857 resultados para determinants of uptake


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This article aims to discuss the concepts of Social Determination of Health and Social Determinants of Health, by establishing a comparison between each of their guiding perspectives and investigating their implications on the development of health policies and health actions. We propose a historical and conceptual reflection, highlighting the Theory on the Social Production of Health, followed by a debate on the concepts, with a comparative approach among them.


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Aerobic exercise training performed at the intensity eliciting maximal fat oxidation (Fatmax) has been shown to improve the metabolic profile of obese patients. However, limited information is available on the reproducibility of Fatmax and related physiological measures. The aim of this study was to assess the intra-individual variability of: a) Fatmax measurements determined using three different data analysis approaches and b) fat and carbohydrate oxidation rates at rest and at each stage of an individualized graded test. Fifteen healthy males [body mass index 23.1±0.6 kg/m2, maximal oxygen consumption ([Formula: see text]) 52.0±2.0 ml/kg/min] completed a maximal test and two identical submaximal incremental tests on ergocycle (30-min rest followed by 5-min stages with increments of 7.5% of the maximal power output). Fat and carbohydrate oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry. Fatmax was determined with three approaches: the sine model (SIN), measured values (MV) and 3rd polynomial curve (P3). Intra-individual coefficients of variation (CVs) and limits of agreement were calculated. CV for Fatmax determined with SIN was 16.4% and tended to be lower than with P3 and MV (18.6% and 20.8%, respectively). Limits of agreement for Fatmax were -2±27% of [Formula: see text] with SIN, -4±32 with P3 and -4±28 with MV. CVs of oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production and respiratory exchange rate were <10% at rest and <5% during exercise. Conversely, CVs of fat oxidation rates (20% at rest and 24-49% during exercise) and carbohydrate oxidation rates (33.5% at rest, 8.5-12.9% during exercise) were higher. The intra-individual variability of Fatmax and fat oxidation rates was high (CV>15%), regardless of the data analysis approach employed. Further research on the determinants of the variability of Fatmax and fat oxidation rates is required.


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a central stimulant that facilitates central dopaminergic transmission through inhibition of dopamine uptake and enhanced release of the transmitter. We evaluated the changes in the inhibition of uptake and the release of striatal [3H]-dopamine at 9:00 and 21:00 h, times corresponding to maximal and minimal behavioral responses to FCF, respectively. Adult male Wistar rats (200-250 g) maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle (lights on at 7:00 h) were used. In the behavioral experiments the rats (N = 8 for each group) received FCF (3.5 mg/kg, ip) or saline at 9:00 or 21:00 h. Fifteen minutes after treatment the duration of activity (sniffing, rearing and locomotion) was recorded for 120 min. The basal motor activity was higher (28.6 ± 4.2 vs 8.4 ± 3.5 s) after saline administration at 21:00 h than at 9:00 h. FCF at a single dose significantly enhanced the basal motor activity (38.3 ± 4.5 vs 8.4 ± 3.5 s) and increased the duration of exploratory activity (38.3 ± 4.5 vs 32.1 ± 4.6 s) during the light, but not the dark phase. Two other groups of rats (N = 6 for each group) were decapitated at 9:00 and 21:00 h and striata were dissected for dopamine uptake and release assays. The inhibition of uptake and release of [3H]-dopamine were higher at 9:00 than at 21:00 h, suggesting that uptake inhibition and the release properties of FCF undergo daily variation. These data suggest that the circadian time-dependent effects of FCF might be related to a higher susceptibility of dopamine presynaptic terminals to the action of FCF during the light phase which corresponds to the rats' resting period


