843 resultados para audio features


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The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally.


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Collaborative Systems are designed to support individuals in order to solve a problem together, or cooperatively (or collaboratively). Such systems have the advantage of not requiring the presence in the same location of the participants. The basis of any Collaborative System is communication, where users interact with each other in order to exchange information. Communication among individuals is accomplished through collaborative tools such as chat, email, document repository, etc.. Using these tools, companies can reduce operational costs, saving on travel and accommodation of its employees to attend meetings. The project members only need a computer with internet access to use collaborative tools. Project management is essential to the quality of the nal product. To perform a proper management, methodologies must be applied using methods, tools and procedures. There are some phases that are considered generic for all software process models, they are: de nition, development, maintenance and activity to support the software process. In this paper is described a platform for project management using the concepts and features of Collaborative Systems. The goal of this platform is to unify various collaborative tools (such as chat and document repository) in a project management system. Using the system, it becomes possible to manage projects, and the ability to maintain an active constant communication between members of each project


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The teaching of hearing physiology requires an knowledge integration of Human Anatomy, Biophysics, more precisely Bioacoustics and Bioelectrogenesis, as well as Neurophysiology. Students present difficulty to build knowledge about functional mechanisms of sound conduction and sensory transduction, especially if the elements are not visible forms, as the middle and inner ear structures. To make the teaching about hearing physiology and sensory perception easier, was produced a set of didactical materials about the subject. At first, a resin model that faithfully describes the anatomical relationship of the ossicles with the tympanic membrane was developed. Subsequently, a second model that, besides illustrates the mechanism of acoustic impedance overcoming, also reveals how acoustic sensorial transduction occurs in inner ear, was designed and produced. In the third didactical model, are visualized, through students interaction, areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret the different sensory modalities. In addition, were created three educational videos about hearing problems and a site on Human Hearing Physiology, available on Institute of Biosciences website. The results of this course conclusion monograph are presented in the form of articles that were submitted to Journal Physics in the School and the Journal of the Nucleus of Teaching


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This study evaluated the influence of finishing and polishing procedures and differ-ent fluoride solutions on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resinSupreme XT (3M) through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Circular specimens (n 5 30) of 10mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared, with half of the sample assays finished and polishedwith Super-Snap1sandpaper. The experimental groups were divided according to the presence or ab-sence of finishing and polishing and solutions (arti ficial saliva, 0.0 5% of manipulated sodium fluoridesolution, Fluordent Re ach, Oral B, Fluorgard). Specimens were immersed in each respective solutionfor 1 min per day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 37 6 18C between immersion peri-ods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. It was observed that specimens submitted tofinishing and polishing procedures had lower superficial degradation. Fluoride solutio ns promoted su-perficial alterations on specimens, being the highest degradation obtained with Fluordent Reach. Itca n be concluded that finishing and polishing procedures and the immersion media influence the su-perficial morphology of composite resin tested; the Fluordent Reach was the flu oride solution thatmo st affected the material’s surface.


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Aims: The study evaluated the influence of light curing units and immersionmedia on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M)through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Light curing units with different power densitiesand mode of application used were XL 3000 (480 mW/cm2), Jet Lite 4000 Plus (1230mW/cm2), andUltralume Led 5 (790 mW/cm2) and immersion media were artificial saliva, Coke1, tea and coffee,totaling 12 experimental groups. Specimens (10 mm 3 2 mm) were immersed in each respectivesolution for 5 min, three times a day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 378C 6 18Cbetween immersion periods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. Findings: Groupsimmersed in artificial saliva, showed homogeneous degradation of matrix and deposition of calciumat the material surface. Regarding coffee, there was a reasonable chemical degradation with loss ofload particles and deposition of ions. For tea, superficial degradation occurred in specific areaswith deposition of calcium, carbon, potassium and phosphorus. For Coke1, excessive matrix degra-dation and loss of load particles with deposition of calcium, sodium, and potassium. Conclusion:Light curing units did not influence the superficial morphology of composite resin tested, but theimmersion beverages did. Coke1affected material’s surface more than did the other tested drinks.Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:176–181, 2010.


