977 resultados para conceito de poder


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The aim of this dissertation is to study the contribution given by the Brazilian court of accounts, with the creation of the ombudsman on those institutions, to the exercise of the social control made by its citizens. Being considered one of the key inventions in the field of the external control of the public management, the ombudsman of the court of accounts is the most important means of control the society may use over the public management, as well as the place where the society and court of accounts might debate and get to an agreement concerning on how to spend the public asset in a way that will benefit the citizens. In order to fulfill the aim of the dissertation, the concepts of citizenship, particularly the deliberative citizenship, were recaptured, as well as the means of control in the public management and the role of the court of accounts as a participant in the external control of the public accounts. Lastly, some of the 18 ombudsman linked to Brazilian courts of account are presented in the dissertation. The Ombudsman of the Courts of Accounts of the states of Paraná and Pernambuco are emphasized once it is understood that they are in the path of transcending the concept of popular participation to the popular sovereignty, in which the debate with the society might, in a near future, decide possibly the course of the audits of those entities.


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Investiga a pertinência de considerar a configuração social contemporânea como sendo uma sociedade de Moda, na qual os sujeitos sociais são desencaixados de suas experiências diretas e reencaixados por imagens, que os significam. O maior significante dessas imagens encontra-se no novo, e a sua manipulação permeia a busca de ser um outro, para qualificar o mesmo. Analisa as transformações que Florianópolis passou entre os anos de 1950 a 1970, evidenciando a busca da modernidade como meio de assemelhar-se a outras cidades consideradas modernas, especialmente, o Rio de Janeiro. Apresenta tal historicidade como processo de emersão, tendo em vista que, os discursos propaladores da cidade moderna, foram considerados centrais na constituição da imagem de Florianópolis “realizada”. Analisa a constituição da poética moderna da aparência, ressaltando o papel da publicidade, lato sensu, na instituição dos padrões de elegância e beleza e seus vínculos com a estratificação social. Salienta a presença da cultura francesa na instituição desses padrões e relaciona-os a reconversão das elites contemporâneas. Investiga os processos de recepção da poética da aparência, no contexto florianopolitano, destacando a ação do cronismo social, que agencia a manipulação de fichas simbólicas de elegância, beleza, distinção e do moderno para configurar novas formas de ser elite. As fontes são tratadas a partir da estética da recepção de Jauss. As concepções de modernidade e de suas implicações são baseadas em Marshall Berman e Anthony Giddens, especialmente. As concepções de poder partem dos pressupostos de George Balandier, entre outros. Aplica-se a definição de capital-aparência de Pagès-Delon e de reconversão social de Robert Castel e Dominique de Saint-Martin. Conclui que a positivação da aparência, numa sociedade regida pela imagem do novo, promove subjetividades que encontram no parecer sua essência de ser, isto é, instituía seres de parecer ou sujeitos-moda que, logo, estabelecem suas estratégias de poder por meio da aparência.


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This research has verified by which way the representations of the social world can influence choices, referring to political systems models, specially on the power division and organization among central and undernational governments. We studied the history of these choices during the period between 1822-1889, when the question of federalism was closely articulated with problem solutions that were decisive to the construction of the Brazilian State and Nation. Theoretical reference was the approach of social relations developed by French sociologists, historians and psychologists which privilege the articulation between the agents and the social structures. The study has allowed the conclusion that the practices of federalism, during the analyzed period just make sense if they are examined from a network of representations shared by the politic leading circles in reference to de State, the Society and the relations that must exist between them.