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Nous avons utilisé une approche ethnobotanique pour identifier des espèces de plantes utilisées par les Cris afin de traiter les symptômes du diabète de type 2. Larix laricina du Roi (L. laricina) a récemment été identifiée comme une des meilleures plantes qui a stimulé le transport de glucose dans les cellules C2C12 et fortement potentialisé la différenciation des 3T3-L1 en indiquant une sensibilité potentiellement accrue à l’insuline. Ensuite, ces études de criblage ont été effectuées sur des extraits éthanolique (EE) en utilisant une série de bioessais in vitro. Cependant, les préparations traditionnelles des plantes sont souvent faites avec l’eau chaude. Le but de cette thèse de doctorat était d’isoler les principes actifs de L. laricina par un fractionnement guidé par l’adipogenèse; d’évaluer et de comparer l’activité et les mécanismes antidiabétiques des EE et des extraits aqueux (HWE) de ces 17 plantes. Pour le fractionnement de L. laricina, on a isolé plusieurs composés connus et identifié un nouveau composé actif cycloartane triterpene, qui a amélioré fortement l’adipogenèse et a été responsable en partie de l’activité adipogénique (potentiellement similaire à l’effet sensibilisateur à l’insuline des glitazone) de l’extrait éthanolique issu de l’écorce de L. laricina. Pour le métabolisme lipidique, nos résultats ont confirmé que 10 parmi les 17 EE ont augmenté la différenciation des adipocytes alors que 2 extraits seulement l’ont inhibée. Les HWE ont montré une faible activité adipogénique ou antiadipogénique. Les EE de R. groenlandicum et K. angustifolia ont le PPAR γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ), le SREBP-1 (sterol regulatory element binding protein-1) et le C/EBP (CCAAT-enhancer binding proteins) α, alors que ceux de P. balsamifera et A. incana les ont inhibés. L’effet inhibiteur de P. balsamifera a également été prouvé d’avoir impliqué l’activation de la protéine kinase activée par l’AMP (AMPK). Les EE et HWE de R. groenlandicum ont stimulé les mêmes facteurs de transcription alors que les extraits aqueux d’autres plantes sélectionnées ont perdu ces effets en comparaison avec leurs extraits éthanoliques respectifs. L’analyse phytochimique a également identifié le groupe des espèces actives et inactives, notamment lorsque les espèces ont été séparées par famille de plante. Finalement concernant l’homéostasie de glucose, nos résultats ont confirmé que plusieurs EE ont stimulé le transport de glucose musculaire et inhibé l’activité de la glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) hépatique. Certains des HWE ont partiellement ou complètement perdu ces activités antidiabétiques par rapport aux EE, tandis qu’une seule plante (R.groenlandicum) a juste conservé un potentiel similaire entre les EE et HWE dans les deux essais. Dans les cellules musculaires, les EE de R.groenlandicum, A. incana et S. purpurea ont stimulé le transport de glucose en activant la voie de signalisation de l’AMPK et en augmentant le niveau d’expression des GLUT4. En comparaison avec les EE, les HWE de R.groenlandicum ont montré des activités similaires; les HWE de A. incana ont complètement perdu leur effet sur tous les paramètres étudiés; les HWE de S. purpurea ont activé la voie de l’insuline au lieu de celle de l’AMPK pour augmenter le transport de glucose. Dans les cellules H4IIE, les EE et HWE des 5 plantes ont activé la voie de l’AMPK, et en plus les EE et HWE de 2 plantes ont activé la voie de l’insuline. La quercétine-3-O-galactoside et la quercétine 3-O-α-L-arabinopyranoside ont été identifiées comme des composés ayant un fort potentiel antidiabétique et donc responsables de l'activité biologique des plantes HWE actifs avec le transport du glucose. En conclusion, on a isolé plusieurs composés connus et identifié un nouveau triterpène actif à partir du fractionnement de L. laricina. Nous avons fourni également une preuve directe pour l'évaluation et la comparaison d'une action analogue à l'insuline ou insulino-sensibilisateur des EE et HWE de plantes médicinales Cris au niveau de muscle, de foie et de tissus adipeux. Une partie de leur action peut être liée à la stimulation des voies de signalisation intracellulaire insulino-dépendante et non-insulino-dépendante, ainsi que l’activation de PPARγ. Nos résultats indiquent que les espèces de plantes, les tissus ou les cellules cibles, ainsi que les méthodes d'extraction sont tous des déterminants significatifs de l'activité biologique de plantes médicinales Cris sur le métabolisme glucidique et lipidique.


