990 resultados para classical nuclear import pathway
The effects of thyroid hormones on the nervous system are mediated by the presence of nuclear T3 receptors (NT3R). In this study, the expression of NT3R was investigated in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), or sciatic nerve of adult rats after immunostaining with a 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody which recognizes both alpha and beta types of NT3R. The specificity of this monoclonal antibody was confirmed by Western blots. The 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody recognized one band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa in extract of spinal cord or DRG. No staining was observed on immunoblot of intact sciatic nerve. In the spinal cord, the nuclei of the neurons and glial cells including both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. While all the nuclei of the DRG sensory neurons expressed the NT3R, all the nuclei of the satellite and Schwann cells were devoid of any immunoreaction. In the sciatic nerve, the nuclei of the Schwann cells also lacked 2B3-NT3R-immunoreactivity. After sciatic nerve transection in vivo, Schwann cell nuclei, which never expressed NT3R in intact nerves of adult rats, displayed a clear 2B3-NT3R immunoreaction in proximal and distal stumps adjacent to the section. Double immunostaining with antibodies raised to 3-sulfogalactosylceramide or S100 confirmed that most of the NT3R containing nuclei belong to Schwann cells. In dissociated cell cultures grown in vitro from sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. These data suggest that the inhibition of NT3R expression in Schwann cells ensheathing axons in intact nerve is reversed when the axons are degenerating or lacking.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Prostaglandins (Pgs) have been shown to inhibit the replication of several DNA and RNA viruses. Here we report the effect of prostaglandin (PgA1) on the multiplication of a positive strand RNA virus, Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) in PK15 cells. PgA1 was found to inhibit the multiplication of CSFV. At a concentration of 5 µg/ml, which was nontoxic to the cells, PgA1 inhibitis virus production in 99%. In PgA1 treated cells the size and number of characteristic Classical Swine Fever focus decreased in amount.
The Great Tohoku-Kanto earthquake and resulting tsunami has brought considerable attention to the issue of the construction of new power plants. We argue in this paper, nuclear power is not a sustainable solution to energy problems. First, we explore the stock of uranium-235 and the different schemes developed by the nuclear power industry to exploit this resource. Second, we show that these methods, fast breeder and MOX fuel reactors, are not feasible. Third, we show that the argument that nuclear energy can be used to reduce CO2 emissions is false: the emissions from the increased water evaporation from nuclear power generation must be accounted for. In the case of Japan, water from nuclear power plants is drained into the surrounding sea, raising the water temperature which has an adverse affect on the immediate ecosystem, as well as increasing CO2 emissions from increased water evaporation from the sea. Next, a short exercise is used to show that nuclear power is not even needed to meet consumer demand in Japan. Such an exercise should be performed for any country considering the construction of additional nuclear power plants. Lastly, the paper is concluded with a discussion of the implications of our findings.
Background: Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway by the TAT-coupled peptide XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1) induces strong neuroprotection in ischemic stroke in rodents. We investigated the effect of JNK inhibition in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods: Three hours after induction of ICH by intrastriatal collagenase injection in mice, the animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mu g/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed daily and the mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 1, 2 or 5 days after ICH. Results: XG-102 administration significantly improved the neurological outcome at 1 day (p < 0.01). The lesion volume was significantly decreased after 2 days (29 +/- 11 vs. 39 +/- 5 mm(3) in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05). There was also a decreased hemispheric swelling (14 +/- 13 vs. 26 +/- 9% in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05) correlating with increased aquaporin 4 expression. Conclusions: XG-102 attenuates cerebral edema in ICH and functional impairment at early time points. The beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in ICH, as well as in ischemic stroke, open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before imaging, thereby saving precious time.
El diagnòstic precoç del càncer de pròstata fins a dia d’avui s’ha servit del tacte rectal, i els valors de PSA per establir quins pacients són sospitosos de patir aquesta afecció. Treballs recents estableixen que proves morfològiques com la ressonància magnètica, i funcionals com l’espectroscòpia ajudarien encara més a discriminar aquests pacients dels sans. En el nostre treball pretenem esbrinar; si l’ús de la ressonància magnètica amb espectroscòpia és igual d’eficient en el cas de que l’eventual càncer es localitzi a la glàndula central.
