791 resultados para cultural studies
We study market reaction to the announcements of the selected country hosting the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the World Football Cup, the European Football Cup and World and Specialized Exhibitions. We generalize previous results analyzing a large number and different types of mega-events, evaluate the effects for winning and losing countries, investigate the determinants of the observed market reaction and control for the ex ante probability of a country being a successful bidder. Average abnormal returns measured at the announcement date and around the event are not significantly different from zero. Further, we find no evidence supporting that industries, that a priori were more likely to extract direct benefits from the event, observe positive significant effects. Yet, when we control for anticipation, the stock price reactions around the announcements are significant.
Dissertao de Mestrado, Patrimnio, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 2 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Aores.
This paper intends to show the Portuguese municipalities commitment, since the first decade of this century, in cultural facilities of municipal management and how it provided 12 of the 18 district capitals of mainland Portugal with cultural equipment, but after all we want to know if this effort resulted in a regular, diverse, and innovative schedule. Investing in urban regeneration, local governments have tried to convert cities demographic changes (strengthening of the most educated and professionally qualified groups) in effective cultural demands that consolidate the three axes of development competitiveness-innovation-creativity. What the empirical study to the programming and communication proposals of those equipment shows is that it is not enough to provide cities with facilities; to escape to a utilitarian conception of culture, there is a whole work to be done so that such equipment be experienced and felt as new public sphere. Equipment in which proposals go through a fluid bind, constructed through space and discourse with local community, devoted a diversified and innovative bet full filling development axis. This paper presents in a systematic way what contributes to this binding on the analyzed equipment.
Artigo baseado na comunicao proferida no 1st International Symposium on Media Studies, realizado na Akdeniz Universitesi Yaynlar, Antalya, Turquia, 21-23 de novembro de 2013
Relatrio de estgio apresentado Escola Superior de Comunicao Social como parte dos requisitos para obteno de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cross-cultural validity of the Demand-Control Questionnaire, comparing the original Swedish questionnaire with the Brazilian version. METHODS We compared data from 362 Swedish and 399 Brazilian health workers. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were performed to test structural validity, using the robust weighted least squares mean and variance-adjusted (WLSMV) estimator. Construct validity, using hypotheses testing, was evaluated through the inspection of the mean score distribution of the scale dimensions according to sociodemographic and social support at work variables. RESULTS The confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses supported the instrument in three dimensions (for Swedish and Brazilians): psychological demands, skill discretion and decision authority. The best-fit model was achieved by including an error correlation between work fast and work intensely (psychological demands) and removing the item repetitive work (skill discretion). Hypotheses testing showed that workers with university degree had higher scores on skill discretion and decision authority and those with high levels of Social Support at Work had lower scores on psychological demands and higher scores on decision authority. CONCLUSIONS The results supported the equivalent dimensional structures across the two culturally different work contexts. Skill discretion and decision authority formed two distinct dimensions and the item repetitive work should be removed.
Dissertation presented to the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon in fulfilment of the requirements for the Masters degree in Conservation and Restoration Specialization in easel painting
Objective Patient-centredness has become an important aspect of health service delivery; however, there are a limited number of studies that focus on this concept in the domain of hearing healthcare. The objective of this study was to examine and compare audiologists preferences for patient-centredness in Portugal, India and Iran. Design The study used a cross-sectional survey design with audiologists recruited from three different countries. Participants A total of 191 fully-completed responses were included in the analysis (55 from Portugal, 78 from India and 58 from Iran). Main outcome measure The PatientPractitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Results PPOS mean scores suggest that audiologists have a preference for patient-centredness (ie, mean of 3.6 in a 5-point scale). However, marked differences were observed between specific PPOS items suggesting these preferences vary across clinical situations. A significant level of difference (p<0.001) was found between audiologists preferences for patient-centredness in three countries. Audiologists in Portugal had a greater preference for patient-centredness when compared to audiologists in India and Iran, although no significant differences were found in terms of age and duration of experience among these sample populations. Conclusions There are differences and similarities in audiologists preferences for patient-centredness among countries. These findings may have implications for the training of professionals and also for clinical practice in terms of optimising hearing healthcare across countries.