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The male and female homosexual orientation has substantial prevalence in humans and can be explained by determinants of various levels: biological, genetic, psychological, social and cultural. However, the biological and genetic evidence have been the main hypotheses tested in scientific research in the world. This article aims to review research studies about the existence of genetic and biological evidence that determine homosexual orientation. Was conducted a review of the literature, using the database MedLine/PubMed and Google scholar. The papers and books were searched in Portuguese and English, using the following keywords: sexual orientation, sexual behavior, homosexuality, developmental Biology and genetics. Was selected papers of the last 22 years. Were found five main theories about the biological components: (1) fraternal birth order, (2) brain androgenization and 2D:4D ratio; (3) brain activation by pheromones; and (4) epigenetic inheritance; and four theories about the genetic components: (1) genetic polymorphism; (2) pattern of X-linked inheritance; (3) monozygotic twins; and (4) sexual antagonistic selection. Concluded that there were many scientific evidence found over time to explain some of biological and genetic components of homosexuality, especially in males. However, today, there is no definitive explanation about what are the determinants of homosexual orientation components.


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The kinetics of uptake of gaseous N2O5 on submicron aerosols containing NaCl and natural sea salt have been investigated in a flow reactor as a function of relative humidity (RH) in the range 30-80% at 295±2K and a total pressure of 1bar. The measured uptake coefficients, γ, were larger on the aerosols containing sea salt compared to those of pure NaCl, and in both cases increased with increasing RH. These observations are explained in terms of the variation in the size of the salt droplets, which leads to a limitation in the uptake rate into small particles. After correction for this effect the uptake coefficients are independent of relative humidity, and agree with those measured previously on larger droplets. A value of γ=0.025 is recommended for the reactive uptake coefficient for N2O5 on deliquesced sea salt droplets at 298K and RH>40%.


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This study investigates the determinants of commercial and retail airport revenues as well as revenues from real estate operations. Cross-sectional OLS, 2SLS and robust regression models of European airports identify a number of significant drivers of airport revenues. Aviation revenues per passenger are mainly determined by the national income per capita in which the airport is located, the percentage of leisure travelers and the size of the airport proxied by total aviation revenues. Main drivers of commercial revenues per passenger include the total number of passengers passing through the airport, the ratio of commercial to total revenues, the national income, the share of domestic and leisure travelers and the total number of flights. These results are in line with previous findings of a negative influence of business travelers on commercial revenues per passenger. We also find that a high amount of retail space per passenger is generally associated with lower commercial revenues per square meter confirming decreasing marginal revenue effects. Real estate revenues per passenger are positively associated with national income per capita at airport location, share of intra-EU passengers and percent delayed flights. Overall, aviation and non-aviation revenues appear to be strongly interlinked, underlining the potential for a comprehensive airport management strategy above and beyond mere cost minimization of the aviation sector.


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The aim of this research was to explore consumer perceptions of personalised nutrition and to compare these across three different levels of ‘‘medicalization’’: lifestyle assessment (no blood sampling); phenotypic assessment (blood sampling); genomic assessment (blood and buccal sampling). The protocol was developed from two pilot focus groups conducted in the UK. Two focus groups (one comprising only ‘‘older’’ individuals between 30 and 60 years old, the other of adults 18–65 yrs of age) were run in the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Germany (N = 16). The analysis (guided using grounded theory) suggested that personalised nutrition was perceived in terms of benefit to health and fitness and that convenience was an important driver of uptake. Negative attitudes were associated with internet delivery but not with personalised nutrition per se. Barriers to uptake were linked to broader technological issues associated with data protection, trust in regulator and service providers. Services that required a fee were expected to be of better quality and more secure. An efficacious, transparent and trustworthy regulatory framework for personalised nutrition is required to alleviate consumer concern. In addition, developing trust in service providers is important if such services to be successful.


