974 resultados para cornea edema


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Treatment of atherosclerotic renovascular disease is controversial and revascularization is not a beneficial approach to all patients. Conditions as progressive deterioration of renal function, refractory hypertension or accelerated cardiovascular disease, especially recurrent pulmonary edema, could profit from renal angioplasty with stent placement. Surgical revascularization is a good option for patients who will need concomitant surgical corrections of abdominal aortic lesions. Treatment of all other patients must be individualized. Medical therapy is indicated for all patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Observational studies pointed out to the beneficial effect of controlling blood pressure (<130/80 mm Hg), glucose and lipids profile, lifestyle modifications, specific use of platelet antiaggregant therapy, Angiotensin Conversion Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) and statins. All others cardiovascular risk factors must be controlled. The evaluation and management of other systemic atherosclerotic vascular lesions is important, especially coronary, carotid and abdominal aortic. This paper presents a review of evidences to rationale the atherosclerotic renovascular disease treatment. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of trachoma in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (SGC), the only urban community of the upper Rio Negro Basin of the Amazon state in Brazil, near the Colombian border, and to investigate the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease. Methods: A total of 1702 people (440 children up to 9 years and 1069 adults aged 15 years and above) were examined. The sample was selected from a probabilistic household sampling procedure based on census data and a previous study of trachoma prevalence in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira. A two-stage probabilistic household cluster sample was drawn. Household units were randomly selected within each cluster. A variety of socioeconomic and hygiene variables were studied in order to determine the risk factors for active trachoma in a household. Results: The total prevalence of trachoma was 8.9%. Prevalence of active trachoma (TF and/or TI) in children aged 1-9 years was 11.1% and trachomatous trichiasis in adults aged 15 years and above was 0.19%. Trachomatous scarring reached a peak of 22.4% for subjects between 50 to 60 years of age. Corneal opacity occurred in subjects aged 50 years and older with a prevalence of 2.0%. No sex effect was found on the overall prevalence of trachoma in SGC. Risk factors associated with active trachoma were mainly related to poor socioeconomic indicators. Conclusions: Despite the ubiquitous presence of water, the analysis of the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease supports the idea that a low personal standard of hygiene and not water availability per se, is the key factor associated with trachoma. Copyright © 2008 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Background. An interaction between lectins from marine algae and PLA 2 from rattlesnake was suggested some years ago. We, herein, studied the effects elicited by a small isolectin (BTL-2), isolated from Bryothamnion triquetrum, on the pharmacological and biological activities of a PLA 2 isolated from rattlesnake venom (Crotalus durissus cascavella), to better understand the enzymatic and pharmacological mechanisms of the PLA 2 and its complex. Results. This PLA2 consisted of 122 amino acids (approximate molecular mass of 14 kDa), its pI was estimated to be 8.3, and its amino acid sequence shared a high degree of similarity with that of other neurotoxic and enzymatically-active PLA2s. BTL-2 had a molecular mass estimated in approximately 9 kDa and was characterized as a basic protein. In addition, BTL-2 did not exhibit any enzymatic activity. The PLA2 and BTL-2 formed a stable heterodimer with a molecular mass of approximately 24-26 kDa, estimated by molecular exclusion HPLC. In the presence of BTL-2, we observed a significant increase in PLA2 activity, 23% higher than that of PLA2 alone. BTL-2 demonstrated an inhibition of 98% in the growth of the Gram-positive bacterial strain, Clavibacter michiganensis michiganensis (Cmm), but only 9.8% inhibition of the Gram-negative bacterial strain, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv passiflorae (Xap). PLA2 decreased bacterial growth by 27.3% and 98.5% for Xap and Cmm, respectively, while incubating these two proteins with PLA2-BTL-2 inhibited their growths by 36.2% for Xap and 98.5% for Cmm. PLA2 significantly induced platelet aggregation in washed platelets, whereas BTL-2 did not induce significant platelet aggregation in any assay. However, BTL-2 significantly inhibited platelet aggregation induced by PLA2. In addition, PLA 2 exhibited strong oedematogenic activity, which was decreased in the presence of BTL-2. BTL-2 alone did not induce oedema and did not decrease or abolish the oedema induced by the 48/80 compound. Conclusion. The unexpected results observed for the PLA2-BTL-2 complex strongly suggest that the pharmacological activity of this PLA2 is not solely dependent on the presence of enzymatic activity, and that other pharmacological regions may also be involved. In addition, we describe for the first time an interaction between two different molecules, which form a stable complex with significant changes in their original biological action. This opens new possibilities for understanding the function and action of crude venom, an extremely complex mixture of different molecules. © 2008 Oliveira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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This paper reports the purification and biochemical/pharmacological characterization of two myotoxic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) from Bothrops brazili venom, a native snake from Brazil. Both myotoxins (MTX-I and II) were purified by a single chromatographic step on a CM-Sepharose ion-exchange column up to a high purity level, showing Mr ∼ 14,000 for the monomer and 28,000 