953 resultados para first-order kinetics


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In this brief, a new complex-valued B-spline neural network is introduced in order to model the complex-valued Wiener system using observational input/output data. The complex-valued nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product from two univariate B-spline neural networks, using the real and imaginary parts of the system input. Following the use of a simple least squares parameter initialization scheme, the Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, which incorporates the De Boor algorithm, including both the B-spline curve and the first-order derivatives recursion. Numerical examples, including a nonlinear high-power amplifier model in communication systems, are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.


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In this paper a new nonlinear digital baseband predistorter design is introduced based on direct learning, together with a new Wiener system modeling approach for the high power amplifiers (HPA) based on the B-spline neural network. The contribution is twofold. Firstly, by assuming that the nonlinearity in the HPA is mainly dependent on the input signal amplitude the complex valued nonlinear static function is represented by two real valued B-spline neural networks, one for the amplitude distortion and another for the phase shift. The Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, in which the De Boor recursion is employed to calculate both the B-spline curve and the first order derivatives. Secondly, we derive the predistorter algorithm calculating the inverse of the complex valued nonlinear static function according to B-spline neural network based Wiener models. The inverse of the amplitude and phase shift distortion are then computed and compensated using the identified phase shift model. Numerical examples have been employed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.


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In this paper we introduce a new Wiener system modeling approach for memory high power amplifiers in communication systems using observational input/output data. By assuming that the nonlinearity in the Wiener model is mainly dependent on the input signal amplitude, the complex valued nonlinear static function is represented by two real valued B-spline curves, one for the amplitude distortion and another for the phase shift, respectively. The Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, which incorporates the De Boor algorithm, including both the B-spline curve and the first order derivatives recursion. An illustrative example is utilized to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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Identifying a periodic time-series model from environmental records, without imposing the positivity of the growth rate, does not necessarily respect the time order of the data observations. Consequently, subsequent observations, sampled in the environmental archive, can be inversed on the time axis, resulting in a non-physical signal model. In this paper an optimization technique with linear constraints on the signal model parameters is proposed that prevents time inversions. The activation conditions for this constrained optimization are based upon the physical constraint of the growth rate, namely, that it cannot take values smaller than zero. The actual constraints are defined for polynomials and first-order splines as basis functions for the nonlinear contribution in the distance-time relationship. The method is compared with an existing method that eliminates the time inversions, and its noise sensitivity is tested by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the usefulness of the method is demonstrated on the measurements of the vessel density, in a mangrove tree, Rhizophora mucronata, and the measurement of Mg/Ca ratios, in a bivalve, Mytilus trossulus.


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If stock and stock index futures markets are functioning properly price movements in these markets should best be described by a first order vector error correction model with the error correction term being the price differential between the two markets (the basis). Recent evidence suggests that there are more dynamics present than should be in effectively functioning markets. Using self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) models, this study analyses whether such dynamics can be related to different regimes within which the basis can fluctuate in a predictable manner without triggering arbitrage. These findings reveal that the basis shows strong evidence of autoregressive behaviour when its value is between the two thresholds but that the extra dynamics disappear once the basis moves above the upper threshold and their persistence is reduced, although not eradicated, once the basis moves below the lower threshold. This suggests that once nonlinearity associated with transactions costs is accounted for, stock and stock index futures markets function more effectively than is suggested by linear models of the pricing relationship.


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This paper investigates how the correlations implied by a first-order simultaneous autoregressive (SAR(1)) process are affected by the weights matrix and the autocorrelation parameter. A graph theoretic representation of the covariances in terms of walks connecting the spatial units helps to clarify a number of correlation properties of the processes. In particular, we study some implications of row-standardizing the weights matrix, the dependence of the correlations on graph distance, and the behavior of the correlations at the extremes of the parameter space. Throughout the analysis differences between directed and undirected networks are emphasized. The graph theoretic representation also clarifies why it is difficult to relate properties ofW to correlation properties of SAR(1) models defined on irregular lattices.


