979 resultados para gonadal maturity
Effects of two ethylene inhibitors, 1-methylcylopropene (1-MCP) and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), on production of volatile compounds and mangiferin (a bioactive xanthone) in 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruit were investigated. Volatile composition and mangiferin content, in treated and untreated fruits at three maturity, stages were determined by SPME-GC-MS and HPLC, respectively. These chromatographical analysis revealed that the volatile profiles and mangiferin concentrations were not significantly different, suggesting that the use of ethylene inhibitors does not affect the mango aroma and functional properties relative to this xanthone. Moreover, a simple, precise and accurate HPLC method was developed for quantifying mangiferin in mango pulp.
A fruit chemical composition reflects its maturation stage. For coffee, it is also the reflex of the post-harvesting processing type, dry, semi-wet and wet. The object of this work was to verify if headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME-GC) could be used to discriminate between samples harvested in different maturation stages and treated by different processes. With application of principal component analysis to the area of 117 compounds extracted by SPME, using divinylbenzene/Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, it was possible to discriminate, in the roasted and ground coffee, the maturity stage and processing type used .
Aromatic compounds are still poorly evaluated in geochemical studies of Brazilian oil samples. For this reason, the objective of this work was to analyze and evaluate 26 oil samples from four Brazilian sedimentary basins. Aromatic hydrocarbon fractions have been analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results were also compared with previously evaluated saturated hydrocarbon data. Maturation parameters obtained using the 4- and 1-methyl-dibenzothiophenes and trimethyl-dibenzothiophenes led to the best results because a better grouping was observed. For this correlation, the samples were grouped by maturity degree enabling the routine use of these parameters to evaluate oil maturity levels.
Appearance of trust in regional, co-operative networks In our times, the value of social networks has been widely acknowledged. One can say that it is important for private persons to get networked, whilst it is even a must for companies and organizations in business life. This doctor's thesis examines three co-operative regional networks. Networks are located in Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uusimaa) region in southernmost Finland, and they had both public organizations and private companies as participants (later called ‘players’). Initially, all of them were co-financed from public funds, and two of them are still operational while writing this. The main target of these networks has been to act as learning networks. The learning network stands for an ensemble of research and development units and workplaces constituting a common forum for learning. The main focus in this study has been on qualitative and structural characteristics of the networks, and how they are relating with intrinsic trust. In addition to the development of trust, it has been studied, at what level organizational learning within the networks takes place, and lastly, what kind of factors facilitate the development of social capital. The theoretical framework for the study is built on analysing trust and social capital. It is a 'mission impossible' to find single definitions for such major concepts. In this study, from the research questions' point of view it has been more relevant to concentrate on the aspects of networking and the relationships between the participating organizations. The total view in this study is very network-centric, and therefore those theories which have similar point of view have been prioritized. Such is the theory about structural holes by Ronald S. Burt (1992). It has been widely applied; especially his views on constraints affecting players in networks. The purpose of this study has not been to create new theories or to analyse and compare thoroughly the existing theoretical trends. Instead, the existing theories have provided the study with conceptual tools, which have been utilized for supporting the empirical results. The aim has been to create an explanatory case study consisting relevant discussion on the relationship between the network characteristics and the appearance of trust. The conceptual categorization for confidence vs. trust created by Niklas Luhmann (1979) is another important theoretical building block. In most cases, co-operation in networks is initiated by people already trusting in each other and willing to work together. However, personal trust is not sufficient in the long run to sustain the co-operation within the network: more abstract systemic trust described by Luhmann must also emerge. In the networks with different structures and at different development phases, these forms of trust appear at different levels. In this study, Luhmann’s systemic trust as a term has been replaced by the concept of 'trust in network as a system'. Structural characteristics of a network (density, centrality, structural holes etc.) have been selected to explain the creation of social capital and trust. The ability to adapt new information is essential for the development of social capital. Qualitative analysis for development phase has been used, and the Learning Network Maturity Test by Leenamaija Otala (2000) and her work have been applied. Thus, the qualitative characteristics and the structural characteristics of the networks are utilized together, when the creation of social capital and appearance of trust are assessed. Social Network Analysis, questionnaires and interviews have been the research methods. Quantitative and qualitative data have been combined. There is a similarity in viewpoints to research data with Extensive Case Study method, in which different cases are searched by exploring various cases and comparing certain common features between them and generic models. Development of trust, social capital and organizational learning has been explained in the study by comparing the networks in hand. Being a case study, it doesn't have targets to provide with general results and findings like conventional surveys. However, in this work phenomena and mechanisms related to them are interpreted from the empirical data. Key finding of this study is that the networks with high structural equality and clear target setting enable building trust to the network as a system. When systemic trust is present, e.g. changes in personnel involved in the co-operation won't hinder the network from remaining operational. On the other hand, if the players are not well motivated to co-operate, if the network is extremely centralized structurally, or if the network has players holding very much more beneficial position compared to the others, systemic trust won't develop: trust tends to remain at the personal level, and is directed to some players only. Such networks won't generate results and benefits to its players, and most probably they won’t live very long. In other words, learning networks cannot solely be based on willingness to learn, but also on willingness to co-operate.
Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.
Engelskans dominerande roll som internationellt språk och andra globaliseringstrender påverkar också Svenskfinland. Dessa trender påverkar i sin tur förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk, det vill säga undervisningsmålen, de förväntade elev- och lärarroller, materialens ändamålsenlighet, lärares och elevers initiala erfarenheter av engelska och engelskspråkiga länder. Denna studie undersöker förutsättningarna för lärande och professionell utveckling i det svenskspråkiga nybörjarklassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Utgångsläget för 351 nybörjare i engelska som främmande språk och 19 av deras lärare beskrivs och analyseras. Resultaten tyder på att engelska håller på att bli ett andraspråk snarare än ett traditionellt främmande språk för många unga elever. Dessa elever har också goda förutsättningar att lära sig engelska utanför skolan. Sådan var dock inte situationen för alla elever, vilket tyder på att det finns en anmärkningsvärd heterogenitet och även regional variation i det finlandssvenska klassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Lärarresultaten tyder på att vissa lärare har klarat av att på ett konstruktivt sätt att tackla de förutsättningar de möter. Andra lärare uttrycker frustration över sin arbetssituation, läroplanen, undervisningsmaterialen och andra aktörer som kommer är av betydelse för skolmiljön. Studien påvisar att förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk varierar i Svenskfinland. För att stöda elevers och lärares utveckling föreslås att dialogen mellan aktörer på olika nivå i samhället bör förbättras och systematiseras.
To improving efficiency and transparency of government services, government authorities may increase the frequency of interaction between citizens and government as well as improving the quality of the government services and trust. Electronic Government (E-Government) in definition is the delivery of government services to citizens, businesses, and government organizations through the use of internet, web based applications, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is the solution to build more reliable and efficient contact with citizens. Like the developing and developed countries, Iran also has been processing the various aspects of ICT, IT, and e-Government. Though, in order to implement and improve e-Government; Iran has faced with some obstacles. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study progress of e- Government and identify obstacles of implementing and improving e Government in Iran. In this thesis, based on the literature review, the progress of e-Government in Iran was studied and various obstacles were identified. Therefore, as a result, e- Government of Iran is said to be in the transactional stage of the United Nations’ e-Government maturity stages. In addition, establishing more reliable, efficient, and accurate e-Government initiatives, plans, guidelines, and strategies will extremely enhance e-Government status of Iran. On the other hand, the needs of the citizens should always be under consideration when implementing and improving e-Government services; because citizens are considered to be at the core of every e-Government services and the responsibilities of the authorities.
