988 resultados para equivalência de estímulos
Objetivou-se compreender a humanização do atendimento à criança na Atenção Básica na visão dos profissionais. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Natal-RN, Brasil. Dezesseis profissionais responderam a um formulário contendo questões referentes ao atendimento à criança, à humanização e às práticas realizadas para humanizar o atendimento. Os dados foram categorizados por temas e analisados a partir dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização. Para os profissionais, humanizar o atendimento envolve acolher, escutar, aconselhar sobre o que está sendo realizado com a criança, valorizar a família, e tornar o sujeito ativo no atendimento, mesmo que de forma incipiente. A maioria dos profissionais descreveu atendimento que valorizava parte dos princípios da política de humanização, mesmo com dificuldades para implementá-los na rotina. Requer, portanto, estímulos e atualização dos profissionais para uma postura autocrítica sobre o atendimento
The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process
Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are powerful sources for cell therapy in regenerative medicine. The long time cultivation can result in replicative senescence or can be related to the emergence of chromosomal alterations responsible for the acquisition of tumorigenesis features in vitro. In this study, for the first time, the expression profile of MSC with a paracentric chromosomal inversion (MSC/inv) was compared to normal karyotype (MSC/n) in early and late passages. Furthermore, we compared the transcriptome of each MSC in early passages with late passages. MSC used in this study were obtained from the umbilical vein of three donors, two MSC/n and one MSC/inv. After their cryopreservation, they have been expanded in vitro until reached senescence. Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) and marked with the GeneChip ® 3 IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix Inc.). Subsequently, the fragmented aRNA was hybridized on the microarranjo Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays (Affymetrix Inc.). The statistical analysis of differential gene expression was performed between groups MSC by the Partek Genomic Suite software, version 6.4 (Partek Inc.). Was considered statistically significant differences in expression to p-value Bonferroni correction ˂.01. Only signals with fold change ˃ 3.0 were included in the list of differentially expressed. Differences in gene expression data obtained from microarrays were confirmed by Real Time RT-PCR. For the interpretation of biological expression data were used: IPA (Ingenuity Systems) for analysis enrichment functions, the STRING 9.0 for construction of network interactions; Cytoscape 2.8 to the network visualization and analysis bottlenecks with the aid of the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software. BiNGO Cytoscape pluggin was used to access overrepresentation of Gene Ontology categories in Biological Networks. The comparison between senescent and young at each group of MSC has shown that there is a difference in the expression parttern, being higher in the senescent MSC/inv group. The results also showed difference in expression profiles between the MSC/inv versus MSC/n, being greater when they are senescent. New networks were identified for genes related to the response of two of MSC over cultivation time. Were also identified genes that can coordinate functional categories over represented at networks, such as CXCL12, SFRP1, xvi EGF, SPP1, MMP1 e THBS1. The biological interpretation of these data suggests that the population of MSC/inv has different constitutional characteristics, related to their potential for differentiation, proliferation and response to stimuli, responsible for a distinct process of replicative senescence in MSC/inv compared to MSC/n. The genes identified in this study are candidates for biomarkers of cellular senescence in MSC, but their functional relevance in this process should be evaluated in additional in vitro and/or in vivo assays
Desenvolvimento de bloco de vedação com barita na composição de partida para blindagem de radiação X
This work main objective is to study the use of bricks in barium X-rays rooms in order to contribute to the optimization of shielding rooms diagnosis. The work was based on experimental measurements of X-ray attenuation (40 to 150 kV), using ceramic seal bearing the incorporation of barium sulfat (BaSO4). Different formulations were studied in three different firing temperatures and evaluated for incorporation in the ceramic body. The composition of 20% of barite processed at a temperature of 950 ° C showed better physical and mechanical properties, is considered the most suitable for the purpose of this work. Were produced bricks sealing composition formulated based on that presented the best technological features. These blocks were tested physically as a building material and wall protective barrier. Properties such as visual, deviation from the square, face flatness, water absorption and compressive strength were evaluated for all the blocks produced. The behavior of this material as attenuator for X-rays was investigated by experimental results which take into account mortar manufacturers barium through the different strains and compared with the reference material (Pb). The simulation results indicated that the ceramic block barium shows excellent properties of attenuation equivalence lead taking into account the energy used in diagnostic X-ray
