953 resultados para interpersonal reproducibility
Background: Partner violence against women is a major public health problem. Although there are currently a number of validated screening and diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate this type of violence, such tools are not available in Spain. The aim of this study is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2005 in two health centers in Granada, Spain, in 390 women between 18 and 70 years old. Analyses of the factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity were conducted. Cutoff points for each subscale were also defined. For the construct validity analysis, the SF-36 perceived general health dimension, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Goldberg 12-item General Health Questionnaire were included. Results: The psychometric analysis shows that the instrument has good internal consistency, reproducibility, and construct validity. Conclusions: The scale is useful for the analysis of partner violence against women in both a research setting and a healthcare setting
Background. A software based tool has been developed (Optem) to allow automatize the recommendations of the Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Working Group for optimizing MS treatment in order to avoid subjective interpretation. METHODS: Treatment Optimization Recommendations (TORs) were applied to our database of patients treated with IFN beta1a IM. Patient data were assessed during year 1 for disease activity, and patients were assigned to 2 groups according to TOR: "change treatment" (CH) and "no change treatment" (NCH). These assessments were then compared to observed clinical outcomes for disease activity over the following years. RESULTS: We have data on 55 patients. The "change treatment" status was assigned to 22 patients, and "no change treatment" to 33 patients. The estimated sensitivity and specificity according to last visit status were 73.9% and 84.4%. During the following years, the Relapse Rate was always higher in the "change treatment" group than in the "no change treatment" group (5 y; CH: 0.7, NCH: 0.07; p < 0.001, 12 m - last visit; CH: 0.536, NCH: 0.34). We obtained the same results with the EDSS (4 y; CH: 3.53, NCH: 2.55, annual progression rate in 12 m - last visit; CH: 0.29, NCH: 0.13). CONCLUSION: Applying TOR at the first year of therapy allowed accurate prediction of continued disease activity in relapses and disability progression.
BACKGROUND: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and its downstream factors KRAS and BRAF are mutated in several types of cancer, affecting the clinical response to EGFR inhibitors. Mutations in the EGFR kinase domain predict sensitivity to the tyrosine kinase inhibitors gefitinib and erlotinib in lung adenocarcinoma, while activating point mutations in KRAS and BRAF confer resistance to the anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody cetuximab in colorectal cancer. The development of new generation methods for systematic mutation screening of these genes will allow more appropriate therapeutic choices. METHODS: We describe a high resolution melting (HRM) assay for mutation detection in EGFR exons 19-21, KRAS codon 12/13 and BRAF V600 using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples. Somatic variation of KRAS exon 2 was also analysed by massively parallel pyrosequencing of amplicons with the GS Junior 454 platform. RESULTS: We tested 120 routine diagnostic specimens from patients with colorectal or lung cancer. Mutations in KRAS, BRAF and EGFR were observed in 41.9%, 13.0% and 11.1% of the overall samples, respectively, being mutually exclusive. For KRAS, six types of substitutions were detected (17 G12D, 9 G13D, 7 G12C, 2 G12A, 2 G12V, 2 G12S), while V600E accounted for all the BRAF activating mutations. Regarding EGFR, two cases showed exon 19 deletions (delE746-A750 and delE746-T751insA) and another two substitutions in exon 21 (one showed L858R with the resistance mutation T590M in exon 20, and the other had P848L mutation). Consistent with earlier reports, our results show that KRAS and BRAF mutation frequencies in colorectal cancer were 44.3% and 13.0%, respectively, while EGFR mutations were detected in 11.1% of the lung cancer specimens. Ultra-deep amplicon pyrosequencing successfully validated the HRM results and allowed detection and quantitation of KRAS somatic mutations. CONCLUSIONS: HRM is a rapid and sensitive method for moderate-throughput cost-effective screening of oncogene mutations in clinical samples. Rather than Sanger sequence validation, next-generation sequencing technology results in more accurate quantitative results in somatic variation and can be achieved at a higher throughput scale.
