1000 resultados para homosexualité, Bible, Gn19, Lv18-20, NT
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Le protestantisme a-t-il un avenir? A-t-il toujours les moyens de ses ambitions fondatrices - réformer l'Eglise et faire résonner des accents prophétiques au-delà de ses frontières ? Le présent volume a pour but de dresser un état de la situation, d'examiner l'identité protestante sous l'angle de ses forces et de ses faiblesses, de se demander comment cette identité est susceptible de trouver sa place dans la situation actuellement en devenir. Le protestantisme n'est en effet plus ni ne peut plus être exactement ce qu'il était. Le monde autour de lui n'a cessé de changer et lui-même est passé par plusieurs mutations. Le problème de l'identité protestante s'esquisse désormais sur fond de modernité, voire de post-modernité - des étapes culturelles d'autant plus importantes que le protestantisme a directement participé à leur formation ou s'est constamment soucié d'en comprendre les incidences les plus décisives. Quels sont alors les risques, mais aussi les chances, de la tradition théologique et culturelle dont il est issu? Les contributions rassemblées ici explorent quelques aspects parmi les plus importants de cette problématique: la précarité, la morale, le rapport à la tradition, l'oecuménisme, le défi des images, etc.
The practice of sedation, including monitoring practice for digestive endoscopy, continues to evolve throughout the world. In many countries, including Switzerland, there is a trend towards increased utilization of sedation during both routine and advanced endoscopic procedures. Sedation improves patient satisfaction with endoscopy and also improves the quality of the examination. In addition, a trend can be observed towards an increasing use of propofol as the preferred sedative drug. Here we review the latest published data from surveys describing sedation and monitoring practice in different countries and compare them with our own data from successive nationwide surveys among Swiss gastroenterologists over a period of 20 years. This development between these socioeconomically very similar Western industrialized countries, however, shows some unique and surprising differences. In Germany and Switzerland, propofol use has become increasingly widespread, in Switzerland even to the extent that during the last few years propofol has overtaken benzodiazepine sedation, with an absolute majority of Swiss gastroenterologists using it without the assistance of an anesthesiologist. In addition, the change in Switzerland reflects a successful generalization of nonanesthesiologist-administered propofol (NAAP) sedation from the hospital setting to private practice.
This retrospective, multicentre study evaluated patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) by right heart catheterisation. It was conducted in 20 females with a mean ± SD age of 49 ± 12 yrs and a mean ± SD time interval between LAM and PH diagnoses of 9.2 ± 9.8 yrs. All, except for one patient, were receiving supplemental oxygen. 6-min walking distance was mean ± SD 340 ± 84 m. Haemodynamic characteristics were: mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) 32 ± 6 mmHg, cardiac index 3.5 ± 1.1 L · min(-1) · m(-2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 376 ± 184 dyn · s · cm(-5). Mean PAP was >35 mmHg in only 20% of cases. The forced expiratory volume in 1 s was 42 ± 25%, carbon monoxide transfer factor was 29 ± 13%, and arterial oxygen tension (P(a,O(2))) was 7.4 ± 1.3 kPa in room air. Mean PAP and PVR did not correlate with P(a,O(2)). In six patients who received oral pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy, the PAP decreased from 33 ± 9 mmHg to 24 ± 10 mmHg and the PVR decreased from 481 ± 188 dyn · s · cm(-5) to 280 ± 79 dyn · s · cm(-5). The overall probability of survival was 94% at 2 yrs. Pre-capillary PH of mild haemodynamic severity may occur in patients with LAM, even with mild pulmonary function impairment. PAH therapy might improve the haemodynamics in PH associated with LAM.
This Executive Order expects the State government to envision an economic future for the State of Iowa in which its citizens will leak the nation toward the clean, safe, unlimited, efficient job producing prosperity-inducing and environmentally friendly energies of the 21st Century (sometimes referred to as a "Green Economy').
