863 resultados para carton packages
Most widely-used computer software packages, such as word processors, spreadsheets and web browsers, incorporate comprehensive help systems, partly because the software is meant for those with little technical knowledge. This paper identifies four systematic philosophies or approaches to help system delivery, namely the documentation approach, based on written documents, either paper-based or online; the training approach, either offered before the user starts working on the software or on-the-job; intelligent help, that is online, context-sensitive help or that relying on software agents; and finally an approach based on minimalism, defined as providing help only when and where it is needed.
Proceedings of the 44th Rocky Mountain conference on analytical chemistry
Esta pesquisa tem como foco o varejo de produtos alimentícios que estão em amplo crescimento comercial com o uso de imagens de personagens de cinema infantil na propaganda para potencializar as marcas no mercado. O objetivo é conhecer e interpretar de forma científica, como o uso de imagens de personagens de cinema infantil na publicidade pode resultar no desejo de consumo pelo pequeno consumidor. A metodologia por experimento com crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade serviu como base para que a questão da pesquisa fosse respondida a partir da aplicação de uma simulação de um ponto direto de venda (PDV). Biscoitos recheados com aplicação nas embalagens de personagens de cinema infantil assim como personagens de publicidade ficaram à disposição de compra do pequeno consumidor. Na conclusão do experimento, observa-se que a questão da pesquisa foi respondida, ressaltando que a publicidade de produtos alimentícios infantis com aplicação de personagens publicitários mantém condições de venda mais favoráveis do que publicidade de produtos alimentícios infantis com aplicação de personagens de cinema infantil, o que cria uma aversão ao discurso do senso comum.(AU)
O trabalho aborda a embalagem através de sua função de comunicação sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing. Especificamente, aborda como a embalagem reproduz a mensagem da propaganda no ponto-de-venda detalhando, pelo objetivo geral de descrição, a análise e sistematização do processo de uso da embalagem como suporte de campanhas publicitárias expandindo o objetivo da comunicação integrada de marketing CIM. A metodologia consiste no método qualitativo com o procedimento de pesquisa descritiva aplicando as estratégias investigativas pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevista em profundidade que permitiram concluir que sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing, a ampliação da função de comunicação da embalagem permite a reprodução da mensagem da propaganda no ponto de venda pelo estabelecimento da unificação de elementos entre as mensagens veiculadas na propaganda televisiva e embalagem.(AU)
Time, cost and quality achievements on large-scale construction projects are uncertain because of technological constraints, involvement of many stakeholders, long durations, large capital requirements and improper scope definitions. Projects that are exposed to such an uncertain environment can effectively be managed with the application of risk management throughout the project life cycle. Risk is by nature subjective. However, managing risk subjectively poses the danger of non-achievement of project goals. Moreover, risk analysis of the overall project also poses the danger of developing inappropriate responses. This article demonstrates a quantitative approach to construction risk management through an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and decision tree analysis. The entire project is classified to form a few work packages. With the involvement of project stakeholders, risky work packages are identified. As all the risk factors are identified, their effects are quantified by determining probability (using AHP) and severity (guess estimate). Various alternative responses are generated, listing the cost implications of mitigating the quantified risks. The expected monetary values are derived for each alternative in a decision tree framework and subsequent probability analysis helps to make the right decision in managing risks. In this article, the entire methodology is explained by using a case application of a cross-country petroleum pipeline project in India. The case study demonstrates the project management effectiveness of using AHP and DTA.
As more and more products are distributed through independent channel resellers, suppliers find it increasingly difficult to craft highly motivational incentive packages. Instead, many suppliers' product lines are neglected by resellers in deference to more compatible incentive offers. This paper studies the many aspects of incentive rejection and incentive compatibility and prescribes a four-step, theory-based process to help suppliers craft attractive incentive programs. The process involves identifying resellers' performance needs, recognizing how each need suggests a different basis for incentive rejection, and designing an incentive package such that the incentives support specific reseller needs. Also, unique channel conditions are considered.
Logistics distribution network design is one of the major decision problems arising in contemporary supply chain management. The decision involves many quantitative and qualitative factors that may be conflicting in nature. This paper applies an integrated multiple criteria decision making approach to design an optimal distribution network. In the approach, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used first to determine the relative importance weightings or priorities of alternative warehouses with respect to both deliverer oriented and customer oriented criteria. Then, the goal programming (GP) model incorporating the constraints of system, resource, and AHP priority is formulated to select the best set of warehouses without exceeding the limited available resources. In this paper, two commercial packages are used: Expert Choice for determining the AHP priorities of the warehouses, and LINDO for solving the GP model. © 2007 IEEE.
This paper formulates several mathematical models for determining the optimal sequence of component placements and assignment of component types to feeders simultaneously or the integrated scheduling problem for a type of surface mount technology placement machines, called the sequential pick-andplace (PAP) machine. A PAP machine has multiple stationary feeders storing components, a stationary working table holding a printed circuit board (PCB), and a movable placement head to pick up components from feeders and place them to a board. The objective of integrated problem is to minimize the total distance traveled by the placement head. Two integer nonlinear programming models are formulated first. Then, each of them is equivalently converted into an integer linear type. The models for the integrated problem are verified by two commercial packages. In addition, a hybrid genetic algorithm previously developed by the authors is adopted to solve the models. The algorithm not only generates the optimal solutions quickly for small-sized problems, but also outperforms the genetic algorithms developed by other researchers in terms of total traveling distance.
This paper focuses on minimizing printed circuit board (PCB) assembly time for a chipshootermachine, which has a movable feeder carrier holding components, a movable X–Y table carrying a PCB, and a rotary turret with multiple assembly heads. The assembly time of the machine depends on two inter-related optimization problems: the component sequencing problem and the feeder arrangement problem. Nevertheless, they were often regarded as two individual problems and solved separately. This paper proposes two complete mathematical models for the integrated problem of the machine. The models are verified by two commercial packages. Finally, a hybrid genetic algorithm previously developed by the authors is presented to solve the model. The algorithm not only generates the optimal solutions quickly for small-sized problems, but also outperforms the genetic algorithms developed by other researchers in terms of total assembly time.