870 resultados para orientação a objeto


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This research is taking as study aim the mediatory teaching action, its involvement with educational guidance reports of Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in curriculum managing by formal teachers is more related to the form as each one understands the mediatory action of the pedagogy teaching activities than to the adherence of a common project, that is: the Course Pedagogy Project (CPP). Thus, our aim is meant to understand the attribution from the formal teachers to curriculum managing process, having as forms its action in the supervised obligatory student teaching at UFMA Pedagogy Course. On one side, we look for traces about established relation by them between their professional experience and their report guidance in current course. On the other hand, a research concern comes up to us on the forming meaning of the report writing by UFMA Pedagogy Teachers Course. In order to do that, we used interviews interpreted by means of methodology understanding interview. Starting from oral speeches, we understand that the managing formation in this course is linked to postures not identical and adjustable to conditions the teachers have access. We identify a curriculum subject group and a group that by their conformation adapted is considered as object group of curriculum practices. As for the mediatory action in writing formation process, we noticed that they contribute to teacher information at UFMA in the reflexive critic perspective and or in the bureaucratic reproduction perspective. The report writing at the end of the Supervised Obligatory internship is characteristic of quality quantity assessment display, as bureaucratic process and as reflexive display and didactic pedagogy activity intervention. We defend that the teachers´ guidance under critical reflections, where the writing has a social role, must overcome individual dimension, they must be debated as collective and organized practices. We hope to contribute with such a research on teacher mediatory actions and their implementing with help of reporting writing guidance in the Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in the Curriculum Teacher managing process.


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This study has as object eight state vocational schools located in Araguari, Araxá, Frutal, Ituiutaba, Monte Carmelo, Patos de Minas, Uberaba and Uberlândia, in Minas Gerais. The period analyzed comprises the years from 1965 to 1976, from the signature of the Agreement 512-11-610-042 beteween the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and the American Agency for International Development (USAID), which started a series of other agreements, and actions ending up with the creation of the Expansion and Improvement of High Schools Program (Programa de Expansão e Melhoria do Ensino Médio - PREMEM) and, from this, the Vocational Schools. The upper limit of the study, 1976, was the year when these agreements, known as MEC/USAID agreements ceased. The Vocational Schools were characterized as vocation probing schools, directing the professional formation of the population in general, which would happen a posteriori, turning it shorter and more effective, since the labor market would demand, urgently, capable professionals for an expanding economy. The project of Vocational Schools had a national scope, and foresaw, for its unfolding, the complete substitution of State Schools for the new model, called “multi-curricula”. The theme Vocational schools was the object of my Master’s degree study, when I focused the State School Guiomar de Freitas Costa, in Uberlândia. That study raised questionings and concerns that resulted in the central problem of the thesis presented here: understanding the measure in which such schools integrated the country’s development project – mostly in the first half of the military rule – and to understand its structure, functionality and efficacyThe development of the study presented here, demanded the use of several sources: 1) specialized literature about the topics presented, i.e., the situation of national education in a temporal analysis, the political, economical and social context, research methodologies, the theory of human capital, vocational teaching, pedagogical trends and practices, agreements MEC-USAID and PREMEM; 2) national, state and county laws related to the discussion: laws of national education directives and basis, decrees and reports stating about the program of technical cooperation between Brazil and the United States of America, the Program of Expansion and Improvement of Teaching (PREMEM), formation of professors, establishment of Vocational Schools and educational planning; 3) documentation of school archives: books of minutes of Collegiate and of faculty and staff, registrar books with final scores, enrolment, visits of inspector, accounting books, punch clock records, student, professor and staff occurrences, inventory, class schedules, school year calendar, school rules, class reports, payment rolls, bills of sales, exchanged mail, personal documentation of professional personnel, documents of land acquisition, blueprints, manuals of PREMEM, didactic materials/resources used in classes, books available in the school library, structured evaluations for follow-up of school processes, pictures of events, texts prepared for special dates, and news from the official newspaper and, finally, 4) national and local press reports, especially from Folha de São Paulo, Correio de Araxá, Correio de Uberlândia and Lavoura e Comércio (Uberaba). The proposition of Vocational schools was conciliate theoretical and practical formation through an active education permeated by technological resources. The contact with knowledge and several practical activities under professional supervision, the student would identify the knowledge area that would interest him the most and his aptitude. This formation in primary school would make way for the vocation studies in high school, which became mandatory by the law 5.692/71, that reformed school education from the previous levels of elementary, middle high and high school. However, the multi-curricula proposal that would be spread to the other public schools in the country ended up succumbing to the model already established. From its ephemeral existence, maybe the Vocational Schools have not reached the more general goals in political, economic and social aspects; however, this study demonstrated that, for the people that, directly or indirectly, had contact with such schools, a legacy of vocational and quality teaching was made, so much so, that forty years after the end of that proposal, they are still remembered.


