900 resultados para ester derivatives of TCNQ
We report the isolation of generalized transducing phages for Streptomyces species able to transduce chromosomal markers or plasmids between derivatives of Streptomyces coelicolor, the principal genetic model system for this important bacterial genus. We describe four apparently distinct phages (DAH2, DAH4, DAH5, and DAH6) that are capable of transducing multiple chromosomal markers at frequencies ranging from 10−5 to 10−9 per plaque-forming unit. The phages contain DNA ranging in size from 93 to 121 kb and mediate linked transfer of genetic loci at neighboring chromosomal sites sufficiently close to be packaged within the same phage particle. The key to our ability to demonstrate transduction by these phages was the establishment of conditions expected to severely reduce superinfection killing during the selection of transductants. The host range of these phages, as measured by the ability to form plaques, extends to species as distantly related as Streptomyces avermitilis and Streptomyces verticillus, which are among the most commercially important species of this genus. Transduction of plasmid DNA between S. coelicolor and S. verticillus was observed at frequencies of ≈10−4 transductants per colony-forming unit.
We have used telomeric DNA to break two acrocentric derivatives of the human Y chromosome into mini-chromosomes that are small enough to be size- fractionated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. One of the mini-chromosomes is about 7 Mb in size and sequence-tagged site analysis of this molecule suggests that it corresponds to a simple truncation of the short arm of the Y chromosome. Five of the mini-chromosomes are derived from the long arm, are all rearranged by more than a simple truncation, and range in size from 4.0 Mb to 9 Mb. We have studied the mitotic stabilities of these mini-chromosomes and shown that they are stably maintained by cells proliferating in culture for about 100 cell divisions.
The effect of temperature from 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C on the retention of dansyl derivatives of amino acids in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) was investigated by HPLC on three stationary phases. Plots of the logarithmic retention factor against the reciprocal temperature in a wide range were nonlinear, indicative of a large negative heat capacity change associated with retention. By using Kirchoff's relations, the enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes were evaluated from the logarithmic retention factor at various temperatures by fitting the data to a logarithmic equation and a quadratic equation that are based on the invariance and on an inverse square dependence of the heat capacity on temperature, respectively. In the experimental temperature interval, the heat capacity change was found to increase with temperature and could be approximated by the arithmetic average. For HIC retention of a set of dansylamino acids, both enthalpy and entropy changes were positive at low temperatures but negative at high temperatures as described in the literature for other processes based on the hydrophobic effect. The approach presented here shows that chromatographic measurements can be not only a useful adjunct to calorimetry but also an alternative means for the evaluation of thermodynamic parameters.
Eg5, a member of the bimC subfamily of kinesin-like microtubule motor proteins, localizes to spindle microtubules in mitosis but not to interphase microtubules. We investigated the molecular basis for spindle localization by transient transfection of Xenopus A6 cells with myc-tagged derivatives of Eg5. Expressed at constitutively high levels from a cytomegalovirus promoter, mycEg5 protein is cytoplasmic throughout interphase, begins to bind microtubules in early prophase, and remains localized to spindle and/or midbody microtubules through mitosis to the end of telophase. Both N- and C-terminal regions of Eg5 are required for this cell-cycle-regulated targeting. Eg5 also contains within its C-terminal domain a sequence conserved among bimC subfamily proteins that includes a potential p34cdc2 phosphorylation site. We show that mutation of a single threonine (T937) within this site to nonphosphorylatable alanine abolishes localization of the mutant protein to the spindle, whereas mutation of T937 to serine preserves spindle localization. We hypothesize that phosphorylation of Eg5 may regulate its localization to the spindle in the cell cycle.
