986 resultados para parasitic nematode
Involvement of the cardiovascular system in patients with infectious and parasitic diseases can result from both intrinsic mechanisms of the disease and drug intervention. Malaria is an example, considering that the endothelial injury by Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes can cause circulatory disorders. This is a literature review aimed at discussing the relationship between malaria and endothelial impairment, especially its effects on the cardiovascular system. We discuss the implications of endothelial aggression and the interdisciplinarity that should guide the malaria patient care, whose acute infection can contribute to precipitate or aggravate a preexisting heart disease.
As it is generally said, the red ring disease of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is caused by a nematode which is regularly found in the diseased tissues. Such a nematode was described by COBB in 1919 as Aphelenchus cocophilus, having been placed by GOODEY, in 1933, in the genus Aphelenchoides. The species has been found occurring in three States of this country (Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia). However, the Authors received from the Instituto de Ecologia e Experimentação Agrícolas, in Rio de Janeiro, a few samples of coconut tissues badly infested. So, its area of distribution is considerably enlarged. A. cocophilus is so slender and delicate a form that descriptions based on preserved material are frequentely inadequate. Thus, the Authors took this opportunity to re-examine and redescribe the species, as it was suggested by GOODEY (1923), what had not previously been made by those brazilian workers who have dealt with the disease. The population studied generally agreed with those examined by COBB (1919) and GOODEY (1923) in the details given, except in the dimensions mainly of the tail, as it is shown in table 1, where the measurements of 5 females and 5 males are presented.
Tomato roots heavily disfigured by root-knot nematodes were throughly mixed with soil. At various time intervals, samples were taken from the mixture and treated in closed containers by each of the folio wing nematicides: D.D., E.D.B. and M.B. The efficacy of the treatment was tested by setting indicator plants in the treated soil and by examining their roots for the presence of galls two months later. In other words, the ability of the three nematicides to penetrate nematode galls after various periods of rotting, which varied from 5 to 30 days was studied. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: a) no nematicide among the three listed above showed the ability for complete destruction of the nematodes protected inside the roots, for a number of small galls developed on the root system of the indicator plant in all treatments; b) smaller and less numerous galls were present on the roots of the indicator plants grown in soil treated after a rotting period of 30 days; c) however, the control obtained seems to be quite satisfactory economically, since the check plants grew poorly and have developed a very unhealthy root system. This is in accordance with STARK & LEAR (1947), LEAR (1951) and CICCARONE's (1951) statements. The results of the present experiments show again that awaiting for the rotting of galls of the root-knot nematodes is not indispensable for an economically convenient soil fumigation. Fields in which many fleshy infected roots from previous crops have been buried can be economically fumigated immediately, without any loss of time. Notwithstanding, when thick woody roots are present in the soil, the above statements may not hold true. This should constitute a new problem calling for further experiments. Another essay dealing with methyl bromide alone, consisted in treating cotton roots heavily disfigured by Meloidogyne incognita in a container (diameter = 28cm, height = 32 cm), which remained closed for five days. After the treatment, the roots were mixed with soil, in which tomato seedlings were planted. After a growing period of two months, the roots of the tomato plants were washed in running water and examined for the presence of galls. As an early infeccion was present in the root system of all plants, the inefficacy of the treatment has been proved.
Mono.29a (Copepoda: free-swimming, littoral and semi-parasitic copepoda); Livr.44
Seven species of the nematode genus Mononchus Bastian, 1865, were found in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Such are: M. subsimilis Cobb, 1917; M. ibitiensis Carvalho, 1951; M. piracicabae Lordello, 1953; M. risoceiae Carvalho, 1955; M. soutoi Carvalho, 1956; M. coronatus Carvalho, 1956; and M. jairi n. sp. Outside the State, the following species have been found: M. papillatus (Bastian, 1865) Cobb, 1916; M. monhystera Cobb, 1917; M. muscorum (Dujardin, 1845) Cobb, 1916; M. gymnolaimus (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1916; M. consimilis Cobb, 1917; M. trichurus Cobb, 1917; M. reversus Cobb, 1917; and M. dentatus Cobb, 1917 (LORDELLO, 1953). This field of investigation has scarcely been touched and additional collections will doubtless add new forms to the number of species known as yet. M. jairi n. sp. most closely resembling species is M. monhystera Cobb, 1917, from which it differs in having: a) labial region more expanded, set off from neck by a broad shallow depression; b) anterior portion of the pharynx-wall rather thinner and directed outward; and, c) smaller dimensions (788.0-924.0: 1,100.0 micros).
In the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, squash plants (Cucurbita spp.) are attacked by the Javanese nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and by M. incognita acrita. Squash belongs to that group of plants in which the root-knot nematodes break through the root surface, so that the egg-producing females protrude from the root, showing yellowish or brow nish egg masses attached to them. Washed roots show numerous small dark spots, each corresponding to an ootheca, which is adhering to a mature female. A curious abnormal female of M. i. acrita was obtained from a sample of squash roots. This female's body showed two globular parts, separated by a deep constriction. The convoluted ovaries were found to fill both portions of the body.