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Excessive labor turnover may be considered, to a great extent, an undesirable feature of a given economy. This follows from considerations such as underinvestment in human capital by firms. Understanding the determinants and the evolution of turnover in a particular labor market is therefore of paramount importance, including policy considerations. The present paper proposes an econometric analysis of turnover in the Brazilian labor market, based on a partial observability bivariate probit model. This model considers the interdependence of decisions taken by workers and firms, helping to elucidate the causes that lead each of them to end an employment relationship. The Employment and Unemployment Survey (PED) conducted by the State System of Data Analysis (SEADE) and by the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) provides data at the individual worker level, allowing for the estimation of the joint probabilities of decisions to quit or stay on the job on the worker’s side, and to maintain or fire the employee on the firm’s side, during a given time period. The estimated parameters relate these estimated probabilities to the characteristics of workers, job contracts, and to the potential macroeconomic determinants in different time periods. The results confirm the theoretical prediction that the probability of termination of an employment relationship tends to be smaller as the worker acquires specific skills. The results also show that the establishment of a formal employment relationship reduces the probability of a quit decision by the worker, and also the firm’s firing decision in non-industrial sectors. With regard to the evolution of quit probability over time, the results show that an increase in the unemployment rate inhibits quitting, although this tends to wane as the unemployment rate rises.


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Most of our knowledge concerning the virulence determinants of pathogenic fungi comes from the infected host, mainly from animal models and more recently from in vitro studies with cell cultures. The fungi usually present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, with the parasitism phenomenon dependent on complementary surface molecules. Among living organisms, this has been characterized as a cohabitation event, where the fungus is able to recognize specific host tissues acting as an attractant, creating stable conditions for its survival. Several fungi pathogenic for humans and animals have evolved special strategies to deliver elements to their cellular targets that may be relevant to their pathogenicity. Most of these pathogens express surface factors that mediate binding to host cells either directly or indirectly, in the latter case binding to host adhesion components such as extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, which act as 'interlinking' molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by fungal adherence to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmic internalization. Once this is accomplished, some fungi are able to alter the host cytoskeletal architecture, as manifested by a rearrangement of microtubule and microfilament proteins, and this can also induce epithelial host cells to become apoptotic. It is possible that fungal pathogens induce modulation of different host cell pathways in order to evade host defences and to foster their own proliferation. For a number of pathogens, the ability to bind ECM glycoproteins, the capability of internalization and the induction of apoptosis are considered important factors in virulence. Furthermore, specific recognition between fungal parasites and their host cell targets may be mediated by the interaction of carbohydrate-binding proteins, e.g., lectins on the surface of one type of cell, probably a parasite, that combine with complementary sugars on the surface of host-cell. These interactions supply precise models to study putative adhesins and receptor-containing molecules in the context of the fungus-host interface. The recognition of the host molecules by fungi such as Aspergillus fumigatus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Histoplasma capsulatum, and their molecular mechanisms of adhesion and invasion, are reviewed in this paper.


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a central stimulant that facilitates central dopaminergic transmission through inhibition of dopamine uptake and enhanced release of the transmitter. We evaluated the changes in the inhibition of uptake and the release of striatal [ 3H]-dopamine at 9:00 and 21:00 h, times corresponding to maximal and minimal behavioral responses to FCF, respectively. Adult male Wistar rats (200-250 g) maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle (lights on at 7:00 h) were used. In the behavioral experiments the rats (N = 8 for each group) received FCF (3.5 mg/kg, ip) or saline at 9:00 or 21:00 h. Fifteen minutes after treatment the duration of activity (sniffing, rearing and locomotion) was recorded for 120 min. The basal motor activity was higher (28.6 ± 4.2 vs 8.4 ± 3.5 s) after saline administration at 21:00 h than at 9:00 h. FCF at a single dose significantly enhanced the basal motor activity (38.3 ± 4.5 vs 8.4 ± 3.5 s) and increased the duration of exploratory activity (38.3 ± 4.5 vs 32.1 ± 4.6 s) during the light, but not the dark phase. Two other groups of rats (N = 6 for each group) were decapitated at 9:00 and 21:00 h and striata were dissected for dopamine uptake and relase assays. The inhibition of uptake and release of [ 3H]-dopamine were higher at 9:00 than at 21:00 h, suggesting that uptake inhibition and the release properties of FCF undergo daily variation. These data suggest that the circadian time-dependent effects of FCF might be related to a higher susceptibility of dopamine presynaptic terminals to the action of FCF during the light phase which corresponds to the rats' resting period.