Diversos biomateriais podem ser aplicados como suportes na imobilização de células totais de fungos filamentosos ou enzimas isoladas, visando a manutenção e o prolongamento da atividade enzimática em processos biocatalíticos. Exemplos promissores de biomateriais são a fibroína da seda e o alginato de sódio. A fibroína é um material protéico com alta estabilidade térmica, elasticidade, resistência à tensão, não sofre ataque microbiano, baixo custo de purificação e alta tenacidade, o alginato é um biopolímero versátil, devido a suas propriedades gelificantes em soluções aquosas. Assim, neste trabalho empregou-se micélios do fungo derivado de ambiente marinho, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, livres e imobilizados em biopolímeros (fibra de algodão, fibra de fibroína da seda e fibra de paina) na biorredução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação α,β-C=C de enonas α,β-, α,β,γ,δ- e di-α,β-insaturadas previamente sintetizados pela a reação de condensação aldólica. Foi possível a utilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 na redução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação dupla carbono-carbono de sistemas α,β-insaturados. A imobilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 em biopolímeros (algodão, fibroína da seda, paina e quitosana) permitiu a prolongamento da atividade celular do fungo. O protocolo desenvolvido foi capaz de obter compostos até então descritos apenas por síntese clássica. Também foi realizado reações de resolução enzimática de derivados de haloidrinas por diferentes lipases microbianas de: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida cylindracea, Rhizopus niveus e Aspergillus niger. A lipase de P. fluorescens foi imobilizada em esferas de fibroína do bicho da seda (método 1, via adsorção) e em blenda com alginato de cálcio (método 2, via encapsulação) em diferentes condições, tais como, variação de solvente, variação da quantidade de enzima imobilizada e tempo de reação. As condições otimizadas foram empregadas em diferentes haloidrinas, rendendo elevados excessos enantioméricos (ee > 99%) e alta razão enanantiomérica (E > 200) para os produtos acetilados. Foi possível desenvolver um protocolo simples, barato e prático para a síntese enantiosseletiva de haloidrina reforçando a versatilidade da fibroína e do alginato como suportes de imobilização para catalisadores heterogêneos. Também foi possível utilizar a lipase imobilizada (método 2) na reação de transesterificação para obtenção do biodiesel etílico. As melhores condições para o bom funcionamento do biocatalisador foram: 30% do biocatalisador, 20% de n-hexano, relação óleo e etanol de 1:4 a 32 ºC por 48 h em agitação magnética (400 rpm). Essas condições permitiram a formação de 42% de rendimento do biodiesel etílico. O biocatalisador apresentou algumas limitações reacionais, tais como, fragilidade frente a elevadas temperaturas (> 32 ºC) e prolongado tempo de agitação magnética. Porém, permaneceu apto no meio por 4 ciclos consecutivas. Conclui-se que os biomateriais (fibroína, alginato e quitosana) podem ser utilizados como alternativas versáteis na imobilização de micélios de fungos filamentoso e de enzimas isoladas para aplicações em biocatalíticas.
Em 1906, Albrecht obteve a primeira enodiona conhecida, ao reagir benzoquinona com ciclopentadieno. A estrutura desta enodiona somente foi elucidada em 1928, por Diels e Alder que, entretanto, perceberam ser possív.el existirem dois diferentes isômeros para o composto em questão: endo e exo. A descoberta, em 1958, da reação de fotocilização deste aduto de Diels-Alder, por Cookson e colaboradores, demonstrou que se tratava do isômero endo e esta reação passou a ser utilizada para se comprovar a configuração endo de vários compostos de estrutura análoga. Porém, apesar de sua importância histórica como método para comprovar a configuração dos adutos de Diels-Alder, os dados disponíveis até hoje são insuficientes para o esclarecimento dos processos subjacentes à fotociclização desses compostos, especialmente porque hoje sabemos que existem adutos de configuração endo que não fotociclizam. Visando aumentar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento destes adutos frente à reação de fotociclização, determinaram-se seus espectros de absorção (na região do UVNisível) e de emissão de luminescência e concluiu-se, com base em nossos resultados e daqueles relatados na literatura, que o fato de não ocorrer a fotociclização de alguns adutos de configuração endo não depende exclusivamente da estabilidade dos estados excitados envolvidos, ainda que essa característica e a natureza destes certamente afete os rendimentos quânticos da reação. Antes, parece-nos que estruturas que permitam deslocalizar um dos elétrons do birradical intermediariamente formado neste processo propiciam a reversão deste intermediário ao reagente, ao invés de se formar o produto de fotociclização. Alem disso, reinvestigamos a reação de fotoisomerização endo → exo do aduto de benzoquinona e ciclopentadieno, por irradiação em etanol/trietil-amina, relatada por Pandey e colaboradores em 1990, tendo verificado que tal isomerização não ocorre nas condições descritas na literatura, obtendo-se, ao invés disso, principalmente o tautômero aromático da enodiona e seu produto de fotociclização. Por outro lado, descobrimos que, deixar em repouso, no escuro, o aduto de benzoquinona e ciclopentadieno em etanol/trietil-amina conduz,a um dímero deste aduto, não descrito previamente.
