986 resultados para bandwidth 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz
Studies were carried out mostly in the area of RMS Titanic wreck site (41°44'N, 49°57'W) located above the continental slope and the south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. In a period from 18.06 to 24.09.2001 five surveys of production characteristics of surface phytoplankton were conducted over 5-9 days. Mean values of these characteristics obtained during the surveys were 9.2-11.7 mg C/m**3 per day for primary production (C_phs), 0.102-0.188 mg/m**3 for chlorophyll a (C_chls), and 4.44-7.42 mg C/mg chl. a per hour for assimilation number (AN). The main reason for low C_phs variability was a significant inverse relationship (R=-0.66) between AN and C_chls found over the research area. When cold shelf waters dominated in the area (27.07 to 19.08.2001), C_chls values for the slope region (0.125+/-0.031 µg/l) and for the outer shelf (0.130+/-0.040 µg/l) were similar. During strengthening of influence of warmer slope waters within area (from 29.08 to 13.09.2001), C_chls concentration within surface waters of the outer shelf was 0.152+/-0.039 µg/l and exceeded one for the slope region (0.094+/-0.004 µg/l) by factor 1.6. Against the background of low Cchls values, the High values of integral primary production in the water column (510-1010 mg C/m**2 per day) at low C_chls values measured within the area were determined both by high assimilation activity of phytoplankton and by the deep (30-40 m) maximum of primary production. Main reasons for formation of such a maximum were high chlorophyll concentration within the layer of the deep chlorophyll maximum (up to 0.5-2.5 µg/l) and in the relatively high solar irradiance within this layer varying from 1.4 to 8.6% of subsurface PAR.
During the MARGASCH cruise M52/1 in 2001 with RV Meteor we sampled surface sediments from three stations in the crater of the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV, located in the Sorokin Trough of the Black Sea) and one reference station situated 15 km to the northeast of the DMV. We analysed the pore water for sulphide, methane, alkalinity, sulphate, and chloride concentrations and determined the concentrations of particulate organic carbon, carbonate and sulphur in surface sediments. Rates of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) were determined using a radiotracer (14CH4) incubation method. Numerical transport-reaction models were applied to derive the velocity of upward fluid flow through the quiescently dewatering DMV, to calculate rates of AOM in surface sediments, and to determine methane fluxes into the overlying water column. According to the model, AOM consumes 79% of the average methane flux from depth (8.9 x 10**+ 6 mol a**-1), such that the resulting dissolved methane emission from the volcano into the overlying bottom water can be determined as 1.9 x 10**+ 6 mol a**-1. If it is assumed that all submarine mud volcanoes (SMVs) in the Black Sea are at an activity level like the DMV, the resulting seepage represents less than 0.1% of the total methane flux into this anoxic marginal sea. The new data from the DMV and previously published studies indicate that an average SMV emits about 2.0 x 10**+ 6 mol a**-1 into the ocean via quiescent dewatering. The global flux of dissolved methane from SMVs into the ocean is estimated to fall into the order of 10**+10 mol a**-1. Additional methane fluxes arise during periods of active mud expulsion and gas bubbling occurring episodically at the DMV and other SMVs.