992 resultados para cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Cytotoxicity and proliferation capacity are key functions of antiviral CD8 T cells. In the present study, we investigated a series of markers to define these functions in virus-specific CD8 T cells. We provide evidence that there is a lack of coexpression of perforin and CD127 in human CD8 T cells. CD127 expression on virus-specific CD8 T cells correlated positively with proliferation capacity and negatively with perforin expression and cytotoxicity. Influenza virus-, cytomegalovirus-, and Epstein-Barr virus/human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific CD8 T cells were predominantly composed of CD127(+) perforin(-)/CD127(-) perforin(+), and CD127(-)/perforin(-) CD8 T cells, respectively. CD127(-)/perforin(-) and CD127(-)/perforin(+) cells expressed significantly more PD-1 and CD57, respectively. Consistently, intracellular cytokine (gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-2 [IL-2]) responses combined to perforin detection confirmed that virus-specific CD8 T cells were mostly composed of either perforin(+)/IL-2(-) or perforin(-)/IL-2(+) cells. In addition, perforin expression and IL-2 secretion were negatively correlated in virus-specific CD8 T cells (P < 0.01). As previously shown for perforin, changes in antigen exposure modulated also CD127 expression. Based on the above results, proliferating (CD127(+)/IL-2-secreting) and cytotoxic (perforin(+)) CD8 T cells were contained within phenotypically distinct T-cell populations at different stages of activation or differentiation and showed different levels of exhaustion and senescence. Furthermore, the composition of proliferating and cytotoxic CD8 T cells for a given antiviral CD8 T-cell population appeared to be influenced by antigen exposure. These results advance our understanding of the relationship between cytotoxicity, proliferation capacity, the levels of senescence and exhaustion, and antigen exposure of antiviral memory CD8 T cells.
BACKGROUND: Outcome after lung transplantation (LTx) is affected by the onset of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and lung function decline. Reduced health-related quality of life (HRQL) and physical mobility have been shown in patients developing BOS, but the impact on the capacity to walk is unknown. We aimed to compare the long-term HRQL and 6-minute walk test (6MWT) between lung recipients affected or not by BOS Grade > or =2. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients were prospectively followed for 5.6 +/- 2.9 years after LTx. Assessments included the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the 6MWT, which were performed yearly. Moreover, clinical complications were recorded to estimate the proportion of the follow-up time lived without clinical intercurrences after transplant. Analyses were performed using adjusted linear regression and repeated-measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: BOS was a significant predictor of lower SGRQ scores (p < 0.01) and reduced time free of clinical complications (p = 0.001), but not of 6MWT distance (p = 0.12). At 7 years post-transplant, results were: 69.0 +/- 21.8% vs 86.9 +/- 5.6%, p < 0.05 (SGRQ); 58.5 +/- 21.6% vs 88.7 +/- 11.4%, p < 0.01 (proportion of time lived without clinical complications); and 82.2 +/- 10.9% vs 91.9 +/- 14.2%, p = 0.27 (percent of predicted 6MWT), respectively, for patients with BOS and without BOS. CONCLUSIONS: Despite significantly less time lived without clinical complications and progressive decline of self-reported health status, the capacity to walk of patients affected by BOS remained relatively stable over time. These findings may indicate that the development of moderate to severe BOS does not prevent lung recipients from walking independently and pursuing an autonomous life.
