869 resultados para essential facilities -doktriini


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Conference Room Paper, No 12


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This report analyses the agriculture, health and tourism sectors in Jamaica to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change on Jamaica. It also has the potential to provide essential input for identifying and preparing policies and strategies to help move the Region closer to solving problems associated with climate change and attaining individual and regional sustainable development goals. Some of the key anticipated manifestations of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050. An evaluation of various adaptation strategies was also undertaken for each sector using standard evaluation techniques. The outcomes from investigating the agriculture sector indicate that for the sugar-cane subsector the harvests under both the A2 and B2 scenarios decrease at first and then increase as the mid-century mark is approached. With respect to the yam subsector the results indicate that the yield of yam will increase from 17.4 to 23.1 tonnes per hectare (33%) under the A2 scenario, and 18.4 to 23.9 (30%) tonnes per hectare under the B2 scenario over the period 2011 to 2050. Similar to the forecasts for yam, the results for escallion suggest that yields will continue to increase to mid-century. Adaptation in the sugar cane sub-sector could involve replanting and irrigation that appear to generate net benefits at the three selected discount rates for the A2 scenario, but only at a discount rate of 1% for the B2 scenario. For yam and escallion, investment in irrigation will earn significant net benefits for both the A2 and B2 scenarios at the three selected rates of discount. It is recommended that if adaptation strategies are part of a package of strategies for improving efficiency and hence enhancing competitiveness, then the yields of each crop can be raised sufficiently to warrant investment in adaptation to climate change. The analysis of the health sector demonstrates the potential for climate change to add a substantial burden to the future health systems in Jamaica, something that that will only compound the country’s vulnerability to other anticipated impacts of climate change. The results clearly show that the incidence of dengue fever will increase if climate change continues unabated, with more cases projected for the A2 scenario than the B2. The models predicted a decrease in the incidence of gastroenteritis and leptospirosis with climate change, indicating that Jamaica will benefit from climate change with a reduction in the number of cases of gastroenteritis and leptospirosis. Due to the long time horizon anticipated for climate change, Jamaica should start implementing adaptation strategies focused on the health sector by promoting an enabling environment, strengthening communities, strengthening the monitoring, surveillance and response systems and integrating adaptation into development plans and actions. Small-island developing states like Jamaica must be proactive in implementing adaptation strategies, which will reduce the risk of climate change. On the global stage the country must continue to agitate for the implementation of the mitigation strategies for developed countries as outlined in the Kyoto protocol. The results regarding the tourism sector suggest that the sector is likely to incur losses due to climate change, the most significant of which is under the A2 scenario. Climatic features, such as temperature and precipitation, will affect the demand for tourism in Jamaica. By 2050 the industry is expected to lose US$ 132.2 million and 106.1 million under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. In addition to changes in the climatic suitability for tourism, climate change is also likely to have important supply-side effects from extreme events and acidification of the ocean. The expected loss from extreme events is projected to be approximately US$ 5.48 billion (A2) and US$ 4.71 billion (B2). Even more devastating is the effect of ocean acidification on the tourism sector. The analysis shows that US$ 7.95 billion (A2) and US$ 7.04 billion is expected to be lost by mid-century. The benefit-cost analysis indicates that most of the adaptation strategies are expected to produce negative net benefits, and it is highly likely that the cost burden would have to be carried by the state. The options that generated positive ratios were: redesigning and retrofitting all relevant tourism facilities, restoring corals and educating the public and developing rescue and evacuation plans. Given the relative importance of tourism to the macroeconomy one possible option is to seek assistance from multilateral funding agencies. It is recommended that the government first undertake a detailed analysis of the vulnerability of each sector and, in particular tourism, to climate change. Further, more realistic socio-economic scenarios should be developed so as to inform future benefit-cost analysis.


