975 resultados para antimalaric chemotherapy
The future of antimalarial chemotherapy is particulary alarming in view of the spread of parasite cross-resistances to drugs that are not even structurally related. Only the availability of new pharmacological models will make it possible to select molecules with novel mechanisms of action, thus delaving resistance and allowing the development of new chemotherapeutic strategies. We reached this objective in mice. Our approach is hunged on fundamental and applied research begun in 1980 to investigate to phospholipid (PL) metabolism of intraerythrocytic Plasmodium. This metabolism is abundant, specific and indispensable for the production of Plasmodium membranes. Any drug to interfere with this metabolism blocks parasitic development. The most effective interference yet found involves blockage of the choline transporter, which supplies Plasmodium with choline for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, its major PL, this is a limiting step in the pathway. The drug sensitivity thereshold is much lower for the parasite, which is more dependent on this metabolism than host cells. The compounds show in vitro activity against P. falciparum at 1 to 10 nM. They show a very low toxicity against a lymphblastoid cell line, demonstrating a total abscence of correlation between growth inhibition of parasites and lymphoblastoid cells. They show antimalarial activity in vivo, in the P. berghei or P. chabaudi/mouse system, at doses 20-to 100-fold lower than their in acute toxicity limit. The bioavailability of a radiolabeled form of the product seemed to be advantageous (slow blood clearance and no significant concentration in tissues). Lastly, the compounds are inexpensive to produce. They are stable and water-soluble.
Undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver is a rare primary tumor of childhood: only about 150 cases have been reported in the literature. CASE-REPORT: A 10 year-old girl was admitted because of diarrhea and weight loss. Sonography, then CT-scan and MRI showed a large tumor of the liver. COMMENTS: In the differential diagnosis of primary liver tumors in children, one should think about undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver, especially if imaging shows haemorrhagic foci and if sonography and CT/MRI display a discordant appearance. Survival has improved in the last decade due to agressive surgery and intensive chemotherapy.
I have been employed by several different organizations during over 30 years working on schistosomiasis, the majority spent in endemic areas of Caribean, South America, Africa and the Western Pacific. Much of the work is best classified as applied research but sometimes it strayed to the extremes of either public health control programmes or pure research. Over this period, there have been several significant research developments that have altered our whole approach to control. Ideally, research and control should complement each other but, in reality, they sometimes have conflicting objectives. Public health workers understandably wish to provide immediate, shot-term protection to the communities in their care, but research workers may, within ethical limits, reasonably want to observe untreated communities for extended periods in order to understand the underluing process of transmission, disease pathogenesis and immunity to help develop more effective control measures. An example of this situation has occured recently in Senegal where water development projects seem to have favoured the introduction and spreed of Schistosoma mansoni in the Senegal River Basin. I have been asked to be the scientific consultant to the newly formed ESPOIR programme, linking European research organizations and the Senegal Ministry of Health, to reconcile the conflictiong aims of public health workers, wishing to use whatever funds can be obtained for an immediate chemotherapy to try to eliminate the focus, at present confined to the vicinity of a relatively small, commercially run sugar irrigation scheme; and research workers who see a rare chance to study the development of immune mechanisms in a adults in a community not previously exposed to the infection. This information could prove invaluable in understanding the development of immunity and the pathogenesis of disease, leading eventually to the development of vaccines to revolutionise the future approach to schistosomiasis...
Optical and electron microscopical evidences of focal matrix degradation were frequently seen in liver sections taken from patients with periportal ("pipe-stem") fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni. Besides present of focal areas of rarefaction, fragmentation and dispersion of collagen fibers, the enlargend portal spaces also showed hyperplasia of elastic tisue and disarray of smooth muscle fibers following the destrution of portal vein branches. Ultrastructural cahnges represented by focal lytic and/or electron dense alterations of colagen fibrils were similar to those first seen in experimental material and designated as "chronic collagen degradation". Elastin and related microfibrils were also affected by focal condensation, fragmentation, distorsion and dissolution. Schistosome eggs were scanty in the tissue sections examined. Matrix degradation represented involuting changes related to the progressive diminution of parasite aggression, which occurs spontaneously with age or after cure by chemotherapy. Changes of focal matrix degradation now being described represent the basic morphological counterpart of periportal fibrosis involution documented clinically, especially by ultrasonography, in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis submitted to curative chemotherapy.