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Angioinvasion/angiodestruction has been reported in a small subset of primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphomas (PCALCL). Recently, PCALCL with angioinvasive features and cytotoxic phenotype has been characterized as a variant associated with good clinical outcomes despite worrisome histopathologic features. We report a case of PCALCL with angioinvasive features and cytotoxic phenotype associated with reparative changes on the wall of medium-sized vessels involved by the neoplasm, including intimal fibroblastic proliferation and luminal obliteration. This vascular pattern, although previously unreported in PCALCL, is in accordance with the indolent behavior observed in this entity and provides a further link with lymphomatoid papulosis type E.


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The aim of the present study was to characterize biopsied and stripped oocytes from the Brazilian endangered teleost pirapitinga (Brycon nattereri) using histochemical and morphological analyses. Biopsied oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.225 mm (modal diameter: 2.312 mm), complete vitellogenesis and a central or slightly eccentric nucleus. Neutral polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells, zona radiata and yolk globules, while acidic polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells and cortical alveoli. Ten out of the 19 females treated with two doses of carp pituitary extract (cPE) released oocytes, which were also analysed. Stripping occurred 292 +/- 39 degree-hours after the second dose of cPE and led to a mean spawning weight of 36.2 g, 10% spawning index, 241 oocytes/g of ova, 8222 oocytes/female and 23 oocytes/g of body weight. Stripped oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.33 mm and a mode at 2.375 mm, were weakly adhesive and coloration ranged from wine to brown. Under scanning electron microscopy, stripped oocytes exhibited a single funnel-shaped micropyle located at the animal pole and a zona radiata that measured 7.7 m in thickness with eight pore canals/m(2). Oocyte morphology in Brycon nattereri is similar to that found in other species of the genus, except for the larger size and weaker adhesiveness. These findings provide essential information for a better understanding of the reproductive biology of B. nattereri and the establishment of conservation measures for this threatened species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents an investigation into some practical issues that may be present in a real experiment, when trying to validate the theoretical frequency response curve of a two degree-of-freedom nonlinear system consisting of coupled linear and nonlinear oscillators. Some specific features, such as detached resonance curves, have been theoretically predicted in multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, when subject to harmonic excitation, and the system parameters have been shown to be fundamental in achieving such features. When based on a simplified model, approximate analytical expression for the frequency response curves may be derived, which may be validated by the numerical solutions. In a real experiment, however, the practical achievability of such features was previously shown to be greatly affected by small disturbances induced by gravity and inertia, which led to some solutions becoming unstable which had been predicted to be stable. In this work a practical system configuration is proposed where such effects are reduced so that the previous limitations are overcome. A virtual experiment is carried out where a detailed multi-body model of the oscillator is assembled and the effects on the system response are investigated.


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In this work we present a Raman study of PbZr1-xTi xO3 ceramics with composition values close to the morphotropic phase boundary region. The analysis of the Raman spectra leads to the determination of the monoclinic phase extension at different temperatures in a very good agreement with those determined by diffraction techniques. Therefore the obtained results show that Raman spectroscopy is a powerful and suitable technique to study structural phase transitions in PbZr 1-xTixO3. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.


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Cherubism is a congenital childhood disease of autosomal dominant inheritance. This disease is characterized by painless bilateral enlargement of the jaws, in which bone is replaced with fibrous tissue. The condition has sui generis clinical, radiographic and histological features, of which the clinician should be aware for a better differential diagnosis in the presence of a fibro-osseous lesion affecting the bones of the maxillomandibular complex. The purpose of present paper was to review the literature and to report the most important aspects of cherubism in order to facilitate the study of this disease. Literature was reviewed about cherubism, emphasizing the relevant clinicoradiographic features and treatment. Literature was selected through a search of PubMed and Scielo electronic databases. The keywords used for search were adolescent, cherubism, cherubism/physiopathology, cherubism/treatment, cherubism/radiography. A manual search of the reference lists of the identified articles and the authors' article files and recent reviews was conducted to identify additional publications. Those studies that described new features about cherubism were included in this review. In total 44 literature sources were obtained and reviewed. Studies that described new features about cherubism physiopathology, diagnostics and treatment were reviewed. Despite the exceptions, cherubism is a clinically well-characterized disease. In cases of a suspicion of cherubism, radiographic examination is essential since the clinical presentation, the location and distribution of the lesions may define the diagnosis. Histopathological examination is complementary. Nowadays, genetic tests should be used for final diagnosis of cherubism.