Diseased plants of artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.) from the Instituto Agronômico, Campinas, Brazil, harboured nematodes in the leaves. The nematodes proved to belong to the species Protorhabditis oxyuris (Claus, 1862) Dougherty, 1955. As it could not be charged as the primary agent of the disease, a study of the bacteria found in the material was made. This disclosed that 4 different bacterial forms were present, namely Bacillus subtilis, Bacterium udum, Xanthomonas beticola var. cynarae n. var., and Cory neb acterium fascians var. cynarae n. var. The typical forms of X. beticola and of C. fascians are known as pathogenic to a number of plants: but, in the present case, unfortunately no inoculation trial could be made as an attempt to clear up the possible pathogenicity of any of them also to Cynara scolimus. The nematode P. oxyuris is the secondary agent, which however possibly play an important part in the distribution of the bacteria, as it has been repeatedly pointed out by previous writers with reference to closely related species. The symptoms of the disease are described. The main injuries found on leaves were necrotic areas progressing from the distal part of the limb, resulting in a great reduction of the leaf superficies.
In the past years, several writers described eudotokia matricida in nematodes belonging to the family Rbabditidae. In 1958, LOOF dealt with two cases he observed in Apbeltncboides fragariae and Pratylencbus coffeae , showing that such phenomenon eventually occurs in the Tylencbida, families Apbelencboididae and Tylencbidae respectively. A third case referring to another tylenchid nematode is described in this paper, the species envolved having been identified as Meloidogyne javanica, of the family Heteroderidae.
Eight root-knot nematode forms are known to occur in Brazil, namely Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita, M. j. javanica, M. j. bauruensis, M. inornata, M. hapla, M. arenaria arenaria and M. coffeicola. After presenting a historical resume of the root-knot disease, as well as observations on symptoms, distribution and spread, and life history of the nematodes, a study of the morphological characters used in identification of species is made, a key for separating the forms referred to above being also prepared. As no information on host plants of the coffee root-knot nematode (M. exigua) was available, a few tests were performed, as an attempt to infect several plant species. Pepper (Capsicum annuun) was the only plant attacked by M. exigua, having failed all attempts to infect nine other plants, including tomato var. Rutgers. M. exigua incited formation of galls on roots of cucumber, but no adult female was found in the tissue. In a final chapter dealing with control, a review of all methods available is presented.
The author publishes a comparative study of eleven species of Sarcophagid flies and gives a redescription of the larval stages of Musca domestica L. as a model. The work was made upon material obtained from Sarcophagidae reared in the Laboratory. Some of them were parasitic flies from Insects and other invertebrates. Protodexia was reared using the domestic cockroach (Periplaneta americana) instead of the Orthroptera or Mantodea its true hosts. The larvae obtained by dissection of female abdomen was reared in flesh or agarhorse serum. The last proceeding is very good since the skins of all larval stages can be conserved for study and it is possible to observe the ecdyses. Some of the larvae prefer dead snails (Bulimulus and Fruticicola) and is able to destroy larvae of other species found in the same molluscs. The first stage maggot can be obtained by dissections of dried female specimens and furnishes very good characters to determine the species and establish the philogenetical relationship of the genera in the family. Th pseudocephalon presents very curious ornaments or grooves in some species (Oxysarcodexia). Sometimes there is a pigmented capsule covering a great part of the pseudocephalon (Titanogrypa). The cephaloskeletal sclerietes have a peculiar shape and constitution for every species, mainly in the first stage maggot.
This paper discusses the relations between the genera Toddia and Pirhemocyton, describing certain cytochemical reactions that clarify their nature, and discussing the position of these organisms as being of a parasitic or viral nature. A new species of Pirhemocyton is described form Iguana iguana from Mamo, Marapa (Dto. Federal) of Venezuela; characterized by rectangular globoids with rounded borders. Attempts at experimental infections of other genera of lizerds indicate that the new species, Pirhemocyton iguanae, is specific to the natural host, Iguana iguana. The course of the parasitemia in the lizard is described.
The main object of the present paper is to furnish a brief account to the knowledgement of Protozoa parasitic in common Brazilian frog of the genus Leptodactylus for general students in Zoology and for investigators that use this frog as a laboratory animal. Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Haemogregarina leptodactyli) was found in two species of frogs - Leptodactylus ocellatus and L. pentadactylus - in which develop schizogony whereas sporogony occurs in the leech Haementeria lutzi as was obtainded in experimental conditions. Intracellular forms have been found in peripheral circulation, chiefly in erythrocytes, but we have found them in leukocytes too. Tissue stages were found in frog, liver, lungs, spleen, gut, brain and heart. The occurence of hemogregarine in the Central Nervous System was recorded by Costa & al,(13) and Ball (2). Some cytochemical methods were employed in attempt to differentiate gametocytes from trophozoites in the peripheral blood and to characterize the cystic membrane as well. The speorogonic cycle was developed in only one specie of leech. A brief description of the parasite is given.