ABSTRACTA model to estimate yield loss caused by Asian soybean rust (ASR) (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) was developed by collecting data from field experiments during the growing seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11, in Passo Fundo, RS. The disease intensity gradient, evaluated in the phenological stages R5.3, R5.4 and R5.5 based on leaflet incidence (LI) and number of uredinium and lesions/cm2, was generated by applying azoxystrobin 60 g a.i/ha + cyproconazole 24 g a.i/ha + 0.5% of the adjuvant Nimbus. The first application occurred when LI = 25% and the remaining ones at 10, 15, 20 and 25-day intervals. Harvest occurred at physiological maturity and was followed by grain drying and cleaning. Regression analysis between the grain yield and the disease intensity assessment criteria generated 56 linear equations of the yield loss function. The greatest loss was observed in the earliest growth stage, and yield loss coefficients ranged from 3.41 to 9.02 kg/ha for each 1% LI for leaflet incidence, from 13.34 to 127.4 kg/ha/1 lesion/cm2 for lesion density and from 5.53 to 110.0 kg/ha/1 uredinium/cm2 for uredinium density.
Tilirahalla tarkoitetaan matalan koron tilejä, joihin liittyy tallettajan optio nostaa talletus haluamanaan ajankohtana. Tästä huolimatta tilirahan on havaittu olevan pankille kohtalaisen pysyvää rahoitusta. Pitkä keskimääräinen elinikä yhdistettynä matalaan kustannukseen tekee tilirahasta yhden pankin merkittävimmistä tulonlähteistä. Suuri korkomarginaali ja talletuskoron jäykkyys suhteessa markkinakorkotasoon aiheuttavat puolestaan pankille suuren korkoriskin. Tutkielma vastaa kysymykseen mitä tekijöitä tulee ottaa huomioon tilirahan arvostamisessa ja korkoriskin hallinnassa Suomen talletusmarkkinoilla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitettyjä tietoja ja niiden soveltuvuutta suomalaisten kotitalouksien tilirahavolyymien kehityksen ennustamisessa arvioidaan lopuksi Suomen Pankista, Eurostatista ja Tilastokeskuksesta saatavien lukujen pohjilta. Virallisista tilastoista johdettujen arvioiden havaittiin osin poikkeavan kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitetystä. Syynä tähän nähdään eri maiden väliset erot kotitalouksien säästämiskäyttäytymisessä. Suomessa kotitalouksien käyttäytymistä ei näytä ensisijaisesti ohjaavan taloudelliset vaan ei-taloudelliset tekijät kuten parempi likviditeetti. Lisäksi bruttokansantuotteen ja tilirahavolyymin kehityksen välillä havaittiin Suomessa todennäköinen korrelaatio. Alueelliset erot tuleekin huomioida aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia hyödynnettäessä.
Tutkimus on tehty Tekesin DTP-ohjelman Sinfonet-tutkimusprojektin puitteissa aikavälillä 2009-2011. Työssä on laadittu kokonaisvaltainen tuote- ja elinkaaritiedon hallinnan (eng. Product Lifecycle Management, PLM) tiekartta ja kehityssuunnitelma pienelle engineering-yritykselle. Työ käsittelee asiakkaan erikoisvaatimusten mukaan räätälöitävän tuotteen tuote- ja elinkaaritiedon hallinnan systematisointia pk-yrityksessä. Vaikka PLM-tiekartta on laadittu yksittäiselle yritykselle, sitä voidaan tietyin edellytyksin soveltaa myös toisten pk-yritysten tai engineeringyritysten PLM:n kehittämiseen. Teoriassa tarkastellaan ensinnäkin kohdeyritykseen liittyviä erityispiirteitä, pyritään ymmärtämään engineering–yrityksen ja pk-yrityksen erikoispiirteitä sekä niiden vaikutusta PLM:n kehittämiseen. Toiseksi esitellään PLM:n viittä keskeistä osaaluetta, yksi- ja viisiulotteisten PLM-kypsyysmallien käyttöä yrityksen nykytilan arvioimiseksi sekä rakennetaan engineering-yrityksen kokonaisvaltainen PLM-malli ja kahdeksan askeleen PLM-kehityspolku. PLM-malli jäsentää tiedonhallintaa prosessien kautta ja se koostuu viidestä osaalueesta: strategia identifioi asiakastarpeet sekä määrittelee kuinka tuotteiden ja prosessien avulla asiakastarpeet tyydytetään; prosessit ovat yrityksen toiminnan ydin, joissa tuotemallit ja tuote- ja tietorakenteet kehitetään sekä tuoteyksilöt toimitetaan asiakkaalle; rakenteet pohjautuvat strategiassa valittuun tuote- ja tiedonhallinnan strategiaan ja niiden tehtävänä on tukea ja tehostaa toimintaprosesseja; kulttuuri ja ihmiset muodostavat aineettoman pääoman, jonka vaikutuksesta prosessit toimivat ja tuotteet pystytään toimittamaan asiakkaalle; informaatioteknologia on työkalu, jota käytetään prosesseissa ja tietorakenteiden ylläpidossa, pääosin dokumentoidun tiedon luomiseen, hankitaan, varastoimiseen, jakamiseen ja soveltamiseen. Tapaustutkimuksessa kuvataan kohdeyrityksen nykytilaa PLM:n viidellä keskeisellä osa-alueella, tehdään PLM kypsyysarvio kahdella menetelmällä, määritellään yrityksen tavoitetila ja laaditaan yritykselle ensin alustava PLM roadmap ja lopulta kokonaisvaltaiseen PLM-malliin perustuva PLM roadmap ja PLM:n jatkokehityssuunnitelma.
