999 resultados para crescimento de carcaça


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Com o objetivo de estudar as características qualitativas da carne de ovinos de diferentes categorias quanto aos músculos dos cortes da carcaça (paleta, lombo e perna), utilizaram-se 18 ovinos ½ Ile de France ½ Ideal (seis cordeiros não-castrados, seis ovelhas de descarte e seis machos adultos castrados). Os animais foram criados em pasto de capim-tifton 85 e receberam suplementação (concentrado). Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 32 kg, com aproximadamente 5 meses de idade, e as ovelhas e os machos adultos castrados, com 55 kg e aos 60 meses de idade. Não houve diferenças nos valores de pH 45 minutos e pH 24 horas entre as categorias animais e nos músculos dos cortes da carcaça. A idade de abate influenciou a luminosidade da carne de todos os músculos. O teor de vermelho não diferiu entre os animais adultos, mas foi superior aos valores obtidos na carne dos cordeiros. A carne de animais adultos é mais escura que a de cordeiros. As perdas por cocção no músculo Triceps brachii são maiores que no Longissimus lumborum e Semimembranosus. Os valores de pH e a capacidade de retenção de água são similares entre as categorias animais.


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Avaliou-se a repetibilidade da mensuração de imagens de ultrassom da área do músculo longissimus dorsi (AOL) e das espessuras de gordura subcutânea do lombo (EGL) e da garupa (EGG). Imagens de ultrassom tomadas no lombo (entre a 12ª e a 13ª costela) e na garupa (entre os músculos gluteus medium e biceps femoris) de novilhas Nelore de 14 a 22 meses de idade foram classificadas em aceitáveis, marginais e rejeitáveis. As imagens aceitáveis e marginais foram mensuradas duas vezes por três técnicos em diferentes níveis de treinamento. Foram estimadas as repetibilidades entre e dentro de técnicos por classe de qualidade da imagem, para determinação do efeito da qualidade da imagem e do técnico no valor absoluto da diferença entre a primeira e a segunda mensuração dessas características. A repetibilidade para as imagens aceitáveis foi maior que para imagens marginais, tanto entre como dentro de técnicos. Na análise da diferença absoluta entre a primeira e a segunda interpretação, foram significativos os efeitos de técnico para AOL e EGL e de classe de qualidade da imagem para AOL. em geral, o técnico com maior experiência apresentou maiores valores de repetibilidade. É recomendável que a mensuração de imagens de animais de mesmo grupo contemporâneo seja feita por um único técnico.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos de diferentes granulometrias, expressa em Diâmetro Geométrico Médio (DGM) do milho (0,336mm, 0,585mm, 0,856 mm e 1,12 mm) de dietas fornecidas na forma farelada (FAR) e peletizada (PEL), no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e de cortes de frangos de corte de 21 a 42 dias de idade. Dietas FAR, produzidas com DGM de 0,336 mm resultaram em um menor consumo (p<0,001), ganho de peso (p<0,001) e pior conversão alimentar (p<0,001) do que as PEL de mesmo DGM. Os demais DGM não mostraram diferenças entre ração FAR e PEL. Quando avaliada somente a granulometria, observou-se que o aumento no DGM melhorou o ganho de peso linearmente e de forma quadrática o consumo e a conversão alimentar. Não houve influência da forma física ou DGM em rendimento de carcaça e rendimento de perna+coxa. Porém foi verificada uma redução em rendimento de peito com DGM 0,336 mm (p<0,001), na forma FAR.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Anahuac cultivar, were treated with six triadimenol (0,0; 12,5; 25,0; 37,5; 50,0 and 62,5 g of a.i./100 kg of seeds) and tebuconazole (0,0; 7,5; 15,0; 22,5 30,0 and 37,5 g of a.i./100 kg of seeds) dosis to reduce the subcrown internode length and then to deep the point of emission of adventitious roots. Seeds were seeded in pots with soil, with 5 cm of depth and after two weeks the seedlings number was counted and the subcrown internode length (CM) was evaluated. The CM may be represented by the equations: a) CM = 4,49 - 0,1779 x + 0,002161 x2 (r2 = 0,9247); b) CM = 4,62 - 0,29948 y + 0,006480 y3 - 0,00004622 y3 (r2 = 0,9551), where ''x'' and ''y'' represent tebuconazole and triadimenol dosis, respectively. The CM showed minimum values for triadimenol dosis equal to or higher than 37,5 g a.i./100 kg of seeds and for tebuconazole decreased continuously with the increase of the product dosis, showing values near to 1 cm for the maximum dosis. The triadimenol allowed, at suitable dosis, almost total inhibition of the wheat seedlings subcrown internode with no effects on seedling emergence and initial growth.


