995 resultados para hearing disability


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Background: This paper reviews the issue of integration as it applies to people with an intellectual disability. A compelling finding is the almost exclusive orientation of the literature to physical integration within the general community of non-disabled people. Moreover, it seems to be generally assumed that the more frequently people experience such integration the better their lives will be. Methods: We question the validity of this assumption on several grounds. It is social, not physical integration, that has a reliable positive influence on well-being. This is an important conclusion as some disabled people find effective social integration with the general community extremely difficult to achieve. Because of this, the consequences of an overly enthusiastic program of integration for such people has more potential to be more stressful than beneficial. Results: We further argue that, as integration is being pursued to benefit the individual, the essential goal of service provision should be to achieve a sense of community connectedness, rather than being concerned with physical integration within the general community.
Conclusion: It is proposed that such connectedness is more likely to be achieved within the community of people with an intellectual disability.


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The Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is a widely used summary measure of population health combining years of life lost due to mortality and years of healthy life lost due to disability. A feature of the DALY is that, in the assessment of morbidity, each health condition is associated with a disability weight. The disability weight lies on a scale between 0 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to full health) and 1 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to death). The disability weight associated with each health condition is currently fixed across all social, cultural and environmental contexts. Thus blindness in the United Kingdom has the same disability weight as blindness in Niger in spite of structural interventions in the UK that make the disability less severe than in Niger. Although the fixed disability weight is defended on grounds that it supports a strongly egalitarian flavour in the DALY, we argue that the lack of consideration of realistic contexts results in a measure that will underestimate the burden associated with morbidity in disadvantaged populations and overestimate the burden in advantaged populations. There is, consequently, a loss of information on possible non-clinical points of intervention. Disaggregated estimates of the burden of disease such as those in the World Health Report 2000 should be interpreted with caution.


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This study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and sexual esteem, sexual depression, sexual satisfaction, and the frequency of sexual behavior. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18–69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD = 10.41). The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical impairments experienced significantly lower levels of sexual esteem and sexual satisfaction and significantly higher levels of sexual depression than people who had mild impairments or who did not report having a physical impairment. The study also found that people with more severe physical disabilities engaged in mutual sexual activity significantly less frequently. Women with physical disabilities had significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality and significantly more frequent mutual sexual experiences than their male counterparts. For people with physical disabilities, the frequency of oral sex and nude cuddling were significant predictors of sexual satisfaction in men, while the frequency of deep kissing predicted sexual satisfaction in women. Furthermore, the viewing of erotica was significantly related to sexual dissatisfaction in men. Finally, it was found that people who had experienced their physical impairment for a longer period of time reported significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.


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The current study investigated the association between relationship status and the psychological adjustment, sexual esteem and sexual behaviour of people with and without physical disability. A total of 1196 participants completed the study, 748 participants (367 men, 381 women) had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 men, 277 women) were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18 to 69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD=10.41). The results demonstrated that physical disability and its severity were related to an increased likelihood of being single. Men with physical disabilities were more likely than women to be single. In terms of psychological adjustment, single people with physical disabilities were more depressed than those who had a partner they did not live with. However, they were not significantly disadvantaged in this area when compared to married people and those in de facto relationships. Relationship status was strongly related to sexual wellbeing in people with and without physical disability, with single people reporting lower levels of sexual satisfaction and sexual esteem as well as less frequent mutual sexual activity. However, married people with physical disabilities reported lower levels of sexual wellbeing than the people who had partners they did not live with. This suggests that among couples where a partner has a physical disability, marriage and live-in relationships may add burdens that do not exist in more casual relationships.


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Background Obesity is an increasing health problem for many Australians, no less so among people with an intellectual disability. Behaviour change aimed at improving nutritional intake and increasing levels of physical activity is a requirement for the reduction of obesity. An essential part of this process is to first ascertain the level of knowledge and beliefs people with an intellectual disability have about these behaviours.