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The availability and uptake of Cd by lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in two common tropical soils (before and after liming) were studied in order to derive human health-based risk soil concentration. Cadmium concentrations ranging from 1 to 12 mg kg(-1) were added to samples from a clayey Oxisol and a sandy-loam Ultisol under glasshouse conditions. After incubation, a soil sample was taken from each pot, the concentration of Cd in the soil was determined, lettuce was grown during 36 d, and the edible parts were harvested and analyzed for Cd. A positive linear correlation was observed between total soil Cd and the Cd concentration in lettuce. The amount of Cd absorbed by lettuce grown in the Ultisol was about twice the amount absorbed in the Oxisol. Liming increased the soil pH and slightly reduced Cd availability and uptake. CaCl2 extraction was better than DTPA to reflect differences in binding strength of Cd between limed and unlimed soils. Risk Cd concentrations in the Ultisol were lower than in the Oxisol, reflecting the greater degree of uptake from the Ultisol. The derived risk Cd values were dependent on soil type and the exposure scenario.


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The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles make them suitable for biomedical applications. Due to their ‘straight-forward’ synthesis, their known biocompatibility, their strong optical properties, their ability for targeted drug delivery and their uptake potential into cells gold nanoparticles are highly interesting for biomedical applications. In particular, the therapy of brain diseases (neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic stroke) is a challenge for contemporary medicine and gold nanoparticles are currently being studied in the hope of improving drug delivery to the brain.rnIn this thesis three major conclusions from the generated data are emphasized.rn1. After improvement of the isolation protocol and culture conditions, the formation of a monolayer of porcine brain endothelial cells on transwell filters lead to a reproducible and tight in vitro monoculture which exhibited in vivo blood brain barrier (BBB) characteristics. The transport of nanoparticles across the barrier was studied using this model.rn2. Although gold nanoparticles are known to be relatively bioinert, contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis (i.e. CTAB or sodium citrate) increased the cytotoxicity of gold nanoparticles, as shown by various publications. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis such as sodium citrate increased the cytotoxicity of the gold nanoparticles in endothelial cells but in a more dramatic manner in epithelial cells. Considering the increased uptake of these particles by epithelial cells compared to endothelial cells it was demonstrated that the observed decrease of cell viability appeared to be related to the amount of internalized gold nanoparticles in combination with the presence of the contaminant.rn3. Systematically synthesized gold nanoparticles of different sizes with a variety of surface modifications (different chemical groups and net charges) were investigated for their uptake behaviour and functional impairment of endothelial cells, one of the major cell types making up the BBB. The targeting of these different nanoparticles to endothelial cells from different parts of the body was investigated in a comparative study of human microvascular dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In these experiments it was demonstrated that different properties of the nanoparticles resulted in a variety of uptake patterns into cells. Positively charged gold nanoparticles were internalized in high amounts, while PEGylated nanoparticles were not taken up by both cell types. Differences in the uptake behavior were also demonstrated for neutrally charged particles of different sizes, coated with hydroxypropylamine or glucosamine. Endothelial cells of the brain specifically internalized 35nm neutrally charged hydroxypropylamine-coated gold nanoparticles in larger amounts compared to dermal microvascular endothelial cells, indicating a "targeting" for brain endothelial cells. Co-localization studies with flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 showed that the gold nanoparticles were internalized by endocytotic pathways. Furthermore, these nanoparticles exhibited transcytosis across the endothelial cell barrier in an in vitro BBB model generated with primary porcine brain endothelial cells (1.). In conclusion, gold nanoparticles with different sizes and surface characteristics showed different uptake patterns in dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In addition, gold nanoparticles with a specific size and defined surface modification were able to cross the blood-brain barrier in a porcine in vitro model and may thus be useful for controlled delivery of drugs to the brain.


