958 resultados para crisis of economy
This work analyzes the entry problem in the hydroelectric generation industry. The operation of a generator upstream regularizes the river flow for generators located downstream on the same river, increasing the production capacity of the latter. This positive externality increases the attractiveness of the locations downstream whenever a generator decides to enter upstream. Therefore, the entry decision of a generator in a given location may affect all entry decisions in potential locations for plants downstream. I first model the problem of generators located in cascade on the same river to show the positive effect of the externality. Next, I develop a method to estimate an entry model specific to the hydro generation industry which takes into account the externality of the entry decisions. Finally, I use a data set on investment decisions of Brazilian hydro-generators to estimate the model. The results show a positive incentive to locate downstream from existing plants and from locations where entry is likely to occur. An interesting by-product of the analysis is that the year effects’ estimates show an increase one year before the energy crisis of 2001, providing evidence that the market anticipated the crisis. It contradicts the governmental version that the crisis was due to an unexpected drought.
Este estudo analisa os efeitos da primeira frase da transição para o IFRS no Brasil (Lei 11.638/07 e CPC 13) nos resultados publicados em 2009 (exercício de 2008 e republicações de 2007) pelas empresas listadas na Bovespa. É aplicado o inverso do “Índice de Conservadorismo” de Gray (1980,1988), renomeado “Índice de Comparabilidade” por Weetman et al. (1998), para determinar se e o quanto os resultados reportados pelas novas normas são superiores aos apurados pela norma brasileira anterior – indicando o conservadorismo do sistema contábil brasileiro, previsto por Gray e outros estudos – ou inferiores (otimismo). Reduziu-se gradativamente a amostra inicial conforme a compliance com o CPC 13 e a transparência das demonstrações e das Notas Explicativas. Isso permitiu, após aplicação do Teste de Wilcoxon, verificar em média resultados maiores conforme a nova norma em relação à norma tradicional – preconizando-se que persistirão aumentos até a adoção do full IFRS em 2010. Após o exame de ajustes ao resultado, foi possível relacionar certas inconsistências entre 2007 e 2008 a impactos da crise financeira de 2008 nos ajustes “custos de transação na emissão de títulos” e “valor justo (marcação a mercado) de instrumentos financeiros”.
O trabalho busca verificar como as ações da política monetária impactam as instituições financeiras e, por conseguinte o setor real da economia, para tal procura-se também ter o entendimento dos mecanismos de transmissão econômica, com destaque da utilização do canal do crédito. O objetivo principal é analisar o papel das instituições financeiras através de suas ações junto ao restante dos agentes da economia. Como essas instituições são impactadas? Para isso, dividimos a análise em quatro tipos de bancos (comerciais privados, comerciais públicos, investimento e BNDES). Com esse intuito estudamos o impacto da Selic sobre duas classes especificas do balanço financeiro: ativo e patrimônio líquido, sobre o índice de ações IBR-X, assim como o efeito dos choques em componentes macroeconômicos, em específico: produto, investimento e consumo também sobre ativo e patrimônio líquido. Para tal aplicamos a técnica econométrica VAR (Vetor Autoregressivo) para dados mensais da economia brasileira entre 2003 e 2014. Não encontramos nenhum resultado estatisticamente significante sobre o impacto da Selic nos ativos e patrimônio líquido das instituições financeiras utilizadas no estudo, assim como para o impacto nas variáveis macroeconômicas produto, consumo e investimento sobre as mesmas classes contábeis. Para o impacto da Selic sobre o IBR-X encontramos que ao contrário do observado sobre os ativos e patrimônio líquido dos agentes financeiros, um choque da Selic sobre o IBR-X possui um efeito negativo e estatisticamente significante.
One of the main objectives of the Bretton Woods negotiations was to guarantee the firm control over competitive exchange rate devaluations, which had worsened the effects of the economic crisis of the 1930s. The par value exchange rate system was thus created, representing a link between the international financial system and the international trading system, guaranteeing, to the latter, the neutrality of the currency issue. The present article analyses how the institutional revolutions suffered by the IMF ended up representing the loss of this link and discusses its consequences to the WTO
The phenomenon of the informality has been common in the quarrels that involve Sciences Social and Human. First for not corresponding to a temporary and isolated phenomenon, and on the other hand for dealing with a presente situation in the majority of the Brazilian urban centers. In Cuiabá municipality, the alternative commerce appears as a social answer to the problems caused for the economic crisis of the country and seems to be deep-rooted to the urban landscape. This assignment angles was the street peddlers, in special that ones who develop their in a specific location on lowered of Cuiabá. Researches pretending to fill a blank of information about this subject involve theoritical and empirical levels. The theory searched to raise in a generalized manner given pertinent the informality and the pratical level through field research searched to analyze excellent aspects on the economic and occupational situation of a composed sample for two hundred and theree workers who develope the pratical one of the informal commerce in Shopping Popular in Cuiaba/MT. The analysis of gotten data alllowed to appreciate some excellent aspects with regard to the activity os the peddler, as: origni, formation, income, perspectives with regard to activity among others. In las analysis it still alllowed to verify the factors that condition the permanence these workers in this type of informal activity