BACKGROUND: The Multiple Sclerosis International Quality Of Life (MusiQoL) questionnaire, a 31-item, multidimensional, self-administrated questionnaire that is available in 14 languages including Spanish, has been validated using a large international sample. We investigated the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of MusiQoL in Spain. METHODS: Consecutive patients with different types and severities of multiple sclerosis (MS) were recruited from 22 centres across Spain. All patients completed the MusiQoL questionnaire, the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) health survey, and a symptoms checklist at baseline and 21 days later. External validity, internal consistency, reliability and reproducibility were tested. RESULTS: A total of 224 Spanish patients were evaluated. Dimensions of MusiQoL generally demonstrated a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.70-0.92 for all but two MusiQoL domain scores). External validity testing revealed that the MusiQoL index score correlated significantly with all SF-36 dimension scores (Pearson's correlation: 0.46-0.76), reproducibility was satisfactory (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.60-0.91), acceptability was high, and the time taken to complete the 31-item questionnaire was reasonable (mean [standard deviation]: 9.8 [11.8] minutes). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the MusiQoL questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring quality of life in patients with MS in Spain and constitutes a useful instrument to measure health-related quality of life in the clinical setting.
OBJECT: In this study the accuracy of multislice computerized tomography (MSCT) angiography in the postoperative examination of clip-occluded intracranial aneurysms was compared with that of intraarterial digital subtraction (DS) angiography METHODS: Forty-nine consecutive patients with 60 clipped aneurysms (41 of which had ruptured) were studied with the aid of postoperative MSCT and DS angiography. Both types of radiological studies were reviewed independently by two observers to assess the quality of the images, the artifacts left by the clips, the completeness of aneurysm occlusion, the patency of the parent vessel, and the duration and cost of the examination. The quality of MSCT angiography was good in 42 patients (86%). Poor-quality MSCT angiograms (14%) were a result of the late acquisition of images in three patients and the presence of clip or motion artifacts in four. Occlusion of the aneurysm on good-quality MSCT angiograms was confirmed in all but two patients in whom a small (2-mm) remnant was confirmed on DS angiograms. In one patient, occlusion of a parent vessel was seen on DS angiograms but missed on MSCT angiograms. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting neck remnants on MSCT angiography were both 100%, and the sensitivity and specificity for evaluating vessel patency were 80 and 100%, respectively (95% confidence interval 29.2-100%). Interobserver agreements were 0.765 and 0.86, respectively. The mean duration of the examination was 13 minutes for MSCT angiography and 75 minutes for DS angiography (p < 0.05). Multislice CT angiography was highly cost effective (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Current-generation MSCT angiography is an accurate noninvasive tool used for assessment of clipped aneurysms in the anterior circulation. Its high sensitivity and low cost warrant its use for postoperative routine control examinations following clip placement on an aneurysm. Digital subtraction angiography must be performed if the interpretation of MSCT angiograms is doubtful or if the aneurysm is located in the posterior circulation.
