967 resultados para catch-trays


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„Winter fishery“ on brown shrimp does not imply a special type of fishery. It merely means the continuation of the standard fishing procedure of parts of the fleet during wintertime, when the majority of the mostly smaller vessels stay in harbour due to generally unfavourable weather conditions for their activity. During 1990 to 1999 mean European wide landings in January and February summedup to 854 tonnes making up to only 4 % of the mean annual landings (21 805 t). While German vessels landed0.7 % (68.7 t) of their mean annual landings during that period, the other countries caught about 7 % of their individual, mean annual landings at the same time. The Netherlands and Denmark contributed highest tonnages of 580and 110 tonnes, respectively, to the total European landings, making up 81 % of them. As about 70 % of brown shrimp may carry eggs in January, the winter fishery took a mean total of about 2.15 x 1012brown shrimp eggs out of the stocks in that period annually. As there is no reliable assessment available concerning the brown shrimp stocks, it is despite of these high losses of eggs not possible to trace a negative effect of the winter fishery in scientific terms. However, precautional catch reductions in winter would be in favour of higher survival rates of eggs, which are the carrying source for the recruitment of brown shrimp stocks and catches in forthcoming summer and autumn seasons according to Dutch investigations.


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The worldwide aquaculture production amounts to about one third of the world fishery catch. While the world fishery catch in the last years is stagnating and an increase is not to be expected, the aquaculture rose by about 10 % annually. This rate of growth is also predicted for the next years. Fish meal and oil forms a key position for the further development of aquaculture, specially for carnivorous fish species, of which the salmonids will gain an increasing economic importance, not only on the European, but also on the Japanese and American markets. Without an adequate supply of fish meal and oil for the production of these fish species, the expected product quality cannot be realized under economic conditions. Fish meal and oil are commonly produced from small pelagic fish species, which, at present and in the near future, have no importance for direct human consumption. Since December2000 the use of fish meal and oil in Germany is only allowed for use in aquaculture and petfood. However, conclusive arguments for a ban on the utilization for other animal feeds do not exist so far. The European Union continues to allows feeding of other animals – except ruminants – with fish meal under certain control measures.


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New regulations of the German “Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung” lay down that all fish except pelagic species have to be gutted immediately after catch or killing, especially fresh water fish from aquaculture. Only gutted fish should be sold to the consumer. At the present time, however, it is not unusual to sell ungutted fish like tropical or mediterranean species from foreign countries, even the EC area. In this investigation the influence of gutting on the fish quality during storage on ice was tested in tench (Tinca tinca) as a model. Quality changes were controlled by sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological assessment. It was shown that for tench there were no differences between gutted and ungutted fish during 12 days of storage on ice.


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About 1500 ovaries of Baltic cod were prepared for estimating the potential absolute and relative individual fecundity. The female cod were sampled in the Belt Sea, ICES Subdivision (SD) 22, in the Arkona Sea, SD 24, and in the Bornholm Sea, SD 25. The investigations started in1992 and until 1999 cruises were carried out to catch female cod in the different sub-divisions every year. The results shows that the potential fecundity is not a stable biological parameter, and that significant changes are possible within a relative short period. It was demonstrated that the developments of the potential individual fecundity of the western (Gadus morhua morhua) and eastern Baltic cod stocks (Gadus morhua callarias) were different. In contrast to the stable individual fecundity of the western cod the absolute and relative fecundity of the eastern repeat spawners increased from 1993 to 1999, significantly. The reason of this development seems to be the dramatic decrease of the eastern cod stock and the more successful reproduction of individuals that produce oocytes with a lower dry weight in combination with a higher relative fecundity.


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The annual estimated total marine fish catch in Nigeria for the period 1971 to 1979 is 0.3299 million metric tons. The differential distribution pattern of the predominant fish groups for the maritime states, the component species, their life habits in relation to hydrographic factors leasing to seasonal fluctuations in the fisheries are highlighted, focussing also on the types of fishing carafts and gear in common use along the coastal states and the fish species obtained from them. The landings by the exploratory and commercial fishing trawlers including the distant water vessels (imports) form about 4.24% of the total marine fish landing


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Experimental fishing operations with driftnets were conducted in Lagos coastal waters with a view to finding out appropriate gear for effective exploitation of sharks and other pelagic fish species that are not normally caught in trawls. The design and fabrication of the driftnets as well as the fishing trials were undertaken between May, 1977 and April, 1978. Six baited driftnet sets of equal panels with three stretched mesh sizes of 190.5mm; 228.6mm and 241.3mm were used. Analysis were carried out on species composition of catches, weight and number of species/group of fish, catch efficiency of the driftnets as well as on operating costs and financial returns