Da for the dimer. The N-terminal and internal peptide amino acid sequences showed similarity with other myotoxic PLA2s from snake venoms, MTX-I belonging to Asp49 PLA2 class, enzymatically active, and MTX-II to Lys49 PLA2s, catalytically inactive. Treatment of MTX-I with BPB and EDTA reduced drastically its PLA2 and anticoagulant activities, corroborating the importance of residue His48 and Ca2+ ions for the enzymatic catalysis. Both PLA2s induced myotoxic activity and dose-time dependent edema similar to other isolated snake venom toxins from Bothrops and Crotalus genus. The results also demonstrated that MTXs and cationic synthetic peptides derived from their 115-129 C-terminal region displayed cytotoxic activity on human T-cell leukemia (JURKAT) lines and microbicidal effects against Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and Leishmania sp. Thus, these PLA2 proteins and C-terminal synthetic peptides present multifunctional properties that might be of interest in the development of therapeutic strategies against parasites, bacteria and cancer. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mucocele forms because of salivary gland mucous extravasation or retention and is usually related to trauma in the area of the lower lips. Ruptured ducts release the mucous that accumulates into adjacent tissues, leading to swelling. This report describes a large mucocele involving the lower lip, which was produced in a child by incorrect use of a pacifier. A few important concepts are discussed to help clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. © 2010 Dermatology Online Journal.


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We report on the results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing two preparations of ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in the treatment of women of reproductive age presenting menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin. After obtaining informed consent, subjects were randomized to a 4-month treatment period consisting of one daily dose of 0.035mg ethinylestradiol + 2mg cyproterone acetate. The treatment regimen cycle consisted of one pill, once daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day pill-free period. We compared the efficacy of two presentations of the drug combination after each treatment cycle (Visits 2, 3, 4, and 5) in establishment and maintenance of menstrual regulation, intensity of menstrual flow, and dysmenorrhea, as well as a comparison of the two presentations in terms of Global Satisfaction and Drug Satisfaction assessments performed by the patients and the investigating physician. At each study visit, drug compliance and use of concomitant medications, as well as incidence, severity and duration of adverse events were recorded. A total of 86 subjects were randomized to treatment, with 43 subjects in each treatment group. At Visit 2 and each subsequent visit, all patients in both treatment groups reported an episode of withdrawal bleeding during the 7-day hormone-free period. We observed a statistically significant (p<0.0001) decrease in the incidence of dysmenorrhea at each study visit in relation to the pretreatment assessment. There was a significant reduction (p<0.0001) in the number of subjects reporting intermenstrual bleeding at each study visit in both treatment groups. Global Satisfaction scores by the patient and physician increased significantly at each successive study visit in both treatment groups. There were no clinically significant changes in vital signs, weight, and body mass index throughout the study period in either group. The number of subjects reporting adverse events at each visit did not vary between treatment groups. The combined oral contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate was found to be both effective and safe in the menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and intermenstrual bleeding) assessed in this study. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary hemolytic anemia caused by the inheritance of one S hemoglobin gene from each ancestor. Patients with SCD present increased circulating levels of cytokines, including TNF-alpha (TNF-α). Hydroxyurea (HU) is the available therapeutically strategy for treatment; it acts as a source of nitric oxide and benefits patients by increasing the levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF). Thus, within one research line that aims at finding new drugs, a series of compounds with TNF-α inhibition and nitric oxide donation properties have been synthesized in order to explore possible synergism of actions beneficial in the treatment of the disease. Six compounds were synthesized: five derivatives of organic nitrates and one of sulfonamide. The compounds, (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2Hisoindol-2-yl) methyl nitrate (compound I); (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl) ethyl nitrate (compound II); 3-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl) benzyl nitrate (compound III);4-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl)-N-hydroxybenzenesulfonamide (compound IV); 4-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl) benzyl nitrate (compound V) and 2-[4-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl) phenyl]ethyl nitrate (compound VI), were synthesized using linear synthetic methodology, with excellent overall yields. All compounds showed anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects with a reduction in 43%-65% of ear edema in mice and a reduction of 25%-42% of writhing induced by acetic acid. All compounds showed comparable reductions in the leukocyte infiltration capacity and ability to generate nitric oxide. The aryl compounds (III, IV and V) presented less mutagenic activity compared to compounds I, II and VI according to the salmonella mutagenicity assay (Ames test). Compounds IV and VI showed activity in K562 culture cells, with increases in gamma globin gene expression to levels higher than with hydroxyurea suggesting a potential to increase fetal hemoglobin. This data set characterizes new potentially useful drug candidates for the treatment of symptoms of sickle cell anemia.