AIMS: To assess the cumulative impact of environmental and individual factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse and their correlation with self-reported consequences of drinking. METHOD: Cross-sectional school-based survey of a nationally representative sample of 7548 post-mandatory school students and apprentices aged 16-20 years, Switzerland 2002. Alcohol misuse defined by frequency of alcohol use, episodes of drunkenness and driving while drunk. RESULTS: Fifteen significant risk factors were identified among both boys, and girls. An individual score of cumulated risk factors was created by adding the risk factors. The association between the score and the likelihood of being engaged in alcohol misuse was highly significant and dose-dependent (p<.001). A significant proportion of adolescents report perceived adverse consequences of their alcohol consumption. A linear trend (p<.001) was found between the score of risk factors and the proportion of respondents reporting problems related to drinking such as diminished school performance, physical hazard, relational problems and current risky sexual behavior. CONCLUSION: Risk factors for adolescent alcohol misuse are cumulative and can be synthesized into an individual score correlated with the likeliness of misuse. A further indication of the validity of this score is its linear relationship with self-reported problems related to drinking.
Pas de cautionnement, pétition à l'Assemblée nationale. [Signé : Charles de Janzé. 20 juillet 1848.]
Commençant par : « Gent debonneire, gent courtoise, Or faites paiz, taisiez la noise... » et finissant par : « Or nous doint Dieu par son plesir Qu'à sa merci puissions venir. Amen. Explicit iste liber : La Bible des.VII. estaz du monde » .
Mineralização de nitrogênio em ecossistemas florestais naturais e implantados do estado de São Paulo
No presente estudo, foram usados povoamentos homogêneos de Eucalyptus grandis e Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, em diferentes estádios de crescimento, bem como fragmentos de florestas naturais de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica. Amostras de solo (0-15 cm) foram incubadas por períodos sucessivos de 3, 3, 4, 4, 6 e 10 semanas, num total de 30 semanas, sob condições aeróbias e anaeróbias, em laboratório (temperatura igual a 20°C). Em campo, amostras de solo foram incubadas in situ no período do inverno (início da primeira semana de 07/96) e verão (início da segunda semana de 12/96). As quantidades acumuladas de N mineralizado, em condições aeróbias e anaeróbias, mostraram uma relação exponencial com o tempo de incubação. A equação Nt = N0 + b/t ajustou-se melhor aos dados do que a equação proposta por Stanford & Smith (1972), Nt = N0 (1 - e-kt), em que N0 é o N potencialmente mineralizável, Nt são as quantidades acumuladas de N mineralizado e t é o tempo de mineralização. Esta equação superestimou os valores de N0 em vários sítios e condições de incubação, além de não modelar-se adequadamente aos dados. As quantidades totais de N0 (camada 0-15 cm), sob condições aeróbias, foram, em média, de 103 ± 53 kg ha-1 de N e, sob condições anaeróbias, em média, de 281 ± 175 kg ha-1 de N. Acredita-se que as reservas médias de N dos sítios pesquisados sejam suficientes para três a cinco rotações de cultivo (7 anos cada) de E. grandis. Em condições de laboratório, em alguns sítios, as quantidades de N potencialmente mineralizável (N0) foram maiores em solos sob mata nativa. Por exemplo, o N0 estimado num fragmento de cerrado, em condições anaeróbias, 173 mg kg-1 de N no solo, foi superior ao obtido num florestamento de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, recém-implantado, 44 mg kg-1 de N no solo, o qual foi semelhante ao N0 obtido em um florestamento de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, com 20 anos de idade, 45 mg kg-1 de N no solo. A floresta adulta de eucalipto foi capaz de manter no solo níveis de N0 similares aos da floresta nativa. Tomando por base as razões N0/Nt (Nt é o N total do solo), deduziu-se que apenas 5 a 15% do teor de matéria orgânica do solo é decomponível. Esta variação dependeu das características do solo, principalmente aquelas relacionadas com o teor e qualidade da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) e sua textura. Relacionando as quantidades de N0 (estimado no laboratório) com as quantidades de N mineralizadas (N M) em campo, verificou-se grande potencial preditivo de N M a partir de N0.
On remarque (f. 119-131) un fragment de registre de maintenue de noblesse, pour le Cotentin, fin novembre-8 décembre 1598, anciennement paginé 31-56, copie du XVIIe siècle.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.