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Os óleos essenciais das folhas, ramos finos, galhos, cascas do caule e frutos de Croton palanostigma foram analisados por CG e CG-EM. Os componentes principais determinados no óleo das folhas foram linalol (25,4%), (E)-cariofileno (21,0%), metileugenol (17,2%) e β-elemeno (6,0%); no óleo dos ramos finos foram α-pineno (41,4%), limoneno (29,0%), sabineno (11,5%) e β-pineno (5,7%); no óleo dos galhos foram metileugenol (24,1%), (E)-metilisoeugenol (15,3%), α-pineno (11,2%) e (E)-cariofileno (8,5%); no óleo das cascas do caule foram a-pineno (31,6%), metileugenol (25,6%) e (E)-metilisoeugenol (23,7%); e no óleo dos frutos foram linalol (42,7%), metileugenol (16,3%) e β-elemeno (6,4%). Análise estatística mostrou que as folhas e os frutos apresentam significante similaridade entre si, assim como os galhos e as cascas do caule. Adicionalmente, o óleo obtido das cascas do caule possui elevada atividade larvicida sobre Artemia salina (CL50, 3,71 ± 0,01 mg mL-1).


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The aromatic flora of the Amazon has been inventoried for 30 years. In this sense, were made over 500 field trips to collect over 2500 plants and to obtain more than 2000 essential oils and aroma concentrates, all of them submitted to GC and GC-MS. This work led to the creation of a database for the aromatic plants of the Amazon, which catalogs general information about 1250 specimens. The database has allowed the publication of the chemical composition of the oils and aromas of more than 350 species, associated with a larger number of chemical types. The essential oils of many species offer optimum conditions for economic exploitation and use in national and international market of fragrances, cosmetics, agricultural and household pesticides.


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The leaves and thin branches of Lippia grandis Schauer, Verbenaceae, are used for flavoring of food in the Brazilian Amazon, as substitute for oregano. In this study the constituents of the essential oil were identified and the antioxidant capacity and larvicidal activity of the oil and methanol extract and its sub-fractions were evaluated. A sensory evaluation was determined in view of absence of toxicity. The oil showed a yield of 2.1% and its main constituents were thymol (45.8%), p-cymene (14.3%), γ-terpinene (10.5%), carvacrol (9.9%) and thymol methyl ether (4.8%), totalizing 85%. The DPPH radical scavenging activity showed values for the EC50 between 9.0 and 130.5 µg mL-1 and the TEAC/ABTS values varied from 131.1 to 336.0 mg TE/g, indicating significant antioxidant activity for the plant. The total phenolic content ranged from 223.0 to 761.4 mg GAE/g, contributing to the antioxidant activity observed. The crude extracts inhibited the bleaching of β-carotene and the oil showed the greatest inhibition (42.5%). The oil (LgO, 7.6±2.4 µg mL-1) showed strong larvicidal activity against the brine shrimp bioassay. The sensory evaluation was highly satisfactory in comparison to oregano. The results are very promising for the use of L. grandis in seasoning and antioxidant products.


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Os óleos essenciais da planta sub-aquática Conobea scoparioides (fresca e previamente seca) apresentaram rendimentos de 3,4 e 3,3%, respectivamente. Os principais constituintes identificados foram o éter metílico do timol (39,6 e 47,7%), timol (40,0 e 26,4%), α-felandreno (12,1 e 14,3%) e p-cimeno (1,5 e 1,7%), totalizando mais de 90% nos referidos óleos. A concentração de seqüestro do radical DPPH (CE50) dos óleos e extrato foi de 46,7 ± 3,6 µg mL-1 para a planta fresca (CsO-f), de 56,1 ± 2,4 µg mL-1 para a planta seca (CsO-d), e de 23,0 ± 2,2 µg mL-1 para o extrato metanólico (CsE-d). O valor do extrato é comparável ao BHT (19,8 ± 0,5 µg mL-1), usado como padrão antioxidante. O valor médio dos óleos é duas vezes menor, mas igualmente importante como agente antioxidante. O teor de Fenólicos Totais (TP, 124,6 ± 8,7 mg GAE per g) e o Trolox Equivalente (TEAC, 144,1 ± 4,9 mg TE per g) do extrato metanólico confirmaram a significativa atividade antioxidante de C. scoparioides. Da mesma forma, nos bioensaios com larva de camarão (Artemia salina) o valor médio da concentração letal dos óleos (CL50, 7,7 ± 0,3 µg mL-1) foi dez vezes maior que no extrato metanólico (CL50, 77,6 ± 7,1 µg mL-1) mostrando importante atividade biológica.