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In the 1990, and after the process of privatizations of governmental companies in Brazil, cultural products had gained strategical importance for different types of organizations, specially for nationalized companies of the telecommunications sector. Based on the concept of market orientation, and specifically on the concept of cultural marketing, it is possible to understand the approximation between companies and cultural products restrictedly in the level of products and services. However, there has been little questioning about the concept of market orientation and the marginalization of plural and critical approaches which leaves gaps in the understanding of this approximation. Based in other areas of knowledge which understand this approximation between companies and cultural products and based in studies that present critics about the market forces it is possible to recognize the strategical corporative level of cultural products. Based in specific approaches in strategy, and defending pluralism and interdisciplinary research, it is possible to fill this gaps in the marketing literature. Specifically, in this study, are presented approaches that recognize the dimensions of power, politics and symbolism that influence strategies and are responsible for the approximation between these strategies and cultural products. Especially in Brazil, these debates are central, since in a context composed by nationalized companies many ambiguities are common. With this objective, a case study about a telecommunications sector company that has importance in the investment in cultural products is presented. From this case study, based on primary and secondary data, it is possible to comprehend the strategy in cultural products.


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Esta tese analisa os mecanismos que contribuem para criar um poder mais forte ou mais fraco em uma organização internacional, mecanismos esses capazes de revelar que, apesar da natureza formal da criação das organizações internacionais, seu poder, da mesma maneira que a soberania, precisa de mais do que um estabelecimento formal de competências para alcançar efetividade. A primeira parte é dedicada ao estudo da criação do poder da organização, desde o modo de outorga de competências até os mecanismos necessários à prática desse poder, especificamente os diferentes tipos de normas e os modos de solução de controvérsias que normalmente são estabelecidos na carta das organizações internacionais. Na segunda parte é analisado o conflito entre o poder da organização internacional e a soberania dos Estados: as formas de limitação do exercício do poder da organização e os mecanismos que a instituição internacional pode desenvolver para obter uma extensão de seu poder.


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Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre agricultores ecologistas organizados em uma associação e mediadores sociais vinculados a uma ONG do Rio Grande do Sul. Parte-se da hipótese de que a construção da simetria pretendida nesta relação encobre interesses sobre os quais não se fala, mas que compõe as bases de uma disputa velada estruturada no espaço social no qual interagem agricultores e mediadores, entre outros agentes. Busca-se, a partir de dados empíricos, problematizar alguns elementos que estão ocultos ou que não são considerados relevantes, exatamente por estarem subjacentes à doxa que configura a relação em questão. Para isso, foram empregados conceitos como espaço social, capital, participação, mediação, interdependência e identidade. Trata-se, portanto, de evidenciar como se processa a relação de poder existente entre estes agentes dotados de volume e estrutura de capital diferenciados e de compreender como são constituídas as identidades do agricultor ecologista e do mediador social que estão envolvidos com esta proposta distinta de se fazer agricultura. Nesse sentido, a trajetória destes grupos, os agentes influentes nessa constituição, as disputas estabelecidas no campo das diferentes propostas de se fazer agricultura e os contextos onde se desenvolvem as relações são algumas das dimensões empíricas que foram consideradas para o desenvolvimento das análises contidas nessa dissertação. Assim, verificou-se que a pretensão, anunciada por certos agentes, de uma horizontalidade entre os agricultores ecologistas e os mediadores sociais é ilusória. A diversidade de interesses e de atuações que os mobilizam ao redor da agricultura ecológica geram disputas e, ao mesmo tempo, uma interdependência entre eles. Porém, a lógica desse jogo social está, em grande medida, determinada pelo agente de maior poder e, ainda que haja variações, são os mediadores sociais que mais produzem interferência no curso desse jogo. Ficou constatado, finalmente, que é nesse cenário de posições e contraposições, ação e reação, que vão se constituindo as fronteiras das identidades desses agentes e a realidade de suas relações.


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This present study aims the human being¿s change aptness in the Judicial Power of The State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the Judiciary¿s historical, organizational and institutional characteristics. The introduced study is guided by the objective that social relations within some institutions have educational features and how these relations can generate knowledge. The analysis relates the maintenance or the rupture of the paradigms that the institution stimulates to be adopted by the human beings when they need to face reality.