The Programme for Prosperity and Fairness outlined the commitment of the Government to a review of hospital bed capacity in both acute and non-acute settings, to be carried out by the Department of Health and Children in conjunction with the Department of Finance and in consultation with the Social Partners. The focus of this report is on bed capacity in publicly-funded acute hospitals in Ireland. The capacity needs of the sub-acute sector have been assessed separately in the context of the Health Strategy, Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You. Download document here
La teràpia suplementària de ferro millora la capacitat d’exercici i la qualitat de vida en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i/ o síndrome d’Eisenmenger El dèficit de ferro és una troballa comú en la cardiopatia congènita cianòtica, i pot ser la causa d’una reducció en la capacitat d’exercici. Actualment, està indicada la reposició dels dipòsits de ferro en aquest grup de malalts, éssent les evidències científiques escasses. En el present treball investiguem la seguretat i eficàcia del tractament amb ferro en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica. Per tal motiu, vint-i-cinc malalts amb una cardiopatia congenita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro van ser inclosos de forma prospectiva entre Agost del 2008 i Gener del 2009. El tractament utilitzat fou fumarat ferròs oral, fins a una dosi màxima de 200 mg tres vegades al dia. En l’anàlisi basal i als tres mesos de seguiment es va utilitzar el test de qualitat de vida “CAMPHOR”, el test de la marxa dels 6 minuts i la prova d’esforç amb consum d’oxigen. L’edat mitja fou 39.9+/-10.9 anys, 80% dones. Catorze malalts tenien la síndrome d’Eisenmenger, sis una malaltia cianòtica complexa i cinc circulació de Fontan. Cap d’ells va haver d'interrompre el tractament degut a efectes adversos. Després de tres mesos de tractament, l’hemoglobina (19.0+/-2.9g/dL a 20.4+/-2.7g/dL, p&0.001), ferritina (13.3+/-4.7mug/L a 54.1+/-24.2mug/L, p&0.001) i saturació de transferrina (17.8+/-9.6% a 34.8+/-23.4%, p&0.001) van augmentar significativament. També hi va haver una millora significativa en la puntuació del test de qualitat de vida (20.7+/-10.9 a 16.2+/-10.4, p=0.001) i el test de la marxa (371.7+/-84.7m a 402.8.0+/-74.9m, p=0.001). No es van evidenciar canvis significatius en els valors de consum d’oxigen (40.7+/-9.2% a 43.8+/-12.4%, p=0.15). En definitiva, la teràpia suplementària amb ferro en els malats amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro és segura i millora la qualitat de vida i la capacitat funcional. En aquest grup de malalts, per tant, és aconsellable identificar el dèficit de ferro i restaurar-ne els seus dipòsits.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Introduction: L'évaluation de la capacité de discernement est importante d'un point de vue légal et éthique dans l'activité médicale quotidienne. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué attentivement la capacité de discernement chez les patients admis dans un service médical aigu en utilisant l'évaluation du personnel médical, le score spécifique de Silberfeld, le MMSE ainsi que l'évaluation du psychiatre. Méthode : Pendant 3 mois, 195 patients admis dans un service de médecine interne d'un hôpital universitaire ont été inclus et leur capacité de discernement a été évaluée durant les premières 72 heures d'admission. Résultats : Sur les 195 patients, 38 furent incapables de discernement manifestement (patients inconscients ou avec des déficits cognitifs sévères) et 14 furent considérés incapables de discernement par le psychiatre (prévalence de l'incapacité de discernement de 26.7%). La corrélation entre l'évaluation du psychiatre et le questionnaire de Silberfeld fut faible (sensibilité 35.7%, spécificité 91.6%). Les cliniciens expérimentés montrèrent une plus haute corrélation (sensibilité 57.1 %, spécificité 96.5%). L'avis partagé par l'assistant, par le chef de clinique et l'infirmière se révéla le meilleur indicateur de l'évaluation psychiatrique (sensibilité 78.6%, spécificité 94.3%). Conclusion : La prévalence de l'incapacité de discernement chez les patients admis dans un service de médecine interne est élevée. Alors que le questionnaire de Silberfeld et le MMSE ne sont pas indiqués pour évaluer la capacité de discernement dans cette étude, l'évaluation par une équipe médicale multidisciplinaire reflète le mieux l'évaluation du psychiatre.
Triatoma rubrovaria has become the most frequently captured triatomine species since the control of T. infestans in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate aspects of the vectorial competence of T. rubrovaria using nymphs raised in laboratory under environmental conditions of temperature and humidity and fed on mice. The average developmental period of T. rubrovaria was 180.1 days. The percentage of defecation shortly after feeding was still higher than previous studies in which samples of T. rubrovaria subjected to a slight starvation period before the blood meal were used. The obtained results support former indication that T. rubrovaria presents bionomic characteristics propitious to be a good vector of Trypanosoma cruzi to man. Therefore its domiciliary invasion process must be continuously monitored.
The transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO) is widely used in pulmonary function laboratories because it represents a unique non-invasive window on pulmonary microcirculation. The TLCO is the product of two primary measurements, the alveolar volume (VA) and the CO transfer coefficient (KCO). This test is most informative when VA and KCO are examined, together with their product TLCO. In a normal lung, a low VA due to incomplete expansion is associated with an elevated KCO, resulting in a mildly reduced TLCO. Thus, in case of low VA, a seemingly "normal KCO" must be interpreted as an abnormal gas transfer. The most common clinical conditions associated with an abnormal TLCO are characterised by a limited number of patterns for VA and KCO: incomplete lung expansion, discrete loss of alveolar units, diffuse loss of alveolar units, emphysema, pulmonary vascular disorders, high pulmonary blood volume, alveolar haemorrhage.
Hospitals and care homes are making use of new measures designed to protect people unable to give consent for their care.The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were introduced by law on 1 April 2009 to provide a legal framework for depriving someone of their liberty where they are unable to give informed consent regarding their care. The statistics presented here provide the first official information about authorisations to legally detain a person using the legislation.The safeguards apply to people aged 18 and above who suffer from a mental disorder of the mind (such as dementia or a profound learning disability) and who lack capacity to give consent to the arrangements made for their care and / or treatment. The safeguards cover people in all hospitals and care homes in the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors.A rigorous, standardised assessment and authorisation process is used to ensure only appropriate use is made of the safeguards.Key facts?The number of authorisation requests were: 1,772 in quarter 1 1,681 in quarter 2 and, 1,869 in quarter 3. ?Of the total assessments completed in each quarter, a higher proportion were for females than for males ?For each quarter, around three out of four assessments were made by local authorities while the remaining ones were made by primary care trusts. ?The percentage of authorisations granted leading to someone being deprived of their liberty varied between 33.5 per cent and 50.7 per cent across quarters 1 to 3. ?At 31 December 2009 1,074 people were subject to such authorisations.Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 1 (0.31MB)Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 2 (0.31MB)Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 3 (0.31MB)Have your say - give us your comments on this publication��
This report summarises data that is collected on the operation of the Northern Ireland Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme (NSES). It relates to the twelve-month period between 1st April 2013 and 31st March 2014. The anonymised data is collected by the 14 pharmacies and 1 Trust-based service that participate in the Northern Ireland Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme (NSES) which was introduced in April 2001.
Malaria emerges from a disequilibrium of the system 'human-plasmodium-mosquito' (HPM). If the equilibrium is maintained, malaria does not ensue and the result is asymptomatic plasmodium infection. The relationships among the components of the system involve coadaptive linkages that lead to equilibrium. A vast body of evidence supports this assumption, including the strategies involved in the relationships between plasmodium and human and mosquito immune systems, and the emergence of resistance of plasmodia to antimalarial drugs and of mosquitoes to insecticides. Coadaptive strategies for malaria control are based on the following principles: (1) the system HPM is composed of three highly complex and dynamic components, whose interplay involves coadaptive linkages that tend to maintain the equilibrium of the system; (2) human and mosquito immune systems play a central role in the coadaptive interplay with plasmodium, and hence, in the mainten-ance of the system's equilibrium; the under- or overfunction of human immune system may result in malaria and influence its severity; (3) coadaptation depends on genetic and epigenetic phenomena occurring at the interfaces of the components of the system, and may involve exchange of infectrons (genes or gene fragments) between the partners; (4) plasmodia and mosquitoes have been submitted to selective pressures, leading to adaptation, for an extremely long while and are, therefore, endowed with the capacity to circumvent both natural (immunity) and artificial (drugs, insecticides, vaccines) measures aiming at destroying them; (5) since malaria represents disequilibrium of the system HPM, its control should aim at maintaining or restoring this equilibrium; (6) the disequilibrium of integrated systems involves the disequilibrium of their components, therefore the maintenance or restoration of the system's equilibrium depend on the adoption of integrated and coordinated measures acting on all components, that means, panadaptive strategies. Coadaptive strategies for malaria control should consider that: (1) host immune response has to be induced, since without it, no coadaptation is attained; (2) the immune response has to be sustained and efficient enough to avoid plasmodium overgrowth; (3) the immune response should not destroy all parasites; (4) the immune response has to be well controlled in order to not harm the host. These conditions are mostly influenced by antimalarial drugs, and should also be taken into account for the development of coadaptive malaria vaccines.