Methods The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically evaluate a scale to assess levels of nutritional and physical activity knowledge among people with an intellectual disability.

Results Seventy-three people with an intellectual disability completed the interview-rated scale at time 1 and 66 of them completed it again at a 3-week re-test.

Conclusions The scale demonstrated strong factorial construct validity, high internal consistency and good temporal stability. The applications of this scale in future research and in intervention programmes are discussed.


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In many Westernized countries, including Australia, concerns about the use of psychotropic drugs to manage the challenging behavior of individuals with intellectual disability have resulted in the development of legislative and procedural controls. Although these constraints may limit indiscriminate use, employing medication remains a common practice. This study examined information about 873 individuals (566 males, 307 females) who were the subjects of reports to the Intellectual Disability Review Panel in March 2000 concerning the use of chemical restraint. A high proportion of people with intellectual disability were reported to have received drugs for purposes of behavioral restraint. The range of drugs was extensive, although those from the antipsychotic class were the most frequently reported. Many individuals concurrently received more than one type of drug or more than one drug from the same drug class. More males than females and more older than younger individuals were administered medication. A relationship between gender and age was apparent, with younger males but older females dominating. The use of drugs to mange the behavior of people with intellectual disability may at times be warranted. However, it is important that the extent and type of drug use, as well as the characteristics of those who are medicated, be subject to ongoing scrutiny.


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This paper is based on survey responses from 656 employers who had employed someone with a disability using support from disability employment agencies. Differences in employers' ratings of employees with and without a disability in relation to employer satisfaction and work performance are outlined. Employers were found to be less satisfied with their employee with a disability than with other employees; determinants of employer satisfaction differed between the two employee groups; and employers were predisposed to be more satisfied with employees with a disability than with other employees in relation to the work performance variables tested. Identifying areas directly related to employer satisfaction, and highlighting important differences in factors that determine employer satisfaction between these two employee groups, provides valuable direction for effective strategic planning of service interventions


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Reports suggest that 7% to 18% of Australian adults are obese and a further 16% to 55% are overweight. Studies from other countries have indicated that obesity among people with an intellectual disability may be at least, or even more, prevalent. Prevalence rates range from 28% to 59%. The aim of the current study was to investigate the weight distribution of an Australian sample of people with an intellectual disability using Body Mass Index (BMI) to classify males and females, and Kelly and Rimmer's (1987) Percentage of Body Fat (PBF) formula to also classify males. Forty-one females and 52 males with a mild to severe intellectual disability were assessed. The correlation between BMI and PBF for males was r=.89. BMI classifications revealed a higher percentage of females as overweight (41.4%) and obese (36.6%) compared to overweight males (30.8%) and obese males (30.8%). There were more underweight males (7.6%) than females (4.9%). There was no relationship between living environment and weight classifications on the BMI. The PBF formula indicated that 73% of the males were classified as obese. The possibility of misclassification using the BMI and the need for weight interventions are discussed.


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This research examined the performance of 80 children aged 9–12 years with either a mild and moderate intellectual disability when recalling an innocuous event that was staged in their school. The children actively participated in a 30-min magic show, which included 21 specific target items. The first interview (held 3 days after the magic show) provided false and true biasing information about these 21 items. The second interview (held the following day) was designed to elicit the children's recall of the target details using the least number of specific prompts possible. The children's performance was compared with that of 2 control groups; a group of mainstream children matched for mental age and a group of mainstream children matched for chronological age. Overall, this study showed that children with either a mild or moderate intellectual disability can provide accurate and highly specific event-related information. However, their recall is less complete and less clear in response to free-narrative prompts and less accurate in response to specific questions when compared to both the mainstream age-matched groups. The implications of the findings for legal professionals and researchers are discussed.