Experiences with population-based chemotherapy and other methods for the control of schistosomiasis mansoni in two subsaharan foci are described. In the forest area of Maniema (Zaire), intense transmission of Schistosoma mansoni, high prevalences and intensities of infection, and important morbidity have been documental. Taking into account the limited financial means and the poor logistic conditions, the control strategy has been based mainly on targeted chemotherapy of heavily infected people (>600 epg). After ten years of intervention, prevalences and intensities have hardly been affected, but the initial severe hepatosplenic morbidity has almost disappeared. In Burundi, a national research and control programme has been initiated in 1982. Prevalences, intensities and morbidity were moderate, transmission was focal and erratic in time and space. A more structural control strategy was developed, based on screening and selective therapy, health education, sanitation and domestic water supply. Prevalences and intensities have been considerably reduced, though the results show focal and unpredicatable variations. Transmission and reinfection were not signifcantly affected by chemotherapy alone, and eventual outcome of repeated selective treatment appears to be limited by the sensitivity of the screening method. Intestinal morbidity was strongly reduced by community-based selective treatment, but hepatosplenic enlargement was hardly affected; this is possibly due to the confounding impact of increasing malaria morbidity. The experiences show the importance of local structures and conditions for the development of an adapted control strategy. It is further concluded that population-based chemotherapy is a highly valid tool for the rapid control of morbidity, but should in most operational conditions not be considered as a tool for transmission control. Integration of planning, execution and surveillance in regular health services...
The specific treatment of schistosomiasis has been though to prevent or revert severe forms of the disease, since 1957. Starting in 1977, prospective and controlled studies performed in different endemic areas of Brazil were able to confirm such facts. The new drugs, of high efficacy and well tolerated - Oxamniquine and Praziquantel - can actually prevent and cure the severe forms of some patients, contributing to change the morbidity pattern of the disease, thus being considered as important weapons in its control. Analysis of the Brazilian articles on the subject is presented.
Our views are based, on a recent study of a district of Uniao dos Palmares (Alagoas). Although being a very compact community (32 city blocks holding two thousand families), transmission is very uneven, the geometric mean egg counts in the various blocks ranging between extremes of 96 and 1920. (Results do not correlate with the availability of domestic water supply). We thus are led to conclude that: (a) transmission is primarily peridomestic, resulting from pollution of open ditches and other collections of water; (b) control of transmission can be done on a selective basis, requiring quite medest investments. Given the inefficacy of population-based chemotherapy, when used alone, the author insists that this alternative cannot any longer be overlooked. He also regrets the emphasis placed upon vaccine development; allegations that this would, at any rate, prevent severe morbidity can be dismissed, since-whatever the cause-morbidity due to schistosomiasis has been rapidly declining in Northeast Brazil.
Schistosomiasis in Americawith the exception of Brazil, behaves as a chronic mild disease with few clinical manifestations due to low parasite burden. These features restrict the clinical and parasitological diagnosis. The most commonly used stool examination method, Kato-Katz, becomes intensitive when the majority of individuals excrete less than 100 eggs/g of feces. In view that antigen-detecting techniques have not been able to reveal light infections, the antibody detecting assays remain as a very valuable diagnostic tool for epidemiological surveillance. The Venezuelan Schistosomiasis Research group (CECOICE) has designed a mass chemotherapy strategy based on sero-diagnosis. Since blood sampling is one of the important limitating factors for large seroepidemiological trials we developed a simple capillary technique that sucessfully overcomed most of the limitations of blood drawing. In this sense, ELISA seems to be the most adecuate test for epidemiological studies. Soluble egg Schistosoma mansoni antigen (SEA) has been largely used in Venezuela. The sensitivity ELISA-SEA in our hands is 90% moreover its specific reach 92% when populations from non-endemic areas but heavily infected with other intestinal parasites are analyzed. The Schistosomiasis Control Program is currently carrying out the surveillance of endemic areas using ELISA-SEA as the first screening method, followed by the Circumoval Precipitin test for validation assay. The results with these two serological techniques allowed us to defined the criteria of chemotherapy in populations of the endemic areas. On the search of better diagnostic technique, Alkaline Phosphatase Immunoenzyme Assay (APIA) is being evaluated in field surveys.
The schistosomiasis is transmitted by Biomphalaria tenagophila in our study area (Pedro de Toledo, Sao Paulo, Brazil). From 1980 to 1990 epidemiological surveys in a population of 4.000 inhabitants, has shown that: prevalence Kato-Katz (KKT), immunofluorescence (FT) and intradermal (IDT) techniques were 22.8%, 55.5% and 51.8% respectively; intensity of infection was low, 58.5 eggs per gram of faeces (epg); there were no symptomatic cases; prevalences were higher in mates, children and rural zone; index of potential contamination was 57.5% in the age group 5 to 20 years; 2/3 of patients were autochtonous; cases were no-randomly aggregated; transmission was focal and only 0.4% of snails were infected; water contacts through recreation showed the most important odds ratio; knowledge, attitudes and practices were satisfatory. From the epidemiological control findings a control programme was carried out; yearly faeces exams, chemotherapy, molluscocide, health education and sanitation. Thus, the prevalence decreased sharply to 3.3% and intensity of infection to 30.3 epg; the incidence rates ranged between 0.4% and 2.5% annualy; the sanitation became better and the youngsters were the main target in prophylaxis. To improve control, immunodiagnosis has to be conducted and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection, therapeutic failure, etc, could play a major role in the maintnance this residual prevalence.