Estudi de l’evolució semàntica de enze, enza i de les unitats fraseològiques en què participa, des de les primeres atestacions escrites fins als usos contemporanis en català. S’hi té en compte l’evolució dels altres derivats romànics del llatí INDEX, -ICIS. S’hi aplica una anàlisi d’orientació cognitiva i es fonamenta l’estudi en l’aprofitament de corpora textuals (antics i contemporanis), dins dels quals hi ha l’obra literària i gramatical d’Enric Valor.
The vertebrate body is made by progressive addition of new tissue from progenitors at the posterior embryonic end. Axial extension involves different mechanisms that produce internal organs in the trunk but not in the tail. We show that Gdf11 signaling is a major coordinator of the trunk-to-tail transition. Without Gdf11 signaling, the switch from trunk to tail is significantly delayed, and its premature activation brings the hindlimbs and cloaca next to the forelimbs, leaving extremely short trunks. Gdf11 activity includes activation of Isl1 to promote formation of the hindlimbs and cloaca-associated mesoderm as the most posterior derivatives of lateral mesoderm progenitors. Gdf11 also coordinates reallocation of bipotent neuromesodermal progenitors from the anterior primitive streak to the tail bud, in part by reducing the retinoic acid available to the progenitors. Our findings provide a perspective to understand the evolution of the vertebrate body plan.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether peptides from the extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin could be used as a new principle for tight junction modulation. Peptides of 4 to 47 amino acids in length and covering the two extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin were synthesized, and their effect on the tight junction permeability in Caco-2 cells was investigated using [C-14] mannitol as a paracellular marker. Lipopeptide derivatives of one of the active occludin peptides (OPs), synthesized by adding a lipoamino acid containing 14 carbon atoms (C-14-) to the N terminus of the peptide, were also investigated. Peptides corresponding to the N terminus of the first extracellular loop of occludin increased the permeability of the tight junctions without causing short-term toxicity. However, the peptides had an effect only when added to the basolateral side of the cells, which could be partly explained by degradation by apical peptidases and aggregate formation. By contrast, the lipopeptide C-14-OP90-103, which protects the peptide from degradation and aggregation, displayed a rapid apical effect. The L- and D-diastereomers of C-14-OP90-103 had distinctly different effects. The D-isomer, which releases intact OP90-103 from the lipoamino acid, displayed a rapid and transient increase in tight junction permeability. The L- isomer, which releases OP90-103 more rapidly, gave a more sustained increase in tight junction permeability. In conclusion, C-14-OP90-103 represents a prototype of a new class of tight junction modulators that act on the extracellular domains of tight junction proteins.
Reaction between ethane-1,2-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalic acid results in different, isomeric tetra-amine derivatives, one a tetraamino carboxylic acid and the other a carboxamidotriamino alcohol, depending upon reaction conditions, Intended conversion of the Cu(II) complex of the former to a cyclam-like macrocycle through reaction with nitroethane and formaldehyde results in isolation of derivatives of both the former and the latter. This can be rationalized by assuming the intermediacy of an azetidinone, a species similar to that seen in simpler reactions of dichloropivalates. A single reaction thereby provides pendent-arm macrocycles where one has an electrophilic and the other a nucleophilic substituent. Parallel chemistry is not seen in the reaction between propane-1,3-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalate.
The performance of feed-forward neural networks in real applications can be often be improved significantly if use is made of a-priori information. For interpolation problems this prior knowledge frequently includes smoothness requirements on the network mapping, and can be imposed by the addition to the error function of suitable regularization terms. The new error function, however, now depends on the derivatives of the network mapping, and so the standard back-propagation algorithm cannot be applied. In this paper, we derive a computationally efficient learning algorithm, for a feed-forward network of arbitrary topology, which can be used to minimize the new error function. Networks having a single hidden layer, for which the learning algorithm simplifies, are treated as a special case.
It is well known that the addition of noise to the input data of a neural network during training can, in some circumstances, lead to significant improvements in generalization performance. Previous work has shown that such training with noise is equivalent to a form of regularization in which an extra term is added to the error function. However, the regularization term, which involves second derivatives of the error function, is not bounded below, and so can lead to difficulties if used directly in a learning algorithm based on error minimization. In this paper we show that, for the purposes of network training, the regularization term can be reduced to a positive definite form which involves only first derivatives of the network mapping. For a sum-of-squares error function, the regularization term belongs to the class of generalized Tikhonov regularizers. Direct minimization of the regularized error function provides a practical alternative to training with noise.