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The follicular growth and oocyte maturation knowledge are very important to the development and improvement of new biotechnologies such as in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In order to the necessity of clarify the basic mechanisms related to canine oocyte maturation, this investigation focuses on the evaluation of the effect of insulin-like growth factor-i (IGF-I), added to synthetic oviductal fluid medium (SOF) on the in vitro maturation of domestic dog oocytes. Thirty-seven bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy for castration or due to pathological conditions of the uterus were selected as oocytes' donors (n=875). The oocytes were allocated in the following groups: MO (stained in the collection's time), Control (72h in SOF) and Experimental (72h in SOF plus 100 ng IGF-I). After 72 hours of maturation the oocytes' nuclear status were assessed by Hoechst 33342 dye. The best results in terms of oocyte harvest were observed in those juvenile donors,, females in estrus, nuliparous and pure breeds. No significant differences were observed between treatments control (SOF) or experimental (IGF-I).


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Intrauterine growth of Norfolk rabbits was studied from the 20th day of gestation until the parturition (31st day). A theoretical equation was adjusted for fetuses body weight. The exponential model was tested by stepwise regression technique after linearization. Both stage of gestation (t) and number of fetuses (n) had significant effects on the growth rate. The following equation was proposed to describe the weight of the pups: W = exp. (-12,9772).n.exp. {(0,991263-0,014007.5-0,00039.n)t} (with R2 = 0,9932). The biological coherence and the interpretation of the coefficients permitted us to conclude that similar models could be used for other multiparous species. This model can also be used with or without the presence of different factors related to fetal growth.


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In recent work (Kroll, 1990) on dairy cattle growth using its monthly weights, a Gompertz function, first considering the autocorrelated error structure, and second, the independent error structure, was fitted. The last explained 25% more of the total variance than the former. In this work, a Gompertz function was fitted with autocorrelated error structure adding seasonality to the model. This was suggested taking into account the time series autocorrelation function. In order to estimate the six parameters, an iterative procedure was used, employing a matrix X = [G\S], where G is the usual matrix for fitting the Gompertz function, and S is a 0s, 1s, -1s matrix necessary to take into account seasonality. With this model, the adjustment was better in terms of the coefficient determination.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of fasting period in the last growing phase on carcass yield and composition of male broilers. Two thousand one-day old male chicks were distributed in five randomized blocks according to a 4x2 factorial (four feeding programs (P): ad libitum or one of three fasting schedules: 8-12, 12-16 and 8-16; and two strains (S): Ross or Hubbard-Peterson, Fifty birds were used per replicate. Birds were raised under identical feed and management conditions until day 42. The fasting schedules were applied from day 43 to day 56. At day 56, five birds per replicate were randomly sampled, weighed, slaughtered, eviscerated, dry-cooled, cut and deboned. No effects of P or SxP interaction were observed for carcass characteristics. birds, which showed higher weights and yields of head plus neck, feet, leg bones and wings. The ad libitum birds showed higher crude protein in thigh meat than those submitted to the 8-12 h fast. A SxP interaction was observed for meat ash content. The R broilers showed higher ash content in breast and thigh meat than the H birds in the 8-12 h fast treatment. on the other hand, the R broilers submitted to the 8-12 h fast showed higher ash contents in breast and thigh meat than birds from the same strain in the other feeding programs. Fasting in the last phase of rearing did not alter the yield of whole carcass, carcass cuts and abdominal fat, but morning fast influenced carcass chemical composition.


