992 resultados para associação de espécies


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A S(+) cetamina é um fármaco amplamente utilizado na medicina para induzir anestesia e a associação com midazolam é empregada para minimizar seus efeitos adversos. Associações medicamentosas podem resultar em interações farmacocinéticas e a disponibilidade de métodos bioanalíticos para a determinação da cetamina em plasma constitui ferramenta útil para a avaliação do perfil cinético do fármaco administrado isoladamente ou em associação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação de um método analítico para determinação da cetamina em plasma por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e a investigação do perfil farmacocinético da cetamina em quatro cães hígidos da raça Beagle. A S(+) cetamina (10mg/kg) foi administrada pela veia cefálica em dose única isoladamente (protocolo I) ou associada ao midazolam (0.2mg/kg) (protocolo II) em estudo cruzado com intervalo de uma semana para washout. Amostras seriadas de sangue foram coletadas no intervalo de oito horas e analisadas por HPLC para a avaliação do perfil farmacocinético utilizando modelo bicompartimental. O método bioanalítico apresentou limites de confiança aceitáveis para sua aplicação em estudos de farmacocinética e os parâmetros área sob a curva (ASC0-8), volume de distribuição (Vd), clearance total (Clt), meia vida de eliminação (t/12 ß), constante de eliminação (ß), meia vida de distribuição (t1/2α) e constante de distribuição (α) não mostraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a redução dos efeitos colaterais da cetamina decorrente do uso da associação cetamina-midazolam não está relacionada a alterações no perfil farmacocinético da cetamina.


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Six cats weighting 3.3±0.3 kg were randomly allocated to 6 treatments, with at least one-week intervals. The cats received intramuscular administration of physiological saline (control), methadone (0.3 mg/ kg), acepromazine (0,1 mg/kg), xylazine (1.0 mg/kg), acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg) plus methadone (0.3 mg/kg) or xylazine (0.5 mg/kg) plus methadone (0.3 mg/kg). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), indirect systolic arterial pressure (SAP), rectal temperature, sedation score and pedal withdrawal reflex were evaluated before (baseline) and at selected intervals after treatment administration for 90 minutes. Respiratory rate, HR and rectal temperature decreased in cats given xylazine or xylazine plus methadone. In 1 out of 6 cats given xylazine and 2 out of 6 cats given xylazine/methadone, pedal withdrawal reflex was absent. In cats given 0.1 mg/kg of acepromazine, SAP decreased compared to baseline. Sedation scores were greater in cats given xylazine or xylazine plus methadone. Methadone alone or in combination with acepromazine did not produce a satisfactory degree of sedation and resulted in signs of excitement in some of the cats. Methadone alone or combination with acepromazine was not considered an effective protocol when moderate to deep sedation is required in cats. Methadone in combination with xylazine produces moderate to deep sedation, being this effect comparable to that achieved with a higher dose of xylazine alone.


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Because nonespecific symptoms and signs are associated with others well-established in the temporomandibular disorders, it is difficult for the clinician to decide what symptoms and signs should be considered during the diagnosis and the treatment plan. Therefore, the aim of this literature review was to evaluate the prevalence of aural symptoms (otalgias, tinnitus, dizziness and deafness) in patients with orofacial pain. Although several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the association between aural symptoms and temporomandibular disorders, the results of the previous studies differed in magnitude. For this reason, it is difficult to establish the prevalence of these aural symptoms concomitantly with temporomandibular disorders. Moreover, such relationship does not necessarily imply a cause-effect relationship. Because of the diagnosis complexity, different treatments must be considered, so the nonespecific symptoms of temporomandibular disorders can be effectively controlled as well. It is crucial for the the clinician to be aware of the possible etiology of aural symptoms, so he should determine if such symptoms may be associated with temporomandibular disorders and thus include them in the treatment.