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There is increasing awareness of aquaculture in Nigeria today for a number of reasons namely: water pollution, declining catch and the awareness of the attractiveness of aquaculture as an investment area and a pivotal point for national development. The development of aquaculture in Nigeria, requires the building up of institutions at the grassroot level and the formulation of policies and programmes for the small fishfarmer. This of course would be backed up by a sound technology generation, verification and packaging, dissemination and use programme


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The North-European fish stocks are assessed annually by ICES working groups. The results are evaluated twice annually in two meetings of the Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) at ICES. Based on the working group assessments, ACFM formulates an advice for the fisheries management and suggests a total allowable catch (TAC) which is based strictly on biological grounds. The summaries of the state of some selected stocks which are given here, are derived from the ACFM advice, formulated during the most recent October 1999 meeting. For many of the fish stocks the precautionary approach has been implemented now, and for most of them the target reference points have been defined. As a result, most of the stocks are outside safe biological limits or are harvested in disaccordance with the precautionary approach. Only 10 stocks of those evaluated during this autumn meeting were found to be within safe biological limits.


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The herring of the Baltic Sea shows a complicated population structure. Comparable to herring in other areas it can also be discriminated as spring and autumn spawning herring. Autumn spawning herring has been nearly vanished since the late 1960’s. Baltic Sea spring spawning herring show a broad variety as far as morphometric and other biological characteristics are concerned. It seems not very likely that all those differences are genetically based. The spawning sites of populations are, however, often clearly separated and such groups of herring are in most cases characterized by distinct differences in individual growth. Therefore for assessment purposes it is necessary to distinguish between as small as possible units in order to not endanger smaller populations to become extinct by overexploitation. On the other hand migrations and mixing of herring of different origin especially during the summer feeding period result in extreme difficulties of the discrimination of small units. For this reason only three herring assess ment units have been identified for the central and the northern Baltic Sea: herring in Sub-divisions 25–32+32, herring in Sub-division 30 and herring in Sub-division31. The spring spawning herring of the western Baltic Sea has been combined with spring spawning herring in Division IIIa. Only the herring stock in Sub-division 30 shows a positive development in the past. The largest assessment unit in Sub-divisions 25–29+32 decreased continuously during the whole period 1974–1998. The western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock decreased from 1990 to 1996. There is an ongoing debate on scientific level whether the combination of small populations into large assessment units like the one in S-D’s 25–29&32 might include the danger of the extinction of small compartments of the unit. On the other hand the practice by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission of managing the Baltic Sea herring fisheries by dividing a yearly Total Allowable Catch for the whole area among fishery zones without taking care of any biological structure and any individual stock development is totally against the idea of sustainability of fisheries.


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The present contribution summarizes results of fishery investigations with standard cod gillnets and gillnets with attached large meshes of 3.4 meter meshsize built from rope of 6 mm diameter. Only the relative efficiency of both nets for cod was investigated. A reduction of 70 % of catch by the attached meshes was observed.


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For 10 years the Institute for Fishing Technology, Hamburg (IFH) has been carrying out experiments in the brown shrimp fishery with beam trawls aiming at a reduction of unwanted bycatches. When the tests were transferred to commercial fishery conditions the personnel effort and costs increased markedly. It became e.g. necessary to install a deep-freeze chain to make it possible to evaluate more samples in the laboratory. This again required to increase the number of technicians for measuring the fish and shrimp samples, but also made it necessary to perform this work in the most rational and time-saving way by applying modern electronic aids. Though all samples still have to be sorted by species and have to be weighed and measured the introduction of electronic aids, however, like electronic measuring board and computer-aided image processing system, all weight and length data are immediately and digitally recorded after processing. They are transferred via a network to a server PC which stores them into a purpose-designed database. This article describes the applicationof two electronic systems: the measuring board (FM 100, Fa. SCANTROL), iniated by a project in the Norwegian Institute for Fishing Technology, and a computer-aided image processing system, focussing on measuring shrimps in their naturally flexed shape, also developed in the Institute for Fishing Technology in close collaboration with the University of Duisburg. These electronic recording systems allow the consistent and reproducible record of data independent of the changing day-to-day personal form of the staff operating them. With the help of these systems the number of measurements the laboratory could be maximized to 250 000 per year. This made it possible to evaluate, in 1999, 525 catch samples from 75 commercial hauls taken during 15 days at sea. The time gain in measuring the samples is about one third of the time previously needed (i.e. one hour per sample). An additional advantage is the immediate availability of the digitally stored data which enables rapid analyses of all finished subexperiments. Both systems are applied today in several institutes of the Federal Research Centre. The image processing system is now the standard measuring method in an international research project.


