1000 resultados para complement C5b-9
Kirje 13.9.1942
INTRODUCTION: Although osteoporosis is considered a disease of women, 25% of the individuals with osteoporosis are men. BMD measurement by DXA is the gold standard used to diagnose osteoporosis and assess fracture risk. Nevertheless, BMD does not take into account alterations of microarchitecture. TBS is an index of bone microarchitecture extracted from the spine DXA. Previous studies have reported the ability of the spine TBS to predict osteoporotic fractures in women. This is the first case-controlled study in men to evaluate the potential diagnostic value of TBS as a complement to bone mineral density (BMD), by comparing men with and without fractures. METHODS: To be eligible for this study, subjects had to be non-Hispanic US white men aged 40 and older. Furthermore, subjects were excluded if they have or have had previously any treatment or illness that may influence bone metabolism. Fractured subjects were included if the presence of at least one fracture was confirmed. Cases were matched for age (±3 years) and BMD (±0.04 g/cm(2)) with three controls. BMD and TBS were first retrospectively evaluated at AP spine (L1-L4) with a Prodigy densitometer (GE-Lunar, Madison, USA) and TBS iNsight® (Med-Imaps, France) in Lausanne University Hospital blinded from clinical outcome. Inter-group comparisons were undertaken using Student's t-tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Odds ratios were calculated per one standard deviation decrease as well as areas under the receiver operating curve (AUC). RESULTS: After applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, a group of 180 male subjects was obtained. This group consists of 45 fractured subjects (age=63.3±12.6 years, BMI=27.1±4.2 kg/m(2)) and 135 control subjects (age=62.9±11.9 years, BMI=26.7±3.9 kg/m(2)) matched for age (p=0.86) and BMD (p=0.20). A weak correlation was obtained between TBS and BMD and between TBS and BMI (r=0.27 and r=-0.28, respectively, p<0.01). Subjects with fracture have a significant lower TBS compared to control subjects (p=0.013), whereas no differences were obtained for BMI, height and weight (p>0.10). TBS OR per standard deviation is 1.55 [1.09-2.20] for all fracture type. When considering vertebral fracture only TBS OR reached 2.07 [1.14-3.74]. CONCLUSION: This study showed the potential use of TBS in men. TBS revealed a significant difference between fractured and age- and spine BMD-matched nonfractured subjects. These results are consistent with those previously reported on for men of other nationalities.
Presenta las características de los trabajos experimentales desarollados con el fin de determinar la magnitud posible de captura de peces con el equipo hidroacústico, arrastres de comprobación y la pesca a nivel industrial.
Brinda información sobre los resultados del crucero realizado el 6 al 29 de marzo en el Callao. Los objetivos fueron además de la pesca y su congelación, la detección de las concentraciones de peces con la ayuda de ecosondas y arrastres de prueba, se tomo muestras del fondo y del agua, colección de peces y elaboración de muestras en conserva para consumo humano.
Presenta estadísticas detalladas de captura y esfuerzo para cada lancha del recurso anchoveta, áreas de pesca, número de callas, estimados de captura de otras especies pescadas junto con la anchoveta, composición de tamaños de esta especie y otras informaciones de tipo biológico. El presente estudio se realizó del 5 al 9 de marzo de 1973.
Kirje 5.9.1961