861 resultados para early intervention strategies


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gerontologia Social, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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La presente monografía; “Estrategias de intervención desde el Trabajo Social frente al suicidio en la adolescencia” aborda, entre otras, las siguientes temáticas; definiciones y tipos desuicidio; factores que influyen en el suicidio de la adolescencia y las causas que generan este problema de salud pública. El “sujeto” central de la investigación es la adolescencia, grupo etario donde el suicidio se ha convertido en la tercera causa de muerte. La conducta suicida,también es abordada; considerando los cambios y características psicológicas que es determinante para detectarestos comportamientos y poder prevenirlos e intervenir desde diferentes perspectivas profesionales, en donde el trabajo multidisciplinario es la base de la intervención especializada. En este escenario de multidisciplinariedad la tarea del Trabajador Social es caracterizada, en la monografía, como la del profesional que dinamiza armónicamente la acción de los profesionales involucrados, apoyándose en lopsicoeducativo y en la definición del escenario social. Finalmente se plantean estrategias y alternativas conceptuales y metodológicas, para prevenir el suicidio en la adolescencia y como intervenir con sus familias y allegados. La propuesta metodológica que se enfatiza como estrategia, para prevenir el suicidio, es el trabajo de equipo multidisciplinario,en dónde; psicólogos, médicos, psiquiatras, enfermeras, educadores, orientadores familiares y trabajadores sociales, aúnan esfuerzos para prevenir este flagelo y con la finalidad de relacionar lo conceptual y metodológico desde la práctica profesional se transcribe una entrevista a profundidad con un médico psiquiatra de uno de los hospitales de la localidad.


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This study deals with the discussions of contemporary interventions in public spaces in areas of heritage value. The product of this dissertation is an Intervention Project to Marechal Deodoro Square located in Teresina/PI center. The starting point for understanding the theme of this study is to investigate the accessibility and vitality of a public space - through relationship between form and uses. The spatial properties of accessibility and visibility as well as the distribution of land use - factors were associated with distinct patterns of vitality - and compared to usage patterns observed in situ and statements from users obtained through the results of the questionnaires. In attention to questions about the building constructed, particularly in historical centers, considers the guidelines to define intervention strategies in the square, consisted in the development of simulations that after evaluation of results of redesign, was chosen the best option to meet the necessary requirements to the performance, considering the spatial properties of integration and visibility that meet these requirements. Therefore, the "Intervention Project" carried out for the Marechal Deodoro Square characterization proposed items are discussed: spatial structure, vegetation, road network, pavements, street furniture and lighting


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OBJECTIVES: To describe patterns of time use among regional and rural adolescent girls and compare identified clusters with respect to correlates of physical activity (PA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

DESIGN: Cross-sectional PA and lifestyle survey.

METHODS: Data were from Year 7-9 adolescent girls (aged 12-15 years) from 16 schools involved in a cluster-randomised trial in regional and rural Victoria, Australia (n=494). Time use data were collected using 24-h Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR-24) questionnaire, collapsed into 17 categories of time use. Differences between time use clusters with regard to demographics, correlates of PA and HRQoL measured using PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales, were investigated.

RESULTS: Two time use clusters were identified and were associated with correlates of PA and HRQoL. Girls who spent significantly more time in teams sports, non-team sports, school classes, watching TV and sleeping had higher levels of positively aligned PA correlates (e.g. self-efficacy, perceived sports competence) and HRQoL than girls characterised with high levels of computer use and video gaming. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight how different activity patterns of regional and rural girls affect HRQoL and can inform future intervention strategies to improve PA levels and HRQoL. Clusters characterised by low levels of PA and high computer use and video gaming require targeted interventions to address barriers to their participation.


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OBJECTIVE: To transform data from a research setting into a format that could be used to support strategies encouraging healthy lifestyle choices and service planning within local government. METHODS: Details of the health status and lifestyle behaviours of the Geelong, Victoria, population were generated independently by the Geelong Osteoporosis Study (GOS), a prospective population-based cohort study. Recent GOS follow-up phases provided evidence about patterns of unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, smoking and harmful alcohol use. These factors are well-recognised modifiable risk factors for chronic disease; the dataset was complemented with prevalence estimates for musculoskeletal disease, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma and cancer. RESULTS: Data were provided to Healthy Together Geelong in aggregate form according to age, sex and suburb. A population statistics company used the data to project health outcomes by suburb for use by local council. This data exchange served as a conduit between epidemiological research and policy development. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Regional policy makers were informed by local evidence, rather than national or state health survey, thereby optimising potential intervention strategies.


