957 resultados para numerical simulations


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A range of lanthanum strontium manganates (La1−xSrxMnO3–LSMO) where 0 ≤ x < 0.4 were prepared using a modified peroxide sol–gel synthesis method. The magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) clusters obtained for each of the materials were characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and infra-red (IR) spectroscopy in order to confirm the crystalline phases, crystallite size and cluster morphology. The magnetic properties of the materials were assessed using the Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) to evaluate the magnetic susceptibility, Curie temperature (Tc) and static hysteretic losses. Induction heating experiments also provided an insight into the magnetocaloric effect for each material. The specific absorption rate (SAR) of the materials was evaluated experimentally and via numerical simulations. The magnetic properties and heating data were linked with the crystalline structure to make predictions with respect to the best LSMO composition for mild hyperthermia (41 °C ≤ T ≤ 46 °C). La0.65Sr0.35MnO3, with crystallite diameter of 82.4 nm, (agglomerate size of ∼10 μm), Tc of 89 °C and SAR of 56 W gMn−1 at a concentration 10 mg mL−1 gave the optimal induction heating results (Tmax of 46.7 °C) and was therefore deemed as most suitable for the purposes of mild hyperthermia, vide infra.


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This paper reports the realisation of precision surface finish (Ra 30 nm) on AISI 4340 steel using a conventional turret lathe by adapting and incorporating a surface defect machining (SDM) method [Wear, 302, 2013 (1124-1135)]. Conventional ways of machining materials are limited by the use of a critical feed rate, experimentally determined as 0.02 mm/rev, beyond which no appreciable improvement in the machined quality of the surface is obtained. However, in this research, the novel application of an SDM method was used to overcome this minimum feed rate limitation ultimately reducing it to 0.005 mm/rev and attaining an average machined surface roughness of 30 nm. From an application point of view, such a smooth finish is well within the values recommended in the ASTM standards for total knee joint prosthesis. Further analysis was done using SEM imaging, white light interferometry and numerical simulations to verify that adapting SDM method provides improved surface integrity by reducing the extent of side flow, microchips and weldments during the hard turning process.


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This paper reports a new method for reducing theRadar Cross-Section (RCS) of a metal backed dipole antenna. Numerical simulations are used to show that when the Perfect Electrical Conductor (PEC) is replaced by a carefully designedFrequency Selective Surface (FSS), the electromagnetic performanceof the antenna is similar in band, but the RCS of the structure is significantly lower out of band. The design of the FSSand the return loss, radiation patterns and RCS are presentedfor an antenna which operates at a center frequency of 4 GHzand the results are compared with a conventional metal backed arrangement


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In this paper we study the well-posedness for a fourth-order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth. Using Kato's Method [1], [2] and [3] we establish existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution to the model, in suitable spaces, namelyC0([0,T];Lp(Ω)) where  with 1<α<2, n∈N and n≥2. We also show the global existence solution to the nonlinear parabolic equations for small initial data. Our main tools are Lp–Lq-estimates, regularization property of the linear part of e−tΔ2 and successive approximations. Furthermore, we illustrate the qualitative behavior of the approximate solution through some numerical simulations. The approximate solutions exhibit some favorable absorption properties of the model, which highlight the stabilizing effect of our specific formulation of the source term associated with the upward hopping of atoms. Consequently, the solutions describe well some experimentally observed phenomena, which characterize the growth of thin film such as grain coarsening, island formation and thickness growth.