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There is no information whatsoever of a society in which there are no demands among private people and companies, among individuals and institutions, varying only the tenor and the intensity of the issues. It would be ideal if conflicts could be solved in common aggreement. The selfcomposition, yet, does not often occurr; leaving the remaining issues for a third part, i.e., the State. Up to the English and French Revolutions, political power was exercised by limitless governors and the State did not submit to the law. After those revolutions, rules are agregated to curb Absolutism and organize the State, which starts to acccomplish its duties under the law, i.e., a Law State. As a result, today, the individual can sue the State to make the State perform or not any undesirable action. In this dissertation, one traces back from the very beginning the role of the institutions in charge of defending the State in courts of law. The judicial defense of the Brazilian State in a court of law, since 1608 to the 1988 Constitution, was a role of the Public Ministry, along with other institutional functions, including prosecution. As a consequence of this ambivalence, the results of the State defense came even to be contradictory. The promulgation of the 1988 Federal Constitution adjusted this historical dualism. The 1988 Constituent embodied significant change to the concept and operationalization of a State Advocacy, confering to a new institution , which was called 'Advocacia Geral da União' or 'General Advocacy of the Union' (article 131), the judicial and extrajudicial representation of the Union. The final object of the reflections of this study is centred on the analysis of the activities of the 'General Advocacy of the Union', in its first years of functioning, in other words, from 1993 to 1999


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Nowadays, management of Intellectual Capital seems to be one of the most efficacious alternatives so that companies may permanently develop competitive differentials to enable their survival in a market that confers paradigma status to globalization. Managers are searching for solutions aiming to attract and maintain in their boards professionals that might be able to develop these competitive differentials and assure to their companies the expected results and the business growth. In this environment, the manager¿s functions appears as a strategic function towards the organization¿s routine and yet suggests an evaluation about the professionals performance concerning challenges (efforts) that market requires. The amount of scientific knowledge which these professionals detain about power should be measured as well as the thought that this can improve their performance regarding their capacity to convince (induce) people. This research concerns those that look for empirical evidences and scientific arguments to confirm the supposition that power knowledge may in fact provide a superior performance of those professionals that are in charge of management functions. The reason and results here presented allow to: reevaluate managers duties in private organizations, improve executive training programs so as to be more productive and appropriated, change the selection methods used to recognize such executives and finally suggest a reevaluation about the real adequation of graduation and master degree courses in regards to professionals graduation which are capable to ingress in business market and take over leadership positions.


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Ce considérable travail de recherche s’occupe de faire la relation entre l’Architecture, le Pouvoir et l’Oppression. Pour devenir possible cette tâche, nous avons, d’abord et de façon particulière, discouri largement au sujet de ces concepts, pour arriver, à la fin, de forme étendue, à une étude plus complète, plus objective et plus conclusive. La recherche a été divisée en trois parties, aux abordages distintes, mais complémentaires parmi leurs mêmes. Dans la première, nous avons travaillé sur l’arc de l’évolution de l’Architecture, qui commence avec la Renaissance, continue travers le Maniérisme et polarise em arrivant au Baroque, lequel nous a intéressé , particulièrement, une fois qu’il s’agit d’une expréssion claire du Pouvoir sur les Arts. Dans la deuxième, nous avons defini le concept du mot Pouvoir à travailler, en choisissant le Roi Louis XIV , de France, comme le suprême représentant de l’expréssion. Tout de suíte, nous avons remarqué la Cour du Monarque comme paradigme de l’Oppression. Dans la troisième partie, finalement, nous avons réalisé la resumée de tous ces concepts, en une seule oeuvre: Versailles. Pour en finir, la compreension des études nous a permis identifer la force du symbolisme que la construction du Palais a eu: érigé pour la Gloire et la perpétuation du Pouvoir du Roi-Soleil . Le lieu où il se confond avec la construction et réalise son auto-affirmation ; le centre pour lequel toute la Cour - fréquemment opprimée par la forte vigilance du Monarque – a été déménagée. Louis XIV est le Pouvoir et Versailles est la plâce où le Roi semble lumineux comme le Soleil.