Purpose: This work aims at further developing and testing the psychometric properties of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (Ang & Van Dyne, 2006) in an Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Population, including reliability. Design Methodology: The study included 626 participants from 109 different countries that emcompasses 6 continents. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedures were carried out in order to test the scale in a multicultural scale of Erasmus Mundus Students. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach Alpha. Results: The scale presents excellent psychometric properties with alpha values that range from .84 to .90. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses demonstrated that the original model of the scale presents an exceptionally good fit. Limitations: The present study was conducted using a convenience sample and online questionnaires that limit its conclusions when we consider the globality of the Erasmus Mundus Students. Research/Practical Implications: This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dynes scale is an adequate measure instrument to assess intercultural intelligence in a multicultural setting of students and alumni. Originality/Value: Multicultural samples and studies are becoming more and more present and relevant; the study of intercultural competences and habilities is becoming increasingly important, and in this task, solid psychometric instruments are of paramount importance. This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dynes (2006) scale is a fairly recent and parsimonious instrument with excellent psychometric properties properties.
RESUMO: Introduo: A asma brnquica uma entidade frequente em idade peditrica, apresentando uma grande heterogeneidade clnica e significativa morbilidade quando no controlada. A identificao de crianas sintomticas pode atrasar ou at mesmo diminuir a ocorrncia de algumas alteraes estruturais. Reconhece-se a necessidade de questionrios sobre sintomas respiratrios em lngua portuguesa, devidamente validados, que tenham como populao-alvo os grupos etrios inferiores a 3 anos. Deste modo, ser possvel no s um conhecimento mais rigoroso da asma e da sibilncia infantil mas tambm a uniformizao de metodologias para o desenvolvimento de estratgias a nvel nacional. Objetivos: Traduo com adaptao cultural para portugus e determinao da reprodutibilidade do Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children de Strippoli e colaboradores. Material e mtodos: A escolha do questionrio obedeceu a vrios critrios, entre os quais o grupo etrio, o tipo e nmero de perguntas. O Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children de Strippoli e colaboradores um questionrio de autopreenchimento, dirigido a crianas entre os 12 e os 24 meses de idade e destinado a estudos epidemiolgicos ao nvel da comunidade. Aborda aspetos referentes a sintomas respiratrios (sibilncia, tosse crnica, sintomas das vias areas superiores), cuidados mdicos, teraputica, caractersticas ambientais, histria familiar e situao social. Procedemos sua traduo, com especial ateno para a adaptao do ponto de vista cultural e lingustico, utilizando o mtodo da traduo / retroverso, amplamente utilizado e descrito na literatura internacional. Seguidamente determinmos a reprodutibilidade da verso final em lngua portuguesa Questionrio de sintomas respiratrios em idade pr-escolar utilizando o teste-reteste. Para tal, incluram-se crianas entre os 12 e os 36 meses de idade recrutadas num Centro de Sade e em creches de Lisboa. A distribuio dos questionrios decorreu em duas fases: na primeira fase foram entregues pessoalmente nos locais de recrutamento e na segunda fase foram enviados por correio para os domiclios das crianas, respeitando-se um intervalo mnimo de 2 semanas entre ambos. Resultados: Na primeira fase foram distribudos 180 questionrios, com uma taxa de reposta de 41% (n=74). Na segunda fase enviaram-se para os respetivos domiclios 70 questionrios,obtendo-se uma taxa de resposta de 66% (n=46). Para a anlise de reprodutibilidade foram includos apenas os questionrios preenchidos em ambos os momentos pelo mesmo indivduo (me, pai ou representante legal) (n=41). A idade mdia das crianas foi, na primeira fase, de 22,5 meses e, na segunda fase, de 23,7 meses, com um predomnio do sexo feminino (F:M =1:0,6). A mediana do tempo decorrido entre os dois momentos de preenchimento dos questionrios foi de 26 dias. Obtivemos valores de concordncia globalmente bons a muito bons, semelhana do sucedido no trabalho original. Concluses: Procedemos traduo e avaliao da reprodutibilidade do Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children. Pretende-se que venha a ser uma ferramenta til para estudos epidemiolgicos e programas de rastreio na comunidade, contribuindo deste modo para uma otimizao da abordagem da asma / sibilncia infantil a nvel nacional. -------------ABSTRACT: Background: Asthma is a very common feature in childhood, with important clinical heterogeneity and morbidity if not properly controlled. Identifying symptomatic children may delay or even reduce several structural changes. The development of questionnaires on respiratory symptoms in Portuguese for children under 3 years old will allow not only a more accurate knowledge of infantile asthma and recurrent wheezing but also the standardization of methodologies to develop nationwide strategies. Objectives: The aim of this study was to translate and adapt to the Portuguese culture and to determine the repeatability of the Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children by Strippoli et al. Material and methods: The choice of the questionnaire took in consideration several criteria, among which the target age, the type and the number of questions. The Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children by Strippoli et al is a parent-completed questionnaire for assessment of respiratory symptoms in 1 to 2-year-old children, developed for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. It contains sections on respiratory symptoms (wheezing, chronic cough and upper airways symptoms), healthcare utilization, treatment, environmental exposure, family history and social situation. For the process of translation we used the method of translation and back-translation, with particular concern to cultural and linguistic adaptation. To assess the repeatability of the final Portuguese version - Questionrio de sintomas respiratrios em idade pr-escolar - we used the testretest analyses. The questionnaires were distributed to parents of children between 12 and 36 months old attending nurseries and a Primary Care Center of Lisbon. The distribution took place in two phases: the first questionnaires were delivered in person (phase one) and an identical questionnaire was posted to the families that participated in the first phase, 2 weeks after the first one was returned (phase two). Results: The response rates were 41% (180/74) in the first phase and 66% (70/46) in the second phase. For testretest analyses, we included the 41 children with the same respondent (mother, father or legal representative) in both occasions. The median age of the children was 22,5 months at the first phase and 23,7 months at the second phase, with a predominance of girls (F:M = 1:0,6). The median time between the fillings of both questionnaires was 26 days. Globally, agreement values were good to excellent, similarly to the original work. Conclusion: In the present study we translated the Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children and assessed its repeatability. Overall, we expect it to be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies and community-based screening programs, thus contributing to improve the management of infantile asthma / recurrent wheezing nationwide.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o processo de adaptao cultural do Neck Disability Index (NDI), atravs da anlise da sua unidimensionalidade e do estudo da sua fiabilidade (consistncia interna e fiabilidade teste-reteste), validade de constructo e poder de resposta. De igual forma pretendeu-se caraterizar a interveno realizada pela fisioterapia e os resultados obtidos em pacientes com Dor Cervical Crnica (DCC). Introduo: A dor cervical um problema cada vez mais comum nos pases industrializados, constituindo uma das trs condies mais frequentemente reportadas por queixas de origem msculo-esqueltica. A sua incidncia um fenmeno em crescimento, com custos implicados para a sociedade. Desta forma reconhece-se a importncia de um instrumento que monitorize a evoluo da incapacidade funcional associada DCC. O NDI atualmente o instrumento de avaliao mais recomendado para avaliar a incapacidade funcional associada dor cervical. Foi traduzido e adaptado lngua portuguesa, mas data no foi realizada nenhuma avaliao das suas propriedades psicomtricas. Por outro lado, apesar de a literatura referir que os servios de Fisioterapia so extremamente procurados por indivduos com DCC, em Portugal, a informao sobre a sua prtica nesta condio clnica escassa ou mesmo inexistente. Assim, e sendo a incapacidade nas atividades funcionais uma das variveis de maior impacto da DCC e ao mesmo tempo um dos resultados principais da interveno da Fisioterapia, importa por um lado possuir instrumentos capazes de avaliar o nvel de incapacidade funcional e a sua mudana, e por outro, aferir qual a interveno realizada pela Fisioterapia e quais os resultados obtidos. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospetivo com uma amostra de convenincia, do tipo no probabilstico, constituda por 88 pacientes com DCC de origem msculo-esqueltica e causa no traumtica referenciados para 6 servios de fisioterapia / medicina fsica e de reabilitao de clnicas e centros de reabilitao, sendo elegveis todos os pacientes que cumprissem os critrios de incluso e excluso estabelecidos. Os pacientes foram avaliados em trs momentos pr-definidos: antes do incio das sesses de fisioterapia ou na 1 semana de tratamento; 4 a 7 dias aps a 1 avaliao; e 7 semanas aps o incio da fisioterapia. Para verificao da unidimensionalidade do NDI, procedeu-se a uma Anlise Fatorial Exploratria. As propriedades psicomtricas do NDI avaliadas foram a Fiabilidade (consistncia interna e fiabilidade teste-reteste), a Validade de Constructo e o Poder de Resposta. Posteriormente procedeu-se caraterizao da prtica da fisioterapia quanto s modalidades utilizadas, nmero de sesses de tratamento e durao do episdio de cuidados. Adicionalmente descreveu-se os resultados obtidos aps a interveno da fisioterapia ao nvel da dor e incapacidade. Resultados: os resultados obtidos foram positivos e significativos, com a confirmao da unidimensionalidade do NDI, sendo que em todos os critrios seguidos o fator mnimo retido foi de um. Na avaliao da consistncia interna o valor obtido foi acima do mnimo aceitvel ( Cronbach = 0,77), enquanto o valor de fiabilidade teste-reteste foi elevado (CCI =0,95). De igual forma, os resultados foram positivos para a validade de constructo, obtendo-se uma associao positiva do NDI com a Escala Numrica da dor (END). O valores de poder de resposta reportaram uma rea Abaixo da Curva de 0,63 (IC 95%=0,51-0,75), com valor de Diferena Mnima Clinicamente importante de 5,5 pontos (sensibilidade = 69,6%; especificidade = 43,6%). Relativamente interveno de fisioterapia em casos de DCC verificou-se que as caractersticas da prtica da fisioterapia reportadas neste relatrio so de difcil comparao ou anlise dada a escassez ou inexistncia de trabalhos publicados sobre este assunto em pacientes com DCC. No entanto, neste estudo, encontraram-se redues significativas na intensidade da dor e incapacidade funcional aps a interveno de fisioterapia (z= -7,16; p<0,001 e t= 10,412, p<0,05, respetivamente). Concluso: Os resultados do presente estudo revelam que o NDI-VP possui uma boa Fiabilidade, Validade de Constructo e Poder de Resposta. Revela ainda que a interveno da fisioterapia em casos de DCC, apesar da escassez de trabalhos publicados, proporciona uma reduo significativa dos nveis de dor e incapacidade em pacientes com DCC.--------------- ABSTRACT:Objective: the aim of this study was to contribute for the process of cultural adaption of the Neck Disability Index (NDI), through the analysis of his unidimensionality and the study of his reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), construct validity and responsiveness. At the same time it pretends to characterize the intervention performed by physical therapy and the results in patients with Chronic Neck Pain (CNP). Introduction: neck pain is a common problem in the industrialized countries, since is one of the three most reported conditions by complaints with musculoskeletal origin. His incidence is a growth phenomena that implicate great costs to society. Therefore the importance of an instrument that monitories the evolution of the functional disability associated to CNP is recognized. Nowadays, NDI is the instrument most recommended to evaluate functional disability associated to neck pain. It has been translated and adapted to portuguese but, till now, no evaluation of his psychometric proprieties has been completed. In the other hand, despite literature refers that physical therapy services are extremely searched by patients with neck pain, in Portugal, the information about practice in this clinical condition is very few or inexistent. Therefore, and since disability in the functional activities is one of the variables with most impact of CNP and, at the same time, one of the main results of physical therapy interventions, its important to have instruments capable of evaluate the level of functional disability and his change, and also calculate which intervention of physical therapy is most appropriate and his results. Methodology: it was used a prospective cohort study with a convenience sample, non-probabilistic, consisting of 88 patients with CNP of musculoskeletal