Human imaging studies examining fear conditioning have mainly focused on the neural responses to conditioned cues. In contrast, the neural basis of the unconditioned response and the mechanisms by which fear modulates inter-regional functional coupling have received limited attention. We examined the neural responses to an unconditioned stimulus using a partial-reinforcement fear conditioning paradigm and functional MRI. The analysis focused on: (1) the effects of an unconditioned stimulus (an electric shock) that was either expected and actually delivered, or expected but not delivered, and (2) on how related brain activity changed across conditioning trials, and (3) how shock expectation influenced inter-regional coupling within the fear network. We found that: (1) the delivery of the shock engaged the red nucleus, amygdale, dorsal striatum, insula, somatosensory and cingulate cortices, (2) when the shock was expected but not delivered, only the red nucleus, the anterior insular and dorsal anterior cingulate cortices showed activity increases that were sustained across trials, and (3) psycho-physiological interaction analysis demonstrated that fear led to increased red nucleus coupling to insula but decreased hippocampus coupling to the red nucleus, thalamus and cerebellum. The hippocampus and the anterior insula may serve as hubs facilitating the switch between engagement of a defensive immediate fear network and a resting network.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the cell nucleus is a highly structurized organelle. Because of its tight compartmentalization, it is generally believed that a framework must exist, responsible for maintaining such a spatial organization. Over the last twenty years many investigations have been devoted to identifying the nuclear framework. Structures isolated by different techniques have been obtained in vitro and are variously referred to as nuclear matrix, nucleoskeleton or nuclear scaffold. Many different functions, such as DNA replication and repair, mRNA transcription, processing and transport have been described to occur in close association with these structures. However, there is still much debate as to whether or not any of these preparations corresponds to a nuclear framework that exists in vivo. In this article we summarize the most commonly-used methods for obtaining preparations of nuclear frameworks and we also stress the possible artifacts that can be created in vitro during the isolation procedures. Emphasis is placed also on the protein composition of the frameworks as well as on some possible signalling functions that have been recently described to occur in tight association with the nuclear matrix.
Glucose production by liver is a major physiological function, which is required to prevent development of hypoglycemia in the postprandial and fasted states. The mechanism of glucose release from hepatocytes has not been studied in detail but was assumed instead to depend on facilitated diffusion through the glucose transporter GLUT2. Here, we demonstrate that in the absence of GLUT2 no other transporter isoforms were overexpressed in liver and only marginally significant facilitated diffusion across the hepatocyte plasma membrane was detectable. However, the rate of hepatic glucose output was normal. This was evidenced by (i) the hyperglycemic response to i.p. glucagon injection; (ii) the in vivo measurement of glucose turnover rate; and (iii) the rate of release of neosynthesized glucose from isolated hepatocytes. These observations therefore indicated the existence of an alternative pathway for hepatic glucose output. Using a [14C]-pyruvate pulse-labeling protocol to quantitate neosynthesis and release of [14C]glucose, we demonstrated that this pathway was sensitive to low temperature (12 degreesC). It was not inhibited by cytochalasin B nor by the intracellular traffic inhibitors brefeldin A and monensin but was blocked by progesterone, an inhibitor of cholesterol and caveolae traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Our observations thus demonstrate that hepatic glucose release does not require the presence of GLUT2 nor of any plasma membrane glucose facilitative diffusion mechanism. This implies the existence of an as yet unsuspected pathway for glucose release that may be based on a membrane traffic mechanism.
The association of trans-acting T cell factors (TCFs) or lymphoid enhancer factor 1 (LEF-1) with their coactivator beta-catenin mediates transient transcriptional responses to extracellular Wnt signals. We show here that T cell maturation depends on the presence of the beta-catenin--binding domain in TCF-1. This domain is necessary to mediate the survival of immature CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) thymocytes. Accelerated spontaneous thymocyte death in the absence of TCF-1 correlates with aberrantly low expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-x(L). Increasing anti-apoptotic effectors in thymocytes by the use of a Bcl-2 transgene rescued TCF-1-deficient DP thymocytes from apoptosis. Thus, TCF-1, upon association with beta-catenin, transiently ensures the survival of immature T cells, which enables them to generate and edit T cell receptor (TCR) alpha chains and attempt TCR-mediated positive selection.
A high throughput method was designed to produce hyperpolarized gases by combining low-temperature dynamic nuclear polarization with a sublimation procedure. It is illustrated by applications to 129Xe nuclear magnetic resonance in xenon gas, leading to a signal enhancement of 3 to 4 orders of magnitude compared to the room-temperature thermal equilibrium signal at 7.05 T.
PPARbeta is expressed in the mouse epidermis during fetal development, and progressively disappears from the interfollicular epidermis after birth. Interestingly, its expression is strongly reactivated in the adult epidermis in conditions where keratinocyte proliferation is induced and during wound healing. Data obtained on PPARbeta heterozygous mice reveal that PPARbeta is implicated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation and is necessary for rapid healing of a skin wound.
