894 resultados para anglo-centrism
This paper examines both theoretical and practical issues related to conversion. A quite detailed characterization of the 5329 instances identified in a 300.000-word corpus of American English written in the late 90s is provided. The examples are grouped according to the type of conversion involved. Frequency and the internal structure of words are also considered and compared with the results obtained by earlier scholars. In spite of the limitations that a corpus study imposes, the conclusions obtained seem to suggest that any item, independent of its morphological structure, may undergo conversion and this may happen in any register. Moreover, conversion seems to be an important source of new items in American English nowadays.
This article analyzes the solutions given in Spanish translations to the morphological creativity shown in the names of Marvel comic book characters. The English versions almost invariably provide a full description of the hero (or villain) by means of a wide variety of word-formation mechanisms leading to highly expressive charactonyms. Indeed, examples shall be listed of names of comic book heroes created through compounding, derivation, including prefixation or suffixation (both classical and Anglo-Saxon but also from other origins), lexical blending, abbreviation, clipping, onomatopoeia, and borrowings from Spanish or from other languages. Early translations into Spanish seemed to be slightly less expressive than the original, even when the same word-formation mechanism was used, usually due to either problems of transparency mainly in some of the word parts or to translation constraints. In later periods, a number of factors, including the influence from other media featuring the same characters and the general trend towards globalization through English, have led translators to choose repetition as the most frequent strategy, which has almost eliminated the creative power of wordformation mechanisms in Spanish and their ability to convey the stylistic effects found in the English versions.
Pararem atenció sobre la construcció “Preposició en + Gerundi” (que té en Marc una de les primeres documentacions en l’expressió de l’anterioritat immediata) i sobre les perífrasis “estar + Gerundi” i “venir a/ en + Infinitiu”. Aquestes qüestions sintàctiques tenen un relleu particular dins els processos de gramaticalització en català, en l’estudi de la variació diacrònica, funcional i territorial i, finalment, en la construcció del model de llengua normativa contemporani.
Este artículo ofrece una aproximación panorámica a la práctica del patronazgo literario en Inglaterra desde el s. VII al XIV. Durante el período anglosajón las relaciones de patronazgo fueron principalmente de dos tipos: (1) un poeta o scop que quedaba vinculado a una corte (p. ej. Déor) y (2) un intérprete o gleoman que desarrollaba su actividad no creativa de forma itinerante ante públicos diversos (p. ej. Wídsid). Caso aparte es el del pastor Cadmon, quien por intervención divina se convirtió en poeta bíblico y fue acogido en un monasterio. Tras la conquista normanda se introdujo un modelo de patronazgo aristocrático que favoreció la aparición de la figura del autor (p. ej. Wace) que componía sus obras en anglonormando, mientras el inglés era usado por juglares anónimos para deleite de las clases populares. La literatura en lengua inglesa no asistiría a la aparición de sus primeros autores (p. ej. Chaucer y Gower) hasta el siglo XIV, gracias en parte al patronazgo del rey Ricardo II.
This review is part of a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. FFI 2008-02165).
Background: Gender inequalities in the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards are well established. However, little is known about how welfare state regimes influence these inequalities. Objectives: To examine the relationship between welfare state regimes and gender inequalities in the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards in Europe, considering occupational social class. Methods: We used a sample of 27, 465 workers from 28 European countries. Dependent variables were high strain, iso-strain, and effort-reward imbalance, and the independent was gender. We calculated the prevalence and prevalence ratio separately for each welfare state regime and occupational social class, using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: More female than male managers/professionals were exposed to: high strain, iso-strain, and effort–reward imbalance in Scandinavian [adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR) = 2·26; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1·87–2·75; 2·12: 1·72–2·61; 1·41: 1·15–1·74; respectively] and Continental regimes (1·43: 1·23–1·54; 1·51: 1·23–1·84; 1·40: 1·17–1·67); and to high strain and iso-strain in Anglo-Saxon (1·92: 1·40–2·63; 1·85: 1·30–2·64; respectively), Southern (1·43: 1·14–1·79; 1·60: 1·18–2·18), and Eastern regimes (1·56: 1·35–1·81; 1·53: 1·28–1·83). Conclusion: Gender inequalities in the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards were not lower in those welfare state regimes with higher levels of universal social protection policies.
La investigació s’ha elaborat en el marc del projecte emergent “Història i poètiques de la memòria: La violència política en la representació del franquisme (1977-2007)”, (Universitat d’Alacant, GRE13-29).
O crescimento espraiado e periférico das cidades nos países dependentes, tal qual o Brasil, tem reproduzido um movimento de segregação socioespacial das classes de baixos rendimentos, as quais são relegadas a condições ambientais insalubres. Nos países centrais do capitalismo, sob formas distintas, se observa também desde os anos 1960 discussões com respeito à expansão urbana para áreas cada vez maiores, seja por fenômenos como o urban sprawl anglo-saxão, ou a urbanização difusa, dos países da Europa latina. Diante desse quadro, com a publicação do Livro Verde sobre o Ambiente Urbano, documento elaborado em 1990 pela Comissão das Comunidades Européias para fornecer subsídios à elaboração das políticas urbano-ambientais, tem se propagado a ideia de que a promoção de “cidades compactas” seria uma solução adequada para reverter o atual estágio de expansão urbana para novas áreas, aumentando as densidades demográficas em áreas infraestruturadas, sobretudo por meio da reabilitação de edificações e terrenos ociosos localizados nos centros tradicionais, os quais tem passado por processos de abandono, perda de população e deterioração física do patrimônio edificado. Tendo isso em vista, na presente comunicação temos por objetivo analisar como a temática ambiental tem se inserido no contexto das discussões sobre a requalificação de centros antigos com foco na promoção de habitações para as classes populares. Para tal realizamos revisão da literatura sobre o tema proposto bem como procuramos identificar os princípios que tem regido tais políticas com relação ao tema ambiental. A relevância do tema encontra-se na necessidade de buscar caminhos alternativos a política habitacional e urbana brasileira, a qual tem reproduzido um modelo predatório de reprodução do espaço urbano.