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The sensitiveness of different demersal and pelagic fish species of 70 hauls in the North and Baltic Sea in water depths of 60 to 250 m and 15 to 80 m, respectively, amount of catch of 100 to 3500 kg and trawling times of 0,5 to 6 h on board of the FRV “Walther Herwig III” was investigated. Some demersal fish species , e.g. saithe (Pollachius virens), were even still sensitive, when caught at a water depth of 250 m at a trawling time of 1,5 h. Generally the number of sensitive fishes was reduced with increasing water depth, amount of catch, trawling time and following storage of the catch on board. Among demersal fishes the species without swimbladder and flat fishes were clearly more resistent to mechanical stress. On the contrary, pelagic fish species were generally less robust. After trawling times of 2 h no sensitive animals were observed. In some fisheries there are mixed catches of demersal and pelagic fish species with different sensitiveness. In commercial fisheries, there is therefore – under animal welfare aspects – for the time being, no prospect for an improvement of the catching and slaughtering procedure on board


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Aiming for price stabilisation Danish, German and Dutch brown shrimp fisheries agreed on weekly catch limitations for the years 1998 and 1999. This resulted in fishing effort reduction of 18 % of the total number of fishing trips in 1998 and up to 24 % in summer. In that period highest abundance of young plaice occurs in the Wadden Sea which is the fishing area of the brown shrimp fleets of Germany and the Netherlands. Consequently as a side effect a reduction of the total annual by-catch especially of young plaice must have occurred. According to formerly conducted EU-studies and investigations the by-catch reduction due to the agreed catch limitations should have led to survival of millions of young plaice. They give a potential of some extra catch in coming years which is 2,5 % of the total TAC of plaice in the North Sea. Compared to the German TAC in year 2000 the gain equals 44 %. The catch limitations effect on by-catch reduction in 1998 was in the same order of magnitude of the one achievable by technical measures in net selection applied in that fishery and research. A combination of both could substantially reduce traditional by-catch levels in brown shrimp fisheries.Aiming for price stabilisation Danish, German and Dutch brown shrimp fisheries agreed on weekly catch limitations for the years 1998 and 1999. This resulted in fishing effort reduction of 18 % of the total number of fishing trips in 1998 and up to 24 % in summer. In that period highest abundance of young plaice occurs in the Wadden Sea which is the fishing area of the brown shrimp fleets of Germany and the Netherlands. Consequently as a side effect a reduction of the total annual by-catch especially of young plaice must have occurred. According to formerly conducted EU-studies and investigations the by-catch reduction due to the agreed catch limitations should have led to survival of millions of young plaice. They give a potential of some extra catch in coming years which is 2,5 % of the total TAC of plaice in the North Sea. Compared to the German TAC in year 2000 the gain equals 44 %. The catch limitations effect on by-catch reduction in 1998 was in the same order of magnitude of the one achievable by technical measures in net selection applied in that fishery and research. A combination of both could substantially reduce traditional by-catch levels in brown shrimp fisheries.


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The poor situation of fish stocks worldwide pointed out by FAO has led to a reconsideration of fishing concepts internationally. A brief outline of the world fishing situation is given, as well as that of the EU and Germany. Explanations of basic fishing parameters like catch, recruitment and fishing mortality are given and used to expound and graphically show the relation to overfishing and the new concept of the ”precautionary priciple” and ”precautionary approach” for the goal of a sustainable fishery. This leads to recommendations for research and actions in respect to selectivity, adjustment of fishing capacity and new concepts of utilisation.


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Since 1976 the Institute of Sea Fisheries of the Federal Research Center for Fisheries, Hamburg, has been conducting long-term monitoring research on Antarctic krill in order to manage the stocks according to the precautionary approach. The krill stocks of the South Atlantic fluctuate seasonally as well as inter-annually in biomass and recruitment success. Following high densities in the late 1970s, the stocks are recently declining. Shortly after the onset of a commercial fishery the catches reached a maximum of around 500 000 t annually, but stabilized around 100 000 t during recent years. Actual survey results indicate mean krill densities in the South Atlantic of 21.4 g/m2, corresponding to 44 Mio. t. The potential yield and maximum catch rate was set at 4.0 Mio. t per year subdivided for the various CCAMLR Subareas. CCAMLR is expected to introduce further conservation measures to control the fishery in the convention area in the near future, however, there is still room for developing a krill fishery in the Antarctic.