929 resultados para anatomic fit
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
To determine whether the slope of a maximal bronchial challenge test (in which FEV1 falls by over 50%) could be extrapolated from a standard bronchial challenge test (in which FEV1 falls up to 20%), 14 asthmatic children performed a single maximal bronchial challenge test with methacholin(dose range: 0.097–30.08 umol) by the dosimeter method. Maximal dose-response curves were included according to the following criteria: (1) at least one more dose beyond a FEV1 ù 20%; and (2) a MFEV1 ù 50%. PD20 FEV1 was calculated, and the slopes of the early part of the dose-response curve (standard dose-response slopes) and of the entire curve (maximal dose-response slopes) were calculated by two methods: the two-point slope (DRR) and the least squares method (LSS) in % FEV1 × umol−1. Maximal dose-response slopes were compared with the corresponding standard dose-response slopes by a paired Student’s t test after logarithmic transformation of the data; the goodness of fit of the LSS was also determined. Maximal dose-response slopes were significantly different (p < 0.0001) from those calculated on the early part of the curve: DRR20% (91.2 ± 2.7 FEV1% z umol−1)was 2.88 times higher than DRR50% (31.6 ± 3.4 DFEV1% z umol−1), and the LSS20% (89.1 ± 2.8% FEV1 z umol−1) was 3.10 times higher than LSS 50% (28.8 ± 1.5%FEV1 z umol−1). The goodness of fit of LSS 50% was significant in all cases, whereas LSS 20% failed to be significant in one. These results suggest that maximal dose-response slopes cannot be predicted from the data of standard bronchial challenge tests.
É cada vez mais forte e natural o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis. Hoje em dia qualquer pessoa seja de forma amadora ou profissional tenta tirar o máximo partido do seu dispositivo móvel, através de aplicações desenvolvidas para as mais diversas áreas. Um dos sistemas operativos que mais programadores apostam é no Android devido à sua versatilidade e ás suas capacidades enquanto sistema operativo dentro de um smartphone. Para além dessas mais-valias, desenvolver uma aplicação para Android não tem qualquer custo, apenas terá, caso seja uma aplicação para adicionar a Google Play Store, caso contrário pode desenvolver-se qualquer tipo de aplicação sem custos, o que não acontece com outros sistemas operativos. Tendo em conta os custos, é normal as pequenas e médias empresas tentarem investir neste tipo de desenvolvimento, pois evitam gastos em licenciamentos para produzir os seus produtos. Seguindo este contexto, esta dissertação insere-se nesse perfil, isto é, tentar encontrar uma solução com baixos custos e que produza os resultados pretendidos. Através das mais diversas API’s é possível adaptar o sistema operativo Android a qualquer área apenas basta enquadrar da melhor maneira ideias e dar asas à imaginação. Desta forma, esta dissertação irá centrar-se na área industrial, na qual o Android pode e deve ser bastante útil, se for usado com rigor. Irá ser abordado o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis e serão analisadas as tecnologias envolventes no projeto assim como algumas das principais soluções já implementadas e desenvolvidas por empresas no setor e para o sector industrial. O projeto aborda também de que forma é possível aliar o sistema operativo Android á área industrial de forma a permitir um melhor desempenho por parte de todos em prol da empresa á qual está associado. A necessidade de criação desta aplicação, surgiu numa perspectiva de melhoria contínua, com o objectivo de abandonar o procedimento instituído, que era realizado manualmente, passando a fazê-lo de uma forma automática e mais interativa. O processo será realizado pelos colaboradores e terá sempre o seu contributo, mas de uma forma mais rigorosa, simples e eficiente, aumentando a qualidade do serviço.
SUMMARY Pityriasis versicolor is the most common of the diseases caused by Malasseziayeasts. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of pityriasis versicolor and its etiological aspects in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. A retrospective crosssectional study with data from patients of a reference hospital from 1996 to 2011 was performed. Collected data included: date, age, gender, ethnicity, anatomical region of lesion and the direct mycological examination results. Among the positive results in the direct mycological examination, 5.8% (2,239) were positive for pityriasis versicolor. The angular coefficient (B) was -0.3%/year, showing a decrease over the years. The disease was more prevalent in men (7.1% of men versus 5.1% of women that underwent the direct mycological examination); younger age (median 31 years old); "pardo" and black people (3.7% more than expected in the sample); trunk (73.44% of the affected anatomic sites). Lesions in rare sites (groin, genitals, legs, feet and hands) were also observed in this study. In conclusion, due to the decrease in the prevalence of pityriasis versicolor, long-term epidemiological studies in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil, are needed to continue the monitoring of this disease.
Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Estatística e Gestão de Informação pelo Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Objectivos: 1) Caracterizar as falências mono (OF) e multiorgão (MOF) numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos em relação a; altura do internamento em que ocorrem; associação de orgãos em falência e evolução dos doentes com falência mono e multiorgão. 2) Avaliar a performance de um índice de gravidade, o Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM), para a população total da Unidade e para o grupo das falências multiorgão. 3) Identificar marcadores de risco de mortalidade nos doentes com MOF. Métodos: Revisão de uma base de dados e análise retrospectiva de todos os doentes internados em relação aos critérios de OF e MOF, sugeridos por Wilkinson et al. População: Total de doentes internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP) de um Hospital Terciário, durante um período de dois anos (Abril de 1991 a Março de 1993). Resultados Principais / Conclusões: Foram avaliados 1120 doentes, com uma média de idades de 45.9 ± 51.1 meses, sendo 961 (85.8%) médicos e 159 (14.2%) cirúrgicos. Eram previamente saudáveis 695 (62.1%), sendo os restantes 424 (37.9%) portadores de doença crónica. A mortalidade global foi de 5% (56/1120 doentes). Cento e oitenta e sete doentes (16.7%) preencheram critérios de falência mono-orgão (OF), destes, 180 (96.3%) estavam em OF já à entrada e 7 (3.7%) tiveram falência não simultânea de mais de um orgão. A mortalidade dos doentes com falência mono-orgão foi de 3.7% (7 doentes). Cento e um doentes (9.02%) tiveram falência multiorgão (MOF), definida como falência simultânea de dois ou mais orgãos, em qualquer altura do internamento. Existia MOF já à entrada em 90 doentes (89.1%). Houve 47 doentes com falência máxima de 2 orgãos (46.6%), 42 (41.6%) com falência de 3 orgãos. 10 (9.9%) com falência de 4 orgãos e 2 (1.98%) com falência de 5 orgãos. A mortalidade por número de orgãos em falência foi respectivamente de 23.4%; 66.7%; 80% e 100%. A mortalidade global dos doentes com falência multiorgão foi de 48.5% (49/101 doentes). O PRISM revelou um bom valor predictivo quando aplicado na totalidade dos doentes: discriminação (W) (avaliada pela área sob curvas ROC) W = 0.959 SE = 0.00085 e calibração (H) (avaliada pelo Hosmer-Lemesshow goodness-of-fit test) H = 13.217 p = 0.104. Estes valores permitem considerar este índice de gravidade como estando bem aferido para a população da Unidade. Quando aplicado ao grupo das MOF a discriminação foi aceitável (W = 0.732 SE = 0.036) mas a calibração foi má (H = 29.780 p = 0.00026). A análise multivariada mostrou que um score de PRISM % 15 e um número de orgãos em falência % 3, tanto na admissão como em qualquer altura do internamento, têm uma importância significativa na probabilidade de morte.
The colors that are seen in dermoscopy depend on the anatomic level of the skin at which the chromophores are seen. Blue color can be found in a variety of melanocytic and nonmelanocytic lesions. An 89-year-old man presented with a 3-year history of a slow-growing, hyperpigmented patch located on the distal third of the right arm. Dermoscopy showed an atypical network, irregularly distributed globules, pigmented internal streaks and a milky-red area. Based on these findings a diagnosis of slow-growing malignant melanoma was made. Simultaneously, a well-defined blue papule was seen on the proximal third of the same arm. Dermoscopy disclosed a homogeneous blue pattern. After clinical and dermoscopic correlation our differential diagnosis for this blue lesion included cutaneous melanoma metastasis, blue nevus and foreign body reaction. The patient recalled its onset 75 years ago after a grenade explosion. We also discuss the blue lesion appearance under reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography. Histopathological examination after excision of the hyperpigmented patch and blue papule revealed a melanoma in situ and a foreign body reaction, respectively. The diagnostic evaluation of a blue lesion should always rely on the integration of all data, especially clinical and dermoscopic features. Other non-invasive techniques, like reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography can also be important aids for its differential diagnosis.
Morbid obesity is an epidemic and complex disease which imposes a multidisciplinary approach. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has become a frequent procedure given its effi- cacy and safety compared to other surgical options. However, it isn’t free from complications. Lax gastric fixation or incorrect positioning of the stomach during surgery can result in early gastric outlet obstruction caused by a volvulus-like mechanism by rotation of the stomach around its anatomic axes. This report refers to two cases of post sleeve gastric torsion resulting in persisting vomiting after initiating oral intake. The diagnosis was confirmed by upper gastrointestinal-contrast study and gastroscopy. In both cases, a fully covered self-expandable metallic stentwas insertedwhich prompted the gastric lumen to become permeable resulting in symptomatic resolution. The stents were removed endoscopically aftertwo and three months. Beyond more than three years offollow-up,the patients remain asymptomatic and no recurring ‘‘stenosis’’ was noticed.In these cases the use offully covered self-expandable metallic stents demonstrated to be effective and safe in the treatment of post sleeve gastric torsion.
