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Dans certains pays européens, les produits carnés élaborés peuvent représenter près de 20% de la consommation journalière de sodium. De ce fait, les industries de la viande tentent de réduire la teneur en sel dans les produits carnés pour répondre, d’une part aux attentes des consommateurs et d’autre part aux demandes des autorités sanitaires. Le système Quick‐Dry‐Slice process (QDS®), couplé avec l’utilisation de sels substituant le chlorure de sodium (NaCl), a permis de fabriquer, avec succès, des saucisses fermentées à basse teneur en sel en réduisant le cycle de fabrication et sans ajout de NaCl supplémentaire. Les technologies de mesure en ligne non destructives, comme les rayons X et l’induction électromagnétique, permettent de classifier les jambons frais suivant leur teneur en gras, un paramètre crucial pour adapter la durée de l’étape de salaison. La technologie des rayons X peut aussi être utilisée pour estimer la quantité de sel incorporée pendant la salaison. L’information relative aux teneurs en sel et en gras est importante pour optimiser le processus d’élaboration du jambon sec en réduisant la variabilité de la teneur en sel entre les lots et dans un même lot, mais aussi pour réduire la teneur en sel du produit final. D’autres technologies comme la spectroscopie en proche infrarouge (NIRS) ou spectroscopie microondes sont aussi utiles pour contrôler le processus d’élaboration et pour caractériser et classifier les produits carnés élaborés, selon leur teneur en sel. La plupart de ces technologies peuvent être facilement appliquées en ligne dans l’industrie afin de contrôler le processus de fabrication et d’obtenir ainsi des produits carnés présentant les caractéristiques recherchées.


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In this article we compare regression models obtained to predict PhD students’ academic performance in the universities of Girona (Spain) and Slovenia. Explanatory variables are characteristics of PhD student’s research group understood as an egocentered social network, background and attitudinal characteristics of the PhD students and some characteristics of the supervisors. Academic performance was measured by the weighted number of publications. Two web questionnaires were designed, one for PhD students and one for their supervisors and other research group members. Most of the variables were easily comparable across universities due to the careful translation procedure and pre-tests. When direct comparison was notpossible we created comparable indicators. We used a regression model in which the country was introduced as a dummy coded variable including all possible interaction effects. The optimal transformations of the main and interaction variables are discussed. Some differences between Slovenian and Girona universities emerge. Some variables like supervisor’s performance and motivation for autonomy prior to starting the PhD have the same positive effect on the PhD student’s performance in both countries. On the other hand, variables like too close supervision by the supervisor and having children have a negative influence in both countries. However, we find differences between countries when we observe the motivation for research prior to starting the PhD which increases performance in Slovenia but not in Girona. As regards network variables, frequency of supervisor advice increases performance in Slovenia and decreases it in Girona. The negative effect in Girona could be explained by the fact that additional contacts of the PhD student with his/her supervisor might indicate a higher workload in addition to or instead of a better advice about the dissertation. The number of external student’s advice relationships and social support mean contact intensity are not significant in Girona, but they have a negative effect in Slovenia. We might explain the negative effect of external advice relationships in Slovenia by saying that a lot of external advice may actually result from a lack of the more relevant internal advice


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À l'heure où la fascination esthétisante pour « l'horreur » semble gagner des adeptes en nombre toujours croissant, tant d'un point de vue historiographique que des différents usages publics et politiques qui en sont faits, cette contribution vise à repenser la guerre en tant qu'espace social signifiant. Elle s'inscrit en effet dans des dynamiques sociales et politiques « ordinaires ». Elle ne peut, dans cette optique, faire abstraction de la compréhension de l'ordre social existant avec son lot d'oppression, mais aussi de refus et de révolte. Cette contribution se propose d'envisager, à partir du cas italien, un cas limite trop souvent oublié dans l'historiographie européenne du premier conflit mondial, les pratiques mais aussi les représentations sociales du conflit, afin de saisir ce que la guerre peut apporter à la compréhension de la conflictualité sociale au début du XXe siècle. Mais aussi de chercher à savoir comment les « résistances » ouvertes ou celées qui s'expriment au cours de la guerre faite et vécue transforment le rapport des soldats à leur groupe social.


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Implementació d'una interfície per a dur un control de traçabilitat de diversos productes, mitjançant el codi d'article i el número de lot. Obtenint així la història d'aquests, és a dir, obtenint informació sobre l'origen, el destí i els processos de transformació que han sofert.


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Eduard Toldrà i Soler fou una persona important i significativa per a la societat catalana de principis del segle XX. La seva vida musical és increïblement ampla, ja que abasta facetes de violinista, compositor, director i pedagog. A més, Toldrà va estar sempre immers en la cultura catalana, en l'art en general, i en particular en la poesia. És per aquest motiu que trobem tanta poesia en la seva música. En el següent treball aprofundeixo en l'estudi d'una de les seves obres, Sis Sonets per a violí i piano. A través de l'anàlisi d'aquestes sis peces, coneixerem també al personatge d'Eduard Toldrà i el seu context cultural. Veurem que la seva música se situa fora dels trets estilístics “hispànics” de l'època i que, sota els tòpics de música española, les etiquetes no hi fan cap mena de justícia.