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This research aimed to compare the development of four grasses species irrigated by dripping with an effluent from a domestic wastewater station treatment in a small rural community, and supply water from Sabesp. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the FCA/UNESP (Botucatu - SP) for 12 months in a completely randomized 4 × 3 factorial design, with four replications, totalizing 48 parcels. Grass species used in this experiment were: Santo Agostinho (Stenotaphrum secandatum (Walt.) Kuntze); Bermudas (Cynodum dactylon); Esmeralda (Zoysia japônica) and São Carlos (Axnopus sp). The treatments were: T1- Irrigation with re-use; T2- Irrigation with re-use + chemical fertilization and T3- Irrigation with supply water from Sabesp + chemical fertilization (control). Data were submitted to comparison of means by Tukey's test at 5 %. The results showed that nitrogen in the wastewater was enough for the good development of the grass species. However, its use caused higher potassium loss.


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This study aimed at characterizing the potential for natural regeneration of native vegetation in the under-story of an earlier Eucalyptus saligna Smith production stand. The study was carried out at the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga municipality, SP, in a 45 ha third rotation stand; which had been abandoned 15 years ago for natural regeneration to occur. The sampling was done in 24 plots of 20 × 40 m. The sampled area was of 19,200 m2, with inventory made of 100% of the eucalyptus trees. All regeneration trees with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH ≥ 5.0 cm were measured, as well as adult individuals with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm; surveyed in two size classes. 1,417 individuals of E. saligna were measured, with a density of 738,02 individuals/ha and a basal area of 22.69 m2/ha. Among 2,763 natural regeneration individuals, 111 species belonged to 66 genera and 34 botanical families. The species represented 43.7% of the tree richness of neighboring native forest fragments. The total estimated density and the basal area were respectively 1,052.6 individuals/ha and 6.4 m2/ha of autochthonous trees with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm (Class 1); while for regeneration there were 3,864.58 individuals/ha, and 2.76 m2/ha of individuals with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH < 5.0 cm (Class 2). Shannon diversity (H') was 2.83 and 3.68, respectively, for Classes 1 and 2, and the corrected species richness for a 1000-individual sample (R1000) were 75.6 and 87.29 (Fisher's a index) for the same classes. The majority of the species (34.84%) was typical from the understory of wet tropical forest and had zoochoric fruit dispersal (67.57%). The results indicate that, under these conditions, a eucalyptus forest is able to provide adequate regeneration niches for native vegetation, and may represent a sink habitat for local populations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the dry mass yield and chemical composition of four Brachiaria species in different options for sowing, exclusively or in intercrop with corn crop, under a no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out during the growing seasons of 2006 at FEPE (FE/Unesp, Ilha Solteira Campus) located in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The soil of the experimental area was classified as distroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme (4 × 4), with five replications. The treatments consisted of four Brachiaria species (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria ruziziensis and Mulato II grass) grown in rows and spread on total area, exclusively or intercropped simultaneously with corn crop sowing. The study evaluated the dry mass yield and total digestible nutrients, crude protein, ash, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicelluloses, cellulose and lignin content of forage. The spread on total area intercrop of forages with corn crop proved to be viable by presenting similar dry mass yield to exclusive sowing arrangements, conversely to what happened with intercrop in row of corn crop, which decreased such yield. Brachiaria ruziziensis showed superior chemical composition and the intercrops increased energy and crude protein contents, and decreased cell wall components.


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Objective: To evaluate the periodontal condition of pregnant women and to analyze the influence of maternal variables - socioeconomic-demographic data, health, deleterious habits and access to dental service - and the existence of the Family Health Program (FHP) at the public assistance services to pregnant women. Method: This evaluation was part of a cohort study with pregnant women and children conducted in two cities of the São Paulo State, one of which with an implemented FHP. Oral examinations were done using the Community Periodontal and Periodontal Attachment Loss Indexes, and semi-structured interviews with the pregnant women at their homes. Data were analyzed statistically by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level (α=0.05). Results: All pregnant women (n=119) registered at the public health service of each city were examined. The mean age was 24.7 years; 61.4% were black or black/white mixed-race women; most (65.5%) earned 2-3 minimum wages, and only 6.7% initiated higher education. Only 8% of the patients presented periodontal health. Bleeding and calculus were observed in 66% of them, and shallow and deep periodontal pockets in 20%. Periodontal attachment loss > 4 mm was observed in 24% of the pregnant women. The group was homogeneous as to the maternal characteristics, age (p=0.0384) and smoking (p=0.0102) being the only factors associated with periodontal disease. The existence of a FHP at the public assistance service was not associated with a lower prevalence of the disease. Conclusion: The findings of this study show a high prevalence of periodontal alterations during pregnancy, with no influence from the existence of a FHP on the observed conditions. Among the risk variables, age and smoking were the factors associated with the presence of periodontal disease. There is a need for a better planing and accomplishment of oral health actions during the prenatal period.