Sensitive headspace gas chromatography analysis of free and conjugated 1-methoxy-2-propanol in urine
Glycol ethers still continue to be a workplace hazard due to their important use on an industrial scale. Currently, chronic occupational exposures to low levels of xenobiotics become increasingly relevant. Thus, sensitive analytical methods for detecting biomarkers of exposure are of interest in the field of occupational exposure assessment. 1-Methoxy-2-propanol (1M2P) is one of the dominant glycol ethers and the unmetabolized urinary fraction has been identified to be a good biological indicator of exposure. An existing analytical method including a solid-phase extraction and derivatization before GC/FID analysis is available but presents some disadvantages. We present here an alternative method for the determination of urinary 1M2P based on the headspace gas chromatography technique. We determined the 1M2P values by the direct headspace method for 47 samples that had previously been assayed by the solid-phase extraction and derivatization gas chromatography procedure. An inter-method comparison based on a Bland-Altman analysis showed that both techniques can be used interchangeably. The alternative method showed a tenfold lower limit of detection (0.1 mg/L) as well as good accuracy and precision which were determined by several urinary 1M2P analyses carried out on a series of urine samples obtained from a human volunteer study. The within- and between-run precisions were generally about 10%, which corresponds to the usual injection variability. We observed that the differences between the results obtained with both methods are not clinically relevant in comparison to the current biological exposure index of urinary 1M2P. Accordingly, the headspace gas chromatography technique turned out to be a more sensitive, accurate, and simple method for the determination of urinary 1M2P.[Authors]
Chromatographic separation of highly polar basic drugs with ideal ionspray mass spectrometry volatile mobile phases is a difficult challenge. A new quantification procedure was developed using hydrophilic interaction chromatography-mass spectrometry with turbo-ionspray ionization in the positive mode. After addition of deuterated internal standards and simple clean-up liquid extraction, the dried extracts were reconstituted in 500 microL pure acetonitrile and 5 microL was directly injected onto a Waters Atlantis HILIC 150- x 2.1-mm, 3-microm column. Chromatographic separations of cocaine, seven metabolites, and anhydroecgonine were obtained by linear gradient-elution with decreasing high concentrations of acetonitrile (80-56% in 18 min). This high proportion of organic solvent makes it easier to be coupled with MS. The eluent was buffered with 2 mM ammonium acetate at pH 4.5. Except for m-hydroxy-benzoylecgonine, the within-day and between-day precisions at 20, 100, and 500 ng/mL were below 7 and 19.1%, respectively. Accuracy was also below +/- 13.5% at all tested concentrations. The limit of quantification was 5 ng/mL (%Diff < 16.1, %RSD < 4.3) and the limit of detection below 0.5 ng/mL. This method was successfully applied to a fatal overdose. In Switzerland, cocaine abuse has dramatically increased in the last few years. A 45-year-old man, a known HIV-positive drug user, was found dead at home. According to relatives, cocaine was self-injected about 10 times during the evening before death. A low amount of cocaine (0.45 mg) was detected in the bloody fluid taken from a syringe discovered near the corpse. Besides injection marks, no significant lesions were detected during the forensic autopsy. Toxicological investigations showed high cocaine concentrations in all body fluids and tissues. The peripheral blood concentrations of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and methylecgonine were 5.0, 10.4, and 4.1 mg/L, respectively. The brain concentrations of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and methylecgonine were 21.2, 3.8, and 3.3 mg/kg, respectively. The highest concentrations of norcocaine (about 1 mg/L) were measured in bile and urine. Very high levels of cocaine were determined in hair (160 ng/mg), indicating chronic cocaine use. A low concentration of anhydroecgonine methylester was also found in urine (0.65 mg/L) suggesting recent cocaine inhalation. Therapeutic blood concentrations of fluoxetine (0.15 mg/L) and buprenorphine (0.1 microg/L) were also discovered. A relatively high concentration of Delta(9)-THC was measured both in peripheral blood (8.2 microg/L) and brain cortex (13.5 microg/kg), suggesting that the victim was under the influence of cannabis at the time of death. In addition, fluoxetine might have enhanced the toxic effects of cocaine because of its weak pro-arrhythmogenic properties. Likewise, combination of cannabinoids and cocaine might have increase detrimental cardiovascular effects. Altogether, these results indicate a lethal cocaine overdose with a minor contribution of fluoxetine and cannabinoids.