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This research was conducted to evaluate the productive performance (live weight gain and carcass weight gain and gain efficiency) of animals from four zebu breed slaughtered in three maturity stages. Thirty-six bulls from Gyr, Guzera, Mocho Tabapua and Nellore with twenty-four months of average age and average initial live weight of 357.6, 362.0, 368.6 and 376.4 kg, respectively, were used. The bulls, from each breed, were randomly assigned to individual pens and were full-fed a diet containing 50% concentrate (DM basis) and distributed to three category (1, 2 and 3) of slaughter weights. The bulls from category 1, 2 and 3 were slaughtered when reached the individual live weight of 405, 450 and 500 kg, respectively. At slaughter the empty body weight was determined. The Nellore breed bulls showed greater average empty body weight gain and carcass gain in relation to the other breeds, which did not differ among themselves. There were no differences among breeds regarding to feed efficiency (empty body weight gain efficiency and carcass gain efficiency per unit of metabolizable energy intake). The slaughter weight did not influence the empty body weight gain and carcass gain, but animals slaughtered at higher slaughter weights showed lower gain efficiency and spent more time in feedlot.


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The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for body weights at weaning (PD), 12 months old (P12) and adult age (PAD), culling age (TPR, days in herd), number (ND10) and kilograms (QD10) of calves weaned up to ten years of age, total number (NDT) and total kilograms (QDT) of calves weaned during herd life, and kilograms of calves weaned per year in herd (QTPR) of Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) females from one herd. Data consisted of 3,249, 3.111, 1,138, 1,340, 1,362, 1,362, 1,340, 1,340 and 1,340 records of PD, P12, PAD, TPR, ND10, QD10, NDT, QDT and QTPR. respectively. Variance and covariance components were estimated by bivariate analyses between PD, P12 and PAD and other production traits using Bayesian inference. The models included the additive direct, permanent environmental and residual random effects and the fixed effects year and month of birth or calving, calving age and age of the animal, depending on the trait. QD10, QDT and QTPR of each female were obtained by adjusting the weaning weights of calves for year and month of birth, sex and age of cow. Average of heritability estimates were 0.38 (PD), 0.40 (P12), 0.54 (PAD), 0.22 (TPR), 0.22 (ND10), 0.24 (QD10), 0.23 (NDT), 0.23 (QDT) and 0.32 (QTPR), indicating genetic variability to obtain response by selection. Genetic correlations between TPR (-0.02, 0.26 and -0.12), ND10 (0.04, 0.10 and -0.29), QD10 (0.37, 0.39 and -0.13), NDT (-0.03, 0.14 and -0.25), QDT (0.20, 0.33 and -0.16), QTPR (0.21, 0.28 and -0.19) and body weights (PD, P12 and PAD) suggest that selection of females based on weaning and 12-month body weights will not affect productivity. However, it may be decreased by increasing female adult body weight.


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This study aimed to: a) to compare the covariance components obtained by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) and by bayesian inference (BI): b) to run genetic evaluations for weights of Canchim cattle measured at weaning (W240) and at eighteen months of age (W550), adjusted or not to 240 and 550 days of age, respectively, using the mixed model methodology with covariance components obtained by REML or by BI; and c) to compare selection decisions from genetic evaluations using observed or adjusted weights and by REML or BI. Covariance components, heritabilities and genetic correlation for W240 and W550 were estimated and the predicted breeding values were used to select 10% and 50% of the best bulls and cows, respectively. The covariance components obtained by REML were smaller than the a posteriori means obtained by Bl. Selected animals from both procedures were not the same, probably because the covariance components and genetic parameters were different. The inclusion of age of animal at weighing as a covariate in the statistical model fitted by BI did not change the selected bulls and cows.