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The organization climate research is a widely used human resources tool grounded on the managerial discourse that preaches that listening to employees's opinions is relevant for the identification of corporate aspects that demand improvement. This study aims at desmistifying this discourse by means of analytical tools from the Critical Administration Studies, namely: denaturalized view of administration, detachment between intentions and performance and search for emancipation. The study is grounded on the assumption that the organizational climate research derives from functionalist theory, which benefits a dominating class, in name of productivity and for the maintenance of the status quo, therefore contributing for individual alienation at work. The study was designed to identify elements that show the relation between an organizational climate research tool and the social control over individuals in an organization - here the research conducted in 2005 by Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S/A - Eletrobrás, the Brazilian power sector holding company. The theoretical section presents an overview of corporate paradigms relevant for a sound understanding of the organizational climate concept. Data analysis was conducted by means of the post-modern method of binary deconstruction: the questions contained in the tool's questionnaire were grouped into categories and then analyzed in terms of the fallowing conceptual pairs: well-being/productivity, autonomy/control, ethics/ competitiveness and participation/alienation. The analysis showed that the organization climate research tool is used as a resource for social control and power, because it contributes to individual alienation as it satisfies some specific individual demands, therefore preventing the individual form a thorough understanding of how the system works. Besides, the helps anticipate, mitigate and conceal the conflicts arising from the opposing interests of capital and labor.


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Esta dissertação objetiva transmitir subsídios não somente para um repensar estratégico bem como e, principalmente, para uma ampla visão da eterna dicotomia quanto a determinação de centralizar ou descentralizar o processo decisório e as atividades nas empresas. Considerando-se, o acirramento crescente da concorrência e a pressão econômica capitaneada pela mundialização dos produtos e serviços, como sendo os principais influenciadores desta inquietação. Será analisado o setor de comércio varejista, mais especificamente supermercados e hipermercados e, as razões e motivos pelos quais os seus executivos podem ter optado por conduzir suas organizações para um determinado posicionamento estratégico-gerencial bem como, às conseqüentes vantagens e desvantagens destas escolhas. As conclusões a serem obtidas com esta dissertação objetivam estimular a reflexão das organizações, profissionais e estudiosos acerca dos impactos tangíveis e intangíveis quando estiverem definindo ou reconsiderando o seu posicionamento estratégico-gerencial, e, ainda, levaram a macro-conclusão de que não existe um único modelo aplicável para todas as situações e que, infinitas configurações e aplicações podem ser consideradas. Palavras ¿ chaves: estratégia, centralização de poder, administração de aspectos conflitantes, fatores motivacionais e psicológicos, mudanças,transformações organizacionais e humanização das empresas.


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This consideration about power in the organizations discuss alternatives to bring managers to have a more sociable co-existence with the political dimension of their work. It is not a goal to be achieved, but a continuous process of measuring the conflicts in order to reach better results for the company as well as the employees. Although it is not naturaly faced inside the organization, the power game always occurs when people is united around the same purpose. The departments are no exception. The power conflicts costs, mainly caused by lack of legitimacy, by excessive dependence, by low participation, by structures that stimulate segmentation, by an imperfect comunaction and by lack of political education, are extremely significant to the organizations. Therefore, facing the matter in a realistic way and developing attitudes and abilities to manage positively the divergent politics are basic tasks to the leader who desires to create a good working environment, as well as to rise his company world-wide.


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This work intends to analyze the influence of the power in the process of quality improvement in managerial organizations, being taken based on a case study regarding to a company of medium load placed in the southeast area of Brazil which in the intention of solving difficulties in inserting its products in the market, it opted to implement quality programs. The data were collected through observations and bibliographical researches about the company, where the author participated as employee for a close period of 6 years. The results indicate that the imported methodologies of administration ¿ as it is the case of the quality models ¿ cannot produce the expected results, when these methodologies are implemented by ignoring cultural factors, mainly related to form as the power is shared and practiced in the organizations.