The Electronic Government (e-Government) means delivering the services and information to the citizens and businesses through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in order to enable them to interact more effectively with the government, and to increase the quality of the services. As many other governments in the developed and developing countries, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has embarked on the e-Government initiatives. This study revealed that there are various challenges which affect the e-Government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), but also a lot of e-Government progress has happened. In addition, based on the United Nations’ e-Government maturity level benchmarking, the e-Government in the KRI is at the interactive stage. In this study the services that the citizens want from the government in order to implement an appropriate e-Government were also identified.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of the aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes applied in situ in a slaughter house treatment system, located in the west of the Paraná state, Brazil, regarding the nutrients removal and organic matter. Moreover, it aimed to obtain data from the production, management and composting practices of the biomass generated in the system. During 11 months of macrophytes development, physic and chemical parameters were monitored and plant density was controlled by periodical removal of excess biomass, which was weekly monitored and it is expressed in kg of aquatic plant per m² covered area. The degradation of the macrophytes removed from the treatment system was evaluated at the pilot scale in eight composting piles of 0.60 m³ that underwent four different treatments and two repetitions: T1 - water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes); T2 - water hyacinth and swine excrement (7:1), T3 - water hyacinth, swine excrement and earth (7:1:0,67), and T4 - water hyacinth, swine excrement and cellulosic gut (7:1:0,67), for a period of 90 days. The results indicated maximum removal efficiencies of 77.2% for COD; 77.8% for BOD, 87.9% for total nitrogen, 47.5% for ammonia nitrogen and 38.9% for total phosphorus for a five-day retention time. For biomass stabilization by composting, considering the C:N ratio as an indicator of compost maturity, it was observed that treatment T4 resulted in the shortest stabilization period (60 days). No difference was verified in the biostabilization rates at 5% level by the F test.
OBJETIVO: A nefrectomia laparoscópica em doadores vivos para transplante renal vem assumindo um papel importante na era das cirurgias minimamente invasivas, acarretando menor morbidade aos doadores, e resultados semelhantes à técnica aberta no que se refere ao enxerto renal. O objetivo do presente artigo é relatar a experiência do nosso serviço utilizando a técnica de controle dos vasos renais usando fio cirúrgico e clips vasculares. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 45 nefrectomias utilizando a técnica vídeo-assistida, com ligadura dos vasos renais com clips de titânio (LT-300) e fio cirúrgico. As variáveis analisadas foram tempo cirúrgico, perda sangüínea, tempo de isquemia quente, permanência hospitalar, necessidade de conversão e complicações. RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi realizado com sucesso em todos os casos. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 118 minutos, com perda sangüínea estimada em 84ml e tempo de isquemia quente de 4,3 minutos. Dois casos de íleo prolongado, uma lesão de veia gonadal, um escape de artéria renal e uma necrose de ureter foram observados. A permanência hospitalar média foi de 3,7 dias. O uso de clips vasculares e fio cirúrgico reduziu a perda de tecido venoso comparado à técnica com staplers e gerou redução de custos. CONCLUSÕES: A nefrectomia vídeo-assistida com a técnica descrita é factível e mostrou ser efetiva na contenção de gastos e na redução de tecido venoso perdido.
The thesis consists of four studies (articles I–IV) and a comprehensive summary. The aim is to deepen understanding and knowledge of newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their induction practices. The research interest thus reflects the ambition to strengthen the research-based platform for support measures. The aim can be specified in the following four sub-areas: to scrutinise NQTs’ experiences of the profession in the transition from education to work (study I), to describe and analyse NQTs’ experiences of their first encounters with school and classroom (study II), to explore NQTs’ experiences of their relationships within the school community (study III), to view NQTs’ experiences of support through peer-group mentoring as part of the wider aim of collaboration and assessment (study IV). The overall theoretical perspective constitutes teachers’ professional development. Induction forms an essential part of this continuum and can primarily be seen as a socialisation process into the profession and the social working environment of schools, as a unique phase of teachers’ development contributing to certain experiences, and as a formal programme designed to support new teachers. These lines of research are initiated in the separate studies (I–IV) and deepened in the theoretical part of the comprehensive summary. In order to appropriately understand induction as a specific practice the lines of research are in the end united and discussed with help of practice theory. More precisely the theory of practice architectures, including semantic space, physical space-time and social space, are used. The methodological approach to integrating the four studies is above all represented by abduction and meta-synthesis. Data has been collected through a questionnaire survey, with mainly open-ended questions, and altogether ten focus group meetings with newly qualified primary school teachers in 2007–2008. The teachers (n=88 in questionnaire, n=17 in focus groups), had between one and three years of teaching experience. Qualitative content analysis and narrative analysis were used when analysing the data. What is then the collected picture of induction or the first years in the profession if scrutinising the results presented in the articles? Four dimensions seem especially to permeate the studies and emerge when they are put together. The first dimension, the relational ˗ emotional, captures the social nature of induction and teacher’s work and the emotional character intimately intertwined. The second dimension, the tensional ˗ mutable, illustrates the intense pace of induction, together with the diffuse and unclear character of a teacher’s job. The third dimension, the instructive ˗ developmental, depicts induction as a unique and intensive phase of learning, maturity and professional development. Finally, the fourth dimension, the reciprocal ˗ professional, stresses the importance of reciprocity and collaboration in induction, both formally and informally. The outlined four dimensions, or integration of results, describing induction from the experiences of new teachers, constitute part of a new synthesis, induction practice. This synthesis was generated from viewing the integrated results through the theoretical lens of practice architecture and the three spaces, semantic space, physical space-time and social space. In this way, a more comprehensive, refined and partially new architecture of teachers’ induction practices are presented and discussed.
Configuration management is often seen as an enabler for the main IT Service Management (ITSM) processes such as Incident and Problem management. A decent level of quality of IT configuration data is required in order to carry out routines of these processes. This case study examines the state of configuration management in a multinational organization and aims at identification of methods for its improvement. The author has stayed five months with this company in order to collect different sources of evidence and to make observations. The main source of data for this study is interviews with some of the key employees of the assigned organization who are involved into the ITSM processes. This study concludes the maturity level of the existing configuration management process to be repeatable but intuitive, and outlines the principal requirements for its improvement. A match between the requirements identified in the organization and the requirements stated in the ISO/IEC 20000 standard indicates the possibility of adopting ITIL guidelines as a method for configuration management process improvement. The outcome of the study presents a set of recommendations for improvement that considers the process, the information model and the information system for configuration management in the case organization.