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L. Blot and R. Zwiggelaar, 'A volumetric approach to risk assessment in mammography: a feasibility study', Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 (4), 695-708 (2005)


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P.M. Hastie and W. Haresign (2006). A role for LH in the regulation of expression of mRNAs encoding components of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in the ovine corpus luteum. Animal Reproduction Science, 96(1-2), 196-209. Sponsorship: DEFRA RAE2008


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The aim of the present paper is to provide insight into the issue of idiom comprehension in pa- tients who are in the process of recovery from the syndrome of aphasia. Research in figurative language comprehension has seen a robust development in the recent decades. However, it has not been until quite recently that psycholinguists began to delve into the aspect of metaphorical language comprehension in brain damaged populations. It was observed that even though the ability to produce and understand language is recovered in the majority of patients with head trauma, the impairment of some aspects of comprehension may protract. The understanding of idioms, metaphors, similes and proverbs, due to their specific, non-literal character, has been evi- denced to pose a serious problem to aphasic patients, as they fail to decipher the figurative mean- ing of the utterance, and, instead, tend to process the message literally (Papagno et al. 2004). In the present study, three patients who suffered from aphasic disorder were tested for com- prehension of idioms by means of two multiple choice tasks. The obtained results corroborated the hypothesis that patients who are in the process of recovery from aphasia encounter various pitfalls in the comprehension of idiomatic language. Predominantly, they exhibit an inclination to choose the erroneous, literal paraphrases of the presented idioms over their correct, idiomatic counterparts. The present paper aims at accounting for the reasons underlying such a tendency.


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Background: To date, there is limited research examining sleep patterns in elementary school children. Previous researchers focused on parental responses rather than student responses to determine factors that affect sleep. The presented study surveyed sleep patterns and examined external factors affecting total sleep time among elementary school children and adolescents. Methods: Students in grades 2-5 (n=885) and grade 10 (n=190) enrolled in a public school system in the Northeast, completed a district administered survey that included questions on sleep duration and hygiene. Results. Average reported sleep duration decreased with increasing grade level. Children in grades 2-5 woke up earlier (31.7-72.4%) and on their own in comparison to adolescents in grade 10 (6.8%). Significantly shorter sleep durations were associated with having a television (grades 2, 4, 5, p< 0.01) or a cell phone in the room (grades 3, 4; p < 0.05), playing on the computer or video games (grades 3, 4, p<.001) before going to bed. In contrast, students in grade 2, 3, & 4 who reported reading a book before going to bed slept on average 21 minutes more per night (p=.029, .007, .009, respectively). For tenth graders, only consumption of energy drinks led to significant reduction in sleep duration (p<.0001). Conclusion. Sleep is a fundamental aspect in maintaining a healthy and adequate life style. Understanding sleep patterns will assist parents, health care providers, and educators in promoting quality sleep hygiene in school-aged children.


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We give an explicit and easy-to-verify characterization for subsets in finite total orders (infinitely many of them in general) to be uniformly definable by a first-order formula. From this characterization we derive immediately that Beth's definability theorem does not hold in any class of finite total orders, as well as that McColm's first conjecture is true for all classes of finite total orders. Another consequence is a natural 0-1 law for definable subsets on finite total orders expressed as a statement about the possible densities of first-order definable subsets.


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This paper presents a lower-bound result on the computational power of a genetic algorithm in the context of combinatorial optimization. We describe a new genetic algorithm, the merged genetic algorithm, and prove that for the class of monotonic functions, the algorithm finds the optimal solution, and does so with an exponential convergence rate. The analysis pertains to the ideal behavior of the algorithm where the main task reduces to showing convergence of probability distributions over the search space of combinatorial structures to the optimal one. We take exponential convergence to be indicative of efficient solvability for the sample-bounded algorithm, although a sampling theory is needed to better relate the limit behavior to actual behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of some immediate problems that lie ahead.


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A method is proposed that can generate a ranked list of plausible three-dimensional hand configurations that best match an input image. Hand pose estimation is formulated as an image database indexing problem, where the closest matches for an input hand image are retrieved from a large database of synthetic hand images. In contrast to previous approaches, the system can function in the presence of clutter, thanks to two novel clutter-tolerant indexing methods. First, a computationally efficient approximation of the image-to-model chamfer distance is obtained by embedding binary edge images into a high-dimensional Euclide an space. Second, a general-purpose, probabilistic line matching method identifies those line segment correspondences between model and input images that are the least likely to have occurred by chance. The performance of this clutter-tolerant approach is demonstrated in quantitative experiments with hundreds of real hand images.


