921 resultados para no-load


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição de tensões na resina em contato com os filetes de roscas de mini-implantes cilíndricos e cônicos, submetidos à carga lateral e torção de inserção. Um modelo fotoelástico foi confeccionado com gelatina transparente, para simular o osso alveolar. O modelo foi observado com um polariscópio plano e fotografado antes e após a ativação dos mini-implantes com força lateral e de inserção. A aplicação de cargas laterais provocou momentos fletores nos mini-implantes, aparecimento de franjas isocromáticas ao longo dos filetes do corpo dos mini-implantes e no ápice. Quando foi aplicado o torque de inserção, verificou-se a concentração de tensões próxima ao ápice. Concluiu-se que: (1) o mini-implante cilíndrico apresentou maior concentração de tensões no ápice, e (2) o mini-implante cônico apresentou maior concentração de tensões nos filetes de rosca apicais.


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Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.


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Em função de suas condições de interface entre águas doces e salinas, desembocaduras estuarinas e lagunares constituem sistemas geomorfológicos altamente complexos e dinâmicos. Como conseqüência da variabilidade espacial e temporal dos fluxos de maré, o leito responde com uma grande variabilidade nas características morfológicas e sedimentares. Neste sentido, é possível relacionar diretamente a circulação de fundo e o transporte sedimentar com as feições submersas geradas. Perfis de ecossondagem, sonar de varredura lateral e sísmica de alta resolução, executados na desembocadura lagunar de Cananéia, revelaram a existência de uma dinâmica de fundo extremamente complexa, caracterizada por marcas onduladas e ondas de areia de alturas métricas. As maiores ondas de areia, localizadas em uma depressão na desembocadura lagunar, apresentam inversão de polaridade em sua assimetria, com a presença de ondas simétricas de grande tamanho no ponto de inversão. Este padrão morfológico não apresenta variação temporal em escala anual, sugerindo a persistência de um padrão de fluxos sobre o leito. Esta dinâmica revela, também, a constância de fluxos convergentes que aparentemente independem das condições de maré enchente ou vazante. Os resultados permitiram o estabelecimento de um primeiro modelo qualitativo de circulação de fundo na área, com aplicações potenciais na navegação e estudos de proteção da costa.


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Thirty-eight stations were sampled in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to assess the spatio-temporal diversity and biomass of sublittoral polychaetes. Samples were collected during the dry (September 2000) and rainy season (May 2001) in shallow sublittoral sediments. The polychaete spatial composition showed a heterogeneous distribution throughout the bay. A negative gradient of diversity and biomass was observed towards the inner parts of the bay and sheltered areas. A wide azoic area was found inside the bay. Some high-biomass and low-diversity spots were found near a sewage-discharge point. In these areas, the polychaete biomass increased after the rainy season. A diversified polychaete community was identified around the bay mouth, with no dramatic changes of this pattern between the two sampling periods. Deposit-feeders were dominant in the entire study area. The relative importance of carnivores and omnivores increased towards the outer sector, at stations with coarse sediment fractions. Guanabara Bay can be divided into three main zones with respect to environmental conditions and polychaete diversity and biomass patterns: A) High polychaete diversity, hydrodynamically exposed areas composed of sandy, oxidized or moderately reduced sediments with normoxic conditions in the water column. B) Low diversity and high biomass of deposit and suspension-feeding polychaete species in the middle part of the bay near continental inflows, comprising stations sharing similar proportions of silt, clay and fine sands. C) Azoic area or an impoverished polychaete community in hydrodynamically low-energy areas of silt and clay with extremely reduced sediments, high total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions in the water column, located essentially from the mid-bay towards the north sector. High total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions combined with slow water renewal in the inner bay seemed to play a key role in the polychaete diversity and biomass. Sedimentation processes and organic load coming from untreated sewage into the bay may have negatively affected the survivorship of the fauna.


