of single, binary and ternary dye solutions. The results of these analyses showed that adsorption of reactive dyes from single and multisolute systems can be successfully described by Langmuir, and Redlich–Peterson equilibrium isotherm models. Experimental data indicated that competitive adsorption for active sites on the carbon surface results in a reduction in the overall uptake capacity of the reactive dyes investigated.


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The possibility of arbitrarily "adding" and "subtracting" single photons to and from a light field may give access to a complete engineering of quantum states and to fundamental quantum phenomena. We experimentally implemented simple alternated sequences of photon creation and annihilation on a thermal field and used quantum tomography to verify the peculiar character of the resulting light states. In particular, as the final states depend on the order in which the two actions are performed, we directly observed the noncommutativity of the creation and annihilation operators, one of the cardinal concepts of quantum mechanics, at the basis of the quantum behavior of light. These results represent a step toward the full quantum control of a field and may provide new resources for quantum information protocols


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In this paper, an analysis of radio channel characteristics for single- and multiple-antenna bodyworn systems for use in body-to-body communications is presented. The work was based on an extensive measurement campaign conducted at 2.45 GHz representative of an indoor sweep and search scenario for fire and rescue personnel. Using maximum-likelihood estimation in conjunction with the Akaike information criterion (AIC), five candidate probability distributions were investigated and from these the kappa - mu distribution was found to best describe small-scale fading observed in the body-to-body channels. Additional channel parameters such as autocorrelation and the cross-correlation coefficient between fading signal envelopes were also analyzed. Low cross correlation and small differences in mean signal levels between potential dual-branch diversity receivers suggested that the prospect of successfully implementing diversity in this type application is extremely good. Moreover, using selection combination, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining, up to 8.69-dB diversity gain can be made available when four spatially separated antennas are used at the receiver. Additional improvements in the combined envelopes through lower level crossing rates and fade durations at low signal levels were also observed.


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In this paper, we propose a novel linear transmit precoding strategy for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems employing improper signal constellations. In particular, improved zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) precoders are derived based on modified cost functions, and are shown to achieve a superior performance without loss of spectrum efficiency compared to the conventional linear and nonlinear precoders. The superiority of the proposed precoders over the conventional solutions are verified by both simulation and analytical results. The novel approach to precoding design is also applied to the case of an imperfect channel estimate with a known error covariance as well as to the multi-user scenario where precoding based on the nullspace of channel transmission matrix is employed to decouple multi-user channels. In both cases, the improved precoding schemes yield significant performance gain compared to the conventional counterparts.


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Light transmission through a single subwavelength aperture in a silver film is examined with a novel input configuration comprising an annular laser beam of variable diameter that is prism-coupled to the back face of the silver. Transmission peaks driven by excitation of the back-face surface plasmon mode or by the aperture resonance itself are separately observed. For both cases, comparison of films with and without a front-face, circular grating implies significantly more efficient coupling from the aperture fields to the front-face surface plasmon than directly to free radiation. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We describe a new ab initio method for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multi-electron atomic systems exposed to intense short-pulse laser light. We call the method the R-matrix with time-dependence (RMT) method. Our starting point is a finite-difference numerical integrator (HELIUM), which has proved successful at describing few-electron atoms and atomic ions in strong laser fields with high accuracy. By exploiting the R-matrix division-of-space concept, we bring together a numerical method most appropriate to the multi-electron finite inner region (R-matrix basis set) and a different numerical method most appropriate to the one-electron outer region (finite difference). In order to exploit massively parallel supercomputers efficiently, we time-propagate the wavefunction in both regions by employing Arnoldi methods, originally developed for HELIUM.