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This paper draws on the findings of a recent and extensive literature review to examine the efficacy of pull-out education programs (alternative programs) in schools in relation to student learning, well-being, and pathways. It synthesises the research on alternative education programs and their contribution to student outcomes using three main conceptual categories: how sustainable these programs are their stickability; how effective these programs are in achieving their stated purpose of improving and enhancing vulnerable students’ learning, well-being, and pathways, their transformability; and how these programs may be used successfully in other locations and contexts— their transmittability. It concludes with recommendations for future practice, suggesting that school systems should prioritise prevention and early intervention in providing support to vulnerable students in ways that take account of students’ own reasons for why they are disengaged from schooling.


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AIM: Early intervention and prevention of serious mental disorders such as bipolar disorder has the promise of decreasing the burden associated with these disorders. With increasing early and preventive intervention efforts among cohorts such as those with a familial risk for bipolar disorder, there is a need to examine the associated ethical concerns. The aim of this review was to examine the ethical issues underpinning the clinical research on pre-onset identification and preventive interventions for bipolar disorder.

METHODS: We undertook a PubMed search updated to November 2014 incorporating search terms such as bipolar, mania, hypomania, ethic*(truncated), early intervention, prevention, genetic and family.

RESULTS: Fifty-six articles that were identified by this method as well as other relevant articles were examined within a framework of ethical principles including beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice. The primary risks associated with research and clinical interventions include stigma and labelling, especially among familial high-risk youth. Side effects from interventions are another concern. The benefits of preventive or early interventions were in the amelioration of symptoms as well as the possibility of minimizing disability, cognitive impairment and progression of the illness. Supporting the autonomy of individuals and improving access to stigma-free care may help moderate the potential challenges associated with the risks of interventions.

CONCLUSIONS: Concerns about the risks of early identification and pre-onset interventions should be balanced against the potential benefits, the individuals' right to choice and by improving availability of services that balance such dilemmas.


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This paper provides a review of recent developments in population-based approaches to community health and explores the origins of the population health concept and its implications for the operation of health service management. There is a growing perception among health professionals that the key to improving health outcomes will be the implementation of integrated and preventive population-based resource management rather than investment in systems that respond to crises and health problems at the acute end of the service provision spectrum only. That is, we will need increasingly to skew our community health and welfare investments towards preventive care, education, lifestyle change, self-management and environmental improvement if we are to reduce the rate of growth in the incidence of chronic disease and mitigate the impact of these diseases upon the acute health care system. While resources will still need to be devoted to the treatment and management of physical trauma, infectious diseases, inherited illness and chronic conditions, it is suggested we could reduce the rate at which demand for these services is increasing at present by managing our environment and communities better, and through the implementation of more effective early intervention programs across particular population groups. Such approaches are known generally as population health management, as opposed to individual or illness - based health management' or even public health - and suggest that health systems might productively focus in the future on population level causation and not just upon disease-specific problems or illness management after the fact. Population health approaches attempt to broaden our understanding of causation and manage health through an emphasis on the health of whole populations and by building healthy communities rather than seeing "health care" as predominantly about illness management or responses to health crises. The concept also presupposes the existence of cleaner and healthier environments, clean water and food, and the existence of vibrant social contexts in which individuals are able to work for the overall good of communities and, ultimately, of each other.


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Although we have good evidence to support the notion that early intervention, prevention and community education programs can mitigate the impact of preventable disease, expanded primary health care is also being promoted by Australian governments as a panacea for reducing growth in demand generally. While preventive programs do reduce acute demand, they may not do so the extent that resources, currently allocated to the acute sector, can be substituted to provide the additional primary care services necessary to reduce acute demand permanently. These developments have particular relevance for rural and isolated communities where access to acute services is already very limited. What appears to be occurring, in rural South Australia at least, is that traditional acute services are being reduced and replaced with lower level care and social intervention programs. This is well and good, but eventually the acute care being provided in rural health units now will still need to be provided by other units elsewhere and probably at much higher cost to the system and to consumers. Where rural communities have previously managed much of their own acute service demand, they may now be forced to send patients to more distant centres for care but at much greater social and economic cost to individuals and the system.