Summary : Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Transforming Growth Factor-ß (TGF-ß) are two crucial growth factors in tissue repair and regeneration. They control migration and proliferation of macrophages and fibroblasts, as well as myofibroblast differentiation and synthesis of the new connective tissue. The transcription factor Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) has been implicated in the TGF-ß pathway and regulation of extracellular matrix proteins in vitro. This suggests a possible implication of NFI-C in tissue repair. In this study, our purpose was to identify the NFI-C target genes in TGF-ß1 pathway activation and define the relationship between these two factors in cutaneous wound healing process. High-throughput genomic analysis in wild-type and NFI-C knock-out embryonic fibroblasts indicated that NFI-C acts as a repressor of the expression of genes which transcriptional activity is enhanced by TGF-ß. Interestingly, we found an over representation of genes involved in connective tissue inflammation and repair. In accordance with the genomic analysis, NFI-C-/- mice showed an improvement of skin healing during the inflammatory stage. Analysis of this new phenotype indicated that the expression of PDGFA and PDGF-Ra genes were increased in the wounds of NFI-C-/- mice resulting in early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts in the granulation tissue. In correlation with the stimulation effect of TGF-ß on myofibroblast differentiation we found an increased differentiation of these cells in null mice, providing a rationale for rapid wound closure. Thus, in the absence of NFI-C, both TGF-ß and PDGF pathways may be activated, leading to enhanced healing process. Therefore, the inhibition of NFI-C expression could constitute a suitable therapy for healing improvement. In addition, we identified a delay of hair follicle cycle initiation in NFI-C-/- mice. This prompted us to investigate the role of NFI-C in skin appendage. The transition from a quiescent to a proliferative phase requires a perfect timing of signalling modulation, leading to stem cell activation. As a consequence of cycle initiation delay in null mice, the activation of signalling involved in cell proliferation was also retarded. Interestingly, at the crucial moment of cell fate determination, we identified a decrease of CD34 gene in mutant mice. Since CD34 protein is involved in migration of multipotent cells, we suggest that NFI-C may be involved in stem cell mobilisation required for hair follicle renewal. Further investigations of the role of NFI-C in progenitor cell activation will lead to a better understanding of tissue regeneration and raise the possibility of treating alopecia with NFI-C-targeting treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates new regenerative functions of NFI-C in adult mice, which regulates skin repair and hair follicle renewal. Résumé : PDGF et TGF-ß sont des facteurs important du mécanisme de défense immunitaire. Ils influencent la prolifération et migration des macrophages et des fibroblastes, ainsi que la différenciation des myofibroblastes et la formation du nouveau tissu conjonctif. Le facteur de transcription NFI-C a été impliqué dans la voie de signalisation de TGF-ß et dans 1a régulation de l'expression des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire in vitro. Ces études antérieures laissent supposer que NFI-C serait un facteur important du remodelage tissulaire. Cependant le rôle de NFI-C dans un tissu comme la peau n'a pas encore été étudié. Dans ce travail, le but a été de d'identifier la relation qu'il existe entre I~1FI-C et TGF-ßl à un niveau transcriptionnel et dans le processus de cicatrisation cutanée in vivo. Ainsi, une analyse génétique à grande échelle, a permis d'indiquer que NFI-C agit comme un répresseur sur l'expression des gènes dont l'activité transcriptionnelle est activée par TGF-ß. De plus nous avons identifié un groupe de gènes qui controlent le développement et l'inflammation du tissue conjonctif. En relation avec ce résultat, l'absence de NFI-C dans la peau induit une cicatrisation plus rapide pendant la phase inflammatoire. Durant cette période, nous avons montré que les expressions de PDGFA et PDGFRa seraient plus élevées en absence de NFI-C. En conséquence, l'activation de la voie de PDGF induit une infiltration plus importante des macrophages et fibroblastes dans le tissue granuleux des souris mutantes. De plus, en corrélation avec le rôle de TGF-ßl dans la différenciation des myofibroblasts, nous avons observé une différenciation plus importante de ces cellules chez les animaux knock-out, ce qui peut expliquer une contraction plus rapide de la plaie. De plus, nous avons découvert que NFI-C est impliqué dans l'initiation du cycle folliculaire. La caractérisation de ce nouveau phénotype a montré un ralentissement de la transition telogène-anagène des souris NFI-C-/-. Or, un événement clé de cette transition est la modulation de plusieurs signaux moléculaires aboutissant à' l'activation des cellules souches. En corrélation avec le decalage du cycle, l'activation de ces signaux est également décalée dans les souris NFI-C-/-. Ainsi, au commencement de l'anagène, la prolifération des keratinocytes,NFI-C-/- est retardée et corrèle avec une diminution de l'expression de CD34, une protéine responsable de la détermination du migration des cellules multipotentes. Ainsi, NFI-C semble être impliqué dans la mobilisation des cellules souches qui sont nécessaires au renouvellement folliculaire. En résumé, NFI-C est impliqué dans la régulation des signaux moléculaires nécessaires à la réparation tissulaire et son inhibition pourrait constituer un traitement de la cicatrisation. L'analyse de son rôle dans l'activation des cellules souches permettrait de mieux comprendre le renouvellement tissulaire et, à long terme, d'améliorer les techniques de greffe des cellules souches épithéliales ou consituter une cible pour le traitement de l'alopecie.