The aim of this study was to learn about the social representations of the care provided by the Family Health Program (FHP) in the city of Natal, Brazil and determine how these representations guide the daily actions of doctors, dentists, nurses, nurse s assistants and oral health assistants during the work process. In this sense, we used the theoreticalmethodological approach to the Theory of Social Representations. For data collection, we used the following instruments: a two-part questionnaire, where the first part recorded sociodemographic data and the second part was adapted to the free word association technique (FWAT), which was applied to 90 professionals belonging to 18 FHP units. Interviews were also used as collection instruments. These were based on inductive stimuli and on direct observations of 30 of these professionals. After a superficial reading of the material, we constructed a corpus from which ten categories emerged. To analyze FWAT we used lexicographic analysis, combining frequency and the mean order of responses. The interviews and sociodemographic variables were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, respectively. The study showed that the central nucleus of the social representation in question is composed of the elements attention, receptivity and love, revealing that the subjects have different understandings of the FHP care process and that the knowledge accumulated in this respect is supported by an approximate vision of the meaning of care. However, traditional elements with trivializing connotations about care predominate, which compromises the development of strategies to overcome traditional practices. In the set of analyses, we were able to capture the invariance of a contradiction: on one hand, professionals know and affirm the importance of providing care for FHP patients; on the other, the experience of daily practice translates into the negation of this concept. In this contradictory context, professionals build gradual and successive syntheses that allow them to act and affirm themselves by associating information from their academic formation, structured knowledge acquired in other experiences, values and symbols of their daily routine. Thus, they shape and reshape themselves, according to what is concretely and specifically required, at the same time both plural and multiple. The composition of the central nucleus indicates that any measure that intends to modify attitudes that is, the daily actions of FHP professionals with respect to care must take into account and give priority to the debate about the redefining of the semantic fields of the central nucleus (love/attention/receptivity and humanization), especially those of love and attention
The present study had as objective translates, to do equivalence and validation of the Utian Quality of Life (UQOL) for the Brazilian population through methods internationally accepted, in which the original questionnaire was translated for the Portuguese by three teachers and the consensual version was translated back for English by two American teachers (back translation). A multidisciplinary committee evaluated all versions and the final version in Portuguese was applied to climacteric women for the process of adaptation. Validation of the instrument was performed by measuring the reliability and validity properties. Construct validity was examined through the comparison between UQOL and the general measuring scale of quality of life Short Form-36 (SF-36). The final version of translation process was easily recognized by the target population, that didn't tell understanding problems. The results obtained for the reliability intra and interobserver showed significant agreement in all of the subjects. The construct validity was obtained through correlations statistically significant among the domains occupational, health and emotional of UQOL with the SF-36 domains. For the exploratory factorial analysis, it was verified that three factors explain 60% of the total variance of the data, the present study allowed concluding that UQOL was appropriately translated and adapted for applicability in Brazil, presenting high reliability and validity. In that way, the executed project provided the involvement of different areas as gynecology, psychology and physiotherapy (interdisciplinary). Thus, this instrument can be included and used in Brazilian studies to assessment the quality of life during the climacteric years
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
La tesis problematiza constelaciones creativas de saberes marcados por múltiples subjetividades en un espacio singular de las ciudades: la feria libre. Lugar de cambios financieros, pero también afectivos, simbólicos y míticos, ese espacio se mantiene al lado de los lugares comerciales asépticos y climatizados como son los supermercados e hipermercados de los espacios urbanos y de las metrópolis. Las ferias, por su carácter itinerante y sus personajes nómades modernos, son capaces de suscitar múltiples observaciones, divagaciones, afecciones y construcción de conocimientos. En la feria libre del barrio de Alecrim en la ciudad de Natal-RN/Brasil, principal contexto de referencia de esta investigación, en medio de tantos estímulos movilizadores de los órganos de los sentidos, salta a los ojos el elevado contingente de niños y adolescentes ejerciendo las múltiples actividades laborales. En Brasil el trabajo infantil es encajado en prohibiciones prescritas por leyes que recubren singularidades. Sin la pretensión de negar la importancia de tales convenciones y reglas, las reflexiones aquí puestas ultrapasan las amarras homogeneizantes del discurso oficial instituido de prohibición, problematizando a partir de la feria la idea de una caótica y pulsante aula al aire libre en la cual se construyen saberes más próximos de una lógica del sensible (Claude Lévi-Strauss). La feria es un laboratorio de construcción de conocimientos pertinentes (Edgar Morin), aquellos que religan fenómeno y contexto sin oponer manipulación y tiempo real de aplicabilidad de los saberes construidos. En esa escuela sin paredes, puertas, ventanas, cuadros negros o programas, los saberes de la tradición (Conceição Almeida) son probados y compartidos por niños y adolescentes que viven constantemente con un tipo de cambio de bienes y palabras en permanente construcción. En los puestos de la feria y para más allá de ellos encontramos sujetos híbridos (Bruno Latour) que se estructuran por medio de mecanismos creativos capaces de hacerlos navegar en las incertidumbres caóticas de sus vidas. Los aprendizajes de la feria fueron o son la pulsión de reinvención de esos sujetos aparentemente encarcelados en el conformismo como fatalidad última, portadores de historias embarazadas de simbologías tristes y felices que exponen la cara de un humano en permanente combustión, construcción e incertidumbre