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This paper is based on survey responses from 656 employers who used disability employment services to employ someone with a disability. Relationships between employer satisfaction and employer perceptions of job-match and future hiring intentions toward people who have a disability are outlined and discussed. Employers' perceptions of the job-match process were found to be an important determinant of their perceptions of work performance and employer satisfaction. Comparative ratings on employer satisfaction for employees with and without a disability were seen as an important indicator of future hiring intentions toward people with a disability. Findings reported in this paper provide important information on which to base strategies for improving future employment outcomes for people who have a disability.


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Many individuals with intellectual disability are administered psychotropic drugs to manage their challenging behavior. The increased relocation of individuals from institutions into community-based accommodation during the past decade provides an opportunity to examine the relationship between setting and drug administration. This study provides acomparison of drug use according to the type of residential facility of 873 individuals reported to have been administered drugs for behavioral restraint in March 2000, with 762 individuals reported in March 1993. In 2000, individuals in institutions were reported toreceive a moderately greater number of drugs concurrently than those in the community. However, there were no differences in the proportion of individuals prescribed drugs relative to the total population living in the respective settings. This is in contrast to the findings from 1993, where drug use was greater in individuals who were living in institutions. It was also more common for individuals who continued to be medicated across time to have previously lived in an institution. Although relocation into the community may be associated with improved living conditions, it is important to recognize that this change in living conditions is not necessarily associated with less use of drugs to manage behavior.


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The current study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and body esteem. A total of 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied participated in the study. The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical disability experienced lower levels of body esteem than people with milder physical disabilities and able-bodied people. The duration of physical disability was not related to levels of body esteem. Except for the face, people with physical disabilities devalued all aspects of their body more than able-bodied people. For males with physical disability, the unique predictors of high body esteem were decreased need for assistance, higher self-esteem, lower depression and higher sexual esteem; for females with physical disability, the unique predictors were higher self-esteem and higher sexual esteem. Overall, the study suggested that people with physical disability, particularly those with severe disabilities, may be particularly vulnerable to problems associated with their body esteem.


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This article investigates the way in which deaf tertiary students' identity is constructed within the university - an overwhelmingly 'hearing' institution. It is a descriptive and analytical account of the experiences of two deaf teacher education students as they reflect on their progress and experiences in higher education. Data have been analysed within an interpretive framework of category politics and the construction of difference. The study found that providing the same access to the same information in the same form did little to address the discursive marginality of these students.


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Background Concerns about the pharmacological management of the behaviour of individuals with intellectual disability have resulted in the development of legislative and procedural controls.
Method This Australian study provided a comparison of 873 reported cases where drugs were administered to manage behaviour in March 2000, with 762 cases reported in March 1993. Drug use in individuals who remained medicated across time (n = 316: recurrent sample) was also compared with those who were reported only in 1993 (n = 329: limited sample).
Results A small decrease in the proportion of individuals who were reported to have received medication was evident over time (from 5% to 4.5% of total population). However, this was accompanied by an increase in drug diversity and interclass polypharmacy. An increase in antidepressant use was evident (from 7.4% to 13.8% of reported drugs), and there was a trend towards greater reporting of medication for acute behavioural problems and medication use with children. Greater use of antipsychotic drugs was evident in individuals who remained medicated across time compared with those who did not.
Conclusions The findings suggest the need for continuous research into practice. The fact that many individuals receive medication over long periods makes it incumbent on service providers to engage in regular, comprehensive and individualized review and evaluation of medication regimes.


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Background The current study describes the development and evaluation of group treatment programme for people with mild/moderate intellectual disability (ID).
Methods A total of 34 participants (16 males, 18 females) completed the treatment programme and 15 participants (six males, nine females) comprised a control group.
Results Compared to the control group, the intervention group showed an improvement in levels of depression, positive feelings about the self, and lower levels of automatic negative thoughts after the intervention. These changes were maintained at 3-month follow-up.
Conclusions These results demonstrate that intervention programmes are effective for the treatment of depression among people with ID.