PURPOSE: The epilepsy associated with hypothalamic hamartomas (HHs) has typical clinical, electrophysiologic, and behavioral manifestations refractory to drug therapy and with unfavorable evolution. It is well known that only sessile lesions produce epilepsy, but no correlation has been established between the different types of sessile hamartomas and the diverse manifestations of the epilepsy. We correlate anatomic details of the hamartoma and the clinical and neurophysiologic manifestations of the associated epilepsy. METHODS: HHs of seven patients with epilepsy (ages 2- 25 years) were classified as to lateralization and connection to the anteroposterior axis of the hypothalamus by using high-resolution brain magnetic resonance imaging. We correlated the anatomic classification with the clinical and neurophysiologic manifestations of the epilepsy as evaluated in long-term (24 h) video-EEG recordings. RESULTS: HHs ranged in size from 0.4 to 2.6 cc, with complete lateralization in six of seven patients. Ictal manifestations showed good correlation with the lobar involvement of ictal/interictal EEGs. These manifestations suggest the existence of two types of cortical involvement, one associated with the temporal lobe, produced by hamartomas connected to the posterior hypothalamus (mamillary bodies), and the other associated with the frontal lobe, seen in lesions connecting to the middle hypothalamus. CONCLUSIONS: A consistent clinical and neurophysiologic pattern of either temporal or frontal lobe cortical secondary involvement was found in the patients of our series. It depends on whether the hamartoma connects to the mamillary bodies (temporal lobe cases) or whether it connects to the medial hypothalamus (frontal lobe cases).
Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is the earliest and most severe form of all inherited retinal dystrophies, responsible for congenital blindness. Disease-associated mutations have been hitherto reported in seven genes. These genes are all expressed preferentially in the photoreceptor cells or the retinal pigment epithelium but they are involved in strikingly different physiologic pathways resulting in an unforeseeable physiopathologic variety. This wide genetic and physiologic heterogeneity that could largely increase in the coming years, hinders the molecular diagnosis in LCA patients. The genotyping is, however, required to establish genetically defined subgroups of patients ready for therapy. Here, we report a comprehensive mutational analysis of the all known genes in 179 unrelated LCA patients, including 52 familial and 127 sporadic (27/127 consanguineous) cases. Mutations were identified in 47.5% patients. GUCY2D appeared to account for most LCA cases of our series (21.2%), followed by CRB1 (10%), RPE65 (6.1%), RPGRIP1 (4.5%), AIPL1 (3.4%), TULP1 (1.7%), and CRX (0.6%). The clinical history of all patients with mutations was carefully revisited to search for phenotype variations. Sound genotype-phenotype correlations were found that allowed us to divide patients into two main groups. The first one includes patients whose symptoms fit the traditional definition of LCA, i.e., congenital or very early cone-rod dystrophy, while the second group gathers patients affected with severe yet progressive rod-cone dystrophy. Besides, objective ophthalmologic data allowed us to subdivide each group into two subtypes. Based on these findings, we have drawn decisional flowcharts directing the molecular analysis of LCA genes in a given case. These flowcharts will hopefully lighten the heavy task of genotyping new patients but only if one has access to the most precise clinical history since birth.
Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common infection in childhood, resulting from both anatomic and immunologic specificities of this age group. Recurrent AOM has been defined as one of the warning signs for primary immunodeficiencies (PID), In this study we evaluated the strength of recurrent AOM as clinical predictor of PID. Methods: Retrospective study (August 2010 - December 2013) which included all patients referred to PID appointment because of recurrent AOM (= 8 AOM episodes/year). Syndromic patients or those presenting with another warning sign for PID were excluded. Clinical, demographic and laboratory results were analized and statistical analysis was made using SPSS 20. Results: Seventy-five patients were included (median age 37,8 months; 62,7% male gender), corresponding to 15% of all first appointments. Other comorbidities were present in 20% of the patients and 17% had ORL surgery prior to PID referral. In most patients, the immunologic screening consisted on the evaluation of humoral function, but in selected cases other studies were performed (namely complement and lymphocyte immunophenotyping). A PID was identified in 12 children (16,0%) and the majority of these patients had other distinctive feature (personal or familiar antecedent of infection or auto-immunity, 66,7%, p<0,05). Nine children (12,0%) underwent prophylactic cotrimoxazole. The average length of follow-up was 11,2 months. Conclusion: Despite being a very frequent cause of immunologic screening, in this study recurrent AOM was not found to be a good predictor of underlying PID, unless the patients presents other significant personal or family history.