987 resultados para immunohistochemical staining technique
The objective of this work was to compare the meiotic behavior and pollen grain viability of three species of Crotalaria. Slides for meiotic analysis were prepared by the air-drying technique. Pollen grain viability was measured by three staining procedures (Alexander's solution, tetrazolium chloride and fluorescein diacetate) and in vitro germination in a sucrose solution. Eight bivalents were observed, confirming previous reports on populations from other regions of Brazil, as well as from other countries. All species showed abnormal meiotic behavior as follows: in Crotalaria micans, cytomixis and abnormal chromosome pairing in diakinesis; in C. spectabilis, abnormal chromosome pairing in diplotene; in C. zanzibarica, shrunk nuclei in leptotene and zygotene. Pollen grains of all three species show low viability, which may be associated with the irregularities of the meiotic behavior.
A single coronary artery can complicate the surgical technique of arterial switch operations, impairing early and late outcomes. We propose a new surgical approach, successfully applied in a 2.1 kg neonate, aimed at reducing the risk of early and late compression and/or distortion of the newly constructed coronary artery system.
Purpose: More than five hundred million direct dental restorations are placed each year worldwide. In about 55% of the cases, resin composites or compomers are used, and in 45% amalgam. The longevity of posterior resin restorations is well documented. However, data on resin composites that are placed without enamel/dentin conditioning and resin composites placed with self-etching adhesive systems are missing. Material and Methods: The database SCOPUS was searched for clinical trials on posterior resin composites without restricting the search to the year of publication. The inclusion criteria were: (1) prospective clinical trial with at least 2 years of observation; (2) minimum number of restorations at last recall = 20; (3) report on dropout rate; (4) report of operative technique and materials used; (5) utilization of Ryge or modified Ryge evaluation criteria. For amalgam, only those studies were included that directly compared composite resin restorations with amalgam. For the statistical analysis, a linear mixed model was used with random effects to account for the heterogeneity between the studies. P-values under 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Of the 373 clinical trials, 59 studies met the inclusion criteria. In 70% of the studies, Class II and Class I restorations had been placed. The overall success rate of composite resin restorations was about 90% after 10 years, which was not different from that of amalgam. Restorations with compomers had a significantly lower longevity. The main reason for replacement were bulk fractures and caries adjacent to restorations. Both of these incidents were infrequent in most studies and accounted only for about 6% of all replaced restorations after 10 years. Restorations with macrofilled composites and compomer suffered significantly more loss of anatomical form than restorations with other types of material. Restorations that were placed without enamel acid etching and a dentin bonding agent showed significantly more marginal staining and detectable margins compared to those restorations placed using the enamel-etch or etch-and-rinse technique; restorations with self-etching systems were between the other groups. Restorations with compomer suffered significantly more chippings (repairable fracture) than restorations with other materials, which did not statistically differ among each other. Restorations that were placed with a rubber-dam showed significantly fewer material fractures that needed replacement, and this also had a significant effect on the overall longevity. Conclusion: Restorations with hybrid and microfilled composites that were placed with the enamel-etching technique and rubber-dam showed the best overall performance; the longevity of these restorations was similar to amalgam restorations. Compomer restorations, restorations placed with macrofilled composites, and resin restorations with no-etching or self-etching adhesives demonstrated significant shortcomings and shorter longevity.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to investigate the biomechanical stability and fixation strength provided by a posterior approach reconstruction technique to realign the craniovertebral junction.¦METHODS: We tested seven human cadaver occipito-cervical spines (occiput-C4) by applying pure moments of ±1.5 Nm on a spine tester. Each specimen was tested in the following modes: 1) intact; 2) injured; 3) spacers alone at C1-C2 articulation (S); 4) spacers plus C1-C2 Posterior Instrumentation (S+PI); and 5) spacers plus C1-C2 posterior instrumentation plus midline wiring (S+PI+MLW). C1-C2 range of motion for each construct was obtained in flexion-extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation.¦RESULTS: In all the loading modes, S, S+PI, and S+PI+MLW constructs significantly reduced range of motion compared with the intact and injured condition (P < 0.05). There was no statistical difference between any of the three instrumentation constructs (P > 0.05).¦CONCLUSIONS: This study investigated the biomechanics of the posterior approach technique for realignment of the craniovertebral junction and also made comparisons with additional posterior fixations. The stand-alone spacers were stable in all three loading modes. Posterior instrumentation increased the stability as compared to stand-alone spacers. The third point of fixation, carried out by using midline wiring, increased the stability further. However, there was not much difference in the stability imparted with the midline wiring versus without. The present study highlights the biomechanics of this novel concept and reaffirms the view that distraction of the C1-C2 articular facets and direct articular joint atlantoaxial fixation would be an ideal method of management of basilar invagination.
Direct MR arthrography has a better diagnostic accuracy than MR imaging alone. However, contrast material is not always homogeneously distributed in the articular space. Lesions of cartilage surfaces or intra-articular soft tissues can thus be misdiagnosed. Concomitant application of axial traction during MR arthrography leads to articular distraction. This enables better distribution of contrast material in the joint and better delineation of intra-articular structures. Therefore, this technique improves detection of cartilage lesions. Moreover, the axial stress applied on articular structures may reveal lesions invisible on MR images without traction. Based on our clinical experience, we believe that this relatively unknown technique is promising and should be further developed.
