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Phylogenetic relationships among representative species of the family Rhacophoridae were investigated based on 2904 bp of sequences from both mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, the complete t-RNA for valine), and nuclear (tyrosinase, rhodopsin) genes. Max


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Sediment and water samples were collected from mangrove and estuarine biotopes at fortnightly intervals. The physico-chemical characters of the overlying water were studied. In the mangrove biotope maximum temperature (31.5°C) and in the estuarine biotope maximum salinity (35.6‰) were recorded during the summer season, whereas in post-monsoon period the sulphate content was increased to 516 p.p.m. and the pH was reduced to 7.4. Invariably both in the enriched sediment and water samples four major peaks (at wavelengths 460, 705, 772 and 850 nm) and two minor peaks (at wavelengths 580 and 663 nm) of absorption spectra were noticed. A pure culture of Chromatium sp., isolated from mangroves sediment, showed three peaks of absorption spectra at wavelengths, 500, 580 and 850 nm. The effect of sodium chloride on the growth of Chromatium sp., was also studied and it was observed that maximum growth occurred in the range 1-3% sodium chloride concentration. This isolate was also capable of utilizing various sulphur and carbon compounds. Glycerol and glucose did not show any specific effect whereas pyruvate, malate and acetate increased the growth.


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The phylogenetic relationship of several subspecies of Ovis ammon were analyzed by comparing DNA sequences within the entire mitochondrial D-loop region. Five putative subspecies of ammon (dalai-lamae, darwini, hodgsoni, sairensis and adamerzi) were sampled from four provinces in China [Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and Xizang (Tibet)] and two (servertzovi and nigrimontana) from Uzbekistan. The argalis sampled represent most of the currently recognized putative Subspecies of argali. Analysis of mtDNA sequences revealed high variability within ammon (7.7%), ranging from 2.4 to 11.5%. MaxiMUM-Parsimony tree indicated that nigrimontana from Uzbekistan diverged First, followed by severtzovi from Uzbekistan. The dispersal of argalis into China gave rise to three clades, suggesting that the argali originated in Western Asia and then dispersed throughout the central Asian highlands on a southeastward course. Among the Chinese argalis, mtDNA analysis places dalailamae genetically closer to hodgsoni than to darwini. Severtzovi and.. nigrimontana are two separate subspecies and genetically distinct from the Chinese argali.


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Recent studies examining adaptation to unexpected changes in the mechanical environment highlight the use of position error in the adaptation process. However, force information is also available. In this chapter, we examine adaptation processes in three separate studies where the mechanical environment was changed intermittently. We compare the expected consequences of using position error and force information in the changes to motor commands following a change in the mechanical environment. In general, our results support the use of position error over force information and are consistent with current computational models of motor learning. However, in situations where the change in the mechanical environment eliminates position error the central nervous system does not necessarily respond as would be predicted by these models. We suggest that it is necessary to take into account the statistics of prior experience to account for our observations. Another deficiency in these models is the absence of a mechanism for modulating limb mechanical impedance during adaptation. We propose a relatively simple computational model based on reflex responses to perturbations which is capable of accounting for iterative changes in temporal patterns of muscle co-activation.


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Recurrence is a key characteristic in the development of epilepsy. It remains unclear whether seizure recurrence is sensitive to postseizure stress. Here, tonic-clonic seizures were induced with a convulsive dose of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), and acute seizure recurrence was evoked with a subconvulsive dose of the drug. We found that stress inhibited seizure recurrence when applied 30 minutes or 2 hours, but not 4 hours, after the tonic-clonic seizure. The time-dependent anti-recurrence effect of stress was mimicked by the stress hormone corticosterone and blocked by co-administration of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. Furthermore, in a PTZ-induced epileptic kindling model, corticosterone administered 30 minutes after each seizure decreased the extent of seizures both during the kindling establishment and in the following challenge test. These results provide novel insights into both the mechanisms of and therapeutic strategies for epilepsy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The paper examines a conceptualized fishing system for the African Environment with a comparative approach. Although the fishing system has been conceived as a bio-economic complex, emphasis will be given to the explanation of the detailed structure and functioning of the system. Subsequent synthesis involving the use of existing relationships for management etc. will also be undertaken. The proposed fishing system is conceptually feasible in an ideal environment with adequate monitored data and organized fishing, however it is anticipated that the African environment will not satisfy such conditions.