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O óleo essencial das folhas e ramos finos frescos e secos de Hyptis crenata forneceu os seguintes rendimentos, 1,4% e 0,9%. Os constituintes voláteis principais foram α-pineno (22,0%; 19,5%), 1,8-cineol (17,6%; 23,2%), β-pineno (17,0%: 13,8%), cânfora (4,7%; 11,6%), limoneno (5,4%; 4,4%) e γ-terpineno (3,5%; 2,4%), totalizando mais de 70% nos óleos. A atividade de seqüestro do radical DPPH para o extrato metanólico (CE50, 16,7 + 0,4 µg/mL) foi comparável ao do BHT (19,8 ± 0,5 µg/mL) mostrando uma significante atividade antioxidante. Os óleos apresentaram baixa atividade. O teor de fenólicos totais (TP, 373,0 + 15,9 mg GAE/g) e equivalente trolox (TEAC, 226,8 + 0,5 mg TE/g) confirmaram a atividade antioxidante do extrato metanólico, que pode ser atribuída à presença de compostos fenólicos polares. No teste com larvas de camarão as concentrações letais para o óleo e extrato metanólico foram 6,7 + 0,2 µg/mL e 13,0 + 3,7 µg/mL, respectivamente, fornecendo importante evidência de suas atividade biológicas.


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Os óleos essenciais das folhas e galhos finos de Pilocarpus microphyllus, coletado em solo mineralizado com ferro, na Serra de Carajás, Sudeste do Pará, Brasil, durante as estações chuvosa e seca, foram obtidos por hidrodestilação e analisados por GC-MS. Os principais compostos identificados foram 2-tridecanona, b-cariofileno, 2-pentadecanona, óxido de cariofileno e germacreno D. Seus teores percentuais variam com a estação, embora os maiores valores tenham sido detectados principalmente na estação chuvosa. Para 2-tridecanona e b-cariofileno os valores mais expressivos foram observados nos óleos de galhos finos, para o primeiro, e nos óleos das folhas, para o útimo. Para 2-pentadecanona, óxido de cariofileno e germacreno D, os valores mais altos foram, também, nos óleos das folhas. Em geral, os óleos das folhas se apresentaram muito distintos em relação aos galhos finos, assim como também no mesmo espécime.


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Um estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do óleo essencial de copaíba sobre o desempenho e rendimento de abate de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 450 pintos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 15 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram em Controle (promotor comercial) e quatro níveis de óleo essencial de copaíba sendo estes 0,15 (0,15EO); 0,30 (0,30EO); 0,45 (0,45EO) e 0,60 mL (0,60EO) kg-1 de ração. Aos 21 dias de idade, as aves do tratamento com promotor apresentaram peso corporal superior ao das aves que receberam os tratamentos com 0,30; 0,45 e 0,60 mL de inclusão de óleo essencial (p < 0,05). Aos 40 dias de idade apenas as aves que receberam o tratamento com maior nível de inclusão de óleo essencial apresentaram menor peso corporal em relação ao tratamento com promotor de crescimento. O consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a viabilidade das aves, assim como o rendimento de carcaça, cortes comerciais e peso dos órgãos internos não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (p > 0.05). Conclui-se que o óleo essencial de copaíba pode ser usado na ração até o nível de 0,15 mL kg-1 sem afetar o desempenho das aves.


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Mentha x villosa Huds (Labiatae) is an aromatic herb widely used in folk medicine. Since the essential oil of the herb has many pharmacological activities, including antispasmodic effects, we determined whether the oil and its major constituent, piperitenone oxide (PO), have antinociceptive activity. The essential oil of M. x villosa (EOMV) and PO administered orally at 200 mg/kg (vehicle: 0.1% Tween 80 in water) significantly reduced the writhings induced by acetic acid from control values of 59.5 ± 3.1 s (N = 10) to 31.9 ± 2.8 s (N = 10) and 23.8 ± 3.4 s (N = 10), respectively. When administered at 100 and 200 mg/kg, EOMV reduced the paw licking time for the second phase of the formalin test from the control value of 20.6 ± 2.1 s (N = 13) to 5.3 ± 2.2 s (N = 12) and 2.7 ± 1.2 s (N = 18), respectively. At 100 and 200 mg/kg, PO reduced this second phase to 8.3 ± 2.7 s (N = 12) and 3.0 ± 1.2 s (N = 10), respectively. This effect of EOMV and PO was not reversed by naloxone. EOMV and PO had no significant effect on the first phase of the formalin test. As evaluated by the hot-plate and tail immersion test, EOMV and PO, at doses up to 200 mg/kg, showed no analgesic activity. These results show that EOMV and PO have antinociceptive activity and suggest that this effect is probably an indirect anti-inflammatory effect, which does not involve the central nervous system.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Citrus limonum and Citrus aurantium essential oils (EOs) compared to 0.2% chlorhexidine (CHX) and 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on multi-species biofilms formed by Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. The biofilms were grown in acrylic disks immersed in broth, inoculated with microbial suspension (106 cells/mL) and incubated at 37°C / 48 h. After the biofilms were formed, they were exposed for 5 minutes to the solutions (n = 10): C. aurantium EO, C. limonum EO, 0.2% CHX, 1% NaOCl or sterile saline solution [0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl)]. Next, the discs were placed in sterile 0.9% NaCl and sonicated to disperse the biofilms. Tenfold serial dilutions were performed and the aliquots were seeded onto selective agar and incubated at 37°C / 48 h. Next, the number of colony-forming units per milliliter was counted and analyzed statistically (Tukey test, p ≤ 0.05). C. aurantium EO and NaOCl inhibited the growth of all microorganisms in multi-species biofilms. C. limonum EO promoted a 100% reduction of C. albicans and E. coli, and 49.3% of E. faecalis. CHX was less effective against C. albicans and E. coli, yielding a reduction of 68.8% and 86.7%, respectively. However, the reduction of E. faecalis using CHX (81.7%) was greater than that obtained using C. limonum EO. Both Citrus limonum and Citrus aurantium EOs are effective in controlling multi-species biofilms; the microbial reductions achieved by EOs were not only similar to those of NaOCl, but even higher than those achieved by CHX, in some cases.


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Mentha piperita L. is an aromatic and medicinal species of the family Lamiaceae, known as mint or peppermint, and its leaves and branches produce essential oil rich in menthol. This study aimed to evaluate physiological indexes, macro- and micronutrients inthe shootsand essential oil of Mentha piperita L. grown in nutrient solution number 2 of Hoagland and Arnon (1950) with different N, P, K and Mg levels. Shoot length, dry mass of the different organs, total dry mass, leaf area, essential oil yield and composition, and macronutrient (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S) and micronutrient (Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn) contents in the shoot were evaluated. Plants treated with 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg had a tendency towards longer shoot, greaterroot and leaf blade dry masses, higher essential oil yield, higher menthol levels and lower menthone levels. The results showed that Mentha can be grown in nutrient solution by reducing 65% N, 50% P, 25% K and 100% Mg. This solution had better development compared to the other tested treatments. Therefore,we recommendMentha piperita L. to be grown with such nutrient levels.