903 resultados para calling sites
The objective was to evaluate the performance of surveillance cultures at various body sites for Staphylococcus aureus colonization in pregnant women and newborns (NB) and the factors associated with nasal colonization. For NB, 4 sites were evaluated: nares, oropharynx, perineum, and umbilical stump (birth, third day, and weekly). For pregnant women, 4 sites during labor: anterior nares, anus, perineum, and oropharynx. Nasally colonized patients were compared with colonized only extranasally. Colonization was 53% of 392 pregnant women (methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA]: 4%) and 47% of 382 NB (MRSA: 9%). For newborn patients, the best body site was the umbilical stump (methicillin-susceptible S. aureus [MSSA]: 64%; MRSA: 68%) and the combination of nares + umbilical (MSSA: 86%; MRSA: 91%). Among pregnant women, the best body site was the anterior nares (MSSA: 59%; MRSA: 67%) and the combination of nares + oropharynx (MSSA: 83%; MRSA: 80%). A smaller number of household members were associated with MRSA carriage in pregnant women (2.2 +/- 0.6 versus 3.6 +/- 1.8; P = 0.04). In conclusion, multiple culture sites are needed. Control programs based on surveillance cultures may be compromised. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We studied the reproduction, sexual dimorphism, and diet of Oxyrhopus trigeminus from two sites in southeastern Brazil. Oxyrhopus trigeminus from Irape Power Plant (IPP) contained vitellogenic follicles and eggs in both rainy and dry seasons and clutch size was not correlated with female snout vent length (SVL). Sexual dimorphism was evident. Females attain larger SVL but males have longer tails. We found three females from Santa Clara Power Plant (SPP) with vitellogenic follicles, all of them collected in the dry season. Mean SVLs of adult females from IPP and SPP were 717.7 mm and 786 mm, respectively. Mean SVL of adult males from IPP was 553.4 mm and the single adult male from SPP was 507 mm. The diet of O. trigeminus from IPP included rodents (46.7%), lizards (33.3%), and birds (20%). The volume of individual prey items was not correlated with snake SVL. The diet of O. trigeminus from SPP included rodents (37.5%), lizards (37.5%), birds (12.5%), and marsupials (12.5%). It seemed that an ontogenetic shift may occur in individuals of this snake species from IPP.
In this work, 50 ceramic fragments from the Lago Grande and 30 from the Osvaldo archaeological site were compared to assess elemental similarities. The aim is to perform a preliminary comparison between the sites, which are located in the central Amazon, Brazil. The analytical technique employed to obtain the ceramics elemental composition was instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The data set obtained was explored by the multivariate statistical techniques of cluster, principal component and discriminant analysis. The analyzed elements were: Na, Lu, U, Yb, La, Th, Cr, Cs, Sc, Fe, Eu, Ce and Hf. The results showed the existence of at least two compositional groups for Lago Grande and Osvaldo. Each compositional group of Osvaldo archaeological site matches with one group of Lago Grande. Correlated with the archaeological background, the results suggest commercial or cultural exchange in the region, which is an indicative of socio-cultural interactions between those sites.
The Brazilian population represents an admixture of native Amerindians, Portuguese settlers and Africans who were brought as slaves during the colonization period that began in the 16th century and was followed by waves of immigrations of Europeans and Asians in the 20th century. The contribution of these different ethnic groups to the constitution of Brazilian populations from different geographic regions is variable and, in addition to environmental factors, might act by determining different allele profiles among Brazilian populations from different regions. We studied polymorphic sites at the 3' untranslated region of the HLA-G gene in individuals from a Northeastern Brazilian region and compared them to our previously published data about a Southeastern Brazilian region, located at a distance of 2589 km. Our results showed that most polymorphic sites present a similar distribution in both populations, except for the lower frequency of the +3003C allele in the Northeastern population compared to the Southeastern population. Although differences in genotypic distribution were only significant for the +3003 locus (P = 0.0201), the diversity of haplotypes was distinct for each population. These results are important for casecontrol studies on the association of human leucocyte antigen-G polymorphism with disease and also in terms of the genetic structure of two distinct Brazilian populations.
Lagoa Santa, a karstic area in eastern Central Brazil, has been subject to research on human paleontology and archaeology for 175 years. Almost 300 Paleoindian human skeletons have been found since Danish naturalist Peter Lund's pioneering work. Even so, some critical issues such as the role of rockshelters in settlement systems, and the possible paleoclimatic implications of the peopling of the region have yet to be addressed. We present some results obtained from recent excavations at four rockshelters and two open-air sites, new dates for human Paleoindian skeletons, and a model to explain the cultural patterns observed so far. It is also argued that the Paleoindian subsistence system at Lagoa Santa was similar to other locations in South America: generalized small-game hunting complemented by fruits, seed, and root gathering.
Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with inhibitory activity against the human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA2GIIA), and we have investigated suramin binding to recombinant hsPLA2GIIA using site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The changes in suramin binding affinity of 13 cationic residue mutants of the hsPLA2GIIA was strongly correlated with alterations in the inhibition of membrane damaging activity of the protein. Suramin binding to hsPLA2GIIA was also studied by MD simulations, which demonstrated that altered intermolecular potential energy of the suramin/mutant complexes was a reliable indicator of affinity change. Although residues in the C-terminal region play a major role in the stabilization of the hsPLA2GIIA/suramin complex, attractive and repulsive hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with residues throughout the protein together with the adoption of a bent suramin conformation, all contribute to the stability of the complex. Analysis of the h5PLA2GIIA/suramin interactions allows the prediction of the properties of suramin analogues with improved binding and higher affinities which may be candidates for novel phospholipase A(2) inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study focused on the structure and composition of archaeal communities in sediments of tropical mangroves in order to obtain sufficient insight into two Brazilian sites from different locations (one pristine and another located in an urban area) and at different depth levels from the surface. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was used to scan the archaeal community structure, and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were used to determine the community composition. Redundancy analysis of T-RFLP patterns revealed differences in archaeal community structure according to location, depth and soil attributes. Parameters such as pH, organic matter, potassium and magnesium presented significant correlation with general community structure. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis revealed a community composition distributed differently according to depth where, in shallow samples, 74.3% of sequences were affiliated with Euryarchaeota and 25.7% were shared between Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, while for the deeper samples, 24.3% of the sequences were affiliated with Euryarchaeota and 75.7% with Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota. Archaeal diversity measurements based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries decreased with increasing depth and there was a greater difference between depths (<18% of sequences shared) than sites (>25% of sequences shared). Taken together, our findings indicate that mangrove ecosystems support a diverse archaeal community; it might possibly be involved in nutrient cycles and are affected by sediment properties, depth and distinct locations. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Abstract Objectives To evaluate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) types, and risk factors for HPV positivity across cervix, vagina and anus, we conducted a study among 138 women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Goal Compare the prevalence of different HPV types and the risk factors for HPV positivity in three sites. Results The most frequently detected HPV types in all sites were, in decreasing order, HPV16, 53, 18, 61 and 81. Agreement between the cervix and vagina was good (kappa 0.60 – 0.80) for HPV16 and 53 and excellent (Kappa > 0.80) for HPV18 and 61. HPV positivity was inversely associated with age for all combinations including the anal site. Conclusion In HIV positive women, HPV18 is the most spread HPV type found in combinations of anal and genital sites. The relationship of anal to genital infection has implications for the development of anal malignancies. Thus, the efficacy of the current HPV vaccine may be considered not only for the cervix, but also for prevention of HPV18 anal infection among immunossuppressed individuals.
Trypanosomatidae is a family of early branching eukaryotes harbouring a distinctive repertoire of gene expression strategies. Functional mature messenger RNA is generated via the trans-splicing and polyadenylation processing of constitutively transcribed polycistronic units. Recently, trans-splicing of pre-small subunit ribosomal RNA in the 5' external transcribed spacer region and of precursor tRNAsec have been described. Here, we used a previously validated semi-nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction strategy to investigate internal transcribed spacer (ITS) I acceptor sites in total RNA from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Two distinct spliced leader-containing RNAs were detected indicating that trans-splicing reactions occur at two AG acceptor sites mapped in this ITS region. These data provide further evidence of the wide spectrum of RNA molecules that act as trans-splicing acceptors in trypanosomatids.
Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human activity (Cananéia) and in three regions (Santos Channel: SC, Santos Bay: SB and São Vicente Channel: SVC) of the Santos-São Vicente estuary impacted by various anthropogenic activities. Increases in NAE were observed in fish from SC and SVC sampled in the summer period as compared with specimens from the Cananéia estuary. These results suggest the presence of genotoxic compounds in these regions. However, the absence of significant differences in micronuclei frequency reflects slight mutagenic effects in these individuals. It is possible that the lower NAE frequency in specimens from SB might be associated with the greater remobilization and dilution of chemicals in this region. The low frequency of NAE in C. spixii from the Cananéia estuary is in accordance with the slight anthropogenic influence in this system, and may be suggestive of the absence of genotoxic and mutagenic effects in these organisms.