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The performance of a transonic fan operating within nonuniform inlet flow remains a key concern for the design and operability of a turbofan engine. This paper applies computational methods to improve the understanding of the interaction between a transonic fan and an inlet total pressure distortion. The test case studied is the NASA rotor 67 stage operating with a total pressure distortion covering a 120-deg sector of the inlet flow field. Full-annulus, unsteady, three-dimensional CFD has been used to simulate the test rig installation and the full fan assembly operating with inlet distortion. Novel post-processing methods have been applied to extract the fan performance and features of the interaction between the fan and the nonuniform inflow. The results of the unsteady computations agree well with the measurement data. The local operating condition of the fan at different positions around the annulus has been tracked and analyzed, and this is shown to be highly dependent on the swirl and mass flow redistribution that the rotor induces ahead of it due to the incoming distortion. The upstream flow effects lead to a variation in work input that determines the distortion pattern seen downstream of the fan stage. In addition, the unsteady computations also reveal more complex flow features downstream of the fan stage, which arise due to the three dimensionality of the flow and unsteadiness. © 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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A catalyst-free synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using platinum microheaters under ambient environmental conditions has been developed. Different types of ZnO nanostructures are synthesized from the oxidization of Zn thin film by local heating. The characterization of two shapes of Pt microheaters is investigated and the relationship between the applied power for heat generation and ZnO nanostructure synthesis is investigated by local heating experiments under ambient conditions. Based on the developed heating approach, synthesis area, location, and morphologies of ZnO nanostructures can be controlled through the deposited thickness of Zn layer and applied heating voltages. Furthermore, a connected multiple-structure (Zn-ZnO-Zn) layer is synthesized using combinative multimicroheaters. © 2002-2012 IEEE.


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Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been performed inside the nozzle of a commercially available inkjet print-head to obtain the time-dependent velocity waveform. A printhead with a single transparent nozzle 80 μm in orifice diameter was used to eject single droplets at a speed of 5 m/s. An optical microscope was used with an ultra-high-speed camera to capture the motion of particles suspended in a transparent liquid at the center of the nozzle and above the fluid meniscus at a rate of half a million frames per second. Time-resolved velocity fields were obtained from a fluid layer approximately 200 μm thick within the nozzle for a complete jetting cycle. A Lagrangian finite-element numerical model with experimental measurements as inputs was used to predict the meniscus movement. The model predictions showed good agreement with the experimental results. This work provides the first experimental verification of physical models and numerical simulations of flows within a drop-on-demand nozzle. © 2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


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This paper is concerned with the development of efficient algorithms for propagating parametric uncertainty within the context of the hybrid Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FE/SEA) approach to the analysis of complex vibro-acoustic systems. This approach models the system as a combination of SEA subsystems and FE components; it is assumed that the FE components have fully deterministic properties, while the SEA subsystems have a high degree of randomness. The method has been recently generalised by allowing the FE components to possess parametric uncertainty, leading to two ensembles of uncertainty: a non-parametric one (SEA subsystems) and a parametric one (FE components). The SEA subsystems ensemble is dealt with analytically, while the effect of the additional FE components ensemble can be dealt with by Monte Carlo Simulations. However, this approach can be computationally intensive when applied to complex engineering systems having many uncertain parameters. Two different strategies are proposed: (i) the combination of the hybrid FE/SEA method with the First Order Reliability Method which allows the probability of the non-parametric ensemble average of a response variable exceeding a barrier to be calculated and (ii) the combination of the hybrid FE/SEA method with Laplace's method which allows the evaluation of the probability of a response variable exceeding a limit value. The proposed approaches are illustrated using two built-up plate systems with uncertain properties and the results are validated against direct integration, Monte Carlo simulations of the FE and of the hybrid FE/SEA models. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The evolutionary relationships of species of Danio and the monophyly and phylogenetic placement of the genus within the family Cyprinidae and subfamily Rasborinae provide fundamentally important phyloinformatics necessary for direct evaluations of an array of pertinent questions in modern comparative biology. Although the genus Danio is not one of the most diverse within the family, Danio rerio is one of the most important model species in biology. Many investigations have used this species or presumed close relatives to address specific questions that have lasting impact on the hypothesis and theory of development in vertebrates. Largely lacking from this approach has been a holistic picture of the exact phylogenetic or evolutionary relationships of this species and its close relatives. One thing that has been learned over the previous century is that many organismal attributes (e.g., developmental pathways, ecologies, behaviors, speciation) are historically constrained and their origins and functions are best explained via a phylogenetic approach. Herein, we provide a molecular evaluation of the phylogenetic placement of the model species Danio rerio within the genus Danio and among hypothesized closely related species and genera. Our analysis is derived from data using two nuclear genes (RAG1, rhodopsin) and five mitochondrial genes (ND4, ND4L, ND5, COI, cyt b) evaluated using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. The family Cyprinidae is resolved as monophyletic but the subfamily Rasborinae (priority over Danioinae) is an unnatural assemblage. Danio is identified as a monophyletic group sister to a clade inclusive of the genera Chela, Microrasbora, Devario, and Inlecypris, not Devario nor Esomus as hypothesized in previous studies. Danio rerio is sister to D. kyathit among the species of Danio evaluated in this analysis. Microrasbora and Rasbora are non-monophyletic assemblages; however, Boraras is monophyletic.