BACKGROUND. The NDI, COM and NPQ are evaluation instruments for disability due to NP. There was no Spanish version of NDI or COM for which psychometric characteristics were known. The objectives of this study were to translate and culturally adapt the Spanish version of the Neck Disability Index Questionnaire (NDI), and the Core Outcome Measure (COM), to validate its use in Spanish speaking patients with non-specific neck pain (NP), and to compare their psychometric characteristics with those of the Spanish version of the Northwick Pain Questionnaire (NPQ). METHODS. Translation/re-translation of the English versions of the NDI and the COM was done blindly and independently by a multidisciplinary team. The study was done in 9 primary care Centers and 12 specialty services from 9 regions in Spain, with 221 acute, subacute and chronic patients who visited their physician for NP: 54 in the pilot phase and 167 in the validation phase. Neck pain (VAS), referred pain (VAS), disability (NDI, COM and NPQ), catastrophizing (CSQ) and quality of life (SF-12) were measured on their first visit and 14 days later. Patients' self-assessment was used as the external criterion for pain and disability. In the pilot phase, patients' understanding of each item in the NDI and COM was assessed, and on day 1 test-retest reliability was estimated by giving a second NDI and COM in which the name of the questionnaires and the order of the items had been changed. RESULTS. Comprehensibility of NDI and COM were good. Minutes needed to fill out the questionnaires [median, (P25, P75)]: NDI. 4 (2.2, 10.0), COM: 2.1 (1.0, 4.9). Reliability: [ICC, (95%CI)]: NDI: 0.88 (0.80, 0.93). COM: 0.85 (0.75,0.91). Sensitivity to change: Effect size for patients having worsened, not changed and improved between days 1 and 15, according to the external criterion for disability: NDI: -0.24, 0.15, 0.66; NPQ: -0.14, 0.06, 0.67; COM: 0.05, 0.19, 0.92. Validity: Results of NDI, NPQ and COM were consistent with the external criterion for disability, whereas only those from NDI were consistent with the one for pain. Correlations with VAS, CSQ and SF-12 were similar for NDI and NPQ (absolute values between 0.36 and 0.50 on day 1, between 0.38 and 0.70 on day 15), and slightly lower for COM (between 0.36 and 0.48 on day 1, and between 0.33 and 0.61 on day 15). Correlation between NDI and NPQ: r = 0.84 on day 1, r = 0.91 on day 15. Correlation between COM and NPQ: r = 0.63 on day 1, r = 0.71 on day 15. CONCLUSION. Although most psychometric characteristics of NDI, NPQ and COM are similar, those from the latter one are worse and its use may lead to patients' evolution seeming more positive than it actually is. NDI seems to be the best instrument for measuring NP-related disability, since its results are the most consistent with patient's assessment of their own clinical status and evolution. It takes two more minutes to answer the NDI than to answer the COM, but it can be reliably filled out by the patient without assistance. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Trials Register NCT00349544.
We recently reported that nuclear grading in prostate cancer is subject to a strong confirmation bias induced by the tumor architecture. We now wondered whether a similar bias governs nuclear grading in breast carcinoma. An unannounced test was performed at a pathology conference. Pathologists were asked to grade nuclei in a PowerPoint presentation. Circular high power fields of 27 invasive ductal carcinomas were shown, superimposed over low power background images of either tubule-rich or tubule-poor carcinomas. We found (a) that diagnostic reproducibility of nuclear grades was poor to moderate (weighed kappa values between 0.07 and 0.54, 27 cases, 44 graders), but (b) that nuclear grades were not affected by the tumor architecture. We speculate that the categorized grading in breast cancer, separating tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic figure counts in a combined three tier score, prevents the bias that architecture exerts on nuclear grades in less well-controlled situations.
BACKGROUND: A simple prognostic model could help identify patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of death and are candidates for outpatient treatment. METHODS: We randomly allocated 15,531 retrospectively identified inpatients who had a discharge diagnosis of pulmonary embolism from 186 Pennsylvania hospitals to derivation (67%) and internal validation (33%) samples. We derived our rule to predict 30-day mortality using classification tree analysis and patient data routinely available at initial examination as potential predictor variables. We used data from a European prospective study to externally validate the rule among 221 inpatients with pulmonary embolism. We determined mortality and nonfatal adverse medical outcomes across derivation and validation samples. RESULTS: Our final model consisted of 10 patient factors (age > or = 70 years; history of cancer, heart failure, chronic lung disease, chronic renal disease, and cerebrovascular disease; and clinical variables of pulse rate > or = 110 beats/min, systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg, altered mental status, and arterial oxygen saturation < 90%). Patients with none of these factors were defined as low risk. The 30-day mortality rates for low-risk patients were 0.6%, 1.5%, and 0% in the derivation, internal validation, and external validation samples, respectively. The rates of nonfatal adverse medical outcomes were less than 1% among low-risk patients across all study samples. CONCLUSIONS: This simple prediction rule accurately identifies patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of short-term mortality and other adverse medical outcomes. Prospective validation of this rule is important before its implementation as a decision aid for outpatient treatment.