Schistosomiasis control seems to be different in countries were low parasitic burden and asymptomatic clinical patients are the features of majority of cases. Immunological methods must substitute the traditional coprologic techniques used for some decades in the Control Program. Circumoval Precipitin Test (COPT), intradermal test and ELISA with soluble egg antigen (SEA) are evaluated for using as tools for seroepidemiologic studies. COPT and ELISA were performed after treatment to known their utility when impact of chemotherapy must be assessed. One hundred sixty five persons were followed up 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after treatment. The mean sensitivity of CPT studied by age groups was 95.6% which is very important considering that 88.4% of the studied population excreted less than 100 egg/gr of feces, while sensitivity of intradermal test was 58.2%. Children showed the highest ractivity to COPT. When treatment is effective, COPT reactivity progressively disminish until become negative one year later. In the non cure group, the COPT reactivity disminished but never below 20%. ELISA-SEA did not modify one year after treatment. Effort should be made to isolate fractions of eggs Schistosoma mansoni whose antibodies disappear after treatment.
It is the specific treatment of mansoni schistosomiasis that aims to act directed on the parasite, through chemotherapy. Constitutes fundamental indication to the treatment of schistosomiasis active forms, that is, these determined by the presence of living eggs in the feces or in material from rectal biopsy, since eventual contra indications are respected. Two are the medicaments actually used: oxamniquine, used in the single dosage of 15mg/kg, V.O. for adults and 20mg/kg V.O. for children divided in two doses, offers a percentage of 30 to 40% of cures, evaluated by quantitative "oogram" and prazinquantel, in the single dose of 60 mg/kg V.O., presents a cure index of 30% however in seriate doses, of 60mg/kg during 3 days or 30mg/kg, 6 days, cure percentage is elevated to 95% evaluated by oogram. The evaluation of the treatment by quantitative or qualitative examination methods does not show the same sensibility. The percentage of cure according to feces examination, the quantitative of Kato-Katz or the qualitative (sedimentation), showed indexes from 90 to 100% for either one of the drugs, even in single dose, which evidences the difference of methodology of therapeutic evaluation. Tolorance to both medicaments is from good to regular, with collateral effects in 30 to 40% of the patients.
Induction chemotherapy, as part of an integrated plan of management for locally advanced cancers, is being practised throughout the world in independent, isolated departments in universities, teaching hospitals, and clinical schools. Frequently, however, teams are relatively unaware of the work being undertaken in other institutions, and this situation may slow further progress. This book aims to present the full range of management techniques and practices used in induction chemotherapy within one accessible volume. It provides up-to-date information on the pioneering and cutting edge practices employed in different institutions and documents the advantages of integrated treatment schedules. Patient selection is discussed, and each of the cancer types for which induction therapy has proved important is considered in detail. All who are responsible for the treatment of patients with locally advanced cancers will find this book to be an invaluable source of information. It will be particularly interesting for specialist oncologists aiming to set up and develop fully comprehensive cancer centres and for health administrators wishing to learn about the benefits of establishing such centres in strategic locations.
ABSTRACT: Several reports have documented similar efficacies and tolerable toxicities of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) consolidation and rituximab maintenance after initial R-chemotherapy of follicular lymphoma. The relative merits of these two interventions are currently under discussion. We now raise the question whether both RIT consolidation and rituximab maintenance should be used together aiming to augment the results achievable with R-chemotherapy.
Most anticancer drugs are characterised by a steep dose-response relationship and narrow therapeutic window. Inter-individual pharmacokinetic (PK) variability is often substantial. The most relevant PK parameter for cytotoxic drugs is the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC). Thus it is somewhat surprising that therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is still uncommon for the majority of agents. Goals of the review were to assess the rationale for more widely used TDM of cytotoxics in oncology. There are several reasons why TDM has never been fully implemented into daily oncology practice. These include difficulties in establishing appropriate concentration target ranges, common use of combination chemotherapies for many tumour types, analytical challenges with prodrugs, intracellular compounds, the paucity of published data from pharmacological trials and 'Day1=Day21' administration schedules. There are some specific situations for which these limitations are overcome, including high dose methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil infusion, mitotane and some high dose chemotherapy regimens. TDM in paediatric oncology represents an important challenge. Established TDM approaches includes the widely used anticancer agents carboplatin, busulfan and methotrexate, with 13-cis-retinoic acid also recently of interest. Considerable effort should be made to better define concentration-effect relationships and to utilise tools such as population PK/PD models and comparative randomised trials of classic dosing versus pharmacokinetically guided adaptive dosing. There is an important heterogeneity among clinical practices and a strong need to promote TDM guidelines among the oncological community.
A case of a 20-years-old black man from Salvador, Bahia with HTLV-I associated T cell lymphoma is presented. In spite of the absence of splenomegaly and leukemia, the patient had a marked cephalic tumoral infiltrationassociated with axillary tumors in a pattern not yet described in adult T cell lymphoma. Peripheral blood involvement was observed later on in the course of thedisease. The patient underwent chemotherapy but died seven monts after diagnosis.