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The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) related to hospital admission of elderly people, identifying the use of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM), the ADR and the risk factors associated with the hospitalization. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a private hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. All patients aged ≥ 60 years, admitted in the general practice ward in May 2006 were interviewed about the drugs used and the symptoms/complaints that resulted in hospitalization. More than a half (54.5 %) of elderly hospitalizations were related with ADR. The therapeutic classes involved with ADR were: cardiovascular (37.7 %), central nervous (34.6 %) and respiratory (5.7 %). The ADR observed were disorders in circulatory (28.4 %), digestive (20.0 %) and respiratory (18.9 %) tracts. 27 elderly had made PIM and in 20 of them this was the cause of hospitalization. Polypharmacy was an ADR risk factor (p = 0.021).These data allows the healthcare professionals upgrade, qualifying them in pharmcovigilance.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: Lychnophora passerina (Asteraceae), popularly known as arnica, is used to treat inflammation, pain, rheumatism, contusions, bruises and insect bites in Brazilian traditional medicine. Materials and methods: The anti-inflammatory activity of crude ethanolic extract of aerial parts of L. passerina and its ethyl acetate and methanolic fractions had their abilities to modulate the production of NO, TNF-α and IL-10 inflammatory mediators in LPS/IFN-γ-stimulated J774.A1 macrophages evaluated. Moreover, the crude ethanolic extract and derived fractions were also in vivo assayed by carrageenan-induced paw oedema in mice. Results: In vitro assays showed remarkable anti-inflammatory activity of L. passerina crude ethanolic extract (EE) and its ethyl acetate (A) and methanolic (M) fractions, through the inhibition of production of NO and TNF-α inflammatory mediators and induction of production of IL-10 anti-inflammatory cytokine. In vivo assays showed anti-inflammatory activity for EE 10% ointment, similar to the standard drug diclofenac gel. The A and M fraction ointments 20% presented anti-inflammatory activity. Conclusion: The results obtained showed that possible anti-inflammatory effects of EE and its A and M fractions may be attributed to inhibition pro-inflammatory cytokines production, TNF-α and NO and to increased IL-10 production. EE, A and M ointments showed topical in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of EE of L. passerina may be related to synergistic effects of different substances in the crude extract. Therefore, traditional use of aerial parts of L. passerina in the inflammatory conditions could be beneficial to treat topical inflammatory conditions, as evidenced by the present study. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Over the last decade, several studies were conducted on the gastrointestinal changes associated to chronic heart failure. This article presents a literature review on the physiopathology and clinical consequences of pathological digestive changes of heart failure patients. Structural and functional abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, such as edema of absorptive mucosa and intestinal bacterial overgrowth, have been leading to serious clinical consequences. Some of these consequences are cardiac cachexia, systemic inflammatory activation and anemia. These conditions, alone or in combination, may lead to worsening of the pre-existing ventricular dysfunction. Although currently there is no therapy specifically earmarked for gastrointestinal changes associated to heart failure, the understanding of digestive abnormalities is germane for the prevention and management of systemic consequences.