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Current low-level networking abstractions on modern operating systems are commonly implemented in the kernel to provide sufficient performance for general purpose applications. However, it is desirable for high performance applications to have more control over the networking subsystem to support optimizations for their specific needs. One approach is to allow networking services to be implemented at user-level. Unfortunately, this typically incurs costs due to scheduling overheads and unnecessary data copying via the kernel. In this paper, we describe a method to implement efficient application-specific network service extensions at user-level, that removes the cost of scheduling and provides protected access to lower-level system abstractions. We present a networking implementation that, with minor modifications to the Linux kernel, passes data between "sandboxed" extensions and the Ethernet device without copying or processing in the kernel. Using this mechanism, we put a customizable networking stack into a user-level sandbox and show how it can be used to efficiently process and forward data via proxies, or intermediate hosts, in the communication path of high performance data streams. Unlike other user-level networking implementations, our method makes no special hardware requirements to avoid unnecessary data copies. Results show that we achieve a substantial increase in throughput over comparable user-space methods using our networking stack implementation.


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There are several proofs now for the stability of Toom's example of a two-dimensional stable cellular automaton and its application to fault-tolerant computation. Simon and Berman simplified and strengthened Toom's original proof: the present report is simplified exposition of their proof.


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High-speed networks, such as ATM networks, are expected to support diverse Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, including real-time QoS guarantees. Real-time QoS is required by many applications such as those that involve voice and video communication. To support such services, routing algorithms that allow applications to reserve the needed bandwidth over a Virtual Circuit (VC) have been proposed. Commonly, these bandwidth-reservation algorithms assign VCs to routes using the least-loaded concept, and thus result in balancing the load over the set of all candidate routes. In this paper, we show that for such reservation-based protocols|which allow for the exclusive use of a preset fraction of a resource's bandwidth for an extended period of time-load balancing is not desirable as it results in resource fragmentation, which adversely affects the likelihood of accepting new reservations. In particular, we show that load-balancing VC routing algorithms are not appropriate when the main objective of the routing protocol is to increase the probability of finding routes that satisfy incoming VC requests, as opposed to equalizing the bandwidth utilization along the various routes. We present an on-line VC routing scheme that is based on the concept of "load profiling", which allows a distribution of "available" bandwidth across a set of candidate routes to match the characteristics of incoming VC QoS requests. We show the effectiveness of our load-profiling approach when compared to traditional load-balancing and load-packing VC routing schemes.


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A method for reconstructing 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. The method takes advantage of the projective invariance properties of rational B-splines. Given feature correspondences in multiple views, the 3D surface is reconstructed via a four step framework. First, corresponding features in each view are given an initial surface parameter value (s; t), and a 2D B-spline is fitted in each view. After this initialization, an iterative minimization procedure alternates between updating the 2D B-spline control points and re-estimating each feature's (s; t). Next, a non-linear minimization method is used to upgrade the 2D B-splines to 2D rational B-splines, and obtain a better fit. Finally, a factorization method is used to reconstruct the 3D B-spline surface given 2D B-splines in each view. This surface recovery method can be applied in both the perspective and orthographic case. The orthographic case allows the use of additional constraints in the recovery. Experiments with real and synthetic imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach for the orthographic case.


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Previous studies have shown that giving preferential treatment to short jobs helps reduce the average system response time, especially when the job size distribution possesses the heavy-tailed property. Since it has been shown that the TCP flow length distribution also has the same property, it is natural to let short TCP flows enjoy better service inside the network. Analyzing such discriminatory system requires modification to traditional job scheduling models since usually network traffic managers do not have detailed knowledge about individual flows such as their lengths. The Multi-Level (ML) queue, proposed by Kleinrock, can b e used to characterize such system. In an ML queueing system, the priority of a flow is reduced as the flow stays longer. We present an approximate analysis of the ML queueing system to obtain a closed-form solution of the average system response time function for general flow size distributions. We show that the response time of short flows can be significantly reduced without penalizing long flows.


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In an n-way broadcast application each one of n overlay nodes wants to push its own distinct large data file to all other n-1 destinations as well as download their respective data files. BitTorrent-like swarming protocols are ideal choices for handling such massive data volume transfers. The original BitTorrent targets one-to-many broadcasts of a single file to a very large number of receivers and thus, by necessity, employs an almost random overlay topology. n-way broadcast applications on the other hand, owing to their inherent n-squared nature, are realizable only in small to medium scale networks. In this paper, we show that we can leverage this scale constraint to construct optimized overlay topologies that take into consideration the end-to-end characteristics of the network and as a consequence deliver far superior performance compared to random and myopic (local) approaches. We present the Max-Min and MaxSum peer-selection policies used by individual nodes to select their neighbors. The first one strives to maximize the available bandwidth to the slowest destination, while the second maximizes the aggregate output rate. We design a swarming protocol suitable for n-way broadcast and operate it on top of overlay graphs formed by nodes that employ Max-Min or Max-Sum policies. Using trace-driven simulation and measurements from a PlanetLab prototype implementation, we demonstrate that the performance of swarming on top of our constructed topologies is far superior to the performance of random and myopic overlays. Moreover, we show how to modify our swarming protocol to allow it to accommodate selfish nodes.