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A number of transient climate runs simulating the last 120kyr have been carried out using FAMOUS, a fast atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). This is the first time such experiments have been done with a full AOGCM, providing a three-dimensional simulation of both atmosphere and ocean over this period. Our simulation thus includes internally generated temporal variability over periods from days to millennia, and physical, detailed representations of important processes such as clouds and precipitation. Although the model is fast, computational restrictions mean that the rate of change of the forcings has been increased by a factor of 10, making each experiment 12kyr long. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), northern hemisphere ice sheets and variations in solar radiation arising from changes in the Earth's orbit are treated as forcing factors, and are applied either separately or combined in different experiments. The long-term temperature changes on Antarctica match well with reconstructions derived from ice-core data, as does variability on timescales longer than 10 kyr. Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) cooling on Greenland is reasonably well simulated, although our simulations, which lack ice-sheet meltwater forcing, do not reproduce the abrupt, millennial scale climate shifts seen in northern hemisphere climate proxies or their slower southern hemisphere counterparts. The spatial pattern of sea surface cooling at the LGM matches proxy reconstructions reasonably well. There is significant anti-correlated variability in the strengths of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) on timescales greater than 10kyr in our experiments. We find that GHG forcing weakens the AMOC and strengthens the ACC, whilst the presence of northern hemisphere ice-sheets strengthens the AMOC and weakens the ACC. The structure of the AMOC at the LGM is found to be sensitive to the details of the ice-sheet reconstruction used. The precessional component of the orbital forcing induces ~20kyr oscillations in the AMOC and ACC, whose amplitude is mediated by changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. These forcing influences combine, to first order, in a linear fashion to produce the mean climate and ocean variability seen in the run with all forcings.


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We consider two weakly coupled systems and adopt a perturbative approach based on the Ruelle response theory to study their interaction. We propose a systematic way of parameterizing the effect of the coupling as a function of only the variables of a system of interest. Our focus is on describing the impacts of the coupling on the long term statistics rather than on the finite-time behavior. By direct calculation, we find that, at first order, the coupling can be surrogated by adding a deterministic perturbation to the autonomous dynamics of the system of interest. At second order, there are additionally two separate and very different contributions. One is a term taking into account the second-order contributions of the fluctuations in the coupling, which can be parameterized as a stochastic forcing with given spectral properties. The other one is a memory term, coupling the system of interest to its previous history, through the correlations of the second system. If these correlations are known, this effect can be implemented as a perturbation with memory on the single system. In order to treat this case, we present an extension to Ruelle's response theory able to deal with integral operators. We discuss our results in the context of other methods previously proposed for disentangling the dynamics of two coupled systems. We emphasize that our results do not rely on assuming a time scale separation, and, if such a separation exists, can be used equally well to study the statistics of the slow variables and that of the fast variables. By recursively applying the technique proposed here, we can treat the general case of multi-level systems.


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A three-point difference scheme recently proposed in Ref. 1 for the numerical solution of a class of linear, singularly perturbed, two-point boundary-value problems is investigated. The scheme is derived from a first-order approximation to the original problem with a small deviating argument. It is shown here that, in the limit, as the deviating argument tends to zero, the difference scheme converges to a one-sided approximation to the original singularly perturbed equation in conservation form. The limiting scheme is shown to be stable on any uniform grid. Therefore, no advantage arises from using the deviating argument, and the most accurate and efficient results are obtained with the deviation at its zero limit.


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In this article a simple and effective algorithm is introduced for the system identification of the Wiener system using observational input/output data. The nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is modelled using a B-spline neural network. The Gauss–Newton algorithm is combined with De Boor algorithm (both curve and the first order derivatives) for the parameter estimation of the Wiener model, together with the use of a parameter initialisation scheme. Numerical examples are utilised to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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We develop a complex-valued (CV) B-spline neural network approach for efficient identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems. The CV nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product of two univariate B-spline neural networks. With the aid of a least squares parameter initialisation, the Gauss-Newton algorithm effectively estimates the model parameters that include the CV linear dynamic model coefficients and B-spline neural network weights. The identification algorithm naturally incorporates the efficient De Boor algorithm with both the B-spline curve and first order derivative recursions. An accurate inverse of the CV Wiener system is then obtained, in which the inverse of the CV nonlinear static function of the Wiener system is calculated efficiently using the Gaussian-Newton algorithm based on the estimated B-spline neural network model, with the aid of the De Boor recursions. The effectiveness of our approach for identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems is demonstrated using the application of digital predistorter design for high power amplifiers with memory


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Current methods for estimating vegetation parameters are generally sub-optimal in the way they exploit information and do not generally consider uncertainties. We look forward to a future where operational dataassimilation schemes improve estimates by tracking land surface processes and exploiting multiple types of observations. Dataassimilation schemes seek to combine observations and models in a statistically optimal way taking into account uncertainty in both, but have not yet been much exploited in this area. The EO-LDAS scheme and prototype, developed under ESA funding, is designed to exploit the anticipated wealth of data that will be available under GMES missions, such as the Sentinel family of satellites, to provide improved mapping of land surface biophysical parameters. This paper describes the EO-LDAS implementation, and explores some of its core functionality. EO-LDAS is a weak constraint variational dataassimilationsystem. The prototype provides a mechanism for constraint based on a prior estimate of the state vector, a linear dynamic model, and EarthObservationdata (top-of-canopy reflectance here). The observation operator is a non-linear optical radiative transfer model for a vegetation canopy with a soil lower boundary, operating over the range 400 to 2500 nm. Adjoint codes for all model and operator components are provided in the prototype by automatic differentiation of the computer codes. In this paper, EO-LDAS is applied to the problem of daily estimation of six of the parameters controlling the radiative transfer operator over the course of a year (> 2000 state vector elements). Zero and first order process model constraints are implemented and explored as the dynamic model. The assimilation estimates all state vector elements simultaneously. This is performed in the context of a typical Sentinel-2 MSI operating scenario, using synthetic MSI observations simulated with the observation operator, with uncertainties typical of those achieved by optical sensors supposed for the data. The experiments consider a baseline state vector estimation case where dynamic constraints are applied, and assess the impact of dynamic constraints on the a posteriori uncertainties. The results demonstrate that reductions in uncertainty by a factor of up to two might be obtained by applying the sorts of dynamic constraints used here. The hyperparameter (dynamic model uncertainty) required to control the assimilation are estimated by a cross-validation exercise. The result of the assimilation is seen to be robust to missing observations with quite large data gaps.


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Accurate decadal climate predictions could be used to inform adaptation actions to a changing climate. The skill of such predictions from initialised dynamical global climate models (GCMs) may be assessed by comparing with predictions from statistical models which are based solely on historical observations. This paper presents two benchmark statistical models for predicting both the radiatively forced trend and internal variability of annual mean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) on a decadal timescale based on the gridded observation data set HadISST. For both statistical models, the trend related to radiative forcing is modelled using a linear regression of SST time series at each grid box on the time series of equivalent global mean atmospheric CO2 concentration. The residual internal variability is then modelled by (1) a first-order autoregressive model (AR1) and (2) a constructed analogue model (CA). From the verification of 46 retrospective forecasts with start years from 1960 to 2005, the correlation coefficient for anomaly forecasts using trend with AR1 is greater than 0.7 over parts of extra-tropical North Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and western Pacific. This is primarily related to the prediction of the forced trend. More importantly, both CA and AR1 give skillful predictions of the internal variability of SSTs in the subpolar gyre region over the far North Atlantic for lead time of 2 to 5 years, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.5. For the subpolar gyre and parts of the South Atlantic, CA is superior to AR1 for lead time of 6 to 9 years. These statistical forecasts are also compared with ensemble mean retrospective forecasts by DePreSys, an initialised GCM. DePreSys is found to outperform the statistical models over large parts of North Atlantic for lead times of 2 to 5 years and 6 to 9 years, however trend with AR1 is generally superior to DePreSys in the North Atlantic Current region, while trend with CA is superior to DePreSys in parts of South Atlantic for lead time of 6 to 9 years. These findings encourage further development of benchmark statistical decadal prediction models, and methods to combine different predictions.


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An integration by parts formula is derived for the first order differential operator corresponding to the action of translations on the space of locally finite simple configurations of infinitely many points on Rd. As reference measures, tempered grand canonical Gibbs measures are considered corresponding to a non-constant non-smooth intensity (one-body potential) and translation invariant potentials fulfilling the usual conditions. It is proven that such Gibbs measures fulfill the intuitive integration by parts formula if and only if the action of the translation is not broken for this particular measure. The latter is automatically fulfilled in the high temperature and low intensity regime.


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The behaviour of stationary, non-passive plumes can be simulated in a reasonably simple and accurate way by integral models. One of the key requirements of these models, but also one of their less well-founded aspects, is the entrainment assumption, which parameterizes turbulent mixing between the plume and the environment. The entrainment assumption developed by Schatzmann and adjusted to a set of experimental results requires four constants and an ad hoc hypothesis to eliminate undesirable terms. With this assumption, Schatzmann’s model exhibits numerical instability for certain cases of plumes with small velocity excesses, due to very fast radius growth. The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative entrainment assumption based on a first-order turbulence closure, which only requires two adjustable constants and seems to solve this problem. The asymptotic behaviour of the new formulation is studied and compared to previous ones. The validation tests presented by Schatzmann are repeated and it is found that the new formulation not only eliminates numerical instability but also predicts more plausible growth rates for jets in co-flowing streams.