Exaltée par la philosophie et reléguée à second plan par la sociologie, pour son appartenance à la vie privée, l amitié devient, à partir des anées 70, um thème d intétêret nom plus sous la perspective classique de la philia, avec son insistance sur la fraternité, égalité et dans l équivalence des amis.Les études de Hannah Arendt,Blanchot,Derrida et Foucault déséquilibrent cette vison, et la rédéfinissent em tant qu ne rapport qui donne lieu à l alterité et permet les manifestations des singularités entre amis. En reprendant ces penseurs, Michel Foucault tente réhabililiter l amitié en tant qu ne éthique et une esthétique de l existence qui conduit à la transformation du sujet, stylisant son existence dans la présence de l autre. Basés sur cette réhabilitation, nous penserons l amitié comme une expérience éthique et afective intense qui cherche autotransformation des amis, une forme de vie qui refuse les formes imposées de rapports et subjectivités
Direito à moradia em cidades sustentáveis: parâmetros de políticas públicas habitacionais Natal 2013
The right to housing is included in several international human rights instruments and in Brazilian legal system integrates the constitutional catalog of fundamental social rights (art. 6) and urban development policy (art. 182 and 183). Besides, it is for all federative governments its effectiveness by building programs and improvement of housing conditions and sanitation (art. 23, IX), which justifies the investment in urban planning and public policy of housing affordability because they are tools for achieving this right. Newer strategies in this area have been based on tax incentives, combined with the mortgage as a way to induce the construction of new housing units or reform those in a precarious situation. However, there is still a deficit households and environmental soundness, compounded with the formation of informal settlements. Consequently, we need constant reflections on the issue, in order to identify parameters that actually guide their housing policies in order to meet the constitutional social functions of the city and ensure well-begins of its citizens (art. 182). On the other hand, the intervention of the government in this segment can not only see the availability of the home itself, but also the quality of your extension or surroundings, observing aspects related to environmental sanitation, urban mobility, leisure and services essential health, education and social assistance. It appears that the smoothness and efficiency of a housing policy condition to the concept of adequate housing, in other words, structurally safe, comfortable and environmentally legally legitimate, viable from the extensive coordination with other public policies. Only to compliance with this guideline, it is possible to realize the right to housing in sustainable cities
How ecologically similar species are able to coexist has always generated great interest in the scientific community. Classical niche theory predicts that species coexistence is only possible when they segregate in at least one dimension of the ecological niche, thus leading to ecological differentiation among species. However, recent work has shown that species that are more similar in some ecological traits are the ones more prone to be able to coexist (environmental filter). The knowledge of how these forces act shaping ecological communities can reveal co-existence strategies, providing important information for management and conservation of the species. This study tested these hypotheses using a pair of coexisting species of Herpsilochmus, H. pectoralis and H. sellowi. In this study I use high resolution (50 x 50 m) ecological niche models to Identify which environmental factors best predict species occurrence. Next, I calculate the overlap in habitat use by species and build null models to test the hypothesis of spatial niche segregation. In addition, I obtain the selectivity parameters of habitat use to test whether the species H. pectoralis (larger body size) is less selective than H. sellowi (smaller body size) as stated in the literature for other species. The results reject the ecological equivalence among species, revealing that the species of Herpsilochmus explore the habitat differently, having different environmental niches. The hypothesis of environmental filter was not observed in my analysis, the observed overlap in habitat use among species was lower than expected by chance. Evidence that Herpsilochmus are spatially segregating reinforces the hypothesis of interspecific competition as the predominant force in the selection of microhabitat of the species. However, more data and experiments are necessary to state categorically that the observed pattern is a result of current or past competition
The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community
This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.
Indução da expressão precoce de sintomas de Guignardia citricarpa em frutos de laranjeira 'pêra-rio'
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes concentrações de ethephon na expressão precoce de sintomas de Guignardia citricarpa em frutos de laranjeira 'Pêra-Rio'. Para tal, frutos assintomáticos e isentos de aplicações com fungicidas, com 20 e 28 semanas após a queda de pétalas, foram coletados em área de comprovada existência da doença, no município de Conchal-SP e levados ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal-SP, onde foram tratados com soluções nas seguintes doses de ethephon: i) 1,57 g L-1; ii) 2,10 g L-1; iii) 2,42 g L-1; iv) Testemunha (água). Todas acrescidas de imazalil a 0,25 g L-1, para prevenir podridões de pós-colheita. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram mantidos em câmara incubadora para B.O.D., calibrada à temperatura de 25ºC ±1ºC, por 15 dias. Posteriormente, os frutos foram submetidos a quatro avaliações, em intervalos semanais, sendo atribuídas notas que variaram de zero (ausência de sintomas) a 6 (sintomas severos). Os dados da severidade da doença observados nos frutos colhidos prematuramente e submetidos aos diferentes tratamentos com ethephon foram comparados aos observados em frutos ensacados e não ensacados, mantidos no campo até a maturação natural. Constatou-se maior equivalência de sintomas nos frutos com idade entre 20 e 28 semanas, quando estes foram tratados com 2,10 g L-1 de ethephon e avaliados entre 28 e 35 dias. Concluiu-se que o emprego de ethephon, nestas condições, viabilizou a expressão precoce dos sintomas da mancha preta em frutos contendo infecções quiescentes de G. citricarpa, com antecedência de, pelo menos, 105 dias antes da colheita. Tal resultado constitui-se, portanto, em alternativa de grande aplicabilidade na detecção precoce de sintomas de mancha preta.