Master athletes are often considered to represent the ideal rate of decline of aerobic function; however, most of the studies interested in active elderly people are often limited to people younger than 75. We aimed to determine the physiological adaptations and aerobic fitness in a selected European population of active octogenarians during maximal and submaximal exercise tests. Aerobic capacity was measured during maximal incremental tests on treadmill (TR) and cycle-ergometer (CE) and functional capacity during a 6-minute walk test (6-MWT) in 17 subjects aged 81.2 +/- 0.8 years. Pulmonary gas exchange and heart rate (HR) were continuously measured during the different exercise tests. Maximal oxygen consumption (V.O (2max)) on TR and CE was significantly higher than predicted values (TR: 28.7 +/- 1.2 vs. 17 +/- 0.5 ml . kg (-1) . min (-1); CE: 23 +/- 1.2 vs. 16 +/- 0.6 ml . kg (-1) . min (-1) for measured and predicted values respectively). V.O (2max) and HR (max), as well as V.O (2) and HR at the ventilatory threshold (V.O (2)T (V.E) and HR T (V.E)) were significantly higher on TR than on CE (HR (max): 144 +/- 4 vs. 138 +/- 4 bpm; V.O (2)T (V.E): 22.5 +/- 0.8 vs. 17.7 +/- 0.9 ml . kg (-1) . min (-1) for TR and CE respectively). V.O (2)T (V.E) and HR T (V.E) on TR were equivalent to V.O (2) and HR measured during the 6-MWT. HR T (V.E) on TR and mean HR during the 6-MWT were strongly correlated (R = 0.82, p < 0.01). Maintenance of regular physical activity provides high aerobic fitness, in octogenarians, as was shown by the higher values of our subjects in comparison to predicted values. Moreover, the close relation between the intensity developed at T (V.E) on TR and 6-MWT could support the idea that a walk test is a submaximal test performed at high intensity that could provide a basis for exercise prescription in an individualized manner in active elderly people.
Does Weber's notion of salvation goods, along with the connected one of the religious market, apply to the modern history of yoga? The case study chosen here (the yoga of Pattabhi Jois) clearly shows that these notions highlight many aspects of the expansion of yoga into a global market product. However, the notion of salvation goods resists the new hermeneutical situation of encounter and has to be adapted to the present situation of religious "patchwork". The notion of religious market lacks depth to describe the various understandings and appropriations of yoga in precise historical situations. Other aspects of the current global status of yoga may be highlighted by applying the concept of pilgrimage. La notion de bien de salut que nous lègue Max Weber et la notion de marché religieux qui en découle peuvent-elles s'appliquer à l'histoire moderne du yoga? L'étude de cas que nous consacrons au yoga de Pattabhi Jois montre que ces notions éclairent bien certains aspects de l'expansion du yoga en tant que produit d'un marché globalisé. Cependant la notion de bien de salut résiste à une réflexion de type herméneutique sur les processus de rencontres et doit être adaptée à la situation contemporaine, ou` les religions se présentent comme des ensembles composites. La notion de marché religieux ne permet pas d'expliquer les diverses compréhensions et appropriations du yoga dans des situations historiques précises. D'autres aspects de la situation du yoga sont mieux explicités si on prend le concept de pèlerinage comme point de référence.
The Food Safety Knowledge Network (FSKN) was developed through the collaboration of Michigan State University and a professional network of international food industry retailers and manufacturers. The key objective of the FSKN project is to provide technical resources, in a cost effective way, in order to promote food safety in developing countries and for small and less developed companies. FSKN uses a competency based model including a framework, OERs, and assessments. These tools are being used to support face-to-face training, fully online training, and to gauge the learning outcomes of a series of pilot groups which were held in India, Egypt, and China.
While the Internet has given educators access to a steady supply of Open Educational Resources, the educational rubrics commonly shared on the Web are generally in the form of static, non-semantic presentational documents or in the proprietary data structures of commercial content and learning management systems.With the advent of Semantic Web Standards, producers of online resources have a new framework to support the open exchange of software-readable datasets. Despite these advances, the state of the art of digital representation of rubrics as sharable documents has not progressed.This paper proposes an ontological model for digital rubrics. This model is built upon the Semantic Web Standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), principally the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL).