928 resultados para glycosylation reaction
Considerando a importância do sêmen na transmissão da leptospira bovina, foi realizado o presente estudo que teve como objetivo aplicar a reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para a detecção de leptospiras em sêmen bovino experimentalmente contaminado. A reação de PCR foi capaz de amplificar um fragmento de DNA específico de 330 pares de bases a partir de cultivos puros de 26 sorovares de Leptospira spp. A contaminação experimental de sêmen com Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo revelou que a técnica de PCR conseguiu detectar 10 bactérias/ml, concentração sensivelmente mais baixa que as 1.000 bactérias/ml detectadas através do cultivo microbiológico. Os resultados observados revelam o grande potencial da reação de PCR para a detecção de Leptospira spp. em sêmen bovino, notadamente em centrais de inseminação artificial.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It has been shown that the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) used to seal lateral/furcal perforations stimulates the deposition of newly formed cementum. Nevertheless, when the site of the perforation is contaminated, the healing process might occur under less favorable conditions. This study evaluated the repair healing process of noncontaminated and contaminated lateral perforations filled with MTA and the effect of previously filling the contaminated perforations with a bactericidal agent. Thirty lateral root perforations were prepared in endodontically treated dog's teeth, thus forming 3 groups with 10 specimens each. In group 1 the perforations were immediately sealed with MTA. In group 2 the perforations were left open for 7 days and thereafter sealed with MTA. In group 3 the perforations were left open for 7 days, filled temporarily with a calcium hydroxide-based paste for 14 days, and then sealed with MTA. The animals were killed after 90 days, and the pieces were prepared for histomorphologic and histomicrobiologic evaluations. The statistical analysis showed that group 1 had significantly better repair than groups 2 (P <.05) and 3 (P <.05), which validates the superior results obtained when MTA was immediately used to seal root perforations. Groups 2 and 3 had statistically similar repair to each other (P >.05). There were a larger number of cases of complete or partial biologic seal in group 1 compared with the contaminated groups. It might be concluded that the lateral root perforations sealed with MTA after contamination presented worse repair than the noncontaminated, immediately sealed perforations. The temporary filling with a bactericidal agent (calcium hydroxide-based paste) did not improve the repair of perforations exposed to contamination, and the contaminated groups presented similar results to each other.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue reaction to implanted polyethylene tubes filled with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) FILLAPEX (R) compared to the reaction to tubes filled with Sealapex (R) or Angelus MTA (R). These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. The specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Von Kossa or left unstained for examination under polarized light. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the reaction were performed. All materials caused moderate reactions after 7 days, which decreased with time. The reactions were moderate and similar to that evoked by the control and Sealapex (R) on the 15th day. MTA FILLAPEX (R) and Angelus MTA caused mild reactions beginning after 15 days. Mineralization and granulation birefringent to polarized light were observed with all materials. It was concluded that MTA FILLAPEX (R) was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization.
Tissue reaction to Endométhasone sealer in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramen
Objective: This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer Endomethasone in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramen. Material and Methods: Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to obtain a main apical foramen, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramen by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and Endomethasone, originating 2 experimental groups: G1: Endomethasone/short of the apical foramen; G2: Endomethasone/beyond the apical foramen. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown & Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramen of the main root canal and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorption, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (p=0.05). Results: Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (p<0.05) was obtained with root canal filling with Endomethasone short of the apical foramen but a chronic inflammatory infiltrate was present in all specimens. Conclusions: Limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically is important to determine the best treatment outcome when Endomethasone is used as sealer.
Introduction: The endodontic regenerative procedure (ERP), which is an alternative to calcium hydroxide induced apexification, involves the use of a triple antibiotic paste (TAP) as a dressing material. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to implanted polyethylene tubes that were filled with TAP or calcium hydroxide. Methods: Thirty rats received 2 individual implants of polyethylene tubes filled with TAP or calcium hydroxide paste (CHP) and another empty tube as a control. Thirty additional rats received 2 individual implants consisting of polyethylene tubes filled with dressing material carriers (macrogol and propylene glycol) and a sham procedure. After 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, 12 animals were euthanized, and the tubes and surrounding tissue were removed and processed for histology by using glycol methacrylate and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The histological score ranged from 0 to 3 depending on the content of inflammatory cells; the fibrous capsule was considered thin or thick, and necrosis and calcification were recorded as present or absent. The results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Both dressing materials induced moderate reactions at 7 and 15 days. These reactions were similar to the control (P>.05) and reduced in intensity (to mild) from day 30 onward (P>.05). The carriers did not interfere with the reaction of the dressing materials. Conclusions: TAP and CHP were biocompatible over the different experimental periods examined. (J Endod 2012;38:91-94)
Introduction: A new cement (CER; Cimento Endodontico Rapido or fast endodontic cement) has been developed to improve handling properties. It is a formulation that has Portland cement in gel. However, there had not yet been any study evaluating its biologic properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue response to CER and Angelus MTA. Methods: The materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 30, and 60 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin-eosin or von Kossa or not stained for polarized light. The presence of inflammation, predominant cell type, calcification, and thickness of fibrous connective tissue were recorded. Scores were defined as follows: 0, none or few inflammatory cells, no reaction; 1, <25 cells, mild reaction; 2, 25-125 cells, moderate reaction; 3, >125 cells, severe reaction. Fibrous capsule was categorized as thin when thickness was <150 mu m and thick at >150 mu m. Necrosis and formation of calcification were both recorded. Results: Both materials Angelus MTA and CER caused moderate reactions at 7 days, which decreased with time. The response was similar to the control at 30 and 60 days with Angelus MTA and CER, characterized by organized connective tissue and presence of some chronic inflammatory cells. Mineralization and granulations birefringent to polarized light were observed with both materials. Conclusions: It was possible to conclude that CER was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization. (J Endod 2009,35:1377-1380)
This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer EndoREZ in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramenlike communication. Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to create an apical foramenlike communication, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramenlike opening by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and EndoREZ, originating 2 experimental groups: G1, EndoREZ/short of the apical foramenlike opening, and G2, EndoREZ/beyond the apical foramenlike opening. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown and Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramenlike communication and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorptions, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells, and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (P = .05). Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (P = .05) was obtained with root canal filling with EndoREZ short of the apical foramenlike opening. In conclusion, limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically was important to determine the best treatment outcome when EndoREZ was used as the sealer. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: e94-e99)
The aim of this study was to histopathologically examine the reaction of the connective tissue of rats to 2 calcium hydroxide-based sealers, Acroseal and Sealapex. Dentin tubes containing the materials and empty control tubes were implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of 36 Wistar albino rats. The animals were killed after 7 or 30 days, and the specimens were prepared for histologic analysis with hematoxylin and eosin, Von Kossa technique, and polarized light. Results were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Both materials caused mild or moderate inflammatory reactions on the 7th day, but these reactions decreased by the 30th day with no significant difference at any time (P > .05). Mineralization of the subcutaneous tissue of the rats was observed only with Sealapex.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The presence of the very virulent (vv) Brazilian strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was determined in the bursa of Fabricius, thymus and liver of 2-week-old broilers from a flock with a higher than expected mortality. For this purpose, a direct in situ reverse transcriptase (RT)-linked polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed using specific primers for vvIBDV. Unlabelled forward and reverse biotinylated oligonucleotides were used for RT-PCR in a one-step method and the respective products were revealed by a direct enzymatic reaction. The results were compared with those obtained by standard RT-PCR using general primers for IBDV and virus isolation. The virus isolation, RT-PCR and in situ RT-PCR revealed positive results on the bursa of Fabricius in 86%, 80% and 100%, respectively. The in situ RT-PCR detected vvIBDV in all tested thymus and liver samples, whereas the standard RT-PCR detected virus in 80% and 90% of the samples, respectively. After three consecutive passages on chicken embryonated eggs, IBDV was isolated from 64% of the thymus samples and 30% of the liver samples. In the present study, no classical or antigenic variants of IBDV were detected. The developed in situ RT-PCR assay was able to detect the very virulent strain of IBDV with a higher sensitivity than the conventional RT-PCR and virus isolation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of hereditary mental retardation, is caused by expansions of CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene. The gold-standard method to diagnose FXS is the Southern blot (SB). Because SB is laborious and costly, some adaptations in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method have been utilized for FXS screening. A previous PCR-based screening method for FXS identification utilizing small amounts of DNA was reported as simple and efficient. The aim of this study was to reproduce the mentioned PCR-based screening method for identification of expanded alleles of the FMR1 gene in Brazilian individuals and to investigate the efficiency of this method in comparison with SB. Utilizing the enzyme Expand Long Template PCR System, 78 individuals were investigated by that PCR-based screening method for FXS identification. Conclusive results were obtained for 75 samples. Considering all the allelic forms of FXS (normal [NL], premutation [PM], and full-mutation [FM]), the comparison of the PCR-based screening method with SB demonstrated 100% of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. However, when the PM and the FM were analyzed separately from each other, but together with the NL allele, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity decreased (to 42.9%-97.4%). We concluded that the PCR-based screening method was reproducible and capable of identifying all different FXS alleles, but because the differentiation between the PM and the FM alleles was not accurate, SB is still the gold-standard method for the molecular diagnosis of FXS.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)