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Time-domain modelling of single-reed woodwind instruments usually involves a lumped model of the excitation mechanism. The parameters of this lumped model have to be estimated for use in numerical simulations. Several attempts have been made to estimate these parameters, including observations of the mechanics of isolated reeds, measurements under artificial or real playing conditions and estimations based on numerical simulations. In this study an optimisation routine is presented, that can estimate reed-model parameters, given the pressure and flow signals in the mouthpiece. The method is validated, tested on a series of numerically synthesised data. In order to incorporate the actions of the player in the parameter estimation process, the optimisation routine has to be applied to signals obtained under real playing conditions. The estimated parameters can then be used to resynthesise the pressure and flow signals in the mouthpiece. In the case of measured data, as opposed to numerically synthesised data, special care needs to be taken while modelling the bore of the instrument. In fact, a careful study of various experimental datasets revealed that for resynthesis to work, the bore termination impedance should be known very precisely from theory. An example is given, where the above requirement is satisfied, and the resynthesised signals closely match the original signals generated by the player.


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We show that for collisions of electrons with a high-intensity laser, discrete photon emissions introduce a transverse beam spread that is distinct from that due to classical (or beam shape) effects. Via numerical simulations, we show that this quantum induced transverse momentum gain of the electron is manifest in collisions with a realistic laser pulse of intensity within reach of current technology, and we propose it as a measurable signature of strong-field quantum electrodynamics.


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In this work, the general framework in which fits our investigation is that of modeling the dynamics of dust grains therein dusty plasma (complex plasma) in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The generalized discrete complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (DCGLE) is thus obtained to model discrete dynamical structure in dusty plasma with Epstein friction. In the collisionless limit, the equation reduces to the modified discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MDNLSE). The modulational instability phenomenon is studied and we present the criterion of instability in both cases and it is shown that high values of damping extend the instability region. Equations thus obtained highlight the presence of soliton-like excitation in dusty plasma. We studied the generation of soliton in a dusty plasma taking in account the effects of interaction between dust grains and theirs neighbours. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the validity of analytical approach.


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Over the years it was observed at the Ria de Aveiro lagoon inlet, near the head of the north breakwater, a depth increase that might threaten the stability of this structure. A trend of accretion in the navigation channel of this lagoon is observed, endangering the navigation in this region. In order to understand the origin of these and other trends observed, the knowledge of the sediment transport in the study area is imperative. The main aim of this work is understanding the dominant physical processes in the sediment transport of sediment at the Ria de Aveiro lagoon inlet and adjacent area, improving knowledge of this region morphodynamics. The methodology followed in this study consisted in the analyzes of the topohydrographic surveys performed by the Administration of the Aveiro Harbor, and in the numerical simulations results performed with the morphodynamic modeling system MORSYS2D. The analysis of the surveys was performed by studying the temporal evolution of the bathymetry. The numerical analysis was based on the implementation of the model at the study area, sensitivity analysis of the formulations used to compute the sediment transport to the variation of input parameters (e.g. depth, sediment size, tidal currents) and analysis of the sediment uxes and bathymetric changes predicted. The simulations considered as sediment transport forcing the tidal currents only and the coupled forcing of tides and waves. Considering the wave e ect as sediment transport forcing, both monochromatic waves and a wave regime were simulated. The results revealed that the observed residual sediment transport patterns are generated due to the channel con guration. Inside the lagoon the uxes are mainly induced by the tidal currents action, restricting the action of waves to the inlet and adjacent coast. In the navigation channel the residual sediment uxes predicted are directed o - shore with values between 7 and 40 m3=day generating accretions of approximately 10 m3=day for the shallower region and 35 m3=day for the region between the tidal gauge and the tri^angulo das mar es. At the inlet, the residual uxes are approximately 30 m3=day inducing trends of erosion of approximately 20 m3=day. At the North side of the nearshore accretion is predicted, while at the South side is predicted erosion, at the rates of 250 and 1500 m3=day, respectively. It was also concluded that the waves with higher contribution to the residual sediment uxes are those with heights between 4 and 5 m. However, the storm waves with heights bigger than 5 m, despite their 10% of frequency of occurrence are responsible for 25% of the observed sediment transport.