Bright-field wholemount labeling techniques applied to the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) offer advantages over conventional methods based on sections since an immediate and three-dimensional view of the stained components is provided. It thereby becomes possible to survey and count large number of cells and fibers in their natural relationships. The ability of confocal laser scanning microscopy to visualize in one focal plane the fluorescence associated with multiple markers could be most valuable by the availability of reliable wholemount fluorescent techniques. Accordingly, based in our previously published bright-field wholemount protocols [Brain Res. Prot. 2 (1998) 165-173], we have devised an effective immmunofluorescence wholemount procedure. We show that reliable wholemount fluorescent staining can be obtained using isolated complete CNS aged up to rat embryonic day 17, with antibodies penetration in the millimeter range. Examples are shown of preparations in which colocalization can be observed in nerve cells of cytoskeletal and calcium-binding proteins.
The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of spiral CT (SCT) aortography for diagnosing acute aortic lesions in blunt thoracic trauma patients. Between October 1992 and June 1997, 487 SCT scans of the chest were performed on blunt thoracic trauma patients. To assess aortic injury, the following SCT criteria were considered: hemomediastinum, peri-aortic hematoma, irregular aspect of the aortic wall, aortic pseudodiverticulum, intimal flap and traumatic dissection. Aortic injury was diagnosed on 14 SCT examinations (2.9 %), five of the patients having had an additional digital aortography that confirmed the aortic trauma. Twelve subjects underwent surgical repair of the thoracic aorta, which in all but one case confirmed the aortic injury. Two patients died before surgery from severe brain lesions. The aortic blunt lesions were confirmed at autopsy. According to the follow-up of the other 473 patients, we are aware of no false-negative SCT examination. Our limited series shows a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 99.8 % of SCT aortography in the diagnosis of aortic injury. It is concluded that SCT aortagraphy is an accurate diagnostic method for the assessment of aortic injury in blunt thoracic trauma patients.
Metallic foreign bodies are rarely found in the maxillary sinus, and usually they have a dental origin.Potential complications related to foreign bodies include recurrent sinusitis, rhinolith formation, cutaneous fistula,chemical poisoning, facial neuralgic pain and even malignancies.Two main surgical approaches are currently used for the removal of foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus: the bone flap and the endoscopic sinus techniques. We are reporting two unusual cases of large high-velocity foreign bodies removed by a modified maxillary lateral antrotomy,with free bone flap repositioning and fixation with a titanium miniplate.
Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.
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Controversy exists about the best method to achieve bone fusion in four-corner arthrodesis. Thirty-five patients who underwent this procedure by our technique were included in the study. Surgical indications were stage II-III SLAC wrist, stage II SNAC wrist and severe traumatic midcarpal joint injury. Mean follow-up was 4.6 years. Mean active flexion and extension were 34 degrees and 30 degrees respectively; grip strength recovery was 79%. Radiological consolidation was achieved in all cases. The mean DASH score was 23 and the postoperative pain improvement by visual analogue scale was statistically significant. Return to work was possible at 4 months for the average patient. Complications were a capitate fracture in one patient and the need for hardware removal in four cases. Four-corner bone wrist arthrodesis by dorsal rectangular plating achieves an acceptable preservation of range of motion with good pain relief, an excellent consolidation rate and minimal complications.
Image filtering is a highly demanded approach of image enhancement in digital imaging systems design. It is widely used in television and camera design technologies to improve the quality of an output image to avoid various problems such as image blurring problem thatgains importance in design of displays of large sizes and design of digital cameras. This thesis proposes a new image filtering method basedon visual characteristics of human eye such as MTF. In contrast to the traditional filtering methods based on human visual characteristics this thesis takes into account the anisotropy of the human eye vision. The proposed method is based on laboratory measurements of the human eye MTF and takes into account degradation of the image by the latter. This method improves an image in the way it will be degraded by human eye MTF to give perception of the original image quality. This thesis gives a basic understanding of an image filtering approach and the concept of MTF and describes an algorithm to perform an image enhancement based on MTF of human eye. Performed experiments have shown quite good results according to human evaluation. Suggestions to improve the algorithm are also given for the future improvements.
Chromosomes with Ag staining that varies from one metaphase to the other can be distinguished from those with an Ag-staining that is the same in all metaphases. The intercellular variation of an Ag-NOR can be attributed to many different factors. Whatever the importance of technical factors, they do not seem to account for the large variations in Ag-staining which were observed for each ac. This suggests the existence of a natural intercellular variability of the NOR's activity. The variation of the Ag-stainability of a given NOR, the diversity of Ag-stainings observed on the ten ac of one individual and the differences that exist between individuals raise the question of the existence of a compensation of activity between nucleolar organizers. The study, for each individual, of the mean sum of staining per metaphase reveals that this value is not absolutely constant from one individual to another; in the carriers of Robertsonian fusions it is smaller than in chromosomally normal individuals. The analysis of the transmission shows that inactive NORs remain inactive and that active NORs present a variation in the activity from one generation to the next.