979 resultados para justice des mineurs
Despite an increasing literary focus on climate change adaptation, the facilitation of this adaptation is occurring on a limited basis (Adger et al. 2007) .This limited basis is not necessarily due to inability; rather, a lack of comprehensive cost estimates of all options specifically hinders adaptation in vulnerable communities (Adger et al. 2007). Specifically the estimated cost of the climate change impact of sea-level rise is continually increasing due to both increasing rates and the resulting multiplicative impact of coastal erosion (Karl et al., 2009, Zhang et al., 2004) Based on the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, minority groups and small island nations have been identified within these vulnerable communities. Therefore the development of adaptation policies requires the engagement of these communities. State examples of sea-level rise adaptation through land use planning mechanisms such as land acquisition programs (New Jersey) and the establishment of rolling easements (Texas) are evidence that although obscured, adaptation opportunities are being acted upon (Easterling et al., 2004, Adger et al.2007). (PDF contains 4 pages)
(PDF contains 167 pages and 22 plates)
Investigations on the avoidance reactions of pelagic schooling fish (herring and sprat) released by an approaching fishery vessel were carried out during the 378th cruise of FRC "Solea" from 25 September to 3 October 1995 in the Arkona Sea, southern Baltic. An echosounder system EK 500/BI500 with a 38 kHz transducer mounted on a towed body as weIl as a 120 kHz hull mounted transducer were used. Fish densities were measured synchronously as well as under the ship as at a laterally distances from the ship by the transducer of the towed body. By these means the variation of fish densities up to a certain distance from the ship is possible. The advantage of using an echo integrating system for these measurements is, that it works also for not schooling fish and under conditions where schooling fish disperse (e.g. at night).
Due to the greenhouse effect,a long term warming of the atmosphere is expected. For most people the last relative mild winters and the previous two hot summers are clear signals for such a climatic change. Changes in species compositions and the sudden arrival of southern species in the North Sea are explained as consequences of the greenhouse effect. Comparing the situation in the last decades an attempt is made in this article to show the natural variability in the occurrence and to give an answer to the above question.
Das Ichthyoplanktonsurvey in der westlichen Ostsee / Arkonasee ergab im Juni 1993 ein mäßiges Fischlarvenaufkommen im Untersuchungsgebiet. Dorschlarven (Gadus morhua) wurden nicht gefangen, obwohl 1993 nach dem mittleren Salzwassereinstrom in die Ostsee mit verbesserten Umweltbedingungen für die Dorschrekrutierung gerechnet wurde.
The distribution was studied by analysing the catches during four research vessel cruises in summer and eight cruises in winter in the period 1985 - 1993. The emmigration of young saithe, spending the larval and first juvenil stages in the inshore waters of Norway and Scotland, starts during the summer in an age of two years.
Auf der 21. Sitzung des Fischkomitees wurden die in den letzten 4 Jahren mit dem Ziel der Vereinfachung überarbeiteten Standardentwürfe für Erzeugnisse abschließend beraten und an die Kommission zur Annahme überwiesen. Die verschiedenen Codes of Practice werden am Beispiel des von einer Arbeitsgruppe revidierten und um HACCP-Prinzipien erweiterten Codes für tiefgefrorene Fischfilets von 7 neu eingesetzten Arbeitsgruppen überarbeitet. Eine Regelung über Richtwerte für Quecksilber in Fischen ist in Aussicht.
Über den aktuellen Radioaktivitätsgehalt des 137Cs im Fleisch von Fischen aus dem Eingangsbereich zur Barentssee in 1992 wurde bereits unmittelbar nach Abschluß der Gammaspektrometrie berichtet. Die nach radiochemischen Aufbereitungen inzwischen ermittelten 90Sr Gehaltswerte werden in diesem Artikel diskutiert.