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Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) is an emerging technique that could revolutionize the NMR study of small molecules at very low concentrations by the increase in sensitivity that results from transfer of polarization between electronic and nuclear spins. Although the underlying physics has been known for a long time, in the last few years there has been a lot of excitement on the chemistry and biology NMR community caused by the demonstration that the highly polarized nuclei that are prepared in solid state at very low temperatures (1-2 K) could be rapidly transferred to liquid samples at room temperature and studied in solution by conventional NMR techniques. In favorable cases several order of magnitude increases in sensitivity have been achieved. The technique is now mature enough that a commercial instrument is available. The efficiency of DNP depends on two crucial aspects: i) the efficiency of the nuclear polarization process and ii) the efficiency of the transfer from the initial solid state to the fluid state in which NMR is measured. The preferred areas of application (iii) will be dictated by situations in which the low concentration of the sample or its intrinsic low receptivity are the limiting factors .


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Aquest projecte tracta de la millora de l’actual sistema d’importació que disposa Magento. Actualment per importar els productes a una botiga Magento es necessita treballar amb un fitxer csv on s’introdueix una gran quantitat de dades i requereix una gran quantitat de temps i esforç per part de l’empresa. Per millorar l’actual sistema, es proposa crear una integració entre Magento i Google Docs, fent que tots els productes que es vulguin importar s’introdueixin en un full de càlcul Google Docs i s’importin a la botiga Magento.


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This is a critical review of the medical, ethical, judicial and financial aspects of the so called "social freezing", the cryopreservation of a woman's oocytes for non-medical purposes. The possibility of storing the eggs of fertile women in order to prevent age-related fertility decline is being widely promoted by fertility centres and the lay press throughout the world. Research data has shown that social freezing should ideally be performed on women around 25 years of age in order to increase their chances of a future pregnancy. In reality, it is mostly performed after the age of 35. Unfortunately, social freezing is in general not a solution for the underlying societal problems to fit in with professionally active women and having children. It only delays the existing problems. Furthermore, it creates a lot of potential new problems. A great deal more should be undertaken to offer real solutions to the underlying societal problems which are in part: pre-school education, care in the event of childhood illness, and the many weeks of school holidays, acceptance of professionally active women having children, and more job offers with a workload <100%.). Furthermore, society should be informed about the decreasing chances of pregnancy with increasing maternal (and paternal) age as well as the increasing risks of miscarriage and obstetric/neonatal complications. Detailed information for woman considering social freezing is crucial. Every doctor, proposing social freezing to his patients, should be up to date with all these details. Follow-up studies on the outcome of these children are needed.


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"Argent et stupéfiants, stupéfiants et argent" : c'est un binôme bien implanté dans l'imaginaire commun. La production, le transport et la vente de stupéfiants constituent l'un des principaux trafics illicites au niveau international et permettent, à travers le blanchiment de l'argent qui en est issu, de financer beaucoup d'activités illégales. Dans ce cadre, le monde judiciaire montre un intérêt tout particulier à pouvoir démontrer que des sommes d'argent ont été en contact avec des produits stupéfiants et donc de les relier à leur trafic. C'est dans cette optique que l'analyse des contaminations en produits stupéfiants que l'on retrouve sur les billets de banque constitue un outil intéressant. Il s'agit de pouvoir établir que des billets en circulation présentent peu de traces de stupéfiants alors que les billets saisis dans le cadre de la répression du trafic illicite de stupéfiants en présentent en quantité plus importante. Les résultats de cette étude confirment qu'il est possible de mettre en évidence une différence significative entre la population des billets en circulation et la population des billets saisis tant pour les francs suisses que pour les euros. La méthodologie développée pour déterminer si un lot de billets est relié au trafic de produits stupéfiants est ainsi validée et constitue une contribution nouvelle dans la lutte contre le trafic des stupéfiants.


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In the last decades; a growing stock of literature has been devoted to the criticism of GDP as an indicator of societal wealth. A relevant question is: what are the perspectives to build, on the existing knowledge and consensus, alternative measures of prosperity? A starting point may be to connect well-being research agenda with the sustainability one. However, there is no doubt that there is a lot of complexity and fuzziness inherent in multidimensional concepts such as sustainability and well-being. This article analyses the theoretical foundations and the empirical validity of some multidimensional technical tools that can be used for well-being evaluation and assessment. Of course one should not forget that policy conclusions derived through any mathematical model depend also on the conceptual framework used, i.e. which representation of reality (and thus which societal values and interests) has been considered.


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The number of studies related to vitamin D has increased exponentially in recent years and it becomes difficult to integrate these data into daily practice. This article focuses on the practice by offering an overview on screening, needs, treatment and consequences of deficiency. While in some areas, a consensus seems to emerge, other issues still require a lot of research in order to have an impact on practice. Independently of the threshold values we use, there is an increased prevalence, which makes vitamin D deficiency the most common and also the most underdiagnosed deficiency. Vitamin D is like a marker of good health and a marker of the evolution of our society. How can be used this marker by the practitioner?