Jorge Manuel Costa Almeida e Pinho licenciou-se, em 1988, em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, na variante de Inglês e Alemão, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP), em 1990, na variante de Estudos Portugueses e Ingleses e em 1991 foi Bolseiro do Programa LINGUA, da Comunidade Europeia, na Universidade de Glasgow (Escócia), integrado num projeto internacional de Tradução de Inglês-Português e Português-Inglês. Ainda na FLUP, em 1998, concluiu o Mestrado em Estudos de Tradução e, em 2011, o Doutoramento em Estudos Anglo-Americanos – Tradução, como Bolseiro de Doutoramento da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), com a tese “A Tradução para Edição: Viagem ao mundo de tradutores e editores em Portugal (1974-2009)”.
Drawing heavily on the work of classicist Page duBois, which eloquently explains the emergence, in ancient Greece, of hierarchy and of what is still understood today as the great chain of being (scala naturae: male, female, slave, barbarian, animal), this paper analyzes the age-old negative conotations of the concept of difference in western culture, considers the reinvention of difference as “positive” by Rosi Braidotti (after Deleuze & Guattari), and reassesses the efforts of several other feminist philosophers (e.g. Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler, Gayatry Spivak, Drucilla Cornell) to counter Lacan on the impossibility of “speaking women” beyond the dominant (male) philosophical discourse. Or, to paraphrase Marie Cardinal, their efforts to find “les mots pour le dire”.
In order to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the European Union Member States, the European Commission, on the initiative of Commissioner E. Liikannen, launched in December 1999 a bold programme called “eEurope”. Soon after its creation, the eEurope programme was integrated into the so- called Lisbon agenda for Europe to become the “most advanced knowledge based economy” in the world. We try to assess if the programme is successful in achieving its stated objective of promoting a knowledge based economy through the development of an “information society for all”. First, we conclude that eEurope, due to its origins and its procedures, has intrinsic limits both as regards its scope and effectiveness. Second, we show how Member States have adopted different trajectories towards the “knowledge based society”. To identify these heterogeneous paths of growth, we have selected a set of variables that, combined together, represent the institutional arrangements specific to a country or a group of countries. We found sharp differences between two advanced models that we label, respectively, as Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon. Without asserting the superiority of a model, we propose policy orientations to help Europe overcome those gaps hindering the move towards knowledge economies where information society technologies are widely diffused.
This paper analyzes whether differences in institutional structures on capital markets contribute to explaining why some DECO-countries, in particular the Anglo-Saxon countries, have been much more successful over the last two decades in producing employment growth and in reducing unemployment than most continental-European DECO-countries. It is argued that the often-blamed labor market rigidities alone, while important, do not provide a satisfactory explanation for these differences across countries and over time. Financial constraints are potentially important obstacles against creating new firms and jobs and thus against coping well with structural change and against moving successfully toward the "new economy". Highly developed venture capital markets should help to alleviate such financial constraints. This view that labor-market institutions should be supplemented by capital market imperfections for explaining differences in employment performances is supported by our panel data analysis, in which venture capital turns out to be a significant institutional variable.
This essay compares the preferences of France, Italy, and Britain on the creation of the European Monetary System in 1978-1979, especially the Exchange Rate Mechanism, which stabilised nominal exchange rates. My claim is that the different conclusions reached by the governments (France and Italy in, Britain out) cannot be explained by economic circumstances or by interests, and I elaborate an intervening institutional variable which helps explain preferences. Deducing from spatial theory that where decisionmakers `sit' on the left-right spectrum matters to their position on the EMS, I argue that domestic constitutional power-. sharing mechanisms privilege certain actors over others in a predictable and consistent way. Where centrists were in power, the government's decision was to join. Where left or right extremists were privileged, the government's decision was negative. The article measures the centrism of the governments in place at the time, and also reviews the positions taken by the national political parties in and out of government. It is intended to contribute to the growing comparativist literature on the European Union, and to the burgeoning literature on EU-member-state relations.
From the mid-1980s on a new attitude towards self-determination appeared in Western European integration. With the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and, later, with theAmsterdam Treaty of 1997 the member countries of the European Community manifested their determination to be active players in the new international order. Accepting and instituting the single market and monetary union constituted, however, a challenge of compatibility between the traditional model of welfare European capitalism and the impositions coming from globalization under the neo-liberal model of Anglo-Saxon capitalism. This issue is examined here under two perspectives. The first reviews the implications which globalization has had on the European model of capitalism and the second the complications for monetary management as Europe moves from a nationally regulated to a union regulated financial structure.