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O tema principal desta tese é o problema de cancelamento de interferência para sistemas multi-utilizador, com antenas distribuídas. Como tal, ao iniciar, uma visão geral das principais propriedades de um sistema de antenas distribuídas é apresentada. Esta descrição inclui o estudo analítico do impacto da ligação, dos utilizadores do sistema, a mais antenas distribuídas. Durante essa análise é demonstrado que a propriedade mais importante do sistema para obtenção do ganho máximo, através da ligação de mais antenas de transmissão, é a simetria espacial e que os utilizadores nas fronteiras das células são os mais bene ciados. Tais resultados são comprovados através de simulação. O problema de cancelamento de interferência multi-utilizador é considerado tanto para o caso unidimensional (i.e. sem codi cação) como para o multidimensional (i.e. com codi cação). Para o caso unidimensional um algoritmo de pré-codi cação não-linear é proposto e avaliado, tendo como objectivo a minimização da taxa de erro de bit. Tanto o caso de portadora única como o de multipla-portadora são abordados, bem como o cenário de antenas colocadas e distribuidas. É demonstrado que o esquema proposto pode ser visto como uma extensão do bem conhecido esquema de zeros forçados, cuja desempenho é provado ser um limite inferior para o esquema generalizado. O algoritmo é avaliado, para diferentes cenários, através de simulação, a qual indica desempenho perto do óptimo, com baixa complexidade. Para o caso multi-dimensional um esquema para efectuar "dirty paper coding" binário, tendo como base códigos de dupla camada é proposto. No desenvolvimento deste esquema, a compressão com perdas de informação, é considerada como um subproblema. Resultados de simulação indicam transmissão dedigna proxima do limite de Shannon.


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Este trabalho investiga novas metodologias para as redes óticas de acesso de próxima geração (NG-OAN). O trabalho está dividido em quatro tópicos de investigação: projeto da rede, modelos numéricos para efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica, impacto dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica e otimização da rede. A rede ótica de acesso investigada nesse trabalho está projetado para suprir os requisitos de densidade de utilizadores e cobertura, isto é, suportar muitos utilizadores ( 1000) com altas velocidades de conexão dedicada ( 1 Gb/s) ocupando uma faixa estreita do espectro ( 25 nm) e comprimentos de fibra ótica até 100 km. Os cenários são baseados em redes óticas passivas com multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda de alta densidade (UDWDM-PON) utilizando transmissores/receptores coerentes nos terminais da rede. A rede é avaliada para vários ritmos de transmissão usando formatos de modulação avançados, requisitos de largura de banda por utilizador e partilha de banda com tecnologias tradicionais de redes óticas passivas (PON). Modelos numéricos baseados em funções de transferência das séries de Volterra (VSTF) são demonstrados tanto para a análise dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica quanto para avaliação do desempenho total da rede. São apresentadas as faixas de potência e distância de transmissão nas quais as séries de Volterra apresentam resultados semelhantes ao modelo referência Split-Step Fourier (SSF) (validado experimentalmente) para o desempenho total da rede. Além disso, um algoritmo, que evita componentes espectrais com intensidade nulo, é proposto para realizar cálculos rápidos das séries. O modelo VSTF é estendido para identificar unicamente os efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica mais relevantes no cenário investigado: Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) e Four-Wave Mixing (FWM). Simulações numéricas são apresentadas para identificar o impacto isolado de cada efeito não linear da fibra ótica, SPM, XPM e FWM, no desempenho da rede com detecção coerente UDWDM-PON, transportando canais com modulação digital em fase (M-ária PSK) ou modulação digital em amplitude (M-ária QAM). A análise numérica é estendida para diferentes comprimentos de fibra ótica mono modo (SSMF), potência por canal e ritmo de transmissão por canal. Por conseguinte, expressões analíticas são extrapoladas para determinar a evolução do SPM, XPM e FWM em função da potência e distância de transmissão em cenários NG-OAN. O desempenho da rede é otimizada através da minimização parcial da interferência FWM (via espaçamento desigual dos canais), que nesse caso, é o efeito não linear da fibra ótica mais relevante. Direções para melhorias adicionas no desempenho da rede são apresentados para cenários em que o XPM é relevante, isto é, redes transportando formatos de modulação QAM. A solução, nesse caso, é baseada na utilização de técnicas de processamento digital do sinal.


