895 resultados para environmentally friendly technologies
This class focuses on a selected subset of web technologies that are of interest to the topics of this course. Readings: Chapter 5 "Representational State Transfer (REST)", in "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architecture", Roy Fielding, Dissertation, University of California Irvine, 2000 Optional: Chapter "Representational State Transfer (REST)" in "Pro PHP XML and Web Services", R. Richards 633--672, 2006
An overview of COMP3028 Knowledge Technologies
Students taking the 20 credit version of the course (COMP6052) will work in groups of 6 to develop and design a new social networking tool/application/website. The teams will work on their design throughout the semester, and keep a design and development blog that will act as a digital portfolio of their work. At the end of the semester they will also be asked to submit an individual reflective summary that will outline their teams objectives and progress, their part in its progress, and a critical analysis of whether or not they were successful. At the end of the course teams will be asked to pitch their ideas to an interdisciplinary Dragon's Den style panel who will expect them to not only have created something that is technical viable, but will also want to see other economic, social, legal and ethical factors taken into consideration. In this presentation we explain the structure of the group project, what is expected in the blog, and explore some potential ideas to help students understand the scope of the work required. The outcome of the group project does not have to be a fully working piece of software, instead we are looking for a well developed idea that contains enough detail to be convincing to the panel.
This 11-minute video provides some guidance on the learning technologies available at Southampton that can be used to support assessment and feedback. It was produced using the Panopto lecture capture system. The first link is to the native Panopto podcast, which requires the Silverlight player to be installed. The second link is the MP4 video version of the podcast, which should play on all PCs, Macs and suitable mobile devices. This share also provides a link to the video's script.
These slides are the review slides for COMP6051 and COMP6052 Social Networking Technologies, and show the significant lessons learned for each part of the course, and an example exam question and marks scheme.
An introduction to Learning Technologies at the University of Southampton for PCAP / PGCAP
The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights provides that disputesbetween States and victims of human rights violations or their representatives can beresolved through a friendly settlement. In this arrangement, conducted before the regionalorgans of protection of human rights, the State accepts its international responsibility,commits itself to investigate and judge the responsible and makes commitmentson compensation to the offended, the victims, on his part, renounce to take the caseto the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Commissionmonitors the legal consistency of the agreement and holds the role of independentobserver. What are these agreements, what possibilities and limitations provide to theopposing parties and, above all, what kind of reparation offer to victims of humanrights violations are issues to resolve in this article.
Knowledge management has been one of the topics of greatest interest in the field of organizational studies in recent years. The objective of this research is to analyze the adoptionof knowledge management practices and their relation to human resource policies. The study was carried out in companies operating in the city of Monteria from a quantitative analysis.
Las TIC han impactado en el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y han aportado a su proceso evolutivo, generando diversos efectos de acuerdo a la función que estas cumplen dentro de la organización. Las TIC como consecuencia se convierten en una estrategia de gestión en un entorno complejo donde permiten alcanzar mejoras en la organización social, la actividad económica, el bienestar y el acceso a la información y el conocimiento. (Cáceres Carrasco & Aceytuno Pérez, 2008)Con el fin de entender los beneficios de las TIC, se deben brindar a los directores herramientas que permitan formular modelos de negocios efectivos de cara a los mercados y enfocadas a la satisfacción de los clientes. Adicionalmente, para las organizaciones el añadir valor, no sólo hace referencia al servicio que están prestando; hay otros factores diferentes al uso de herramientas TIC y la innovación que también son igual de importantes como: los procesos de apoyo, de gestión que se encuentran de fondo y que hacen posible brindar un servicio al mercado, en estos procesos se encuentran aplicaciones de procedimientos amigables y fáciles de articular, temas como la responsabilidad empresarial, relación y comunicación con competidores dentro del mismo sector, es justamente en las relaciones con los clientes, que las TIC y el uso de Internet puede tener incidencia en los modelos de negocios a través de actividades como el comercio electrónico, el mercadeo electrónico, el mercadeo en línea entre otros. Existen investigaciones acerca de estos temas: innovación, TI, pero no se han establecido relaciones entre ellos, debido a su novedad. Diferentes experiencias laborales de los investigadores en el uso de las TIC como herramienta en la organización de información permiten que surja la idea de llevar a cabo este proyecto abarcando la realidad bogotana de las MiPyme. La presente investigación con un enfoque cualitativo hace una revisión bibliográfica, y bajo la mirada teórica se analiza la relación que tienen los factores de desarrollo que se evidenciaron como son la innovación y el uso de herramientas TIC, como variables dependientes de la productividad de las MiPyme en Bogotá, Colombia, involucrando temas que se relacionan con distintos campos como la tecnología, políticas gubernamentales, y economía.