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As dietas de baixo índice glicêmico e baixa carga glicêmica têm sido associadas à redução do risco de doenças crônicas. Por esse motivo há um interesse crescente na sua aplicação para avaliação e orientação nutricional. No entanto, existem limitações quanto ao uso de dados publicados de índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica, pela variedade e formas de processamento dos alimentos vegetais existentes. Devido à dificuldade de realização de ensaios in vivo, uma vez que são custosos, trabalhosos, invasivos e necessitam de período considerável de experimentação, foram desenvolvidas metodologias in vitro que, a partir da velocidade de digestão dos carboidratos, permitem estimar o índice glicêmico dos alimentos de forma prática, simples e econômica. O presente trabalho apresenta o uso de um marcador in vitro, o índice de hidrólise, na estimativa do índice glicêmico e da carga glicêmica, o método mais empregado por pesquisadores brasileiros, visando à sua aplicação por profissionais da área de Nutrição. Os cálculos e as interpretações para estimativa do Índice glicêmico e da carga glicêmica são apresentados por meio de um exemplo prático com alguns alimentos brasileiros e com o grão de amaranto submetido a diferentes processamentos. Na ausência de dados referentes à resposta glicêmica do alimento de interesse, os valores do marcador in vitro podem ser utilizados para estimar o índice glicêmico e a carga glicêmica dos alimentos. Porém, este marcador não deve ser utilizado indiscriminadamente, uma vez que leva em consideração apenas os fatores intrínsecos aos alimentos que influenciam o aproveitamento dos carboidratos disponíveis.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da ingestão alimentar de proteína da soja e dos exercícios com pesos sobre o gasto energético de repouso (GER) de mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico, 16 semanas, envolvendo 60 mulheres, 59 (7) anos, distribuídas em quatro grupos: G1 (proteína da soja e exercício), G2 (placebo e exercício), G3 (proteína da soja e sem exercício) e G4 (placebo e sem exercício). A proteína da soja e o placebo (maltodextrina) foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, sob a forma de pó, na porção de 25 gramas/dia. Foram 10 exercícios com pesos, realizados em três sessões semanais, com 3 séries de 8-12 repetições cada, carga de 60 por cento-80 por cento de uma repetição máxima (RM). O GER foi calculado a partir do O2 e CO2, obtidos por calorimetria indireta (Quinton-QMC®), durante 30 minutos, sob temperatura e umidade controladas. Na análise estatística foi utilizada ANOVA, teste T de Student e regressão múltipla, por meio do software Stata 9.2, α<0,05. RESULTADOS: As mulheres apresentaram homogeneidade em todas as variáveis do estudo. Houve aumento, significante, do GER (p<0,05) no G1 (158 kcal/dia) e G2 (110 kcal/dia), correspondente a 17 por cento e 9 por cento, respectivamente, enquanto, o G4, diminuição em 4 por cento (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Exercícios com pesos são determinantes para o aumento do gasto energético de repouso, de mulheres na pós-menopausa, podendo ser potencializado pela ingestão de proteína da soja


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Background: The effects of chronic aerobic exercise upon lipid profile has been previously demonstrated, but few studies showed this effect under resistance exercise conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different resistance exercise loads on blood lipids. Methods: Thirty healthy, untrained male volunteers were allocated randomly into four groups based at different percentages of one repetition maximum (1 RM); 50%-1 RM, 75%-1 RM, 90%-1 RM, and 110%-1 RM. The total volume (sets x reps x load) of the exercise was equalized. The lipid profile (Triglycerides [TG], HDL-cholesterol [HDL-c], LDL-cholesterol, and Total cholesterol) was determined at rest and after 1, 24, 48 and 72 h of resistance exercise. Results: The 75%-1 RM group demonstrated greater TG reduction when compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Additionally, the 110%-1 RM group presented an increased TG concentration when compared to 50% and 75% groups (p = 0.01, p = 0.01, respectively). HDL-c concentration was significantly greater after resistance exercise in 50%-1 RM and 75%-1 RM when compared to 110%-1 RM group (p = 0.004 and p = 0.03, respectively). Accordingly, the 50%-1 RM group had greater HDL-c concentration than 110%-1 RM group after 48 h (p = 0.05) and 72 h (p = 0.004), respectively. Finally, The 50% group has showed lesser LDL-c concentration than 110% group after 24 h (p = 0.007). No significant difference was found in Total Cholesterol concentrations. Conclusion: These results indicate that the acute resistance exercise may induce changes in lipid profile in a specific-intensity manner. Overall, low and moderate exercise intensities appear to be promoting more benefits on lipid profile than high intensity. Long term studies should confirm these findings.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) on internal training loads, as measured by the session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) method. Methods: Nine male professional outfield futsal players were monitored for 4 wk of the in-season period with regards to the weekly accumulated session-RPE, while participating in the same training sessions. Single-session-RPE was obtained from the product of a 10-point RPE scale and the duration of exercise. Maximal oxygen consumption was determined during an incremental treadmill test. Results: The average training load throughout the 4 wk period varied between 2,876 and 5,035 arbitrary units. Technical-tactical sessions were the predominant source of loading. There was a significant correlation between VO(2)max (59.6 +/- 2.5 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) and overall training load accumulated over the total period (r = -0.75). Conclusions: The VO(2)max plays a key role in determining the magnitude of an individual's perceived exertion during futsal training sessions.