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There is now unequivocal evidence that the health status of individuals and of whole communities is socially and economically determined, as are many other aspects of our lives. This suggests, as advocates of public health and population health approaches argue, that our efforts in managing our health and wellbeing should focus much more on early intervention and prevention programs than has been the case to date. However, although this ideology of social and economic determinism is generally accepted, practice does not reflect such values. Indeed, as increasing demand at the critical end of health service provision sees us spending more and more of our limited health care resources on acute and chronic illness, less resources are devoted to constructing and maintaining health-creating communities and environments. Paradoxically, while most of our leaders, academics and policy makers have themselves been nurtured in a sound understanding of cause and effect in the world, they are ignoring these fundamental premises in their approaches to the provision and management of health care. This paper explores some of the reasons why this might be the case and draws on key evidence to suggest that the time has come for us to think more ideologically in approaching health care in the future.


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Recent developments in primary health care, preventive care, early intervention programs, population health constructs and coordinated care trials in Australia have explored the idea of changing our emphasis in health care from responsive acute care to more integrated, whole population community wellbeing management. This idea accepts that much illness and even trauma experienced by individuals in our communities can be prevented, mitigated or managed in a more constructive and positive manner than has previously been the case. Much disabling illness need not occur at all and can be avoided through better community based management models, education programs, and lifestyle changes that contribute to more healthy communities. As in the wider business world, we are becoming more cognisant of the fact that prevention is not only an appealing idea in terms of health outcomes and quality of life, but that it is good for business also. It can moderate demand for costly health care, assist consumers to understand how to live healthier and fulfilling lives and overall help to sustain a much more dynamic community. This article, based on work in a rural health service in South Australia, points to some elements of sustainable primary care that appear to have potential to take us where we need to go. It asks whether we have the capacity and the will to make the necessary investment in sustainability to ensure our future or whether we are to remain bound in a reactionary model of health care rather than considering the impact of wider social and physical environments as part of the overall community health equation.


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In Australia we have become preoccupied with the potential adverse impact of our ageing population on our health and social systems. The projected cost of having increasing proportions of our population in the over 70s, retired, chronically ill category of the demographic profile is emerging as a major challenge for governments and private insurers: so much so in fact that the government is now urging older people to stay at work longer. In America, new approaches to the management and self-management of chronic diseases have been invoked to encourage and support older people to improve their quality of life and reduce their recourse to and dependence upon health care technologies, clinical interventions and health care management systems. Unless this is achieved, it is argued, the cost of looking after this emerging ‘bubble’ of elderly people will become increasingly unsustainable as fewer and fewer (proportionately) younger people work to pay the taxes that support ageing, retired, sick and dependent populations. This paper argues that we are at real risk of having our economic wealth and productivity impeded and truncated by the financial burden of looking after high demand and high cost dependants at the aged end of the social demographic. This paper offers an alternative view of our ageing population, as well as highlighting some of the assets we have in our elderly populations, and providing suggestions as to an alternative view of the phenomenon of ageing that incorporates elements such as flexible working arrangements and the application of new, enabling technologies. This approach to our ageing population dilemma is predicated on a concept of lifelong learning and social participation along with better preventive and early intervention systems of health care


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BACKGROUND: It is critical to promote healthy eating early in life. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine diet quality and its predictors among Australian preschool-aged children. DESIGN: Diet was assessed at age 3.5 years using multiple 24-hour recalls. Diet quality was assessed using an adapted version of the Revised Children's Diet Quality Index (RC-DQI). Potential predictors of diet quality were from questionnaires at age 3, 9, and 18 months and informed by the ecologic model of childhood overweight. Potential predictors included child's sex, age of introduction to solid foods, breastfeeding status, food acceptance, maternal nutrition knowledge, modeling of healthy eating, self-efficacy, education, and home food availability. PARTICIPANTS: Data from 244 children participating in the Melbourne Infant Feeding, Activity, and Nutrition Trial in 2008-2010 and follow-up data collection in 2011-2013 were examined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Diet quality at age 3.5 years. STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Bivariate logistic regression was performed to assess the relationship between diet quality and each predictor. A multivariable logistic regression model accounting for influences of covariates, treatment arm, and clustering by group tested associations between diet quality and significant predictors from bivariate analyses. RESULTS: RC-DQI scores had a mean±standard deviation score of 62.8±8.3 points out of a maximum of 85 points. Breastfeeding status (odds ratio [OR] 2.34, 95% CI 1.33 to 4.10) and maternal modeling of healthy eating (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.01 to 3.03) were positively associated with RC-DQI scores. Both breastfeeding status (OR 3.09, 95% CI 1.63 to 5.85) and modeling (OR 2.01, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.88) remained positively associated with diet quality after adjustment for child age, body mass index z score, energy intake, treatment arm, and clustering. CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding status and modeling of healthy eating were independently associated with children's diet quality. Early intervention could assist mothers to practice these behaviors to provide support for improving child diet quality.