The quantum chemical investigations presented in this thesis use hybrid density functional theory to shed light on the catalytic mechanisms of mononuclear non-heme iron oxygenases, accommodating a ferrous ion in their active sites. More specifically, the dioxygen activation process and the subsequent oxidative reactions in the following enzymes were studied: tetrahydrobiopterin-dependent hydroxylases, naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase and α-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes. In light of many experimental efforts devoted to the functional mimics of non-heme iron oxygenases, the reactivity of functional analogues was also examined. The computed energetics and the available experimental data served to assess the feasibility of the reaction mechanisms investigated. Dioxygen activation in tetrahydrobiopterin- and α-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes were found to involve a high-valent iron-oxo species, which was then capable of substrate hydroxylation. In the case of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, the reactivity of an iron(III)-hydroxperoxo species toward the substrate was investigated and compared to the biomimetic counterpart.
Il continuo verificarsi di gravi incidenti nei grandi impianti industriali ha spinto gli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea a dotarsi di una politica comune in materia di prevenzione dei grandi rischi industriali. Anche a seguito della pressione esercitata dall’opinione pubblica sono state implementate, nel corso degli ultimi quarant’anni, misure legislative sempre più efficaci per la prevenzione e la mitigazione dei rischi legati ad attività industriali particolarmente pericolose. A partire dagli ultimi anni dello scorso secolo, l’Unione Europea ha emanato una serie di direttive che obbligano gli Stati membri ad essere garanti della sicurezza per l’uomo e per l’ambiente nelle zone circostanti a stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante. In quest’ottica è stata pubblicata nel 1982 la Direttiva Seveso I [82/501/EEC], che è stata ampliata nel 1996 dalla Direttiva Seveso II [96/82/CE] ed infine emendata nel dicembre 2003 dalla Direttiva Seveso III [2003/105/CE]. Le Direttive Seveso prevedono la realizzazione negli Stati membri di una valutazione dei rischi per gli stabilimenti industriali che sono suscettibili a incendi, esplosioni o rilasci di gas tossici (quali, ad esempio, le industrie chimiche, le raffinerie, i depositi di sostanze pericolose). La Direttiva Seveso II è stata trasposta in legge belga attraverso “l’Accord de Coopération” del 21 giugno 1999. Una legge federale nel giugno del 2001 [M.B. 16/06/2001] mette in vigore “l’Accord de Coopération”, che è stato in seguito emendato e pubblicato il 26 aprile del 2007 [M.B. 26/04/2007]. A livello della Regione Vallona (in Belgio), la tematica del rischio di incidente rilevante è stata inclusa nelle disposizioni decretali del Codice Vallone della Pianificazione Territoriale, dell’Urbanismo e del Patrimonio [CWATUP]. In questo quadro la Regione Vallona ha elaborato in collaborazione con la FPMs (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons) una dettagliata metodologia di analisi del rischio per gli stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante. In Italia la Direttiva Seveso II è stata recepita dal Decreto Legislativo n°334 emanato nell’agosto del 1999 [D. Lgs. 334/99], che ha introdotto per la prima volta nel quadro normativo italiano i concetti fondamentali di “controllo dell’urbanizzazione” e “requisiti minimi di sicurezza per la pianificazione territoriale”. Il Decreto Legislativo 334/99 è attualmente in vigore, modificato ed integrato dal Decreto Legislativo n°238 del 21 settembre 2005 [D. Lgs. 238/05], recepimento italiano della Direttiva Seveso III. Tra i decreti attuativi del Decreto Legislativo 334/99 occorre citare il Decreto Ministeriale n°151 del 2001 [D. M. 151/01] relativo alla pianificazione territoriale nell’intorno degli stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi, che è stato sviluppato presso la Faculté Polytechnique di Mons, è quello di analizzare la metodologia di quantificazione del rischio adottata nella Regione Vallona, con riferimento alla pianificazione territoriale intorno agli stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante, e di confrontarla con quella applicata in Italia. La metodologia applicata in Vallonia è di tipo “probabilistico” ovvero basata sul rischio quale funzione delle frequenze di accadimento e delle conseguenze degli scenari incidentali. Il metodo utilizzato in Italia è “ibrido”, ovvero considera sia le frequenze che le conseguenze degli scenari incidentali, ma non la loro ricomposizione all’interno di un indice di rischio. In seguito al confronto teorico delle due metodologie, se ne è effettuato anche una comparazione pratica tramite la loro applicazione ad un deposito di GPL. Il confronto ha messo in luce come manchino, nella legislazione italiana relativa agli stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante, indicazioni di dettaglio per la quantificazione del rischio, a differenza di quanto accade nella legislazione belga. Ciò lascia all’analista di rischio italiano una notevole arbitrarietà nell’effettuare ipotesi ed assunzioni che rendono poi difficile la comparazione del rischio di stabilimenti differenti. L’auspicio è che tale lacuna possa essere rapidamente superata.