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In this work, a low alloy steel and a fabrication process were developed to produce U-Bolts for commercial vehicles. Thus, initially five types of no-heat treated steel were developed with different additions of chrome, nickel, and silicon to produce strain hardening effect during cold-forming processing of the U-Bolts, assuring the required mechanical properties. The new materials exhibited a fine perlite and ferrite microstructure due to aluminum and vanadium additions, well known as grain size refiners. The mechanical properties were evaluated in a servo-hydraulic test machine system-MTS 810 according to ASTM A370-03; E739 and E08m-00 standards. The microstructure and fractography analyses of the cold-formed steels were performed by using optical and scanning electronic microscope techniques. To evaluate the performance of the steels and the production process, fatigue tests were carried out under load control (tensile-tensile), R = 0.1 and f = 30 Hz. The Weibull statistic methodology was used for the analysis of the fatigue results. At the end of this work the 0.21% chrome content steel, Alloy 2, presented the best fatigue performance.


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This paper investigates the concept of piezoaeroelasticity for energy harvesting. The focus is placed on mathematical modeling and experimental validations of the problem of generating electricity at the flutter boundary of a piezoaeroelastic airfoil. An electrical power output of 10.7 mW is delivered to a 100 k load at the linear flutter speed of 9.30 m/s (which is 5.1% larger than the short-circuit flutter speed). The effect of piezoelectric power generation on the linear flutter speed is also discussed and a useful consequence of having nonlinearities in the system is addressed. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3427405]


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In this work, the effects of indenter tip roundness oil the load-depth indentation curves were analyzed using finite element modeling. The tip roundness level was Studied based on the ratio between tip radius and maximum penetration depth (R/h(max)), which varied from 0.02 to 1. The proportional Curvature constant (C), the exponent of depth during loading (alpha), the initial unloading slope (S), the correction factor (beta), the level of piling-up or sinking-in (h(c)/h(max)), and the ratio h(max)/h(f) are shown to be strongly influenced by the ratio R/h(max). The hardness (H) was found to be independent of R/h(max) in the range studied. The Oliver and Pharr method was successful in following the variation of h(c)/h(max) with the ratio R/h(max) through the variation of S with the ratio R/h(max). However, this work confirmed the differences between the hardness values calculated using the Oliver-Pharr method and those obtained directly from finite element calculations; differences which derive from the error in area calculation that Occurs when given combinations of indented material properties are present. The ratio of plastic work to total work (W(p)/W(t)) was found to be independent of the ratio R/h(max), which demonstrates that the methods for the Calculation of mechanical properties based on the *indentation energy are potentially not Susceptible to errors caused by tip roundness.


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In this work, the effects of conical indentation variables on the load-depth indentation curves were analyzed using finite element modeling and dimensional analysis. A factorial design 2(6) was used with the aim of quantifying the effects of the mechanical properties of the indented material and of the indenter geometry. Analysis was based on the input variables Y/E, R/h(max), n, theta, E, and h(max). The dimensional variables E and h(max) were used such that each value of dimensionless Y/E was obtained with two different values of E and each value of dimensionless R/h(max) was obtained with two different h(max) values. A set of dimensionless functions was defined to analyze the effect of the input variables: Pi(1) = P(1)/Eh(2), Pi(2) = h(c)/h, Pi(3) = H/Y, Pi(4) = S/Eh(max), Pi(6) = h(max)/h(f) and Pi(7) = W(P)/W(T). These six functions were found to depend only on the dimensionless variables studied (Y/E, R/h(max), n, theta). Another dimension less function, Pi(5) = beta, was not well defined for most of the dimensionless variables and the only variable that provided a significant effect on beta was theta. However, beta showed a strong dependence on the fraction of the data selected to fit the unloading curve, which means that beta is especially Susceptible to the error in the Calculation of the initial unloading slope.