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Viscoelastic treatments are one of the most efficient treatments, as far as passive damping is concerned, particularly in the case of thin and light structures. In this type of treatment, part of the strain energy generated in the viscoelastic material is dissipated to the surroundings, in the form of heat. A layer of viscoelastic material is applied to a structure in an unconstrained or constrained configuration, the latter proving to be the most efficient arrangement. This is due to the fact that the relative movement of both the host and constraining layers cause the viscoelastic material to be subjected to a relatively high strain energy. There are studies, however, that claim that the partial application of the viscoelastic material is just as efficient, in terms of economic costs or any other form of treatment application costs. The application of patches of material in specific and selected areas of the structure, thus minimising the extension of damping material, results in an equally efficient treatment. Since the damping mechanism of a viscoelastic material is based on the dissipation of part of the strain energy, the efficiency of the partial treatment can be correlated to the modal strain energy of the structure. Even though the results obtained with this approach in various studies are considered very satisfactory, an optimisation procedure is deemed necessary. In order to obtain optimum solutions, however, time consuming numerical simulations are required. The optimisation process to use the minimum amount of viscoelastic material is based on an evolutionary geometry re-design and calculation of the modal damping, making this procedure computationally costly. To avert this disadvantage, this study uses adaptive layerwise finite elements and applies Genetic Algorithms in the optimisation process.


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This paper deals with the geometrically non linear analysis of thin plate/shell laminated structures with embedded integrated piezoelectric actuors or sensors layers and/or patches.The model is based on the Kirchhoff classical laminated theory and can be applied to plate and shell adaptive structures with arbitrary shape, general mechanical and electrical loadings. the finite element model is a nonconforming single layer triangular plate/shell element with 18 degrees of fredom for the generalized displacements and one eçlectrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric layer or patch. An updated Lagrangian formulation associated to Newton-Raphson technique is used to solve incrementally and iteratively the equilibrium equation.The model is applied in the solution of four illustrative cases, and the results are compared and discussedwith alternative solutions when available.


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An intercomparison study is carried out between two models with different formulations and spatial discretizations in order to overcome the limitations posed by the standard calibration and validation procedures and improve confidence in the hydrodynamic results for the Patos Lagoon. Numerical simulations were carried out applying the TELEMAC and MOHID models, based on the same boundary conditions and identical calibration coefficients so differences in calculated flow conditions result from the formulations and parameterizations of each model. Results from both models are compared with measurements from three stations inside the lagoon. Preliminary results indicate that both models compare well with the measurements and with each other. These results increase the confidence on hydrodynamic results for the Patos Lagoon and provide the first step towards water quality studies for the area.


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Le développement des hydroliennes se base souvent sur des conditions d'écoulement idéalisées qui ne reflètent pas entièrement le courant présent sur un site réel. Dans cette optique, ce mémoire investigue l'effet d'un écoulement non aligné ou cisaillé sur les performances et le chargement de deux types d'hydrolienne : les hydroliennes à rotor axial (HRA) et à aile oscillante (HAO). Cette étude est réalisée à l'aide de simulations numériques et les résultats démontrent que pour les deux types d'hydrolienne, le désalignement produit une réduction de la puissance et de la traînée, tandis que le cisaillement n'a qu'un effet de second ordre sur ces derniers. Le chargement additionnel sur la structure de support causé par des conditions d'écoulement non idéal est aussi similaire pour les deux technologies. Le désalignement et le cisaillement affectent cependant plus significativement le chargement en fatigue des pales de l'HRA que celui de l'aile de l'HAO.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial