774 resultados para fatherhood - violence


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La violence conjugale est un problème social qui engendre des coûts sérieux (Statistique Canada, 2016). Son traitement est important. Les taux d’abandon thérapeutique observés dans les programmes de traitement en groupe pour les hommes auteurs de comportements violents en contexte conjugal se situent entre 15 et 58 % (Jewell & Wormith, 2010). Ces hauts taux d’abandon réduisent l’efficacité réelle des suivis pour violence conjugale (Bowen & Gilchrist, 2006). Des études montrent que l’âge, l’occupation, le statut conjugal, le faible revenu, l’expérience de violence physique à l’enfance, la consommation de drogue et d’alcool, ainsi que la personnalité colérique et la fréquence des comportements de violence sont des variables qui permettent de prédire l’abandon d’un programme de traitement de la violence conjugale en format de groupe et de type fermé (Jewell & Wormith, 2010). Aucune étude recensée n’a étudié les prédicteurs liés à l’abandon thérapeutique d’un traitement en format individuel de type ouvert. Cette étude visait à identifier quels sont les moments-clés où il y a cessation du suivi pour violence conjugale et à vérifier quelles variables sont associées à une cessation plus ou moins précoce du traitement individuel des hommes auteurs de violence conjugale. Une batterie de questionnaires auto-rapportés a été soumise à 206 hommes francophones qui amorcent une consultation individuelle pour un problème de violence conjugale dans un centre communautaire de la province de Québec. Parmi ceux-ci se trouvaient des questionnaires évaluant l’expérience de la colère, les comportements de violence conjugale, les insécurités d’attachement amoureux et la désirabilité sociable. Le nombre de séances complétées par chaque participant a également été obtenu par le biais de l’organisme. Une première analyse de survie a permis de produire une table de survie et d’identifier trois moments où la cessation du suivi est la plus fréquente, soient une cessation précoce (1 ou 2 séances), une cessation à court terme (3 à 5 séances) et une cessation à moyen terme (après la 11e séance). L’analyse de survie par régression de Cox a ensuite permis de montrer que l’âge, le fait d’avoir complété ou non des études post-secondaires, le fait d’avoir une occupation stable (emploi ou études à temps plein) ou non, le fait de consulter sous ordonnance légale, le niveau de violence psychologique émise, ainsi que les insécurités d’attachement (évitement de l’intimité, anxiété d’abandon) sont tous des prédicteurs significatifs du moment de cessation d’un suivi individuel de type ouvert pour violence conjugale. Plus précisément, les participants qui n’ont pas complété d’études post-secondaires, qui sont sans occupation stable, qui consultent sous ordonnance de la Cour ou de la DPJ et qui présentent peu d’évitement de l’intimité ont davantage tendance à cesser leur suivi de façon précoce; les participants qui ont complété des études post-secondaires et qui présentent peu d’anxiété d’abandon ont davantage tendance à cesser leur suivi à court terme; les clients qui posent moins d’actes de violence psychologique ont davantage tendance à mettre fin à leur suivi à moyen terme. Les implications cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées


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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex issue. The present study explored how media exposure to female and male victims of IPV affected participants’ support for both groups. It was hypothesized that female victims would be supported more than male victims and that presenting stimuli that drew attention to male victims would not decrease support for female victims. Participants were presented with one of three posters, drawing attention to male victims, female victims, or both. A questionnaire was then used to assess perceptions of support for IPV victims, which was completed by 121 participants. Results indicated that females were supported more than males and that drawing attention to male victims did not decrease participants’ support for female victims. An exploratory analysis also revealed that women, overall, have high support for all victims, while men’s level of support changed depending on the type of information to which they were exposed.


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For fifty years (1949–99) the now-abandoned Giant Mine in Yellowknife emitted arsenic air and water pollution into the surrounding environment. Arsenic pollution from Giant Mine had particularly acute health impacts on the nearby Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN), who were reliant on local lakes, rivers, and streams for their drinking water, in addition to frequent use of local berries, garden produce, and medicine plants. Currently, the Canadian government is undertaking a remediation project at Giant Mine to clean up contaminated soils and tailings on the surface and contain 237,000 tonnes of arsenic dust that are stored underground at the Giant Mine. Using documentary sources and statements of Yellowknives Dene members before various public hearings on the arsenic issue, this paper examines the history of arsenic pollution at Giant Mine as a form of “slow violence,” a concept that reconfigures the arsenic issue not simply as a technical problem, but as a historical agent of colonial dispossession that alienated an Indigenous group from their traditional territory. The long-term storage of arsenic at the former mine site means the effects of this slow violence are not merely historical, but extend to the potentially far distant future.


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Objetivo: Apresentar o quadro de violência sexual contra a mulher no Brasil, com base nas notificações realizadas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, que analisou informações referentes às notificações de violência sexual contra a mulher, no período de 2009 a 2013, considerando a unidade da federação, perfil das mulheres, características da ocorrência e encaminhamentos realizados pelo setor saúde. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva, sendo apresentados números absolutos e relativos derivados das notificações. Resultados: No Brasil, foram registradas 21.871 notificações no período estudado. Observaram-se maiores taxas de registros no ano de 2013 e na região Norte. Predominou o ciclo de vida de 10 a 19 anos (10.806/49,4%), as raças branca (8.894/40,7%) e parda (8.535/39,0%), e a escolaridade ensino fundamental incompleto (5.444/24,9%). Os casos de violência sexual ocorreram com maior frequência na residência da mulher (13.259/60,6%), com agressor conhecido (5.649/25,8%) e sem suspeita do uso de álcool (9.249/42,3%). A maior parte do atendimento no setor saúde foi de nível ambulatorial (15.842/72,6%), e os casos evoluíram para alta (16.879/77,2%). Conclusão: As notificações cresceram progressivamente no período estudado, e a violência sexual contra a mulher no país, registrada pelo setor saúde, atingiu, principalmente, adolescentes, no ambiente doméstico e com agressor conhecido.


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Social network sites (SNSs) provide new opportunities for online self-presentation of millions of users. The cover profile photograph (CPP) along with written information regarding relationship status is a central component of online self-presentation, although their associations with actual romantic relationships are not clear. We investigated relationships between the presence of a current romantic partner on the CPP and the displayed relationship status and partner satisfaction, partner-directed violence and women's intrasexual competition with peers. A total of 28 % of the 158 women with a Facebook profile and being involved in a romantic relationship had their romantic partners on their CPP. As predicted, women with their partners on the CPP were more satisfied with their romantic relationship than others. Furthermore, women who did not have their partner on the CPP tended to conceal or lie in their displayed mating status suggesting that this may be a strategy how to attract another potential mate. The partner-directed violence and intrasexual competition hypotheses were not supported. Overall, the CPP and an honestly displayed relationship status is an expression of relationship satisfaction amongst women.


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The effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group therapy model for the treatment of girls victims of sexual violence (SV) was investigated when applied by different groups of practitioners: researchers/psychologists who developed it (G1) and psychologists from the public social care network trained by the first group (G2). A quasi-experimental study was carried out, in which the group therapy model was applied by the two groups. A total of 103 girls victims of sexual violence (SV), aged between seven and 16 years (M=11.76 years, SD=2.02 years) were included, with 49 attended by G1, and 54 by G2. The results indicated a significant reduction in the symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD. The comparison between the results obtained by the two groups of practitioners in the application of the model indicated no significant differences in the rates of improvement of the participants. These results indicate the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral group therapy model evaluated and the possibility of it being used as a care strategy by psychology practitioners working in public services.


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This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the lowcountry region of South Carolina.


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This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the midlands region of South Carolina.


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This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina.


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This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the upstate region of South Carolina.


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The ‘heroic life’ or the life of the revolutionary is one that resists or even seeks to transcend the everyday and the ordinary. The ‘banal’ vulnerabilities of everyday life, however, continue to constitute the unseen, often unspoken background of such a heroic life. This article turns to women’s memories of everyday life spent ‘underground’ in the context of the late 1960s radical left Naxalbari movement of Bengal. Drawing upon recent published memoirs and my own field interviews with middle class female (and male) activists, I outline the ways in which revolutionary femininity was imagined and lived in the everyday life of this political movement. I focus, in particular, on the gendered and classed nature of political labour, the gendering of revolutionary space, and finally, the extent to which everyday life in the ‘underground’ was a site of vulnerability and powerlessness, especially for women. I also signal how these memories of interpersonal conflict and everyday violence tend to remain buried under a collective mythicisation of the ‘heroic life’.


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Background: In Nigeria, the relationship between spousal violence and pregnancy termination had not been adequately explored. Objectives: To assess the prevalence of spousal violence, and examine the relationship between spousal violence and pregnancy termination. Methods: Data on spousal violence among ever married women was extracted from the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. The outcome variable is pregnancy termination. The explanatory variables were the type of spousal violence experienced by the women in the last 12 months preceding the survey. Descriptive statistical analysis and binary logistic regression were applied using stata version 12. Results: Results show that 13.8% of women had ever terminated pregnancy; 19.9% had ever experienced at least one type of spousal violence; and women who had ever terminated pregnancy had higher prevalence of all types of spousal violence. Women who had ever experienced spousal physical violence were 9% more likely to experience pregnancy termination (OR=1.09; CI: 1.03-2.86); and women who had ever experienced spousal emotional violence were 33% more likely to experience pregnancy termination (OR=1.33; CI: 0.97-1.95). Conclusions: Spousal violence is significantly related to pregnancy termination. Improving women’s sexual and reproductive health in the country requires fresh initiatives that address spousal violence to further reduce women’s exposure to pregnancy termination.


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Research suggests that child-to-parent violence (CPV) is related to a previous history of violence within the family setting. The current study was aimed to explore the exposure to violence in different settings (school, community, home, and TV) and its relationship to some variables of the social-cognitive processing (hostile social perception, impulsivity, ability to anticipate the consequences of social behaviors and to select the appropriate means to achieve the goals of social behaviors) in a group of juveniles who assaulted their parents. It is also examined how they differ from other young offenders and non-offender adolescents. The sample included 90 adolescents from Jaén (Spain). Thirty of them were juveniles who had been reported by their parents for being violent towards them and 30 were juveniles who had committed other types of offences. The third group was made up of 30 adolescents without any criminal charge. Adolescents answered measures of exposure to violence, perception of criticism/rejection from parents, hostile social perception, and social problem- solving skills. Results revealed that juveniles who abused their parents reported higher levels of exposure to violence at home when comparing to the other groups. In addition, exposure to violence at home was significantly correlated to the hostile social perception of adolescents in CPV cases. Implications for prevention and treatment are discussed