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The present study evaluated the microbiological water quality and tissue lesions in gills from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum female x Piaractus mesopotamicus male). For this, water and gills were collected from fish farming at six locations in Itapecuru- Mirim County, Maranhão State. Microbiological water analyses revealed contamination by total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria. In the gills, we observed a diversity of Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria. The tissue lesions were: lamellar fusion, interlamellar hyperplasia, sub-epithelial edema and telangiectasia. Inflammatory lesions were not observed. Significant statistical difference (p > 0.05) was not detected when comparing different gills lesions during rainy and dry season. The correlation between lesion and pond type was statistically different (p < 0.05) for lamellar fusion and interlamellar hyperplasia which occurred more frequently at ground ponds. Regarding the frequency of lesions in the different fish species, there was statistical difference (p < 0.05), and the tambacu was more sensitive to lamellar fusion while tilapia was more sensitive for the other lesions. In relation to the sampling stations, there was statistical difference for all the gill lesions. In conclusion, tissue lesions are nonspecific and function as a defense mechanism against polluted aquatic environments, without infectious character.


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We report the case of a 42-year old woman who was envenomed by a Portuguese man-o'-war (Physalia physalis). She presented an anomalous reaction manifested by purpuric papules that appeared after the initial phase of envenoming (around 24 hours later), when linear erythematous and edematous papules were observed. Late-onset reactions in accidents involving cnidarians commonly include chronic eruptions and local pigmentation. © 2012 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Catalytically inactive phospholipase A2 (PLA2) homologues play key roles in the pathogenesis induced by snake envenomation, causing extensive tissue damage via a mechanism still unknown. Although, the amino acid residues directly involved in catalysis are conserved, the substitution of Asp49 by Arg/Lys/Gln or Ser prevents the binding of the essential calcium ion and hence these proteins are incapable of hydrolyzing phospholipids. In this work, the crystal structure of a Lys49-PLA2 homologue from Bothrops brazili (MTX-II) was solved in two conformational states: (a) native, with Lys49 singly coordinated by the backbone oxygen atom of Val31 and (b) complexed with tetraethylene glycol (TTEG). Interestingly, the TTEG molecule was observed in two different coordination cages depending on the orientation of the nominal calcium-binding loop and of the residue Lys49. These structural observations indicate a direct role for the residue Lys49 in the functioning of a catalytically inactive PLA2 homologue suggesting a contribution of the active site-like region in the expression of pharmacological effects such as myotoxicity and edema formation. Despite the several crystal structures of Lys49-PLA2 homologues already determined, their biological assembly remains controversial with two possible conformations. The extended dimer with the hydrophobic channel exposed to the solvent and the compact dimer in which the active site-like region is occluded by the dimeric interface. In the MTX-II crystal packing analysis was found only the extended dimer as a possible stable quaternary arrangement. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Objectives. To identify factors associated with death in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases. Patients and Methodology. We evaluated prognostic factors for death from VL in São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1999 to 2005. A prognostic study nested in a clinical cohort was carried out by data analysis of 376 medical files. A comparison between VL fatal cases and survivors was performed for clinical, laboratory, and biological features. Association between variables and death was assessed by univariate analysis, and the multiple logistic regression model was used to determine adjusted odds ratio for death, controlling confounding factors. Results. Data analysis identified 53 fatal cases out of 376 patients, between 1999 and 2005 in São Paulo state. Lethality was 14.1 (53/376), being higher in patients older than fifty years. The main causes of death were sepsis, bleeding, liver failure, and cardiotoxicity due to treatment. Variables significantly associated with death were severe anemia, bleeding, heart failure, jaundice, diarrhea, fever for more than sixty days, age older than fifty years, and antibiotic use. Conclusion. Educational health measures are needed for the general population and continuing education programs for health professionals working in the affected areas with the purpose of identifying and treating early cases, thus preventing the disease evolution towards death. © 2012 Geraldine Madalosso et al.


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Amino acids are well known to be an important class of compounds for the maintenance of body homeostasis and their deficit, even for the polar neuroactive aminoacids, can be controlled by supplementation. However, for the amino acid taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) this is not true. Due its special physicochemical properties, taurine is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. In addition of injured taurine transport systems under pathological conditions, CNS supplementation of taurine is almost null. Taurine is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory semi-essential amino acid extensively involved in neurological activities, acting as neurotrophic factor, binding to GABA A/glycine receptors and blocking the excitotoxicity glutamate-induced pathway leading to be a neuroprotective effect and neuromodulation. Taurine deficits have been implicated in several CNS diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and in the damage of retinal neurons. This review describes the CNS physiological functions of taurine and the development of new derivatives based on its structure useful in CNS disease treatment.&; 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.