origin and non-traumatic cause, referred to 6 physical therapy services of clinics and rehabilitation centers, and fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria established. Patients were evaluated in three pre-defined moments: before the beginning of physical therapy or during the first week of treatment; 4 to 7 days after the first evaluation; and 7 weeks after beginning of physical therapy. To verify NDI unidimensionality, we run an Exploratory Factorial Analysis. NDI psychometric proprieties evaluated were reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), construct validity and responsiveness. Subsequently, it was proceeded the characterization the practice of physical therapy regarding to the modalities used, the number of treatment sessions and duration of the episode of care. Additionally it was described the results obtained after the intervention of the physical therapy, the level of pain and the disability. Results: results were positive and significant, with the confirmation of the NDI unidimensionality, since in every followed criteria the minimal retained factor was one. In the evaluation of internal consistency the value was above the minimal accepted ( Cronbach = 0,77), and the test-retest reliability value was high (CCI =0,95). Results were positive to construct validity, with an positive association of the NDI with Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Responsiveness values reported an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0,63 (IC 95%=0,51-0,75) with a Minimal Important Detectable Change (MIDC) of 5,5 points (sensitivity = 69,9%; specificity = 43,6%). Regarding physical therapy interventions in CNP, it was verified that the physical therapy characteristics reported are difficult to compare or analyze since there are very few published studies about this topic. However, in this study, significant reductions were founded in pain intensity and functional disability after intervention(z= -7,16; p<0,001 and t= 10,412, p<0,05, respectively).Conclusion: present study results reveals that NDI has an good reliability, construct validity and responsiveness. It also reveals that physical therapy intervention in CNP, beside few studies published, result in a significant reduction of pain and disability levels in patients with CNP.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA School of Business and Economics
RESUMO: A dor lombar crnica (DLC) uma das condies clnicas mais comuns e com elevados custos socioeconmicos no mundo ocidental. Estudos recentes indicam que os utentes com DLC apresentam diferentes padres de atividade que influenciam os nveis de incapacidade funcional. Contudo, a evidncia acerca destas associaes , ainda, limitada e inconclusiva. Em Portugal, no existe, do nosso conhecimento, nenhuma escala validada para a populao portuguesa que mea estes padres de atividade em utentes com DLC. Objetivos: Adaptar culturalmente a escala Patterns of Activity Measure Pain (POAM-P) para a populao portuguesa com dor lombar crnica inespecfica (DLCI) e contribuir para a sua validao. Metodologia: A verso original (inglesa) do POAM-P foi traduzida e adaptada para a lngua portuguesa (POAM-P-VP) atravs de uma equipa multidisciplinar que incluiu tradutores, retrotradutores (cegos e independentes), peritos de diferentes reas e utentes com DLCI, de acordo com as recomendaes de linhas orientadoras atuais para este processo. A anlise factorial e das propriedades psicomtricas da POAM-P-VP contou com uma amostra de 132 utentes. A consistncia interna foi analisada atravs do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach () e para a anlise da fiabilidade teste-reteste recorreu-se ao coeficiente de correlao intraclasse (ICC:2,1). A anlise da validade de construto convergente e discriminativa das componentes da POAM-P-VP foi conseguida atravs da aplicao da verso portuguesa da escala Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), e recorrendo ao clculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Todos os clculos estatsticos foram realizados no software IBM SPSS Statistics (verso 20). Resultados: A anlise factorial permitiu identificar trs componentes da POAM-P-VP (evitamento, persistncia excessiva e persistncia consistente com a dor), sendo estruturalmente diferentes das subescalas do POAM-P original. Estas componentes apresentaram uma consistncia interna boa a elevada. As componentes 1 e 2 apresentaram uma fiabilidade teste-reteste moderada a excelente, e a componente 3 uma fiabilidade teste-reteste pobre, limitando o seu poder de uso na prtica clnica e em investigao. Relativamente validade de construto, nenhuma das hipteses estabelecidas no