The aim of our study was to provide an innovative headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method applicable for the routine determination of blood CO concentration in forensic toxicology laboratories. The main drawback of the GC/MS methods discussed in literature for CO measurement is the absence of a specific CO internal standard necessary for performing quantification. Even if stable isotope of CO is commercially available in the gaseous state, it is essential to develop a safer method to limit the manipulation of gaseous CO and to precisely control the injected amount of CO for spiking and calibration. To avoid the manipulation of a stable isotope-labeled gas, we have chosen to generate in a vial in situ, an internal labeled standard gas ((13)CO) formed by the reaction of labeled formic acid formic acid (H(13)COOH) with sulfuric acid. As sulfuric acid can also be employed to liberate the CO reagent from whole blood, the procedure allows for the liberation of CO simultaneously with the generation of (13)CO. This method allows for precise measurement of blood CO concentrations from a small amount of blood (10 μL). Finally, this method was applied to measure the CO concentration of intoxicated human blood samples from autopsies.
An international exercise, registered as EUROMET project no. 907, was launched to measure both the activity of a solution of (124)Sb and the photon emission intensities of its decay. The same solution was sent by LNE-LNHB to eight participating laboratories. In order to identify possible biases, the participants were asked to use all possible activity measurement methods available in their laboratory and then to determine their reference value for comparison. Thus, measurement results from 4pibeta-gamma coincidence/anti-coincidence counting, CIEMAT/NIST liquid-scintillation counting, 4pigamma counting with well-type ionization chambers and well-type crystal detectors were given. The results are compared and show a maximum discrepancy of about 1.6%: possible explanations are proposed.
The aim of this validation study was to assess the measurement properties of the CECA (Spanish acronym for the Specific Questionnaire for Condylomata Acuminata) in patients with anogenital condylomas. A total of 247 patients aged > 18 years completed the questionnaire on 2 occasions as well as the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The CECA questionnaire showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha values of 0.86 and 0.91 in the emotional and sexual activity dimensions) and good testretest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.76 emotional dimension, 0.82 sexual activity dimension). Patients with de novo lesions and those with more extensive lesions and larger number of warts showed poorer health-related quality of life. CECA and DLQI scores correlated moderately. Patients whose lesions cleared at follow-up or with a reduction of >or= 50% showed a better improvement of health-related quality of life. The CECA questionnaire is a valid, reliable and sensitive tool for the assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with anogenital warts.
PURPOSE: All kinds of blood manipulations aim to increase the total hemoglobin mass (tHb-mass). To establish tHb-mass as an effective screening parameter for detecting blood doping, the knowledge of its normal variation over time is necessary. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine the intraindividual variance of tHb-mass in elite athletes during a training year emphasizing off, training, and race seasons at sea level. METHODS: tHb-mass and hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) were determined in 24 endurance athletes five times during a year and were compared with a control group (n = 6). An analysis of covariance was used to test the effects of training phases, age, gender, competition level, body mass, and training volume. Three error models, based on 1) a total percentage error of measurement, 2) the combination of a typical percentage error (TE) of analytical origin with an absolute SD of biological origin, and 3) between-subject and within-subject variance components as obtained by an analysis of variance, were tested. RESULTS: In addition to the expected influence of performance status, the main results were that the effects of training volume (P = 0.20) and training phases (P = 0.81) on tHb-mass were not significant. We found that within-subject variations mainly have an analytical origin (TE approximately 1.4%) and a very small SD (7.5 g) of biological origin. CONCLUSION: tHb-mass shows very low individual oscillations during a training year (<6%), and these oscillations are below the expected changes in tHb-mass due to Herythropoetin (EPO) application or blood infusion (approximately 10%). The high stability of tHb-mass over a period of 1 year suggests that it should be included in an athlete's biological passport and analyzed by recently developed probabilistic inference techniques that define subject-based reference ranges.