In the Rio Grande do Norte, the craftsmanship is generating of economy, it involves a significant number of people and is diversified in its raw materials and particular type. As reference of the craft local, the ceramics supplied the primary necessities in the utilitarian domestic servants, acquired piety in the religious figures, were toy in infantile amusements and, finally, gained status of pure ornament. By its historical representation, the district of Santo Antônio do Potengi is considered the most important center of manufacture of craftpottery in the State. The work of the potters continues in that locality anchored between the familiar inheritance and the participation each more influential time of the public politics destined to the sector situation verified for visible alterations in the shape of the pottery from the decade of 1990 with the implantation of a cooperative destined to the collective production. We observe in this passage, that such actions in the measure where they objectify to structuralize conditions ideal to support the artisan making, do not benefit in significant way the social development them craftsmen. It is important not to lose of sight that exists some involved dimensions in this process and that these surpass the common interest for the object and the consequent economic connotation of its commercialization. They are knowledge that imply in the access to raw materials, in the peculiar of the formal aspects and productive methods, in the contextual relations organized to defend the survival of the activity
Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation
The neoliberalism proclaims the crisis of the State in front of globalization , but, approaching two books taken as basic on this theoretical chain - The road to serfdom, of Friedrich Hayek, and Capitalism and Freedom, of Milton Friedman - to analyze this supposed dualism, the conclusion into which we arrive is another one. Remembering liberal tradition and quickly, later, analyzing critically the workmanships, can be perceived that others are the conflicts really gifts in the current capitalist reality - market versus State et capitalism versus democracy - and, from the understanding on the reading made and the theoretical trajectory of its authors, we may see as the neoliberalism locates itself in relation to these conflicts, which polar regions of these antagonisms privileges, what represents the State for itself, and what it intends as much more global philosophy than economic/politics thinking only
It treats tourism as part of the places urban development dynamics and the touristic urbanization process as a strategy of cities international competitiveness strengthen, detaching institucional agents role as promoters of this process. It aims to understand how happens the interinstitucional cooperation existing between the agents (Estate, private initiative and third sector) that composes the Development Council of Pólo Costa das Dunas/RN, littoral potiguar region, where are invested the resources deriving from the Program of Development of Tourism in the northeast of Brazil (PRODETUR/NE). Making use of economy referencials, urban sociology and urban geography, as a possibility of a more consistent theoretical construction, capable to accomplish the sustainable development and sustainable tourism concepts amplitude, this work brings out an experience of interinstitucional cooperation, where it glimpses itself the possibility of implementation of a alternative development model, based on the sustainability principles
The approach that undertakes this work revolves around the emergence of iconic structures on reflecting about the meaning of different methods of image representation through which the contemporaneity reveals itself. At baseline, three aspects are considered looking for an analytical ontology of the act of representation and imagery: the transition of representation in the oral culture of societies for writing, from these to typography, and finally the creation of a representation device. Resorted to, therefore, the argument by some genealogy reference points that technological instances such as writing, printing and photography, the evolution of this process, correspond, in itself, a consequent shift technique, for each representation precedent. In the area of the image, the most salient aspect of this change in foward process is the emergence of hyper-reality: the instances of hyper-realistic representation. In the Western context, the 'simulation of the world' - essential idea of mimesis is the work of an autonomous an conventional system. It should be noted, then the fact that under unreflective of the post-industrial societies, the mass-media image is coating with natural or fake code including - according to Baudrillard - tends to replace the real world in the "perpetuation of a large chain of simulacra." Hence in modern times, in the postindustrial society, during the crisis of the representation regimen and perception, centered in the referent. In this limit, new settings are established by aesthetic representations of imagery in contemporary culture: establishing spaces of simulation [Jean Baudrillard] the spectacle [Guy Debord] and hypermodernity [Gilles Lipovetsky] in which they operate. In these assemblages, saps the emergence of Hyper-reality Representation Instances - as seen in this study aesthetic events to configure itineraries of a new sensibility. It is the nature of this practice sign-iconic, ingrained in the creation of current artistic expression, which this research engaged in peering: the hyper-realistic setting, taking empirical support central to contemporary imagery production, diverse formats of analog representation.
The domination of the violence for the Rule of law awakened a tension between the practice of the punitive power and the right to counsel. However, throughout the recent history of the Criminal law, this shock of forces has been determined for the punitive power. In this perspective, the present work intends to submit the guarantee of defense to a critical judgment, in search to conciliate its content to the Constitutional State of Right. For in such a way, it will be necessary to recognize the disequilibrium of the situation, but without considering the superiority of any of these elements. The State in such a way must fulfill the function to punish the culprits as to acquit the innocents. Despite the law is far from obtaining a harmonious speech, it is necessary that the defense guarantee coexists the punitive power as part of an only public interest, which is, to make criminal justice. In such a way, the existence of a sustainable balance between the punitive power and the guarantee of defense depend on the minimum interference of Criminal law and, also, of the judicial position in the concrete case. The present work faces, therefore, the moment of crisis of the Criminal law, consolidated with the advent of a new way of thinking according to the procedural guarantees, that will demand the overcoming of the old concepts. The Constitutional State of Right not only constitutes an efectiveness of the regime of the right to counsel, but in a similar way it searchs to accomplish the right of action and criminal justice as a whole. Knowing that the philosophy of the language raises doubts on the certainty, the truth and the judgement, it is imposed to understand that the defense guarantee is no more about a simple idea, but, in the crooked ways of the communication, we intend to find what the judge s function is when he faces this new reality