estudo apriori foram verificadas, no podendo aferir acerca da relao dos padres de atividade com a cinesiofobia, medida pelo TSK-13-VP. Porm, a componente de evitamento da POAM-P-VP parece medir contedos partilhados com a TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Concluso: A adaptao e contributo para a validao da verso portuguesa da escala POAM-P constituiu um ponto de partida para a existncia de um instrumento de medio de padres de atividade de utentes portugueses com DLC, requerendo mais estudos para a sua validao. Apesar de algumas limitaes, considera-se que este estudo de grande importncia para os fisioterapeutas e investigadores que buscam um maior conhecimento e efetividade das abordagens de interveno em utentes com dor lombar crnica.-------------- ABSTRACT: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most common clinical conditions as well as one with high economical costs within western countries. Recent studies have shown that patients with LBP present different patterns of activity which influence their levels of functional capacity. However, evidence on these associations is still limited and inconclusive. To our knowledge, there is in Portugal no valid scale for measuring these patterns of activity in CLBP patients. Purpose: Culturally adapt the Patterns of Activity Measure Pain (POAM-P) scale to the Portuguese population with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSLBP) and contribute to its validation. Method: The original English version of POAM-P was blindly and independently translated, back translated and adapted to the Portuguese language (POAM-P-VP) by a multidisciplinary team of translators, experts from different fields, and patients with NSLBP, according to established guidelines for this process. Factorial and psychometric properties analysis of POAM-P-VP comprised a sample of 132 patients. The internal consistency was analyzed based on Cronbach's alpha-coefficient () and for test-retest reliability analysis the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. The analysis of convergent and discriminant construct validity of POAM-P-VP components was achieved through the use of the Portuguese version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), using the Spearman coefficient calculation. All statistical calculations were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics software (v.20). Results: The factor analysis allowed for the identification of three components of POAM-P-VP (avoidance, excessive persistence and pain-contingent persistence), structurally different from the original POAM-P subscales. These components demonstrated a good to high level of internal consistency. Components 1 and 2 demonstrated moderate to excellent test-retest reliability, whereas component 3 presented low test-retest reliability thus limiting its clinical and investigative use. With regard to construct validity, none of the previously established hypothesis was verified, therefore not making it possible to assess the relation between activity patterns and kinesiophobia, measured by TSK-13-VP. However, the avoidance component of POAM-P-VP seems to share measurable contents with TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Conclusion: The adaptation and contribution to the validation of the Portuguese version of POAM-P scale, sets a starting point to the existence of a useful instrument for measuring activity patterns in Portuguese CLBP patients, requiring further studies towards its validation. Despite some limitations, this study is considered of high importance to physiotherapists as well as investigators in search of deeper knowledge and effective practical approaches on chronic low back pain patients.
The 21st century bodes an interesting time for companies and individuals alike with an increased focus on using creativity as a way to stimulate innovation to create competitive advantage. Several studies have looked at how creativity is stimulated within a corporate environment or how creativity is stimulated by people in a specific place. This study aimed to look at how the contextual environment fosters creativity in individuals and groups. With the increase in popularity of African and world music In Europe over the last ten years it was decided that the context of Lisbon, Portugal be used with a specific focus on African musicians living there and working in the Lisbon music scene. It became apparent themes of Creative crossovers, Geographical Location, a dynamic environment, Entrepreneurial encouragement and the presence of open-minded and flexible individual were involved in Lisbons ability to foster and empower creative individuals.