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Culture options for the autumn-winter season are a major problem for production systems under low rainfall. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the sowing season on dry matter yield, nutrient content of the shoot and soil covering percentage of coverage plants on the soil on the intercrop: grain sorghum, rattlepods, pearl millet brachiaria grass and an area with weeds (fallow). The experiment was conducted under field conditions on an Oxisol (Haplustox), clay texture, in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight replications, two sowing seasons and five coverage treatments. When the sorghum culture of the first sowing season reached the harvest stage, the dry matter yield on the other treatments was evaluated. Results showed that sowing in March results in higher dry mass yield and higher soil coverage percentage in the studied species. In the first sowing season, Brachiaria brizantha presents higher dry matter yield and macronutrients extraction.


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Seeds of Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii (Bromelioideae); Dyckia duckei, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae) and Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) were collected in the Amazon regions (Mato Grosso) and studied to describe morphological characterization and post-seminal development, which can be taxonomically useful, and to assess percent germination. All the species have epigeous germination and produce cryptocotyledonary plantlets. Seeds have no dormancy and percent germination is high (over 86%), which facilitates the production of seedlings and conservation studies. Exclusive characteristics of the genera include: the seed coat of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) has mucilage that prevents desiccation; whereas that of Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) has membranaceous wings and that of Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae) has feathery appendages, both of which make dispersal easier and establish the epiphytic habit. Initial post-seminal development of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) is marked by the emergence of primary roots, interpreted as a basal character, whereas that of Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) is marked by the emergence of the cotyledon, interpreted as a derived character. Dyckia and Tillandsia have a small tank only in the seedling phase while the contrary occurs in Aechmea.


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This study evaluated the effect of different fungicide and sodium hypochlorite treatments in reducing the incidence of fungi on seeds of native species of the Atlantic rainforest. The experiment was done using the completely randomized design in a 5×5 factorial with five levels of factor A (forest species) and five levels of factor B (chemical treatment and surface disinfection with sodium hypochlorite) with four replications. The fungal genera Fusarium, Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium were identified. The species 'Jacarandáda- Bahia' and 'Ipê-roxo' had lower fungal incidence, 1.0% and 1.3%, respectively. Except for 'Angico Vermelho', the fungicide pencycurom and sodium hypochlorite were not significantly different from the control in the species evaluated. Seed treatment with fungicides 'Captan' and 'Tiram' yielded satisfactory results in reducing the incidence of fungal contamination in forest species seeds.


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Objectives: To evaluate the association between the consumption of different dietary fats with the quality of the diet, insulin resistance, and hyperhomocysteinemia in adults. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with 624 overweight subjects (73.7% females). Assessments of food intake (24h food recall and health eating index-HEI), anthropometry, and biochemical assays of fasting glucose, insulin (HOMA-IR and β calculus) and homocysteinemia were performed. Results: The low quality of diet was associated with the vegetable oil at 3rd quintile (≥1.5-2.0 servings) showed risk 2.9 times and cholesterol at quintiles 2nd, 3rd, and 4th was 2.0 times. HOMA-IR was higher at 5th quintile of saturated fat (≥10,7% - total caloric value) with risk of 60% and hyperhomocysteinemia the vegetable oil at 3rd quintile (>1.5-2.0 servings) with risk of 12.0 times and 5th (≥3.5 servings) 7.1 times. However, significance disappeared when adjusted for anthropometric variables. Conclusion: Dietary fats were associated with the harm diet quality, insulin resistance, and hyperhomocysteinemia. However, associations are dependant of demographic variables, dietetic, and nutritional state. © 2011 CELOM.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)