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This work is part of a research under construction since 2000, in which the main objective is to measure small dynamic displacements by using L1 GPS receivers. A very sensible way to detect millimetric periodic displacements is based on the Phase Residual Method (PRM). This method is based on the frequency domain analysis of the phase residuals resulted from the L1 double difference static data processing of two satellites in almost orthogonal elevation angle. In this article, it is proposed to obtain the phase residuals directly from the raw phase observable collected in a short baseline during a limited time span, in lieu of obtaining the residual data file from regular GPS processing programs which not always allow the choice of the aimed satellites. In order to improve the ability to detect millimetric oscillations, two filtering techniques are introduced. One is auto-correlation which reduces the phase noise with random time behavior. The other is the running mean to separate low frequency from the high frequency phase sources. Two trials have been carried out to verify the proposed method and filtering techniques. One simulates a 2.5 millimeter vertical antenna displacement and the second uses the GPS data collected during a bridge load test. The results have shown a good consistency to detect millimetric oscillations.


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Nucleoside hydrolases (NHs) show homology among parasite protozoa, fungi and bacteria. They are vital protagonists in the establishment of early infection and, therefore, are excellent candidates for the pathogen recognition by adaptive immune responses. Immune protection against NHs would prevent disease at the early infection of several pathogens. We have identified the domain of the NH of L. donovani (NH36) responsible for its immunogenicity and protective efficacy against murine visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Using recombinant generated peptides covering the whole NH36 sequence and saponin we demonstrate that protection against L. chagasi is related to its C-terminal domain (amino-acids 199-314) and is mediated mainly by a CD4+ T cell driven response with a lower contribution of CD8+ T cells. Immunization with this peptide exceeds in 36.73 +/- 12.33% the protective response induced by the cognate NH36 protein. Increases in IgM, IgG2a, IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies, CD4+ T cell proportions, IFN-gamma secretion, ratios of IFN-gamma/IL-10 producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and percents of antibody binding inhibition by synthetic predicted epitopes were detected in F3 vaccinated mice. The increases in DTH and in ratios of TNF alpha/IL-10 CD4+ producing cells were however the strong correlates of protection which was confirmed by in vivo depletion with monoclonal antibodies, algorithm predicted CD4 and CD8 epitopes and a pronounced decrease in parasite load (90.5-88.23%; p = 0.011) that was long-lasting. No decrease in parasite load was detected after vaccination with the N-domain of NH36, in spite of the induction of IFN-gamma/IL-10 expression by CD4+ T cells after challenge. Both peptides reduced the size of footpad lesions, but only the C-domain reduced the parasite load of mice challenged with L. amazonensis. The identification of the target of the immune response to NH36 represents a basis for the rationale development of a bivalent vaccine against leishmaniasis and for multivalent vaccines against NHs-dependent pathogens.


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Circulation CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been associated with the delicate balancing between control of overwhelming acute malaria infection and prevention of immune pathology due to disproportionate inflammatory responses to erythrocytic stage of the parasite. While the role of Tregs has been well-documented in murine models and P. falciparum infection, the phenotype and function of Tregs in P. vivax infection is still poorly characterized. In the current study, we demonstrated that patients with acute P. vivax infection presented a significant augmentation of circulating Tregs producing anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and TGF-beta) as well as pro-inflammatory (IFN-gamma, IL-17) cytokines, which was further positively correlated with parasite burden. Surface expression of GITR molecule and intracellular expression of CTLA-4 were significantly upregulated in Tregs from infected donors, presenting also a positive association between either absolute numbers of CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+)GITR(+) or CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+)CTLA-4(+) and parasite load. Finally, we demonstrate a suppressive effect of Treg cells in specific T cell proliferative responses of P. vivax infected subjects after antigen stimulation with Pv-AMA-1. Our findings indicate that malaria vivax infection lead to an increased number of activated Treg cells that are highly associated with parasite load, which probably exert an important contribution to the modulation of immune responses during P. vivax infection.