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In this article we present a hybrid approach for automatic summarization of Spanish medical texts. There are a lot of systems for automatic summarization using statistics or linguistics, but only a few of them combining both techniques. Our idea is that to reach a good summary we need to use linguistic aspects of texts, but as well we should benefit of the advantages of statistical techniques. We have integrated the Cortex (Vector Space Model) and Enertex (statistical physics) systems coupled with the Yate term extractor, and the Disicosum system (linguistics). We have compared these systems and afterwards we have integrated them in a hybrid approach. Finally, we have applied this hybrid system over a corpora of medical articles and we have evaluated their performances obtaining good results.


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Summary : A lot of information can be obtained on proteins when proteomics methods are used. In our study, we aimed to characterize complexes containing pro-apoptotic proteins by different proteomics methods and finally focused on PIDD (p53-induced protein with a death domain), for which the most interesting results were obtained. PIDD has been shown to function as a molecular switch between genotoxic stress-induced apoptotis and genotoxic stress-induced cell survival through NF-κB activation. To exert these two functions, PIDD forms alternate complexes respectively with caspase2 and CRADD on one hand and RIP 1 and NEMO on the other hand. The first part of our study focuses on the processing of PIDD. PIDD full length (FL) is constitutively cleaved into three fragments, an N-terminal one (PIDD-N) and two fragments containing the C-terminus (PIDD-C and PIDD-CC). Localization of the two PIDD cleavage sites by mass spectrometry (MS) allowed to understand that PIDD is probably not cleaved by proteases but is subject to protein (self-)splicing and also to map the PIDD-N, PIDD-C and PIDD-CC fragments exactly. Further characterization of these three fragments by Tinel et al. (Tinel et al., 2007) showed that PIDD-C is involved in activation of an apoptotic pathway while PIDD-CC is involved in NF-κB activation. We also found that PIDD is subject to proline-directed phosphorylation at two serine residues in PIDD-N, the regulatory fragment of PIDD. The second part of the study aimed at identifying by proteomics techniques proteins that co-purify with PIDD and therefore are putative cellular interaction partners. In this respect we analyzed samples obtained in different conditions or with different PIDD constructs corresponding to processed fragments. This allowed us to identify a large number of potential interactors for PIDD. For example, by comparing data obtained from PIDD-C and PIDD-FL affinity purifications, we found that the Hsp90 chaperone system interacts strongly with PIDD-N. In the third part of this study, we developed methods to selectively and rapidly quantify by MS proteins of interest in PIDD affinity purifications or negative controls. Using these tools we detected significant changes in PIDD-FL-copurifying proteins treated by heat shock. Overall, our studies provide informative data on the processing of PIDD and its possible involvement in several molecular pathways.


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This thesis concerns organizing a workshop about interaction in the various communities represented by Helsinki city's social welfare department. There were seventeen workshops altogether and they were organized in different communities; for example, in a children's daycare centre. The aim was to gain experience in the planning and organizing of these kinds of workshop. The workshops focused on dealing with interactive quetions arising out of the very community which was taking part in the workshop. These questions were discussed and handled using a technique called forum-statues. This means that the problems arising from the community were presented as living pictures to the group. There was also a short theoretical element concerning interactions between people, self-esteem, the different phases in developing a group, and the effects of conflicts in groups. There was a high degree of interest in the research and places were soon filled. The workshops consisted of a warming part with a lot of playing, a deepening part with questions arising out of the group, and a relaxation and feedback part at the end. The basis of the workshop was similar for all seventeen workshops. The athmosphere in workshops was discussive and open. The participants were engouraged to express there opinions and point of views. Feedback from the participantswas very positive. The participants obtained new points of view, according there fellow workers, and the community spirit improved. Shortage of time was, unfortunately, a problem. With more time, it would have been possible to go deeper into the problems of interaction within the community. Ceratinly, the research proved that there would be great demand for this kind of workshop in future.


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This thesis examines the concept of intuition from different aspects. The basis for this thesis has been the author`s experience about education as a supportive process for intuitive thinking. It studies what taking advantage of intuition means for the author of this thesis and how intuition can be defined as a concept. This thesis shows what intuition means both from the performer`s and the director`s point of view. The author attemps to explain how these two areas of her professional identity either support or prevent intuitive creativity from emerging successfully. The intuition of a performer is examined through playback theatre and the insight associated with playback theatre. Regarding the work of a director, the author describes the making of a walking tour performance called "Sama maa" (2006) that she directed. The author attempted to fully utelize her intuitive creativity while planning the performance. The intuitive choices of the author were the basis for planning and carrying out the performance. This thesis studies a concept that is very challenging to explain in words. There is not a lot of literature about concept of intuition with respect to theater. The author of the thesis has ended up thinging about guestion that is very important to her, a guestion about relationship between controlled and authentic mental processing. The author also engourages others to think about the meaning of intuition and insight to themselves as a part of a daily life and as a part of the artistic creativity.