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BACKGROUND: The CD4 T cell count recovery in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals receiving potent antiretroviral therapy (ART) shows high variability. We studied the determinants and the clinical relevance of incomplete CD4 T cell restoration. METHODS: Longitudinal CD4 T cell count was analyzed in 293 participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who had had a plasma HIV-1 RNA load <1000 copies/mL for > or =5 years. CD4 T cell recovery was stratified by CD4 T cell count 5 years after initiation of ART (> or =500 cells/microL was defined as a complete response, and <500 cells/microL was defined as an incomplete response). Determinants of incomplete responses and clinical events were evaluated using logistic regression and survival analyses. RESULTS: The median CD4 T cell count increased from 180 cells/microL at baseline to 576 cells/microL 5 years after ART initiation. A total of 35.8% of patients were incomplete responders, of whom 47.6% reached a CD4 T cell plateau <500 cells/microL. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV-1 disease category B and/or C events occurred in 21% of incomplete responders and in 14.4% of complete responders (P>.05). Older age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.71 per 10-year increase; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21-2.43), lower baseline CD4 T cell count (aOR, 0.37 per 100-cell increase; 95% CI, 0.28-0.49), and longer duration of HIV infection (aOR, 2.39 per 10-year increase; 95% CI, 1.19-4.81) were significantly associated with a CD4 T cell count <500 cells/microL at 5 years. The median increases in CD4 T cell count after 3-6 months of ART were smaller in incomplete responders (P<.001) and predicted, in conjunction with baseline CD4 T cell count and age, incomplete response with 80% sensitivity and 72% specificity. CONCLUSION: Individuals with incomplete CD4 T cell recovery to <500 cells/microL had more advanced HIV-1 infection at baseline. CD4 T cell changes during the first 3-6 months of ART already reflect the capacity of the immune system to replenish depleted CD4 T lymphocytes.


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This study investigated the uptake, kinetics and cellular distribution of different surface coated quantum dots (QDs) before relating this to their toxicity. J774.A1 cells were treated with organic, COOH and NH2 (PEG) surface coated QDs (40 nM). Model 20 nm and 200 nm COOH-modified coated polystyrene beads (PBs) were also examined (50 microg ml(-1)). The potential for uptake of QDs was examined by both fixed and live cell confocal microscopy as well as by flow cytometry over 2 h. Both the COOH 20 nm and 200 nm PBs were clearly and rapidly taken up by the J774.A1 cells, with uptake of 20 nm PBs being relatively quicker and more extensive. Similarly, COOH QDs were clearly taken up by the macrophages. Uptake of NH2 (PEG) QDs was not detectable by live cell imaging however, was observed following 3D reconstruction of fixed cells, as well as by flow cytometry. Cells treated with organic QDs, monitored by live cell imaging, showed only a small amount of uptake in a relatively small number of cells. This uptake was insufficient to be detected by flow cytometry. Imaging of fixed cells was not possible due to a loss in cell integrity related to cytotoxicity. A significant reduction (p<0.05) in the fluorescent intensity in a cell-free environment was found with organic QDs, NH2 (PEG) QDs, 20 nm and 200 nm PBs at pH 4.0 (indicative of an endosome) after 2 h, suggesting reduced stability. No evidence of exocytosis was found over 2 h. These findings confirm that surface coating has a significant influence on the mode of NP interaction with cells, as well as the subsequent consequences of that interaction.