RESUMO: Introduo: Vrios estudos tm encontrado evidncia para a relao entre as crenas e atitudes dos profissionais de sade, a sua abordagem de tratamento, referida como orientada segundo o modelo biomdico ou modelo biopsicossocial (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), e os resultados obtidos. sugerido que, no tratamento da dor lombar crnica, os profissionais que orientam o seu raciocnio e prtica segundo o modelo biomdico, tendem a obter piores resultados quando comparados com os obtidos pelos profissionais que orientam o seu raciocnio e prtica segundo uma abordagem biopsicossocial. Esta rea de estudo tem salientado a importncia de desenhar instrumentos capazes de identificar a orientao preferencial dos profissionais de sade no tratamento da dor crnica de natureza msculo-esqueltica, entre os quais se encontra a Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists (PABS-PT). Objetivo: Adaptar culturalmente a PABS-PT para a populao de fisioterapeutas portugueses que intervm em utentes com dor (lombar) crnica, e contribuir para a sua validao Metodologia: A verso original (lngua inglesa) do PABS-PT foi adaptada para a lngua e cultura portuguesas, atravs das etapas definidas nas normas orientadoras estabelecidas para este processo (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). A avaliao das propriedades psicomtricas da verso portuguesa foi realizada com recurso a uma amostra de 202 fisioterapeutas e estudantes finalistas do curso de licenciatura em Fisioterapia. Inicialmente foi realizada a anlise fatorial exploratria da escala atravs do mtodo das componentes principais. Posteriormente avaliou-se a consistncia interna das componentes obtidas com recurso ao alpha de Cronbach (). Para analisar a validade de constructo foram correlacionadas as componentes obtidas com a verso portuguesa da Health Care Providers Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS), recorrendo ao clculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: O processo de adaptao cultural no revelou dificuldades importantes sendo considerado que a verso portuguesa da PABS-PT de fcil compreenso e preenchimento, e os seus itens adequados para avaliar as crenas e atitudes dos fisioterapeutas portugueses relativas interveno na dor crnica msculo-esqueltica. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura fatorial de duas componentes, identificadas com as componentes da escala original que explicam 30,96% da varincia total. A consistncia interna encontrada boa, para a componente biomdica ( de Cronbach = 0,826), mas muito fraca para a componente biopsicossocial ( de Cronbach= 0,589). Relativamente validade convergente e discriminativa, foi encontrada uma associao estatisticamente significativa e positiva, entre as componentes 1 (biomdica) da verso nportuguesa da PABS e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = 0,481, p 0,005), e negativa, fraca e significativa entre a pontuao total da componente 2 (biopsicossocial) e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Concluso: A verso portuguesa do PABS-PT de fcil compreenso e aparenta ser um instrumento vlido para a medio da orientao preferencial dos fisioterapeutas, relativamente s suas atitudes e crenas na avaliao e tratamento de utentes com dor crnica de natureza msculo-esqueltica. No entanto, a componente biopsicossocial requer uma anlise mais aprofundada para que possa, com rigor, ser utilizada na definio de uma orientao preferencialmente biopsicossocial.--------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Previous studies have found a relation between the beliefs and attitudes of health professionals, their treatment approach, which can follows a biomedical or a biopsychosocial orientation (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), and the outcomes obtained. Therefore, is suggested that the professionals who tend to approach chronic low back pain patients according to the biomedical model have worse outcomes than professionals who use a biopsychosocial approach in there clinical reasoning. This research field has highlighted the importance of developing measures capable of identifying the preferred orientation of health professionals in the treatment of chronic pain of musculoskeletal nature, including the Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists (PABS-PT). Objective: To cross culturally adapt and validate the PABS-PT for the Portuguese population of physiotherapists. Methodology: The original version (English version) of the PABS-PT was adapted to the Portuguese language and culture, through the guidelines established for these processes (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). The psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version was carried out on a sample of 202 p physiotherapist and final year students of the physiotherapy course. Initially, an exploratory factorial analysis was performed through the method of the main components. Then, the internal consistence of the main components was evaluated using the Cronbachs alpha (). The convergent construct validity was analysed through the correlation between the obtained components of PABS-PT and the Health Care Providers Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS), using the Spearmen correlation coefficient. Results: No major difficulties were found during the cultural adaptation process of PABS-PT to Portugal, which means that the Portuguese version is easy to understand and fulfill, and items are appropriated to evaluate the beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese physiotherapists who treat chronic pain of musculoskeletal origins. The results revealed a factorial structure of two components, as the original scale, explaining 30,96% of the total variance. Internal consistence results were good, for the biomedical component (Cronbachs = 0,826), but very weak for the biopsychosocial componente (Cronbachs = 0,589). Relatively to convergent and discriminative validity, a statistically significant association was found, between the components 1 (biomedical) of the Portuguese version of PABS-PT and the HC-PAIRS (Rs= 0,481, p 0,005) and negative, weak and significant between the total score of component 2 (biopsychosocial) and the HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusion: The Portuguese Version of PABS-PT is easy to understand and seems to be a valid instrument to measure the attitudes and beliefs of physiotherapists in the management of patients with chronic low back pain. However, the biopsychosocial component requires a further deep analysis to examine a preferable biopsychosocial orientation.