Derivatives of L-histidine were investigated as suitable models for the Asp-His couple found in the catalytic triad of serine proteases. A combination of molecular dynamics and IH NMR spectroscopy suggested that the most populous conformations of N-acetyl-L-histidine and the N-acetyl-L-histidine anion were predominated by those in which the carboxylate group was gauche to the imidazole ring overcoming steric and electrostatic repulsion, suggesting there is an interaction between the carboxylate group and the imidazole ring. Kinetic studies, using imidazole, N-acetyl-L-histidine and the N-acetyl-L-histidine anion showed that in a DMSO/H20 9: 1 v/v solution, the N-acetyl-L-histidine anion catalysed the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate at a greater rate than using either imidazole or N-acetyl-L-histidine as catalyst. This indicates that the carboxylate group affects the nucleophilicity of the unprotonated imidazole ring. 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy was investigated as a new technique for the study of the template molecule environment within the polymer networks. It was found that it was possible to distinguish between template associated with the polymer and that which was precipitated onto the surface, though it was not possible to distinguish between polymer within imprinted cavities and that which was not. Attempts to study the effect of the carboxylate group/imidazole ring interaction in the imprinted cavity of a molecularly imprinted polymer network were hindered by the method used to follow the reaction. It was found though that in a pH 8.0 buffered solution the presence of imprinted cavities increased the rate of reaction for those polymers derived from L-histidine. Some preliminary investigations into the design and synthesis of an MIP which would catalyse the oxy-Cope rearrangement were carried out but the results were inconclusive.
The aim of this work was to synthesise a series of hydrophilic derivatives of cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (cis-DHCD) and copolymerise them with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to produce a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It is theorised that hydrogels incorporating such derivatives of cis-DHCD will exhibit good strength and elasticity in addition to good water binding ability. The synthesis of derivatives was attempted by both enzymatic and chemical methods. Enzyme synthesis involved the transesterification of cis-DHCD with a number of trichloro and trifluoroethyl esters using the enzyme lipase porcine pancreas to catalyse the reaction in organic solvent. Cyclohexanol was used in initial studies to assess the viability of enzyme catalysed reactions. Chemical synthesis involved the epoxidation of a number of unsaturated carboxylic acids and the subsequent reaction of these epoxy acids with cis-DHCD in DCC/DMAP catalysed esterifications. The silylation of cis-DHCD using TBDCS and BSA was also studied. The rate of aromatisation of cis-DHCD at room temperature was studied in order to assess its stability and 1H NMR studies were also undertaken to determine the conformations adopted by derivatives of cis-DHCD. The copolymerisation of diepoxybutanoate, diepoxyundecanoate, dibutenoate and silyl protected derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to produce a new group of hydrogels was investigated. The EWC and mechanical properties of these hydrogels were measured and DSC was used to determine the amount of freezing and non-freezing water in the membranes. The effect on EWC of opening the epoxide rings of the comonomers was also investigated
Regression problems are concerned with predicting the values of one or more continuous quantities, given the values of a number of input variables. For virtually every application of regression, however, it is also important to have an indication of the uncertainty in the predictions. Such uncertainties are expressed in terms of the error bars, which specify the standard deviation of the distribution of predictions about the mean. Accurate estimate of error bars is of practical importance especially when safety and reliability is an issue. The Bayesian view of regression leads naturally to two contributions to the error bars. The first arises from the intrinsic noise on the target data, while the second comes from the uncertainty in the values of the model parameters which manifests itself in the finite width of the posterior distribution over the space of these parameters. The Hessian matrix which involves the second derivatives of the error function with respect to the weights is needed for implementing the Bayesian formalism in general and estimating the error bars in particular. A study of different methods for evaluating this matrix is given with special emphasis on the outer product approximation method. The contribution of the uncertainty in model parameters to the error bars is a finite data size effect, which becomes negligible as the number of data points in the training set increases. A study of this contribution is given in relation to the distribution of data in input space. It is shown that the addition of data points to the training set can only reduce the local magnitude of the error bars or leave it unchanged. Using the asymptotic limit of an infinite data set, it is shown that the error bars have an approximate relation to the density of data in input space.