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En nuestra comunicación, pretendemos abrir un debate sobre conceptos básicos en materia de Patrimonio, su soporte teórico y las prácticas desarrolladas desde 1972 (Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial Natural y Cultural) y desde 2003 (Convención para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial). Si es posible afirmar que en más de una ocasión la percepción e interpretación de muchos bienes declarados no se han ceñido exactamente a lo dispuesto en la declaración de 1972, y sí en la del 2003, nosotros proponemos reflexionar sobre las posibles razones de ello. Alguna puede venir dada por la impropia formulación de los tipos (material/inmaterial) de Patrimonio Cultural y ello basándonos en el segundo Considerando de la Convención de 2003: “Considerando la profunda interdependencia que existe entre el Patrimonio cultural inmaterial y el Patrimonio material cultural y natural”. Por ello queremos presentar un breve análisis de bienes incluidos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial y alguno de los bienes incluidos en la Lista representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad: El Misterio de Elche (2008), El Espacio Cultural de la Plaza Jemaa el-Fna (2008), Las fiestas indígenas dedicadas a los muertos (2008) y La Dieta mediterránea (2014). Esta comparación de bienes de ambas listas nos permite reflexionar sobre las diferencias y semejanzas de los considerados dos tipos de bienes patrimoniales -Patrimonio material versus Patrimonio inmaterial- y analizar las diferentes maneras de relacionarse con cada uno de ellos tanto las administraciones estatales y locales como los ciudadanos particular y comunitariamente. Presentamos unas conclusiones provisionales que giran en torno a la mayor o menor implicación, en el conocimiento y en la pervivencia del bien, de los ciudadanos y de las diferentes comunidades. Se trata de acceder al conocimiento y valoración de los bienes culturales a través del conocimiento y empeño de la investigación, o a través de la experiencia y la vivencia de las personas y sociedades. En unos casos los ciudadanos son sujetos, u objetos pasivos, mientras que en otros son sujetos activos y directamente interesados en la vigencia, preservación y difusión del bien. Así se explicaría mejor la actitud natural e inevitable en la conservación y gestión de unos bienes por parte de los ciudadanos o la “libertad” de actuación más descontrolada de los gestores públicos.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências de Educação na especialização de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica


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Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da prática pedagógica supervisionada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar. Composto por quatro capítulos: o Capitulo I - Dimensão Reflexiva (Creche), o capítulo II- Dimensão Investigativa (Creche), o capítulo III – Dimensão Reflexiva (Jardim-de-Infância) e o capítulo IV – Projeto “As abelhas”, dá a conhecer o percurso formativo realizado no ano letivo 2014/2015, na prática pedagógica, no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar. O capítulo I apresenta uma reflexão sobre a prática em contexto de creche, tendo como indicadores de referência: a) Contextualização da prática pedagógica; b) O que é ser educador em creche (a importância da brincadeira livre, dos cuidados de saúde e da adaptação das crianças à creche). No capítulo II é apresentado um ensaio investigativo realizado em contexto de creche, com a finalidade de identificar e discutir as interações que R. e C. estabeleciam com os seus objetos de transição, após se deitarem no catre, até adormecerem. Este estudo qualitativo-descritivo de índole exploratório revelou que a maioria das interações com os objetos de transição era feita através do tato e que os objetos de transição ajudaram a criança a aceitar o tempo de separação. O capítulo III apresenta uma reflexão sobre a prática em contexto de jardim-de-infância, tendo como indicadores de referência: a) Contextualização da prática pedagógica em contexto de jardim-de-infância; b) o que é ser educador em contexto de jardim-de-infância (estratégias do educador, na Área de Expressão e Comunicação; na Área de Formação Pessoal e Social e na Área do Conhecimento do Mundo). No capítulo IV é apresentado o projeto “As abelhas” realizado em contexto de jardim-de-infância, (Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto). Este Projeto contou com a participação de todos os intervenientes educativos, permitiu que as crianças conhecessem o mundo das abelhas e abrangeu saberes de todas as áreas de conteúdo (Ministério da Educação, 1997).


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Esta ponencia tiene el fin de analizar la construcción sintáctica 'jugar + a SN', para dar cuenta de la alternancia transitividad/ intransitividad de dicho verbo cuando se realiza con este complemento. En su definición del verbo 'jugar', el DRAE contempla usos transitivos e intransitivos que incluyen la estructura mencionada en un empleo intransitivo. No obstante, la definición atiende al empleo transitivo en ejemplos como 'jugar una partida'. En tanto, la Nueva Gramática de la lengua española. Manual (2010) presenta una clasificación de complementos directos preposicionales que comprende una subclase de verbos transitivos cuyos objetos directos son compatibles con la preposición 'a'. Para llevar a cabo nuestro objetivo recurrimos a las herramientas teórico metodológicas de la lingüística cognitiva, especialmente la teoría de los prototipos, dado que con sus límites borrosos permite establecer pasajes entre transitividad/ intransitividad que no son necesariamente tajantes. El corpus que se emplea en este trabajo es el Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA), según el filtro del español de Argentina. Después de haber examinado las muestras del corpus se puede arribar a algunas conclusiones. El complemento régimen preposicional ('a') ha ido gradualmente cargándose en el español rioplatense del sentido de un verbo transitivo más, al tiempo que derivó en la creación de un nuevo objeto directo preposicional ?de cosa? que incorpora rasgos afectivos/ subjetivos. Esto constituye uno de los grandes escollos para la comprensión de este tipo de objeto directo por parte de alumnos nativos y extranjeros, quienes en nuestros encuentros del ?Taller sobre prácticas del lenguaje: reflexiones gramaticales?, dictado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, plantean sus dudas respecto de la identificación de estos usos transitivos/ intransitivos de verbos como 'jugar'